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Loving With Friends Pt. 02

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The couples explore each other more deeply, and push further.
11.9k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 03/10/2024
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The next morning the house was quiet. We were all sleeping in, or lying wide awake. Thinking. Remembering. I was, at least.

Dee had been tossing and turning in the night. I wondered if her skin was still feeling the ghosts of new kisses? The echoes of new fingerprints? I lay next to her and thought of Rachel, and licking her chest. I thought of Matt's insane cock. I thought of how wonderfully Dee had ridden it. Her face, flushed and overwhelmed.

Eventually she turned and smiled. "Morning."

"Morning. You sleep okay?"

"On and off." She yawned, then lay sleepily watching me. I could remember his cock rubbing her face. I stroked her chin and told her I loved her.

She kissed my hand and said it back.

I brushed hair from her eyes. "I'm still thinking about it all."

She sighed. "Yeah. Me too." With that, we slowly unpicked everything that had happened, from beginning to end. I told her how happy I was to see her in so much pleasure. She blushed.

"Still sore?"

She winced a little. "Not so bad. Think I'm good."

She told me she didn't like the idea of me with another woman, but seeing me with Rachel had been different. "It's two people I love," she explained. "And you were both so happy. Laughing and everything. I don't know."

We lay facing each other and talked about our favourite moments. Mine was licking cum off of Rachel's breast, but I didn't say that out loud. Was that bad? Maybe it was too soon for something like that. I said it was watching her face when Matt pumped into her from behind. An extremely close second.

"God..." Dee bit her nail, as if remembering the sensation. "Yeah. It was all pretty wild. Watching Rachel get down for Matt like that. God. Watching you and her all over each other..." She shook her head.

"One moment?" I asked, pushing slightly.

She hesitated. "When I first saw his cock, I was actually pretty scared. But when I first licked it. I don't know. Made me feel... I don't know. Sucking it was pretty insane feeling."

"What about feeling it inside you?"

Her eyes widened. "I still can't believe I took it."

"Did it feel good?"

Her eyes looked unfocused. "Mmm." She looked at me, then smiled. "If I was married to that though, I would die. Trying it was amazing- so good- but I couldn't take much of that."

We both laughed. I was glad that the morning after, the air was still light. Happy.

I left Dee in bed and went to make a coffee. I found Rachel in the kitchen, she smiled broadly. "Hey."


She was wearing a large oversized shirt and some white knickers. I loved her short thick legs. She could look cute in anything. "How do you feel this morning?" I asked, knowing there was a lot going on in that question.

She grinned. "Very turned on. You?"

I laughed. "So much. Last night was brilliant. I'm still thinking about it, yes."

"Glad to hear it. Coffee?"


She buzzed around the kitchen and made us drinks. We leaned against the counter and talked some more. Conversation quickly turned back to last night, and to other things.

"So Jim, I'm curious."

I felt nervous. "Oh?"

"Have you ever sucked a guy, or is it just a fantasy?"

I blushed. She stroked my arm and laughed. "Oh I'm sorry. I don't mean to push you like that. I just keep thinking about it. That moment."

"Me too."

She sipped her drink. "I keep thinking about all the things we didn't do."

"The things we did weren't enough for you?"

She giggled. "You don't have to answer."

I took a breath. "I think I'm a bit bi, yeah. Curious. I've never acted on it. And I'm all in with Dee, I love her."

She nodded. "Of course. That's why we're doing this. We can play a little, experiment and experience something new. But it's safe. It's not going anywhere. We already all love each other."

I nodded. That impish grin came back to her face. "So did you like Matt's cock?"

"You are out of control!"

She laughed. "You liked the taste. I could tell. I don't blame you. It's yummy."

I took another breath. My voice was quiet, as if the building were spying on me. "Yes. I liked it." I reached out and stroked her arm. "And I thought about you and Dee together. That would be fun..." I trailed off.

Rachel's smile grew wider. "Oh wow, I had no idea you were like this, Jim."

"Me? You were the one talking about spanking and anal!"

She chuckled. Suddenly her demeanour changed, she reached out and stroked my cock in my jeans. I felt turned on, but awkward, should we do anything when the others weren't around?

Rachel brought herself closer to me. "What would you do for him? Tell me what you're curious about." She gripped me tighter.

Our eyes were locked on each other. Jesus. She was amazing. I breathed out heavily, then ground into her hand a little. I hesitated, then said: "Would you like to watch me suck him?"

Her eyes were impish maelstroms. "Don't you want to be alone?"

