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"What do you think the chances are?" Abby asked.
"About the same as us ending up as we are," her dad huffed.
"I'm going to have a baby brother or sister," she said in awe.
"And a son or a daughter," he puffed.
"You're going to be a grandpa," she whimpered. He was starting to get to her. Her pussy, already stuffed full of his baby batter, was going to be even fuller in a bit.
"And you're going to be an auntie and a mommy," he grunted.
She felt the moment her dad came in her again.
Only moments after the realization of what her mom and Hank could be up to, her dad had rolled her onto her knees and plunged his newly hard cock into her again. Abby knew she'd never get tired of this feeling, of being pumped full of her dad's cum.
When he was done, she fell forward onto the bed and curled up, protecting the valuable supply of sperm making its way to her egg.
"Should we tell them?" she asked, dreading the fallout of having put her mom in a position to get pregnant without her knowing. Her dad was again recovering next to her. She felt a wave of love for him at sharing this intimate post-coital moment, wanting to feel it just as much as his cock in her pussy.
"I guess we'd better. I'll text her about the app looking messed up, let her sort it out from there, just in case they're not fucking."
Hank was sure it had started as them indulging a newly discovered kink, however by the time Saturday was done he was fully invested in knocking his mom up. Each time he came, his cock pulsing to inseminate her, he felt a bit cheated by the fact she wasn't actually ovulating yet. He didn't mention it to her, but somehow he knew by her reactions she was thinking the same thing.
When she got a text late that night, he supposed anyone else would have reacted differently. Despair, anger, defiance, revulsion. Hank didn't know what the text said at first, but he could tell it was a shock by the way her mouth dropped open.
She looked up from her phone at him. They were once again cuddled up spooning on one of the couches, lazily fooling around while naked, without getting serious about fucking. Yet. He raised an eyebrow to ask what the text said, intrigued by her reaction.
"It's from your dad," she said.
Hank felt a wave of uneasiness laying naked next to his lover with his dick planted between her ass cheeks, hearing about her husband. "What'd he say?"
"You know the app I use to track my cycle?"
"He thinks the calendar might be off."
Hank took a bit to understand what she was saying. "Off how?"
"Those signs you noted, that I brushed off? They're real."
He flashed back to the last day and a half of fucking they'd done, each time resulting in him emptying himself in her. "You mean you're..."
"Ovulating, yes."
Reality crashed in on Hank then. "Oh. How did the app mess that up?"
"I'm not sure. It requires input from me occasionally, to keep it correct, but it's been rock solid for years. I know your dad wouldn't touch it."
"Damnit," he said.
"Is it so bad?" she asked quietly.
"It's not bad. I just realized that this whole time we've been doing it for real, but thinking we weren't. It'd have been way better if we knew, you know?"
"Yeah," she said, a small smile on her lips.
They lay together, each lost in their own thoughts. After a bit, he said, "But, what if you're not?"
She looked back at him. "If I'm not?"
"Yeah. What if, after all that work, you're still not pregnant?"
A smile gradually grew on her face. "You mean, it's possible, even though I'm ovulating, and you've been pumping me full of your cum, I may not actually be pregnant?"
"That would mean every time we have sex now, there's a chance of me getting pregnant."
Hank thrust his groin against her ass. "Every time."
"Fuck. If you were to put your penis inside me right now and spew your load, it might get me pregnant."
His mom lifted her upper leg, giving him room to find the entrance to her genuinely fertile womb. He pressed his cock forward and felt her hand guide him in.
It was a quick fuck, but satisfying. Hank held onto his mom's breasts with both hands while he thrust into her over and over. When he was close, he warned her in a low voice near her ear. "I'm coming in you."
"You really are breeding me," she moaned.
He hugged her tightly, pelvis pressed into her luscious ass, cock deep in her pussy as he came, giving her all he had. When he had recovered his breathing, he said, "Do you think that was the one? I think it was."
She giggled, "Well, we won't know until I take a test."
"Ha, if dad hadn't noticed the app was off, we wouldn't even know to test. did he notice? Why would he check the app while at a work conference?"
His mom turned to look at him, the movement causing him to slip from her. She searched his face before saying, "I'm not sure if I should say, but I guess it'll come out on its own anyway. The app works for tracking more than my cycle. Your sister and I are synced that way. Women living together tend to match up."
"The app shows when Abby is ovulating too? Why would dad need to know that?"
"We use the app to show when it's safe to have sex."
"Right. But you're here."
"And Abby is there...with him."
It hit him suddenly. "Dad and Abby?"
His mom nodded.
"I just can't...imagine it. How do you know?"
"Your dad isn't very good at containing himself when it comes to having sex. He practically glowed for hours the first time, which, coincidentally, happens to be the same day we had our first time."
