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Lot Lizard

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Short on rent, what's a guy to do?
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It was two days before rent is due. How could I be so careless? I spent way over my budget and my roommates weren't going to be too happy. I looked around my room to see if I could sell or pawn something. Rent was short by $250 and the only thing that was worth close to that was my Xbox. Feeling defeated, I started to disconnect it as one of my roommates walked in.

"What are you doing with your Xbox Jacob," Mark asked. I explained that I spent way too much on going to eat and bars so I was a little short on cash to pay rent. Mark sighed deeply and shook his head in disappointment. He replied, "Well, I may have a solution for you. My cousin Chelsea has a spending addiction and is always short on cash. So when it comes rent time, she heads down to the truck stop towards Woodenville. There's some lonely truckers out there that wouldn't mind a little company in exchange for some cash."

I nearly threw the Xbox at him and said, "I'd rather sell my Xbox and Computer than do that. You kidding me? I just need a couple hundred until payday. No thanks." I packed up the Xbox and headed to the pawn shop. As I drove there, the thought of me doing sexual favors for money made me feel uncomfortable, yet there was a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach about it.

So I got to the pawn shop and after taking a glance at my game console, the guy behind the counter offered, "I'll give ya $40." Shocked in disbelief, I couldn't even stammer a reply.

"Sorry kid, I got a whole shelf of them Xbox over there and in the back," he explained. I still played it regularly and $40 wasn't worth selling. Dread washed over me as I got back in my car with the Xbox. My phone sounded off with a notification, "Hey Jacob are U going to give me ur part of the rent today or tomorrow?" The panic bloomed inside me as I replied, "I'll give it to u tomorrow."

I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't sure I had the courage to do it. It was getting late as I drove down the highway. A sign read "Woodenville 15" as I whisked by. Another sign for the next exit showed a fast food place and a truck stop. I pulled into big gas station and surveyed the scene. A pretty big building was light brightly that had a restaurant attached to it. Giant trucks with trailers were all around the place. I didn't even know where to begin. I was hoping I'd get lucky and find some half decent lady trucker.

This whole situation was a bit intriguing and my curiosity was starting to grow, well among other things. I got out of my car and walked towards the main gas station, as I did movement to my right caught my eye. A rather hefty woman in an extremely tight miniskirt and a halter top was walking towards a row of trucks that was in the back. A trucker got down from his cab and nodded at her. A quick verbal exchange and then the trucker stepped out of sight as she climbed in. Moments later, the trucker climbed in after her.

Amazed at what I just witnessed, I decided to take a look around back there also. Being surrounded by these trucks made me feel very out of place and then realized I probably stuck out like a sore thumb. A woman trucked walked passed me and gave me a quick scan to then ask, "You lost?"

"Um, no. I'm just stretching my legs," I sheepishly replied. She grinned like a cat and answered, "Too bad I'm not into men. I think you're kind of cute." The trucker winked and headed to her big rig. She didn't look too bad. Maybe there was hope for me yet. I told myself that I'd maybe walk to one more row and then just leave. Maybe I could pawn the Xbox and Laptop tomorrow morning. Surely I could get $250 for the both of them. I googled to see when the pawn shop would open up again but to my dismay, they were closed because it was Sunday.

I hung my head in frustration. Now what was I going to do. The panic in me started to rise again as I searched for any woman that would have me. Just then I saw one. She was wearing black leggings and a tank top. As she got closer, I recognized her.

"What are you doing here Jacob," Mark's cousin, Chelsea asked. I don't know what over came me but it all came out in an emotional jumble of words. She hugged me and said, "It's ok Jake. It happens. I'm out here every other month because I can't stop buying crap off Amazon. Listen, if you wanna make that money, just follow me."

I felt better letting it all out and I didn't feel so alone anymore. We walked over to the next row and she pointed to two trucks, one was red and the other was blue. As we approached, a fairly old guy climbed down from the red one and a burly middle aged man from the blue one.

