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Love in a Pandemic


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I'm seeing people anywhere between thirty and ninety years old, they come to me when the medical staff are sure that their patient is beyond their help. I'm in a super clean area, setup to take the dying. I can't do anything to help them. I'm in mask, face shield, gloves, disposable gowns, rubber shoes. I decontaminate to enter the ward, I decontaminate to exit the ward. Some clothing is put into bags, taken out and burnt. Some clothing is sterilized and yet, there is still no guarantee that I won't be infected.

There are five to fifteen people in my ward, every day. Two or three doctors with up to eight nurses, I'm a nurse. Doctors are rotated frequently, nurses, well, who cares about nurses. We are tested every two days here, and so far, so good. I am not going to last here for much longer. Either I'll get tired, then careless and get infected or I'll be burned out then careless and get infected. Or maybe I will be moved out of this ward and into another, away from the front. I gotta talk to a doctor, but whatever happens is going to have to happen soon.

That night, seven people died and there's nothing I could do, can't even talk to relatives to tell them their loved one died peacefully. They all die peacefully, mainly because their bodies are in shock from the sepsis that is killing them. In a nutshell, the virus reduces oxygen to vital organs, so they work hard to keep up but can't. The immune system rebels and starts working too hard and begins to attack healthy tissue. Eventually organs shut down, kidney, livers, heart, lungs then death. No treatment, no hope. Depressing isn't it.

Sylvia Chiang was my doctor that evening, and all she could do was to confirm death, sign it off and leave us to clean up the remains. My shift ended, I got out of the ward, went to my change room, got tested, sat in the change room. Started crying. I was last out that night, I knew everyone else was gone. The door opened but I couldn't stop the flow of tears.

"Wendy," came this voice. It was Dr Chiang. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine!" I replied.

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter, Wendy," she observed. I was taken aback a little, not hearing a doctor talk like this before. "I got two brothers who are used car salesmen, so I know bullshit when I hear it."

I had to laugh at that, I knew she only has one brother and he's in OBGYN. "I feel so fucking helpess, Doctor," I answered, honestly, "I can't keep this up."

"I know, neither can I. I've already spoken to Dr Simmons about rotating out of this ward, and the same should apply to you. I'll tell him so when I see him tomorrow."

"I can't, who's-"

"Course you can and we can't have our best staff getting burned out." She looked at me and I really couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

"Yeah, right." I am cynical sometimes.

"Really, there are some nurses whom I wouldn't trust to change a bed pan. Then there are more nurses who make my day so much easier because of their skills, their competence. You really make me look good with the work you do." She emphasized the "you".

She stepped close and took me in her arms, hugging me. She pulled back then said, "Ahh fuck it, I'm going to kiss you." She leaned in again and this time she kissed me. My lips responded to her lips. When we broke, after what seemed like minutes, she said, "I'm sorry, but I've wanted to do that for a long time."

Sylvia Chiang reminds me of Sandra O, from the Divergent films, I cried when she got killed off, both women are fucking beautiful. I grabbed her scrubs and pulled her in to me and kissed her back. "I will kiss a beautiful woman any time," when this kiss ended. "Right now, I want some serious company."

"So do I, I need to do something that lets me know I am alive," Sylvia said. I knew exactly what she was saying, I wanted to fuck my brains out, with her.

In minutes we were in her car, "I live close," she told me, "And alone." I nodded, not trusting my voice. She pulled up out front of a new apartment block, got out and said, "Come on."

I couldn't wait. I let her drag me into her building, then up a lift to her floor then into her apartment and almost without stopping, to the shower. We were naked, clothes scattered from the front door to the bathroom. We washed each other and this was the first time I saw her naked body. Not much in the way of tits but shapely, narrow waist and broad hips. A small tuft of dark hair at the junction of her thighs, neatly trimmed and heart shaped. I smiled at that.

While getting wet, I ran my hands over her body, using as much of the body wash as I could. I washed her pussy, well, okay, I wasn't washing it, I was masturbating her. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to her and kissed me as her body shuddered in ecstacy as she came for the first time that night. Sylvia got her breath back and got on her knees, in the shower, licking me, got me nice and wet then stood up, kissing my hardened nipples. She turned the taps off and dragged me out of the shower, drying me as quickly as she could. "I want you in my bed so I can do you properly, how you deserve to be made love to."