"At Christmas..."
She nodded.
"Wow. Wait, if you need to take a test, won't she have to take one as well, if the app is off for both of you?"
"Yep." After a bit, she continued in a lower voice, turning to speak directly into his ear. "If she caught, she'll be going through the same bodily changes as me. Her tummy will grow, along with her breasts. A child will grow in her womb. The only difference is who the father is."
Abby and her dad got home late Sunday. She'd spent the day packing up and checking out of the hotel before going to the mall to wait for her dad to be done with his meetings. It hadn't been time wasted. There was a maternity store she spent quite some time browsing. Some of the clothes were awful, but some were cute. She bought a tank top which said, 'Baby on board', feeling a naughty shiver when she bought it; the clerk had no idea whose sperm was swimming in her womb at that moment.
She wore it out of the store, feeling a glow of power from the secret she was keeping. When her dad picked her up later on, she giggled at his expression. "Do you like it?" she asked.
"I...don't know. Part of me does. Part of me is terrified of what your mom would do if she saw it."
"Did she text you back after you warned her about the app?" Abby sobered up, knowing there was a bill coming due for what she'd done.
"Just 'thanks'. She's already fixed the calendar. I checked."
"Oh. Is that good or bad? I guess if my meddling had caused an issue, you'd have heard about it."
"She doesn't know you did anything. As far as she knows, it was a bug in the app or something."
Abby wasn't sure if she felt better or not. It had never occurred to her that her mom might be in danger of getting pregnant if her husband was out of town. "I feel bad. If Mom ends up in 'the family way' because I wanted a thrill, it'll be all my fault."
"Well, yes, but also no. You didn't force her to have sex, if she did, and she's a grown woman. Besides, she's always had a pregnancy kink. She might even welcome it."
"Really? I didn't know."
He smiled and took her hand as they entered the parking lot of the mall. "No reason you should. That stuff is private, between lovers."
Abby immediately felt better when he touched her, a warm glow suffusing her chest. It didn't matter if her mom did get upset, he would protect her. They'd see how things lay when they got home.
A quick trip to get some fast-food, and they were on the road. Abby couldn't help smiling when she thought of the past 48 hours. She was satisfied in a way she hadn't been since Christmas. She knew she couldn't wear her new maternity shirt at home - yet - so she took it off and enjoyed another few hours of being ogled by her father.
Abby's anxiety about the situation rose to its highest point when they pulled into their driveway. She pulled a shirt and bra from her bag and dressed in the car while breathing quickly.
"Hey," her dad said. "Relax. If there's anything to worry about, we'll figure it out together, as a family. Your mom's not a monster."
She nodded once in response and gave him a wan smile. "What are we going with? Happy, fun weekend?"
"Sounds good, cause that's what I'm remembering."
Bags in hand, they walked up to the front door.
Somehow, when Abby and Greg came home, the family continued on as if nothing had happened. Hank and Andrea greeted the returning duo as if nothing had changed in their lives.
For Hank's part, he felt adrift after the weekend was over. To be so intimate with someone and then have it cut off abruptly was a shock to the system. He kept expecting to be able to take his mom into his arms, or for her to greet him with a kiss, even a long hug, but nothing. He knew there was an unspoken method to the madness, that by staying silent and playing mother and son, the family unit would keep on keeping on. He couldn't help it, he wanted more.
Agonizing weeks passed. Weeks of frustrated desire. Weeks of wanting, of sharing brief glances over dinner, of revisiting memories of him in bed with his mom. Weeks of watching his sister and his dad for signs his mom was right, that they were fucking. If they were, they were hiding it well.
His sister still flirted shamelessly, but he still hung around his mom constantly, so he didn't have room to criticize. There was just no smoking gun to point to, to say 'aha, I knew it!' Just as he and his mom didn't cross any lines, nor did they.
It seemed like life would just flow on as it always had until there was another alignment of the stars to let the two pairs split off again to indulge...carnally. Of course, things weren't the same.
Hank was in the living room, watching some hockey, when his mom walked in. That wasn't unusual, but he took the time to check her out, taking in her hip-hugging sweats and her thick sweater. The unusual bit was when she walked over to the couch Hank was sitting on and sat down at the other end. He looked at her, eyebrows raised.
Looking around to make sure they were alone, he said, "You don't usually sit there."
"It's an unusual time," she murmured. Her eyes were locked on the TV, but she flicked a glance his way a few times.
He copied her, watching the TV again. "Is it?" He saw her nod out of the corner of his eye.
"I'm sure you remember a bit ago, when you were doing your best to put me in the family way?"
Instant steel. Hank had to adjust how he was sitting to accommodate the bar in his underwear. "I do."
