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Lucky Ticket Ch. 01: The Flight to LA

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A couple wins a romantic getaway - and explore!
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/07/2019
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"I can't believe you won!" Lisa exclaimed to Alan.

"Neither can I. I bought the raffle ticket just because those kids were fundraising and I had an extra $5 in my pocket. I never win these things. You do, but I don't." Alan responded.

It had been a surreal holiday night. They had received a phone call from someone they hadn't recognized on the caller ID, and therefore hadn't answered the phone. A man with an oddly nasal voice left a short message claiming that they had won a fundraising raffle prize and to call him back. Lisa was ready to call right away, but Alan was suspicious and thought it might be some sort of telemarketer gimmick to suck people in. But eventually Lisa's curiosity and optimism prevailed, and Alan called. Good thing he did Lisa thought.

Just after the conversation started with "Mr. Johnson," Alan turned to Lisa and whispered how he now recalled buying a raffle ticket for $5 from a group of preteen kids for the benefit of youth sports in their city, and repeating Mr. Johnson's side of the conversation. Apparently, Mr. Johnson's son had been one of the kids, and he admitted a certain amount of pride in having the winning ticket sold "...through my family."

"No kidding, I actually won. What is it? High School football tickets?"

Mr. Johnson laughed, and responded "Didn't you even listen to what the prize is when you bought it? Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. You won the grand prize - a 4 day/3 night stay for 2 adults at a wonderful spa resort just south of Santa Barbara called "The Retreat." One of the partners in the spa has a couple grandkids playing youth sports up here, so he donated the top prize, and it was good enough to get all the moms, um, families to buy tickets. We had a record fundraiser and we have enough to buy new equipment for all the youth leagues - it's going to be great! Can I come over tomorrow to give you the prize and take your picture?"

"Uh, sure, I'm off right now, since Christmas is only 3 days away." Alan responded.

"Fantastic! I'll have the info for you then! Goodbye!"

Lisa watched Alan hang up and then, along with the kids, immediately ran upstairs to the office and pulled up The Retreat's website to see what it looked like. From all appearances, it was gorgeous. "This looks way better than anything we have ever stayed at!" Alan exclaimed.

Lisa was already mentally making plans - who could watch the kids for that long? When could they go? "Is there a time limit or expiration date on the coupons?" Lisa asked. "Ah, good question, we can ask tomorrow when Mr. Johnson comes. Schedules were reviewed, ideas floated, and dreams born. But reality doesn't stop for long, and they shifted into 'dinner mode' and take care of their little ones.

The next day Mr. Johnson and his wife had come over, snapped pictures of them (with and without the kids) and handed over the "prize pack." It contained 4 coupons - one for airfare for both of them on Southwest, a 4 day rental car from Enterprise, one for their room at The Retreat for 3 nights, and a $500 coupon for The Retreat's Spa, to get a massage or whatever else caught their attention. After shaking hands multiple times and thanking profusely, Alan and Lisa managed to usher the Johnsons out the door. They carefully examined the coupons, and noted that while the hotel and spa coupons didn't have any expiration dates on it, the airline coupons were only good for 9 months and the rental car for a year.

"Guess we are going away for our anniversary this summer, babe!" Alan exclaimed.

When they announced their good fortune on Christmas Eve, their families were all amazed and ecstatic that they had won such a prize. Rebecca looks both happy for us and somewhat jealous - maybe of the free time? Lisa thought. She noticed Alan looking at Rebecca and sharing a seemingly meaningful glance with her that Lisa didn't quite understand, and wondered, not for the first time, about the strange connection that her sister and husband seemed to have at odd moments.

After much discussion it was agreed that they would go down in July, for their 7th anniversary. Both the grandmothers promised to make themselves available to watch the grandkids to make the trip work. The next free day Alan booked their flights, and Lisa began making plans for what she was going to do at the spa. Once again, after the kids were in bed, they sat down at the spa's website for some 'in-depth' research.

"Wow, everything is so expensive there! We can get 3 one-hour massages - they are $150 each - but I thought $500 would go a lot further. Look at this - there is one treatment that is 4 hours long, called the "Hollywood Pampering - For Women Only" that costs $995! They must really inflate the prices, and I really wanted to be able to spend a lot of time just relaxing. I mean, last time we went on a trip even sort of like this it was before the kids came along, and I was pregnant. This time I really wanted to take advantage of it, since we aren't likely to do something like this ever again. Well, unless you win another raffle. Ha."