I didn't know. She squeezed harder. She was cooing in my ear. "Tell me, Jim."

Everything but her felt far away. "I want to be on my knees. Like you were. Taste it. Like you did."

Her hand rubbed quicker. Her other hand reached around and gripped my arse. Tight. "There you go. Good boy. Cocksucking looks so fun doesn't it? So naughty. You want to try it. I know you'd be good at it."

I was sweating now. Jesus Christ. She knew how to say the dirtiest things. How to make me dizzy. I swallowed hard. I couldn't believe I was admitting these things to her. Even after everything we'd all shared. I nodded.

She gripped me tighter. "What do you want? Say it."

I didn't know what to say. She was pushing for something. I looked down at her pretty face, now so serious and intent on mine. Her grip was teasing, but wonderful. "I wonder," I said, my voice slow, nervous, "what it would be like, if he fucked me like I fucked you."

Her grip released its tension, she smiled broadly. "Oh, Jim!"

I was afraid for a moment she was going to laugh. "Is- is that okay?"

She gave my cock some more gentle rubs, and got on her tiptoes to kiss me. "Yes, honey, that sounds fucking perfect."

"Would you like to see that?"

Her grin became a million times more impish. "You really want me to watch, don't you?"


"Maybe I should make you do it. Titlicker."

That suggestion (that word!) completely broke my mind. Pure sex sliced my brain into two. I just stared at her. My silence made her smile even wider. "Jim, you are so surprising. I love it. I love it."

"Has- has Matt ever- you know?"

"With a guy?"

I nodded, awkwardly.

She shook her head. "No, but we've talked about it over the years. I don't know if he's particularly bi. Curious maybe, and a bit dominant? Oh yes, definitely that."

She broke a little bit more of my brain. My mouth hung open and she giggled. She hugged me, an arm around my waist while she continued to rub my cock. "It's okay, honey. There's so much to try. So many new things to enjoy." Her head was on my shoulder, I kissed her hair. "I want to see him cum all over your face," she said, softly. "I want to watch you."

"On my knees?" I was completely hers.

"Yes baby."

"Sucking him for you?"

"Mmm, yes. I want to see you get on your knees. Please baby. Do you think you could do that? Please us both?" She abruptly stopped touching me, then raised her head. Her blue eyes looked so innocent. I was dumbstruck. I nodded. She looked delighted, then kissed me. Warm lips soft and gentle, her tongue suggestively brushed mine. She pulled away and gave me a wink. "We'll see."

And then she walked away, taking most of my brain with her.

Wait. What had I said? Promised? If anything? God. She could turn me upside down in a second. And I loved it.

That day we all hung out. Dee and Rachel went for a long walk and went shopping, me and Matt played a bunch of games and caught up. Beyond a few flirty smiles and initial whispers, nobody had really brought up the previous night, though we all knew it was coming. It was during dinner that Rachel finally mentioned playing again. It didn't surprise me it was her. Although I had given her plenty of little looks, all of which were encouraging.

"I know we haven't talked about last night," she said, after a silence, "but I was wondering about tonight."

"Tonight?" I tried not to sound too eager.

"I thought maybe we could all play again. How does that make everyone feel?"

Nobody wanted to speak first. To be too keen, I guessed. "I'd like that," Matt said, quietly. I nodded.

It was Dee who looked the most uncomfortable. "I don't know." She blushed.

Rachel smiled at her. "Matt and I talked about it. Maybe we could swap tonight? Me and Jim." She looked at me and smiled, "While you and Matt share a room. It would be really slow. Really gentle."

Matt nodded, then smiled at Dee. "No penetration. There are many more things that we can do, and I'm sure that you're sore."

She didn't seem convinced. "Um, I just- I don't know."

Rachel went over and sat beside her. "Is it because of all that stuff I said afterwards?"

Dee nodded. She was much taller than Rachel, but she looked small, awkward. Rachel wrapped motherly arms around her. "I said most of that for fun, love. We don't have to do anything like that. It's all just a bit of fun."

I thought about being alone with Rachel. Fucking her now I knew just how wild her imagination was. Just the two of us. We could talk about all sorts of things. God. What sort of things could she push me to do? What would I let her do?

"Sounds like fun," I said.

We could pair off, I thought, and then when we got together afterwards we could all be together. Crowded on one bed.

Oh boy.

"So..." Dee looked from Rachel to Matt. "You don't do that stuff? Spanking and whatever?"

Matt grinned. "We certainly won't do anything you don't want to. Our bedroom isn't a sex dungeon, if that's what you're wondering."