"Hi Rich," She greeted the older man and he replied, "Hey there baby girl. You out for trouble tonight?" Chelsea playfully nodded. The burly man spoke up, "Who's you're friend?" She introduced me as Jake. Rich shook my hand and then gave Chelsea a rather over friendly hug. I noticed his hand slid down to cup one of her ass cheeks. Meanwhile, burly man stared right at me and that broke my gaze from what was happening with my roommate's cousin.

"That fine thick man right there is Abraham. But we all call him Abe. Abe, this is Jake. Me and Rich have some catching up to do so why don't you two get acquainted," Chelsea said with a wink. It then dawned on me what she just offered. Sheer terror washed over me. I slowly turned to look at Abe. He stood there with his arms crossed with a look of what I could only describe as disdain.

We both then watched Chelsea climb into Rich's truck as he gave her a helping hand on her ass to push her in. Rich gave us a devilish grin as he climbed in after. Abe walked towards his truck, swung open his door and then stepped to the back of his trailer. It was like my feet and legs moved on their own. I did what I've already seen twice this evening now and climbed into the truck. For the most part, it was pretty clean other than the can of Monster Energy and an open bag of chips. The driver door opened and Abe got in.

"Close the door," Abe commanded in a gruff voice. He looked me over again and asked, "You're new at this ain't ya? I can tell because you look like a lost deer in the head lights. Well since I get to break ya in, I'll give you $40 for a blow job. I usually only pay $20." He then fished out two $20 bills and tossed them to me. Abe moved to the back of the cab where there was a bed of some sort. He dropped his jeans and a flaccid 4" cock hung there.

"The faster you make me cum, the quicker you'll be out of here and on to the next one," Abe advised. Money was money I guess. I thought of all of the porn I'd watched throughout my life and wondered how this was going to be. I knelt between his legs and could smell a musk. Not sure if it was his body odor or sweat or maybe a mix of both. I imagined what the girls did in those porn videos and dove in. I held his fleshy cock in my hand to hold it up right and then put it in my mouth.

"Watch the teeth," Abe growled. Loosening my jaw, I started to slide my lips back and forth on his cock. With a little suction, my head began to bob up and down as his cock started to get hard. I thought to myself, "I'm doing it. I'm actually giving someone a blowjob." I guess it wasn't too bad. I was getting use to the motion and began to pick up speed. Abe groaned as I felt my lips start to get slick with my saliva and a little of his pre-cum. His hips started to thrust towards me as my confidence grew. I now really wanted to make him cum. It was starting to excite me.

I felt his meaty hand on the back of my head as he basically began to fuck my mouth. With each thrust he moaned loudly until he forcefully pushed his cock deep into my throat and shot his load. I wasn't expecting that. His cum filled my throat and I nearly vomited. I gagged and choked on it. My eyes watered as his semen spilled from my lips. Abe laid there spent and breathing rather heavy. Breathlessly, he said, "Damn boy, that was pretty good."

I was in shock. I was kneeling in a big rig with cum dripping from my mouth. What in the world was I doing? And did I somewhat enjoy that? Abe sat up and forced his tongue in my mouth. I tried to push him away but he was strong. He stopped and looked at me. Abe smiled and then tossed me a semi clean hand towel. I wiped up the gooey mess around my mouth. He gave me a can of Sprite and said, "You can wash your mouth out when you get outside." Abe started to pull up his pants and I left. Still in a bit of a daze, I rinsed out my mouth with the warm Sprite and then drank the rest. I looked at Rich's truck and it was gently rocking side to side. Chelsea wasn't done yet.

"Hey, go down the row and look for a purple truck. Tell Boris I sent you," Abe said as he locked up his truck to go inside the truck stop. I had $40 in my pocket. If I could just get through this, I wouldn't ever have to do this again. It was just for tonight. None of these people would ever see me again. I did as Abe said. I spotted the purple truck and approached it. I lightly knocked on the driver's door and waited. An older but similarly build man appeared in the window. I yelled, "Abe sent me." His eyebrows perked up and opened his door. He motioned me to come to the back of the cab and sit on his bed. This truck seemed a bit more modern. It was a lot roomier.