Laying me on her bed, she kissed me, then worked her way down my body, over my breats, across my stomache and finallt onto my mons. She parted my legs and kissed all over my vagina, licking bits, kissing others, then she took my clit into her mouth. Her lips and tongue stimulated me so much in such a short time that I knew I was going to cum any moment. I moaned my lust, thrust my hips, felt her moth and tongue bringing me to the very edge of bliss. Than she backed off, let me go off the boil. You bitch! I thought, then she swooped in, quickly bringing me back to the edge again, then backed off. Again and again, she skilfully kept me on the edge until I couldn't take it any more.

I begged her to make me cum! She took me up one more time, then, completely unexpectedly, she shoved her thumb into my ass. At the same time, I felt her mouth and tongue grab my clit, sucked it and I just exploded from inside. I cried my cum so fucking loud it echoed in the room. The siezure of my muscles went on and on as I was thrown about by the waves of sexual release, turning me into jello both inside and outside! I collapsed into a pile of nerve endings, feeling every fibre of the sheets, every hair from Sylvia's head touching my skin. Every touch of her fingers, her lips, her tongue, I felt surge through me and I couldn't resist it in any way.

What a way to end a fucking god-awful day! I was alive! I felt everything! I moaned when Sylvia disengaged her thumb, just about cumming again as her hair gently dragged up my skin. She kissed me and gently observed, "Sounded like you enjoyed that."

"You could tell, could you?" I gasped back. "Never before!" Breathe, "Fucking brilliant!" Breathe, "Anytime you like." Breathe, "Do it again." I felt heat on my breasts, my upper torso, a really deep red, blood colored cum blush was observable even by me! I kissed her and asked if I could stay the night. "When you're ready, you can fuck me." That was what I had in mind but just said, "I can do that, well I'll do my best!"

In some ways, being a small person, I am only 5'3" has an advantage. My hands are not that big but in one area, I excell. Like Sylvia had done to me, I licked her, getting her nice and wet. I quickly had two fingers inside her pussy, followed by another, without difficulty. I then had four fingers pumping her love canal, and without warning, when I judged she was wet enough, I folded my thumb into my palm and in moments, I was fisting her. She screamed as my entire hand went inside her, but she just pushed down onto my fist. I then stroked her clit with one hand and pumped my fist in and out.

The chorus of her moans was enough for me to recognize a woman that was well and truly enjoying being fucked. Her body tensed then spasmed into orgasm, but that didn't stop me from pumping her again and again. I made her cum a second time using my fist and not just pumping, but opening and closing my hand inside of her. It's only a small movement and not without a lot of push back, but it feels like the pulse of a really big cock shooting its load when done right. Girls I've done this to get all estatic about it, want me to do it again because they get a real thrill from it. As my hand is small, I get right into them too, and I thing what I'm doing is caressing the cervix, or may just crushing the bladder, who knows. They love it.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I like dicks, good hard, long dicks, just I don't care if it is flesh or plastic fantastic. I really like threesomes, with a girl and guy or two guys, they can be special times. Not had too many, well okay, three to be precise, three different couples, twice ffm and one fmm. Either way, suits me, but one person at a time is good too. But this time, with this woman, it is special.

We took a break, Sylvia wobbled out to the fridge and got some water, which was excellent actually, really refreshing. She too is bi, and like me, loves the occasional threesome. She's not at all picky about the make up. She had has 2 guys, guy/girl and a girl/girl, haven't done that one but maybe.

Then I asked her how did she know I would even be open to her? Simple, she said, we have a common friend. She told me the name of someone I haven't seen for well over a year, maybe even two. Seems this friend of mine is now married to a friend of Sylivia's brother. She asked after me once when she found out Sylvia worked at the same hospital I did. That made it easy, but the reality was also that she, Sylvia, really did need to do something that made her feel alive, made her glad to be alive. I did too when Sylvia put it like that. Then she said something I will never forget, "You are really competent, confident within yourself. You are a realy nice person to talk to, to be with and that adds to your natural beauty. Besides, you really do something for me and I was feeling more than a little lost. I'm glad you took my invitation."