Alan gave her a look of amusement, and responded, "I'm sure it will still be fun." He admired his dynamo brunette wife, still amazingly hot after two kids. Her light blue eyes still sparkled, and she had devoted herself to regaining her figure quickly after the pregnancies. Her hips were a bit wider, breasts bigger (now a full D cup!) but she still had that taut, energetic look that made men stare at the gym. Alan started to walk out of the office, then stopped and turned back to the computer.

"Let me check something first - I might have a solution to our problem." He sat and started typing rapidly, zipping around sports websites for some reason.

"You aren't checking your silly fantasy sports teams now, are you?"

"No, I promise, this is relevant. Yup, just like I remembered. The Twins are going to be in LA that weekend, playing the Dodgers all weekend long. It's a short drive from Santa Barbara to downtown LA, so here's what I'll suggest. I'll buy a ticket to whichever of the games are open, hopefully the Lakers, and you can use the whole of the spa coupon on yourself. I'll talk to John and see if he wants to go to the game with me - I think your Aunts and Uncles will understand if we don't come down there, but I'd rather not go to a game alone and I doubt Mary would want to go without you around. You can spend the day in the spa getting yourself, ahem, ready, and I'll get my adrenaline pumping at the game. We'll rendezvous in the room afterwards and celebrate our anniversary with appropriately dirty and prolonged sex. What do you think?"

"Oh, no, you should get something from the spa too. I don't even..."

"I don't need to go to the spa - you can give me a massage the next day or something. Hell, all I'm looking for is a hand job. Besides, while it was sorta fun before, I'm not really into the whole stranger pampering you thing. I'd rather have you pamper me. OK, I'll give John a call - well, an email - and make the plans."

Lisa started to protest again, but Alan just silenced her with a smile and started typing his email to John. Hmm, well, I know he really likes basketball...and I sure would like to get a high end treatment. Maybe a mud bath or super facial or something. Plans were made, and Lisa started to really look forward to the trip. She could tell Alan was too.

During the spring, time seemed to crawl by slowly. A Kindergartener and a toddler require a lot of attention, and they both fondly recalled a time when it was just the two of them, and it wasn't unusual to watch a movie that turned into a makeout session that turned into hot sex. Hell, even before we were married, we could just do it. I remember us going for a drive and me climbing on top of him and fucking his brains out after he was nice and didn't complain when I kinda ditched him to do a charity event. That was a fun day Lisa thought dreamily during another interminable Sesame Street showing. She sighed at the transition, although neither really regretted have their two darling daughters. But now, everything was planned around nap times and bedtimes and not feeling worn down by it all, and they both (especially Lisa) were looking forward to getting away.

The fact that virtually everything on the trip had been prepaid (including complimentary breakfasts) that they had plenty of money to use on fine dinners and basketball games, especially since they both were saving all the extra dollars to make the most of the trip. Lisa noticed that Alan had ordered and received several items from Amazon but didn't see anything new around the house. "What did you order?" She asked.

"It's a surprise for our trip. You'll see." He said with a suggestive smile. She smiled back. One of the things that they had both discovered after getting married is how much they enjoyed "extras" in the bedroom. When he had first suggested a blindfold to her, she had readily agreed. When he had dragged an ice cube across her exposed nipples while wearing the blindfold, she had nearly cum right there. It had launched them down a fun path of kink that had expanded to include erotic stories and videos, vibes, dildos, ropes, hand and ankle cuffs, a spreader bar, nipple clamps, and sex furniture. They had talked about getting a Sybian or other machine but hadn't yet. Maybe if he gets that promotion, we can get it and I will let him control my orgasms with a machine while sucking him off as a reward for all that hard work. Mmm, sounds nice...

