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Lost Creek Wives' Club Pt. 07

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Maureen and Lacey encounter a temporary detour with things.
9.4k words

Part 7 of the 40 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 01/01/2021
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The following is obviously a continuation of the Lost Creek Wives' Club (LCWC) series, which as always, I recommend reading the prior chapter first as an introduction. And as mentioned before, this is my first fictional erotic story. Everyone depicted in it is purely fictitious, as well as the story line except for yours truly, which I took the liberty to use in an imaginary role as the lead character based on my own experiences and fantasies. And it's a long story with multiple parts in varying lengths, so please bear with it.

One other side note: Unfortunately there's not much sex to speak of in this latest installment. It's mostly a prelude of things to come in future installments, so please bear with it. Thank you.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive.


Come Saturday morning I was exhausted, but still up early while Jim decided to sleep in. He even refused a customary weekend morning blow job. Not that I could blame him. After I told him about Maureen and I, of which he insisted on hearing all the salacious details, we had incredible sex. Damn near wore my pussy out between going down on it and fucking it. And since he ejaculated earlier, it took nearly a half hour fucking me like a crazed rabbit before he shot his load in it. And as I usually do after he does, I sucked his cock clean to enjoy both our love juices. Only this time it stayed erect, so I continued to suck it until he shot another load in my mouth. And while Jim rarely talks naughty when we have sex, I got a big hoot out of being called "his sexy lesbian harlot".

What made it even more enjoyable was being pleasantly surprised Maureen already texted me with a 'thumbs up' emoji when I used the bathroom to discreetly text her mine before we had sex.

The only difficult part was telling Jim how John inadvertently saw the photo he took of my anus when I sent it to Maureen. He thought he might feel awkward knowing he did, but felt he could deal with it. He even jokingly claimed it might make for a great topic of discussion after they had a few beers together, which made me feel a lot better since he didn't seem overly concerned about it.

After I made myself a cappuccino and was sitting at the kitchen table, I decided to call Maureen instead of waiting until later before we talked.

"Good morning sweetheart...and how are you?"

"Good morning Maureen. I'm fine, but I couldn't wait to hear how it went last night?"

"It went good, but I didn't expect it wouldn't. You?"

"Surprisingly good also, although I wasn't as confident about it as you seemed to have been. I was worried Jim wasn't serious when he said I shouldn't be afraid to take advantage of having sex with another woman if an opportunity ever arises. But apparently he was. He couldn't have been happier for me. Especially with it being with you. And when I mentioned it wasn't just a one time thing, he seemed even more pleased for me."

"Same here with John, but I expected it since he knows about my previous Sapphic sex life and figured it was only a matter of time before I wanted to indulge in it again. What made it even easier, was he already assumed there was something going on between us because of the photo you sent me. After I told him, he couldn't have been more delighted. And with it not being a one time thing either."

"Where does it leave us?"

"For one thing, it's going to make for an interesting day. And now that we've come out in the open with them, it's probably a good thing we're all getting together afterwards. By the way, did Jim ask if John knew?"

"Yes he did, and I told him you were in the process of sharing it with him also, and he was pleased to hear it. What about John?"

"Same here, and with them knowing each other does, it will make it an even more interesting day. And difficult as it might be, we need to act like nothing's different."

"I agree, although it won't be easy. Plus I still have to deal with John seeing the photo of my anus."

"That's true, but it'll be less of a concern now. If at all Lacey."

"Let's hope so, but at some point I'm still going to have to own up to my stupid mistake with him so I can put it behind me. It's not often your dear friend's husband gets to see a photo of their bumhole. If I had any other concern about today, it would be keeping our hands off each other now that we've owned up about us."

"I don't think we have to, Lacey. Not that we can feel free to get naked and go down on each other, but if we want to touch each other affectionately or kiss we shouldn't be afraid to since I doubt it'll bother them."

"You might be right, but let's not tempt fate and be discreet about it. Now before I forget, do we need to bring anything today?"