We all smiled.

Rachel gave Dee another little hug. "Maybe tomorrow. Or never. It's fine, Dee. Honestly. Last night was amazing, and if that's all it was, then that's more than enough."

Dee didn't answer, just nodded again. She gave another little smile. I think she wanted more. I think we all did, but I could tell she needed some time. I remembered she had tossed and turned in the night.

I think she needed to charge her batteries. She needed to get her head around what would be coming next. Because it wouldn't be the same. It would escalate. The tension, the curiosity, between all of us, demanded it.

I think she could feel that as potently as any of us. Maybe even more.

We talked about it in bed later. It was dark and we saw each other by moonlight. "I'm sorry," Dee said.

"About what?"

"I feel bad. Like I'm spoiling things."

I was quick to lean over and give her a kiss. "Don't do that. What happened was fantastic, but there's no pressure to do it again. There's plenty of time to think about it. Rushing into anything, that would be spoiling things."

"I guess."

We talked a little more, and I made sure she didn't feel bad. We were just beginning to drift off, when we heard sounds from down the hall. Matt and Rachel's bedroom. Sharp little grunts. The silence around us seemed to intensify as we listened.

"Are they...?" Dee asked.


They were having sex. Perhaps they had been making love, lying in a smouldering nest of kisses. Maybe they had just switched gears. It sounded like Rachel was trying to be quiet, maybe. But it was too good.

Her sounds, though muffled, were sharp and wet.

"You'd think they'd be tired," Dee whispered. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or impressed.

"I think they have very high sex drives," I whispered back.

"You think?"

We lay there, huddled under our sheets. I listened to Dee breathe. I wished I could see her face better. Was she listening intently? Enrapt? Captivated? Or was her expression more irritated? Tired? Was it getting too much for her?

It didn't last much longer. Rachel moaned sharply. There were little muffled yelps. God, was she biting a pillow? Then there was a quick series of receding gasps. I imagined Matt coming in her. Tensing. Was he on top of her? Or pumping her from behind? I would bet on the latter. That was probably easier for him, considering the size difference. Or was she on top, controlling him? It felt like some light petting had turned into a quick hard fuck. Like a release.

"Sounds like they had to get it out of the way," I said. I touched myself, then stopped, aware of Dee's motionless body beside me.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Let out some sexual tension, so they can get to sleep."

Dee exhaled. This kind of heightened sexual energy was too new to her.

I took her hand and squeezed it. "Okay?"

"Yeah. Course." She was quiet for a moment. "You know you can touch yourself if you want. It's okay."

I felt embarrassed. "I'm fine. It was hot. Hearing them. Don't you think so?"

She was quiet. "Yeah. You can sort of- Sort of picture it."

I leaned towards her and kissed her shoulder. I would have loved to have done more, to have put on a show with her to rival theirs, but I knew she was still a little sore. I knew that would probably be out of her comfort zone. It was okay.

We hugged, and I felt her warm breath on my cheek. As we drifted off, I thought about the two naked bodies down the hall, driven into a frenzy by our presence. Both covered in sweat, panting. Warm (she called it yummy) cum running down Rachel's thigh. Matt's hard stiff cock slowly easing into a more pleasing softness. I wanted to lick her and taste him.

I closed my eyes and imagined it.

The next day we took things easy. The weather was lovely, so the four of us got in a car and let Matt drive us around.

We were all relaxed, happy. We didn't talk about other things.

Rachel had suggested a picnic, which sounded perfect. Something to get us out of the house, and able to air our sex-fogged thoughts.

The park was busy, but we found a nice quiet spot, shaded under a large oak tree. Matt put down a blanket for us to sit on. Rachel had prepared food, and we all sat around in a circle and ate. We'd all offered to help her earlier, but she had already prepared snacks in advance, probably while we were still in bed. She was a dynamo.

It was a lovely day. Summer was kicking in and showing off. The sun bathed us in a soft soothing glow. For the first time I paid attention to the light tan Rachel had. I could imagine her lying naked in the garden. I certainly wouldn't have expected that of her before this trip.

I watched a bead of sweat run down Dee's long pale arm. Between these two women my thoughts never went far from their bodies.

Conversation never stood still. Films. Games. Concerts. Jokes. Rachel and Matt told us about their vacation plans, they were hoping to take the kids to DisneyLand. Rachel lit up whenever she mentioned their kids. Matt lit up whenever she did. Her zest was infectious. She was laughing about their eldest. The ridiculous things he got up to at school. "So I have to drive to school because he's left his PE kit behind, stuffed it in the back of the cupboard. Apparently he told his teacher the "fairies don't want him running today."