Spring transitioned to summer and the 4th of July came and went, and finally, it was the Thursday before their weekend, and it was time to leave. Lisa and Alan dropped off the kids at their temporary home with the grandparents, and headed off to the airport. Alan turned to Lisa and gave her a slightly leering smile. "You know, the same rules that apply for our other anniversary trips apply here. Once we get on that plane, the Rule goes into effect. Just so you know, I'm looking forward to exercising my husbandly duties a lot on this trip. I know you like to just relax, so the spa time is all you. But whenever I wish sex, day or night, you're mine."

Lisa felt a slight thrill tighten up her chest; to cover the reaction, she adjusted her knee-length skirt and smiled up at him as they drove back along the highway to their house. "Oh, you and your Rule. Fine, whatever makes you happy." He stared at her. "I mean, yes, dear, of course I will follow the Rule." She blushed, he nodded, and she smiled again, glad to have teased him and relive a somewhat pivotal shared moment in their relationship.

Lisa mentally giggled at the memory of the first time Alan had asked her to agree to the Rule. He had made a big production out of it, asking her to promise to obey him when they were on a trip like this no matter what, that she had to submit to him totally regarding all things sexual. She had laughed and said yes, she could follow that rule, sex with him was fun, and didn't give it any more thought. Later that night he had ordered her to give him a blowjob in a parking lot before their dinner reservation, and she thought they might be caught in the well-lit area, parked car or no, and she had refused. He had simply stared at her for a bit then started up the car, leaving their restaurant reservation and planned meal behind. She had spoken angrily but he was silent, and she eventually just stared at him seething. It was an unpleasant ride back to the hotel with tension thick in the air.

He had silently walked her straight back to the hotel room and then sat her down on the bed. She thought they were about to talk about it, but instead he had grabbed her, tossed her over his lap, and yanked up her skirt. She started to struggle but he had leverage and control of her, and yanked down her black silk underwear to her knees, making it awkward to move. He placed one hand on the back of her neck and with the other started spanking her. Hard. She had yelped, complained, struggled, and threatened him. He had not flinched, and had kept it up until her ass had turned bright red and she had dropped the anger and starting apologizing, indeed until she started crying. He had ended it by shifting her onto the bed so she lay on her stomach and walking into the bathroom to get some lotion. As he had rubbed it on her incredibly sore ass, he had said in a quiet voice, "you promised." She never reneged on a Rule request after that - and had discovered her kink of enjoying being dominated by him. About a half an hour after her spanking, they had fucked like wildcats, and he had forcefully taken her from behind and slapped her ass a few more times to make the point before forcing her to turn around and drink his cum. She had loved it, and cum incredibly hard from his relentless pounding. My man isn't some modern emo pajama boy. He is worthy of respect!

They parked the car back at home and grabbed an Uber to the airport. It was a quick drop-off and seamless move through security, and they were at the gate for their flight with plenty of time to spare. Finally Lisa thought as they went down the walkway to board the plane. It was Southwest, so they got to sit wherever they wanted, and Alan directed her to the back of the plane.

Lisa and Alan settled into the back row of the plane, already darkened for their evening flight. After some discussion, Lisa and Alan had decided to splurge and go down for an extra night, staying at a hotel on the outskirts of LA for Thursday night, and taking full advantage of their time at The Resort on Friday through Sunday night, checking out Monday morning and flying back Monday evening. The late-night flight would get them into LAX at 10pm, and they would still have to get their rental car, etc. before finally making it to the hotel room. A long time to wait before we can have our first sex of the trip Lisa mentally grumped. But they both thought the payoff of the full day at the spa Friday would make it worth it. Plus, Lisa was anxious to get the trip started!

Lisa slid over to the window seat while Alan stowed their carry-on luggage above, then smiled a thank you as he handed down a pillow and two blankets for them to share. The flight was maybe two thirds full, and the other passengers were clustered towards the front of the airplane. Only a single woman, younger and professional-looking with mid-length blond hair and skin pale from being inside too much, probably returning from a business trip, was within two rows of them, across the way next to the window one row up. After take-off, Alan flagged down a flight attendant and told her that they were both tired, didn't want anything to drink, and were hoping to grab some sleep on the way to LA. She smiled and said "no problem" in response and walked forward with the beverage and snack cart.

"What was that about? I'm not that tired."

"I was just trying to eliminate interruptions. And we have to uphold tradition, even though we are not in the car. Spread these blankets over the both of us and you can snuggle up, because I'm going to touch you."