"The only thing I ask is for you to make one of your nice antipasto salads. Other than that, just yourselves, and tell Jim not to worry about bringing any beer or wine as he usually does. We have enough on-hand for a house party."

It meant I was going to have to go to the market since I didn't have what I needed for an antipasto..."One last thing before I need to go, what are you going to wear for a swimsuit?"

"Bikini of course. You?"

"I thought so, and Jim will be thrilled. As for me, a one-piece suit again."

"Don't you dare Lacey! I'd be disappointed if you didn't wear a bikini if you have one. I'd love to see you in one for a change, and I know John would too."

"You're forgetting Maureen, I'm older than you and don't have the bikini body I once did."

"You're forgetting I've seen you naked and I can only hope to look as good at your age. Now it's either a bikini or nothing at all."

"I'm not going for the latter so I'll see if I can find one that still fits. Now it's time for me to go, but before I do, what time would you like us to be there?"

"Around noon would be good, and I can't wait to see you."

Soon as the call ended, I took a quick shower before I searched for my old bikinis and tried on what I could find. As expected, none fit very well since I added a few pounds since the last time I wore them, and mostly on my breasts. I then got dressed before waking Jim to inform him I had a couple of errands to run, and to be ready to go to Maureen's by the time I got back.


My first stop was the local market for what I needed to make the antipasto. While there I saw Louise, and petite as she is, she looked cute as could be in a running outfit with matching shorts and halter top. And she looked like she just finished jogging as she was still a little sweaty because of how hot it was already.

When she saw me she broke out in a big smile before she came over to me. After putting her basket down she giving me a big warm hug and kiss..."How nice to see you again so soon Lacey."

"Same here Louise, and you look nice in your outfit. I didn't know you were a 'runner', and it explains why you have such nice legs."

Her legs weren't the only thing I noticed. Even with a sports bra on under her top her areola and nipples were visibly outlined against the material because of how tight both were. But you had to look closely to notice it, which I was. When I realized she saw me I began to blush. I would have turned beet red if she didn't give me a knowing look, and a very appreciative smile before replying about being a runner.

"I have been ever since high school when on the girls cross country track team. And while I don't run nearly as hard and far as I used to, it's the only way to keep my weight down. Otherwise I'd be fat as a cow. And what do you owe your pretty legs to?"

"I doubt you'd ever be fat Louise. You don't seem like the kind of a person who ever would be. As for my legs, something a little less strenuous than jogging. Bike riding. And thank you for the compliment, I'm pleased you think so."

"Hard not to, and thank you for the compliment on my legs too. And I also want to thank you again for being kind enough to listen to Carol's proposal yesterday. It meant a lot to her, and the fact you didn't make light of her idea."

"We wouldn't have, even if we didn't think it was appropriate. Let's hope things work out like we hope. Now I hate to seem like I'm not pleased to see you, because I am. Very much so, but I have another errand to run and I don't know how long it will take before I have to be somewhere at noon."

"I'll let you go Lacey, but before I do, could we get together one day. Just you and me. I'd love to get to know you better personally." Which caught me by surprise, but shouldn't after the way she kissed me just before her and Carol left at Maureen's house.

"I'd love to."

Soon as I said it, I realized it probably wasn't how I should've responded, but did without thinking. I felt it might not be the best thing to do because of Maureen, and what I felt her intentions were as far as getting to know me better. Under different circumstances I might have welcomed it, but there was nothing I could do after committing myself without hurting her feelings.

We then exchanged cell phone numbers and I told her I would call her before we went our separate ways. But not before she hugged and kissed me again, and more affectionately. She even parted her lips slightly and for a second I expected her tongue to snake out into mine. It was the kind of casual kiss you give someone when trying to convey there was a lot more where it came from. And in the middle of a local food market. All I could think to myself was how different she was from the other times we've been together and was shy as could be.