"Well, you did it right. I missed my period."
He had to clear his throat before speaking, and his face flooded with heat. "Is it certain?"
She nodded and held up a white and blue plastic stick. "My tits are sore, and I'm getting tired easier. It's the same stuff as when I was with you and Abby."
They were still talking low, keeping under the noise of the play-by-play announcer on the TV. Hank wanted to do something. Jump up and shout, hug his mom, kiss her, fuck her, fight for her, anything. Instead, he said, "How do you feel about it?"
"Mixed feelings. Joy, unease, fear, anticipation. Mostly I want to tear your clothes off and fuck you."
Hank grinned despite the need to act normal. "I feel the same. What do we do?"
"I'm not going to be able to hide it forever. Do we get ahead of the news, or delay?"
"What are the chances Abby is as well? She's seemed pretty normal since they got back."
"She should have gotten her period last week too, but if she did I couldn't see it."
Hank watched more hockey. He'd never felt closer to anyone in his life, but was forced to stay at his end of the couch.
While they sat together and apart, Abby appeared in the doorway to the living room. She spotted her mom and walked directly up to her, wordlessly holding out a plastic stick. After a moment's hesitation, Andrea held out her own stick.
Hank couldn't help the smile from spreading on his face when Abby grinned and threw herself at her mother. The two hugged tightly, laughing and babbling.
Abby had been a bit nervous confronting her mom like she did, but knew as soon as the little blue 'plus' showed up there was no one else she wanted to tell. To see her mom had one of her own just added to the joy.
Within the space of mere moments, they had started to discuss their future pregnancies and what they would need. It was only a throwaway comment by her mom which reminded Abby there was someone else who should know the good news.
He was out golfing, but when he got back, she tackled him at the door, wearing the tank top she'd bought at the mall.
"Guess what?" she asked, arms and legs wrapped around her dad. He was holding her up by her ass, but looking around warily to see if anyone saw them.
"Read my shirt." Her eyes flicked back and forth between his, trying to see the moment of revelation. Her mom had warned her he might not be as happy as they were, and it might take time to get him to come round. Abby had a different opinion.
Her prediction was borne out when he grinned and pushed forward for a kiss, capturing her lips in his, his hands fiercely gripping her buttocks. She felt her pussy flood with desire after not being kissed or held for weeks.
Hank and Andrea had given her privacy to tell him, so she took the opportunity to say, "You are going to fuck your pregnant daughter tonight, no arguments."
He chuckled and said, "We'll see. Your mom might have other ideas. This will be a shock."
"She suggested it."
His face slackened with shock, which was exactly the reaction she'd been hoping for. "She knows?"
Abby nodded. "Guess what? She's pregnant too."
"Wow!" A moment of thought and then he said, "I guess the Jenkins family is going to get bigger."
Abby hugged him around the neck, squeezing, feeling her tender boobs push against his chest.
The family met in the living room. The new relationships were discussed, as well as the old. Greg and Andrea presented a united front in setting their relationship as the primary. Despite how far they had gone with their offspring, they still loved each other and had no intention of divorcing.
That left Hank and Abby with whatever time could be carved out around the existing couple's time together. It was exactly what had been going on already, but the siblings had felt like they might get more consideration and were a bit grumpy. Abby in particular didn't feel it was fair she would only get spare time from the person who had knocked her up.
After some discussion, a compromise was reached, where a couple nights during the week would be designated 'alternative couple' time, and one weekend a month. Any deviation from the schedule would require approval from everyone else.
Hank brought up PDAs. Abby already had her mitts on Greg constantly, it should be okay for him to show his love for Andrea. PDAs were approved, as long as it didn't go too far, unless it was one of the preapproved days.
Abby insisted that very day be an approved day, as it had been weeks. Literally weeks! Everyone laughed and agreed. Thus, the evening found Hank nervously waiting for his mother in his room, while Abby put on the panties and bra she'd worn on the work trip. She briefly lamented it would soon not fit anymore, but discarded the thought when her dad stepped in her room and tore it off her body.
The sounds of lovemaking filled the air in the house that night, both pairs seemingly trying to outdo the other. When silence once again settled, both couples fell asleep, sweaty limbs entwined, happy smiles covering their faces.
This was probably the best incest story I've read here on Literotica. Thanks! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS for each chapter!
Awesome story but mother should have found out that daughter messed with the app. I think mother and son should sleep together and father and daughter the same and once in a while mother and father have their time while brother and sister do the same!! Please continue with more!!!!!!!!! Gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the story!! I have a breeding fetish so it rocked my world!! Keep up the good work!
The brother and sister should have hooked up, but it's alright, despite the lack of ending. At least the father isn't being abusive any more.