"Abe sent you huh? Why don't you show Boris what you have," He coaxed in an European accent. I just needed money and wanted this night to be done with. I asked, "Well what are you looking for? How much are you willing to pay?" He chuckled, "Don't worry darling, Boris will take good care of you." He took out his wallet and pulled out a $20. Boris tossed it to me and said, "Come now, let Boris see what he is buying." I stripped down as he pulled the curtain and sat on the edge of the bed. I was now completely naked in a stranger's truck.

"Come, Boris wants to see you play. Don't be shy," He encouraged me. I sat back against the wall and spread my legs a little to get a little more comfortable. I bed to stroke my cock. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a recent porn video I saw but all I could think about was having Abe's cock in my mouth. My cock stiffened at that thought and Boris seemed to be pleased. I felt his hand rub my foot and then up my ankle. I opened my eyes to see his cock was now out as he watched me masturbate.

"You're very handsome," Boris hungrily complimented me. Then he asked, "May I?" while nodded towards my foot. Confused, I said, "sure." Boris smiled and fished out another $20 to toss by the other one. He kissed and licked my toes. It took me by surprise but watching him do that while him and I both masturbated was a little erotic. I watched his hand stroke his that was probably 5 to 6 inches long. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to cum so I slowed down some, meanwhile Boris was really going at it and still sucking on my toes. He made a high pitch moan and stood over my feet.

Streams of his cum shot onto my feet as he yelled in climax. Again confused, I just sat there. With a glassy eyed look and a smile he said, "Why don't you stand up and show Boris your ass." With his warm cum still on my feet, I stood up and faced the curtains. I could see through the slit and saw Chelsea was outside with another potential client. Boris moved to the middle of the bed which was also right behind me.

"Mmmm nice ass. Show Boris more," He said. I gave him a inquiringly look so he fished out another $20 and said, "Boris has a lot more. Don't worry. Make Boris happy, I make you happy." I bent over a little and spread my cheeks. Thankfully I took a shower this afternoon. And then something touched my asshole and made me nearly jump through the roof.

"Whoa! Relax, baby. Boris just wants to taste. Come now. I give $20 so give me taste," Boris soothed. Still unsure, I got back in position. This time a little more ready for what was to come. His tongue ever so lightly probed in and around my hole. It was so sensitive and I really didn't know how to react. The more his tongue worked in and around it, the more pleasurable it became. Light moans escaped my lips. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it.

I looked back to see his face behind my ass and he was slowly stroking his cock. This was so erotic that my cock was rock hard. His tongue probed in me more but then he started to use his finger. it circled around my anus and then slowly entering in me. I breathlessly protested, "Wait wait wait..."

"It's ok baby, Boris will take good care of you. Just relax," Boris lovingly said. His tongue was working my asshole again and I saw a few more $20 get tossed to the pile. I just kept thinking about paying rent and the overwhelming sensation that was coming from my ass. Boris was now using his tongue and his finger to open me up more. I started to jerk myself off but he stopped me. Boris did it himself, Slowly stroking my cock.

"Oh my god," I cried out. His tongue probing deeper in me as a hand caressed my ass. I was becoming drunk of ecstasy. Boris got up and turned me to the bed. He got me on all fours and continued pleasure my asshole. I heard him pop something open and looked back. It was a tube of lube.

"No no no..." I tried to protest but Boris cut me off, "It's ok baby. Boris will take care of you." I shook my head and tried to roll to my back but he stopped me.

"It's ok baby. Boris won't do it. Just let Boris feel it. Let my cock just feel it. No go inside," He whispered. His now slick cock rubbed up and down my ass crack. Again, each time the length of his cock glided over my hole, waves of pleasure shot through me. I moaned, "Oooooooh." Boris reached under and stroked my cock again and his other hand started to gently twist and play with my nipple. He was basically dry humping me and it was feel oh so good.

I felt the weight of his body press me down to the bed. He was now laying flat on me, still sliding his cock between my ass cheeks. His voice quivered, "Ooooh, you make Boris feel so good. Boris will take good care of you." He reached over and grabbed two $100 bills and showed it to me. With my eyes full of lust and a smile of success, my goal was met. But i knew what was coming. I had to fulfill my part now. I pressed my ass back towards him and he knew that was the cue. His hard cock slide right into my virgin asshole. It was like someone knocked the air out of me. I could feel every inch of him in me.