My next stop was a women's boutique I frequented often in a nearby strip mall, and thankfully it opened at 10:00AM on weekends. Conveniently it had everything from women's lingerie to swimsuits, although it doesn't have a huge selection on-hand. It's a neat little place where it even has a bell at the top of the door, which jingles when you open it. But once I started looking at the bikinis my head began to spin. I couldn't find anything I liked, or if I did, it wasn't my size. Just when I was about to give up I spotted a classic string bikini in a pretty leopard print in my size.

As soon as I tried it on I fell in love with it. Even though it was a bit more revealing than I would have liked, it wasn't nearly as much as some bikinis I've worn in the past. But I had more of a bikini body then. Plus I was running out of options. Fortunately it had enough rear coverage so my ass wasn't all but exposed, and while the front was a bit skimpy, it wasn't excessively so like some bikinis I've worn. As for the top, it was typical for a string bikini with adjustable triangular patches and removable foam cups held together by spaghetti straps. The bottom was also held together by thin ties on the sides, which allowed for maximum leg exposure. And while my tummy wasn't as firm and flat as it used to be, it was still in decent enough shape for a bikini.

Although I would have liked something more modest, it was the only one I liked in my size, and I didn't have time to try another store. It was either the leopard bikini or one of the more revealing ones I had at home. Not forgetting none of them fit well. The only other option was a one-piece suit, which Maureen would kill me if I showed up in one.

Since I was going to have to put the bikini back on when I returned home, I left it on minus the removable foam cups since the triangular patches fitted and formed around my breasts better without them. I put my shorts and jersey top over it, and my panties and bra in my bag before heading to the register.

I handed the tag to Julie, the owner and sole proprietor, who I was friendly with from shopping there in the past.

"Nice choice Lacey. And I was wondering when someone was going to buy this bikini. I would have kept it for myself when it first came in, but..."

She never bothered to finish, and didn't have to because as attractive as she is, she's notoriously conservative when it comes to what she wears. Because of the way she usually dresses, it gave me the impression she'd never think of wearing a bikini, or even a two-piece swimsuit.

"I bet you look good in it Lacey."

"I'm thinking I do, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. But it's impossible to make an honest assessment of yourself and I hope I haven't made a mistake."

"Do you need a second opinion?"

"For something like a new bikini, another set of eyes is always good. Why, are you offering one?"

She didn't bother to answer, but came around the counter to grab my hand before leading back to the one and only changing room.

As she did..."What if another customer comes in?"

"I'll hear the bell if someone does. Now this won't take long. Five minutes at most."

Soon as we were in the changing room she asked me to remove my sneakers, shorts and top. I quickly did and when I was standing there in only the bikini she seemed to gasp and I thought for sure she was going to tell me I needed to find another swimsuit. She then asked me to turn around 360 degrees, which I slowly did as she looked me up and down several times, while paying particular attention to my breasts, bum, abdomen and pubic area.

Once facing her again, she didn't hesitate to adjust the triangular patches covering my breasts, and was very carefree with her fingers.

"There, that's much better, and I can't tell you how fabulous you look in it. It looks like it was made for you and finally found the perfect body to wear it."

"It can't look that good on me?"

"Oh it does, and very much so. And I'm not saying it just to be kind. If I felt it didn't, I'd tell you since I value your business. And I don't know who'll be seeing you in it, but whoever does, won't be able to take their eyes off you."

While she was assessing me, I was also doing the same with her, but more discreetly. While I never paid much attention before, she appeared to have a nice figure. Although it was hard to be sure because of how she was dressed, which usually is in loose fitting outfits or dresses. She was about the same height and weight as me, and looked to be as big busted. Although it was hard to be certain. Slightly younger in age with beautiful shoulder length auburn hair and pretty facial features. Most notably, a cute nose, a very full lower lip and beautiful green eyes. A lovely woman, and I was trying to imagine what she'd look like without her clothes on.

As I was, something Maureen said came to mind. After I'd taken a walk on the wild side and liked it as much as I did, I would look at and view other women a lot differently. While I took it with a grain of salt, I was quickly learning she was right as I found myself looking at Julie a lot more differently, and appreciatively.