I kissed Sylvia and told her how happy I was to be there, then proved it by licking her pussy. I couldn't get enough of her, she is tasty and has a wicked tongue herself when I found her shuffled into a sixty-niner. My lack of height usually makes this awkward, but Sylvia is only two and a half inches taller than me, and most of that is in her longer legs. Believe me when I tell you, a sixty-niner is really fun, but with Sylvia, it became something more. We licked each other into orgasms and when we broke apart, we were washed out, spun up and dried out.

We collapsed into each other's arms. Slept for the rest of the night. In the morning, we woke, showered, made love, had breakfast, made love. She took me to my place, where I tried to change into fresh clothes, but ended up making love again. We slept for a little while, then went to work. At the end of the shift, we came to my place, made love, slept again. We were exhausted so slept right through to the alarm. We didn't have to go on duty that afternoon, but Sylvia had an appointment with the Head of Emergency Services, to try and get doctors and nurses rotated out of the Emergency and Covid respite wards. The hospital board agreed to it when they were asked, but it means those experienced nurses will need to pull extra duties until both doctors and nurses are fully trained on Covid responses.

The night that the first rotation started, we were on different rotations. Bummer! Didn't matter though, Sylvia knocked on my door one afternoon and when I opened it, she was standing there with this real hunk. She invited herself and hunk in, closed the door and after kissing me, she said, "Adam, this is Wendy, she saved my life when I was lost in this pandemic. Wendy, this is Adam and he has a schlong worth spending time to get to know. You interested?"

You bet!

Lost in a Pandemic 4.

I really hate being ill. It's not that it just makes me feel like shit, it's that it makes me feel so fucking useless. I never considered that it could happen to me. I never cared about the sanitise the hands, wear a mask, keep your distance, all that crap. I bought into the fucking Chinese 'Flu it was called, it's going to disappear, it's totally under control, it'll go away, oh, it'll all be over by Easter, it's nothing to worry about. It was all fucking bullshit! I got it from a friend who was asymptomatic. Some friend! What's this? An early Christmas present?

It started with a little sniffle, I didn't worry about it. Then afew days later, I got hit with a headache, my body was telling me there was something wrong and I ignored it. After feeling the first symptons I felt myself going downhill. I was tired all the time, then I realized I couldn't smell a fart. I started thinking that not only couldn't I smell a fart, I couldn't smell the bacon I was cooking for breakfast. At that point, I also realized I wasn't hungery either, just didn't seem interested in or feel like eating anything.

I had aches, muscles in my legs, knees, elbows, shoulders, all ached. By this time I thought I better go and see someone. I rang a doctor and was shunted around a bit before I got to talk to a live person. I described my symptoms then there was silence at the other end. Then, "I think you better go to the nearest testing station and get a Covid19 test done."

Bullshit! I thought. Then I heard that all the things I was talking about are symptoms of contracting Covid19. The nearest testing station was at the Bellflower City Hall, I should make an appointment and get tested as soon as possible I was told. I wasn't going to worry about it, it was just bullshit, but not fifteen minutes later, my cell rang and it was my friend's partner. She told me that she and my friend had both tested positive and is now isolated so she's calling as many people as she can to get tested.

Well fuck me! I thought. I couldn't get tested quickly enough. While making the appointment, I got an incoming call beep on my cell, just ignored it. Deal with it after finishing this. Okay, I am really feeling like shit, everything hurts now. Check messages, well, believe it or not, its someone saying they are from the Dept of Health, I've had recent contact with someone who has Coronavirus. No shit! I should get tested, well okay, better late than never I suppose. This isn't supposed to happen to me! I'm in my twenties for fuck's sake. I'm lucky in that I was working from home already, so I sent emails to everyone I needed to to let them know I was isolating. An hour later, I was not doing that well, so rang for an ambulance, told them my problem, they said they would have someone to me as soon as possible, they were busy. I emailed my employer told them I was going into hospital, would let them know what was happening as soon as I could. Lucky, I got a good employer, with good health cover.