His hand started to play with my nipples as I felt him pull back and thrust into me again. With every thrust, I let out a "ugh." I was now being fucked by a trucker for money and I was enjoying it. Boris started to pick up speed. He was fucking me with full hard stroked. Driving his cock in my ass again and again.

"Oh...god...ugh! ugh! ugh!" I moaned and grunted. Boris pounded away with, "Take my cock. Fuck! Good ass! Oh I fuck you like a pussy! My pussy! My ass!" Boris fucked me relentlessly.

"Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck me please!" I screamed in pleasure. I didn't even hear his door open. The curtains pulled back and Abe stepped through. He quickly got naked and Boris rolled us over. I was now riding his cock in a reverse cowgirl position like so many girls I've seen do in videos. As Boris thrust upwards, Abe put his cock in my mouth and I sucked away. soon he was rock hard. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was being used like a cheap whore.

Abe pulled his cock from my mouth and I watched him position himself in front of me. Oh no, he wasn't going to try and do what I think he's going to do. I cried out, "No, wait! Wait!" but Abe was already trying to put his cock in me too. I felt my anus stretch and somehow they were both in me. I felt so full down there.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I screamed. I wouldn't say it hurt but I defiantly felt stuffed. Abe slowed started to slide in and out, so did Boris. I was being double penetrated by two truckers. At first there was a little burn but it turned into the sensation as before. All I could do was hold on for dear life as these two brutes fucked me.

"Fuck this bitch Abe! Fuck him good!" Boris yelled. Abe was all over me, kissing my neck and my nipples as I'm being ravaged from top and bottom. I look over Abe back to see Chelsea in the passenger seat, watching, one hand cupping her tit and fingering fucking her own pussy.

I couldn't take much more. My cock was rubbing between me and Abe so I came. My cum shot out and rubbed between us. Abe and Boris couldn't hold out much more also. Abe pulled out and shot his load on my face and chest. Boris held onto me and I felt his cock tense and shot deep inside my ass. Chelsea climaxed with a muffled scream of ecstasy. Well either sat or lay there, exhausted. Boris pushed me off of him and I was so spent, I just laid there. I kind of felt dirty. I jokingly thought, "This is what being a condom feels like."

Abe got up and dressed. Chelsea put herself together as Boris got up. He picked up all the cash and placed it by me. He grabbed a towel and wiped himself off. I could feel my asshole throbbing. I don't think I'll be able to sit for a week. Boris tossed me a coin and said, "its for the shower in the truck stop. Take it and go. I'm sleepy."

I got my things together so Chelsea and I could leave. We walked towards where I parked and she asked, "So how'd you do?" I told her I got what I came for. Since I made over the $250, I gave her the extra. She kissed me on the cheek and said, "Thanks see you next time." And with that she winked at me and scampered off to her car.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hot as fuck. Love DP! I’ve never done it but I live to watch guys do it. So impressive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it, although I was surprised it didn't hurt him much. I was 60 when I got my virgin ass fucked like a pussy. He was gentle, but it hurt although his actions as he bred me like a bitch woman and felt his cum fill up it felt damn good. He nailed my pussy 5 times that long night. And, yes I got to enjoying being his bitch, taking his cock, kieses and tit play. I licked him clean after....and I have a first class pussy for use. Today, I'm a bitch wife for a truck driver, 45, and now I'm his pussy bitch and love it.

Sunnydaze361Sunnydaze361almost 2 years ago

So hot! Hopefully Jake can’t pay next month’s rent and goes back for more fun at the truck stop!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I just loved your story, now I hope you have another part to it. Like how it turned Jacob gay and seduces his room mates.

ShortyMacShortyMacalmost 2 years ago

Hot story. I loved how Jacob sucked Abe’s cock then told him to got find Boris and that Chelsea watched him get fucked by both men all at once. Could there be a part 2 in the works? I hope so. Worth 10 stars…


sealandssdsealandssdalmost 2 years ago

Love how you make Abe return to dp Jacob.

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