Just then, the bell over the door sounded. Soon as it did, Julie grabbed both my hands and while lovingly squeezing them, thanked me for allowing her the pleasure of seeing me in the bikini before she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and turned to leave.

As soon I dressed and paid Julie, who once again gave one of my hands an affectionate squeeze, and what I can only describe as a very perceptive look, I thanked her before leaving. During the drive home, another thing Maureen said came to mind. It was how I would also now know instinctively when another woman is bisexual, and had the unmistakable feeling Julie was. Plus I had to assume she sensed it was the same with me, which explained the parting look she gave me.

Soon as I arrived home, I made the antipasto before checking my hair and make-up, of which I had very little on since we'd be using the pool. Once satisfied with how I looked, I swapped the shorts and top I was wearing for a beach robe and the sneakers for sandals. After packing a tote bag with a change of clothes and a few personal items such as sunscreen, I went looking for Jim.

Soon as I found him in the backyard and told him it was time to go, we grabbed the salad and a bouquet of flowers I bought at the market, and drove the short distance to Maureen's house.


When we pulled into the driveway we parked in front of their three car garage, and with two of the doors open we decided to enter the house through the garage. After knocking on the door that leads into the kitchen we heard Maureen yell for us to come in.

We found her at the counter making froth at her espresso machine..."Perfect timing. Do either of you want a cappuccino with me?"

"I'd love one. What about you Jim?"

"I've had enough caffeine for one day." Then he asked Maureen where John was.

"He's in the backyard practicing at horseshoes since every time you two play, you beat him. I doubt he heard you pull in the driveway, otherwise he'd be here to greet you."

"Maybe I should let him win a few games for a change."

"Don't you dare. It doesn't bother him losing as much as he can't figure why he isn't as good as you. Besides, I enjoy hearing him bitch about it."

After Jim put the antipasto in the refrigerator, he gave Maureen a big warm hug and kiss, and he hugged her longer than normal like you would when welcoming a new member to the family. He then excused himself and went outside through the sliding glass door that leads to a patio and backyard to be with John at the far end of it.

As for their backyard, it's huge and beautifully landscaped since John owns a landscaping business. All the house lots in the subdivision are large at between one and three acres since land was relatively cheap when they first developed the subdivision. It's one of the larger lots and the section of the backyard that is landscaped is a good half acre in size and entirely fenced in with six foot stained cedar fencing because of the pool. The lot backs up to a "natural" area set aside for wildlife, and the houses on each side are a good seventy-five yards in distance, as well as having a line of trees between them for additional privacy. More so during the warmer months when the trees have leaves, and enough along with the fencing that Maureen occasionally sunbathes nude. But I doubt any of her neighbors would complain even if they could see her.

The pool is a good forty feet in length with a free form shape and they also have an in-ground hot tub on a separate system with its own heater, which as a result can be used during the colder months. Plus a sauna, but they don't use it during the summer, and a large cabana with his and her changing rooms and toilet facilities along with an outdoor shower.

If you put aside the beautiful landscaping, the real crowning touch is with the landscape lighting. When illuminated at night, you'd swear you were at a posh resort in the Caribbean.

As for John's horseshoe pits, they're on the far side of the backyard a good hundred feet or more from the house and fifty or so from the pool, which is closer to the house versus being centered in the yard.

After Jim went to play horseshoes with John, I gave Maureen her flowers, which she put in a vase before we finally kissed. Very passionately, but not before we made sure Jim was well on his way to where John was.

Like me, Maureen was also in a short beach robe, and as much as I wanted to put my hands inside it, I didn't. After we finished kissing..."Now are you going to show me what you're wearing for a swimsuit, Lacey?"

"I want to keep you in suspense, so let's have our cappuccinos first." Which we did, but outside on the patio.

Soon as we were seated at a large Nantucket garden table with the umbrella open to keep the blazing sun off us..."You're being a tease Lacey, I need to see what you're wearing."

"Just be patient Maureen. Besides, Jim hasn't even seen me in my new bathing suit yet."

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