A couple of hours later, I'm in hospital, seriously ill. God I hate this shit! Being in a fucking hospital with sick people. Getting harder to breathe, got something shoved up my nose, a drip in my arm and all sorts of things stuck on me leading to a machine that goes beep, a lot. I asked the nurse about turning the sound off, she says no, it's telling me that my heart is still working and I should let the staff know if it stops beeping. She's in a blue gown, masked, wearing rubber boots and it's hard to tell if she is joking or not, but I get it, eventually. I don't know what was in the drip but the aches eased off a bit. I slept, but it wasn't a good sleep.

That's how the next five days went. Each day they take some blood, "for testing" they say, but likely to feed the vampire they keep in the basement. I really went down that first night, chills, fever and even on a ventilator, it was hard to catch my breath. By the forth day, I was over the worst it. I had been off food for a couple of days, it was making me naseous, I did upchuck a couple of times after eating but I started feeling a little hungry. The pain was easing, the breathing was a lot easier, I would catch a whiff of the disinfectant that was wiped over everything. I asked for some food, and the nurse I had spoken with that first night told me she would be right back. It looked like baby food, but tasted really nice. I did ask her what it was, she said, "baby food." I am not sure she was joking.

In the morning of the fifth day, my blood test was telling me I was over the worst of it. They moved me out to another ward, for recovery they said. Good, out of hospital and well again in a few days then. I slept, woke, ate, slept. When I woke, there was a guy in the bed alongside mine. His name was Paul and I found out he had the same as me. We're the same age, same levels of general health. We spoke often, kept each other company. I rather enjoyed his company actually. We had some similar interests and got along rather well.

It was late on the sixth night, or maybe early on the seventh morning, he asked if I was awake. "Yeah, can't sleep."

"Too noisy for me, and I tell ya man, I been so weak haven't even rubbed one out for a week and a half. Still not interested which is starting to worry me."

Paul's a good looking guy, tall, lithe, sun-bleached, tanned, wearing a wedding ring. I had to laugh, "I'm the same. The virus has just washed us right out. It's likely it will take a while before we get interested again. In the meantime, even the thought of getting an erection is too much to take in."

Paul laughed, a gentle sound, a happy sound. then I thought, likely neither of us have spent too much time out of the beds we're inhabiting. Apart from the bathroom and showers, which has been a struggle to get to and back again because we're so fucking weak. The first time after I had the drip taken out, I had to call the nurse to help me just get out of bed. Getting better though, I can make it there and back easily, but I'm tired afterward.

That's why I hate being sick, I am helpess and useless.

Doctor's rounds, tests and results. Hoo-fucking-ray! I can go home. Paul's out too. Tomorrow, they said. Got my cell out and let eveyone know I was coming home. Then I swapped numbers with Paul.

By the morning, we were both feeling much, much better. We thanked everybody, my brother was in the car park waiting for me, they wouldn't let me out without him. Paul's wife was waiting for him, but she has tested and found negative, even having been in close contact with Paul. A followup test revealed she was still negative and I don't understand it. If this thing is so contagious, why didn't she get it? Who fucking knows?

Anyway, all this brings me to my apartment. Alone, isolated, bored out of my brain, and not feeling all that strong. I sleep a lot, spend time doing some work, but for the first few days it's a struggle to concentrate. I was told this will likely happen, but I was to develop an exercise regime, take it easy though. Walking, some light weights, a bit of riding a static bycicle, if I have one, but just make it consistent without overdoing it for a week. Build up over a month, slowly. I have some weights and a yoga mat which I don't use so I dusted them off and started using them. My immune system was weak right now, so wear a mask. I bought a packet of masks, and still wear them when I am walking. Then my cell rang, it was Paul.

"Hey roomie," I heard this cheery voice. "How're ya doin'?"

"Feelin' like shit, but getting better!" I laughed. "You?"

"Same," he replied. "Bored as all shit though, want some company?"

I coudn't help myself, "Jeez, I'm so fucking bored I'd even invite you over."

"Yeah, thought you might, bein' so desparate for company an' all," he commented.

I gave him my address and he told me he was only twenty minutes away. We said goodbyes and I looked at my dump, which had an obviously lived in look. Okay, dishes in the sink, dustballs on the floor. I had the old Kirby my mother had given me, out, but lost interest. I threw dishes into an empty cupboard space, ran the Kirby over the floor and just managed to put it away when the buzzer rang. I opened the door for Paul and brought him in.

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