Dee burst out laughing. "That's terrifying."

Rachel nodded. "Right?"

"I wasn't going to mention it," I said, "but I did see this little guy earlier-"

Rachel threw a napkin at me. "Don't you dare!"

We all laughed. I watched Rachel. She was licking some mayonnaise off her finger. She caught me watching, and gave her finger a slower lick.

Matt and Dee picked up on our moment. Everything had gone quiet. Rachel looked from her husband to my girlfriend, then she dabbed some more mayonnaise on her finger and put on a goofy show for us. Swooning and deep throating. "Ooh! Yeah!" She moaned ridiculously. We all burst out laughing.

"You're amazing," I said. "You both are."

Rachel blushed. "We're very happy you came."

"Yeah," Dee said, "we heard that last night."

Rachel opened her mouth, then burst out laughing.

Matt threw his hands up. "I thought we'd got away with it."

I crossed my arms and shook my head, in mock condemnation. "Pair of shameless sluts."

Dee mimicked me. "Absolutely no restraint. Depraved, frankly."

We all smiled.

Rachel kept smiling, but she angled her head when she looked at us. "Did it... help you both out?"

Dee looked down at her lap. Rachel quickly reached out and tapped her arm. "God, just ignore me. I know I'm a bit much."

"No, it's okay. I was just a little tired."

"I was climbing up the walls," I joked.

Rachel ran her hands down her skirt. I got the impression she didn't normally dress feminine. She liked to be comfortable, whether it was sweatpants or jeans. The dress was for us. She licked her lips and looked up at us. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"We are glad you came. And joined in. We needed this. We've talked about it for so long, and we never thought we'd get to do it."

Matt nodded. "You know how it is. Work. Kids. There's stress always around you. So this has been lovely."

"Aww," Dee gave him a big smile.

Rachel coughed. "Now, I suppose if I bring up tonight that will sound like emotional manipulation. Thanks Matt." We all smiled. "But I was wondering about tonight," she said.

Rachel didn't say anymore, she didn't push, she just looked at Dee. Dee looked up, nervously, at Matt. He smiled softly. She turned to me, but I guess she saw how I was looking at Rachel.

She took a deep breath. And then the picnic was over.

When we got back to the house we had a quick discussion. We were going to swap this time. Separately. At first. If anyone felt weird or uncomfortable, the whole thing would be called off.

I gave Dee a big hug and a long kiss, then I let Matt lead her away by the hand. They were going to Rachel and Matt's room. Dee still looked nervous, but I could tell there was something else there. A shy, but animalistic, desire. She had smiled when Matt opened the car door for her earlier, when she knew we were going back to fuck. I knew butterflies when I saw them.

Rachel took my hand, and led me to the spare room, which Dee and I had been using. She closed the door and then turned to face me. "Alone at last."

I felt as if I were about to be devoured.

She came over to me and we kissed. This felt different to last time. With just the two of us there was no need to feel self-conscious. I grabbed her hair, her lovely bum, her thick waist. I grabbed handfuls of her. She pulled away smiling. Her hand was rubbing my cock. It felt so good to be touched by her. "I like the way you kiss, Jim, it's like you always think it might be the last time."

I stroked her cheek. "Well, with you it might be."

She squeezed me hard. I closed my eyes and groaned. "Get this cock out."

I obeyed quickly. We watched each other strip. Her dress fell to the floor with her bra. My shirt and jeans were gone. I threw my boxers away as well. Soon we were both naked again. We sat on the edge of the bed and kissed. After a while I went to push her lightly down, but she resisted. "No Jim, in this house we suck cock." She pushed me down and then got on her knees before the bed. She stroked my cock to hardness and then lovingly kissed it. I watched her as she rubbed it all over her face, as if the smell of a good cock was the best fragrance in the world. Fuck. She loved it so much.

Once she was done playing with her food, she put it in her mouth and started to slowly, expertly, drive me out of my mind. Eyes locked on mine, her head bobbed and weaved. She moaned like she was in heaven. She was. We were. She paused only so she could spit on my cock, then it was quickly back inside her.

I moaned and her eyes lit up. "Do you like me spitting on you, Jim?"

I was honestly too turned on to speak. I stared and nodded weakly. She grinned, then went back to work on my cock. I stroked her hair and lay back. "Oh. Uh. Ah." She didn't need words from me. She knew.

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