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Love's Last Laugh

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This is the end, so it's one final fuck before it's over.
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It was an impossible time to love and yet they did, ignoring the rest of the world, oblivious to the furor, the horror and the hatred. While they climbed into bed millions watched a world leader hanged for killing hundreds of innocents, while another world leader walked confidently to church, perhaps to pray for the hundreds, maybe thousands of innocents he killed. One used gas, the other smart bombs and in the end the men, women and children died horribly. A gentle kiss on the lips as a noose tightened, whispered words of love and devotion brought arousal while shouts of derision belittled a bearded man in the last moments of his life.

Her nipples hardened as his tongue slid up the soft mounds of her breasts and circled the dark areola. He let his hard cock slide over her legs as he suckled one nipple and then the other, letting them grow large in his mouth. She opened her legs wider as his hand slid up her thigh and gently tucked itself between her lips, opening them with the slightest pressure. Pressing into her, he felt his fingers enter her moist opening and he savored the warm, wet, soft feel of her.

As his hands moved over her body, another body was dangling by a rope and a man hated and loved was cut down and dragged away while a world watched. A few mourned while others celebrated and other leaders took note, feeling a noose begin to tighten around them. They spoke quietly in different languages and the people beneath them began to move, began to create.

In the bed he reached over, opening the condom package and carefully rolling the sheath over his hard cock, feeling the elastic tighten around the base of his shaft. He moved over her and whispered, "Must we really use this now? Your period just ended."

She thought for a moment and whispered back, "I guess the timing is okay, you can take it off."

Tossing all caution aside, he quickly pulled the condom off and tossed it on the bed. Speaking quietly, he felt her move beneath him, opening her legs for him as he kissed her neck and ground his cock on her thighs. He then looked down, letting his eyes descend over her breasts, past her erect nipples down her flat stomach and through the dark, tight curls of her pubic hair. He saw her fingers wrap around his cock and carefully guide it into wet cunt. Leaning onto her, he pushed his cock down the soft walls of her pussy, going deeper and deeper into her.

Words echoed from the deep shaft, whether Farsi or Korean, no one will ever know, but the leaders watched the rockets come to life as hands gently guided them into position, stroking the cold steel. A countdown then began to echo as the activity intensified, people and equipment moving faster and faster, the voices straining in anticipation. Intense heat and a loud rumbling shook the world as the rockets penetrated the sky, thrusting toward their targets.

Shoving his cock to the hilt, he looked at her face, enjoying her look of pleasure, her joy at begin filled with the man she loved. She moaned as he slowly withdrew, only to plunge into the again and again. In moments she felt an intense heat course through her pussy and her pussy pulsated, rumbling over his cock in ecstatic waves as he simultaneously arched his back and feeling himself surrounded in a bright light, he came, spurting his hot cum deep inside the woman he loved. For the first and last time, they came together, at the same, exact moment, their joy, ecstasy and love merging as the bright light engulfed them.

It was over in an instant, from intense joy to intense nothingness as a fireball consumed the last true lovers, engaged in the last true act of unselfish, undying love. Amid the noise and destruction of attack, counter attack, collateral damage and unadulterated hate, part of them somehow rose, floating above the fire. Rising as one they slipped into the clouds, prepared for a final judgment.

The gates opened and they stepped forward hopefully, but they were stopped, barred from entering. Words formed in their minds, unspoken but heard loudly, "You prayed to the wrong god, read from the wrong book, said the wrong prayers. You loved incorrectly, worshiped improperly and went to the wrong building to pray."

With those words echoing in their minds they descended, the last true and pure lovers in the world fell back down. Laughing together at the bitter irony they reached to each other. With a final kiss, they joined once again, descending as a single decayed angel. In complete silence they slipped into the flames, never to return.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
My minds a'whirl....

Unbelievably sad and thought provoking. Brilliant writing full of pathos ......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
My minds a'whirl....

Unbelievably sad and thought provoking. Brilliant writing full of pathos ......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Wonderful irony and great use of imagery. Tho I hope the world does not end in such a case.

starrkersstarrkersabout 18 years ago

Damn fine writing - even better concept.

I'm more inclined to believe the world ends not with a bang, but a whimper. *shrug* your way is more fun, for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

message in this excellent(if unusual) story must be obvious to anyone but a politician or radical cleric.Why not send them all a copy though just in the unlikely hope that they may?

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyabout 18 years ago

I'm not sure if that is the word I want to use, but it is the word that came to me. I think this was a very well written piece and completely different then most anything I have read. Great job and thank you very much for sharing it with us. ~ Red

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
very clever

Cleverly written....but one can only hope that you dont really believe in the ending of the story...and if those are your beliefs, then surely the 'bearded man' and his lover could have happily proceeded to hell and continued...where I am sure, they would have met up with a lot of people who had believed in the 'right god' and 'gone to the right church'.

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