Lisa obediently slid over next to his right arm, snuggling her head against his broad shoulder. The blanket covered her from shoulder to shin, and it covered Alan over his right shoulder down across his torso and legs; his left arm was uncovered in favor of adding more cloth over Lisa or between the two of them. Alan reached over with his right arm and slid his hand up Lisa's smooth legs, disguising the caress beneath the folded blankets. His fingers ran first up and then down the outside of her legs, then continued the exploratory caress to her inner thigh. His hand demanded more access, and Lisa complied. After a whispered command followed by a quick glance to make sure no one was looking, Lisa shifted her hips and slid her underwear off, putting them away in her purse under the seat in front of her.

They re-snuggled, and Alan' hand was firmly in-between her legs while Lisa angled her torso to allow her breasts to press against his arm. He began with some more caressing strokes along her inner thigh, stopping just short with a teasing pause. After a few minutes of the gentle touching, Lisa almost involuntarily widened her legs to allow Alan better access to her uncovered womanhood. He responded to her subconscious request, shifting his attentions higher and rubbing his fingers across the top of her vagina, stimulating the hidden clitoris. Lisa closed her eyes and shifted her body even more, bringing herself closer to him and allowing better access. Now this is a nice way to fly Lisa thought as his fingers moved around that most private of areas, rubbing and caressing her. She could feel the wetness building inside her, a physical proof of her aroused state.

Alan' strong fingers parted her vaginal lips, sliding up and down in the wetness from her entrance to her clitoris, a blissful track of pleasure. Lisa felt Alan move slightly and looked up as he glanced over the top of the seats to see if anyone had noticed their erotic touching. He continued with more vigor, apparently unconcerned about interruptions. She was quite aroused now, and he matched her rising desire with a firmer touch, working insistently on her clitoris. His finger just slid along her folds, stimulating not only that ultimate spot but the nerves in her lower lips. Her nipples hardened as her whole body responded to the pleasure swirling up from his touch. With a mere continuance of less than an inch, his wet finger went down further and suddenly slipped inside Lisa's womanhood. Oh yeah, penetrate me Lisa thought, lost in the wonderful sensations that his questing fingers caused. The palm of his hand continued to rub and provide pressure on her clitoris, doubling the sources of stimulation to the point Lisa seriously considered just quickly straddling him and driving his certainly-hard cock deep into her pussy. But the place, and the potential loss of sensation, helped her keep her reason and her place. With no forewarning, his longer middle finger joined his pointer finger inside her dripping wet hole, the fingers twirling and stroking in different areas inside her. Yes, fingerfuck me!

Lisa was panting now, and a particularly deep thrust elicited a moan. "My girl needs to cum, doesn't she?" Alan whispered in her ear. "Yes, please let me cum!" Lisa replied, a surprisingly strong need overwhelming her typical "mommy" inhibitions. Suddenly, he stopped. She felt that disappointing feeling of him exiting her soaking wet pussy. He pulled his fingers up to his face and sniffed them, then sucked on his middle finger, tasting her juices. He then held out his pointer finger, and she obligingly tasted herself on him. She knew he liked it, and she secretly did too. Alan reached into his briefcase stowed beneath the seat in front of him, leaving her hanging. She couldn't quite see what he was doing, and tugged at him to restart his fingering.

"Not yet, my dear little slut. Not yet." She felt him shift around a bit and then heard a click as if plastic was closing, and then a buzz. Oh my god, he brought a vibrator on the flight! She felt him shift again and the sensation of cool smooth plastic glided up her opened legs to rest against her wet slit. He moved it up and down, rolling it back and forth so it slowly slid between her folds and started rubbing against her clit. It was at least 6 inches long and his hand held it at the thick end, the better to push the tip in and around her soaking hole. It would be completely obvious to anyone who looked what he was doing.

The thought brought her back to reality briefly, and she turned her head to look past Alan at the woman a row ahead. The young woman was watching them, unabashedly watching them, her eyes hot. Alan made her jump by turning on the vibrator, and its slight buzzing could be heard. Lisa was sure the woman could hear, that she knew exactly what was happening right then, that Alan was holding a vibrator against her clit on an airplane right in front of her. She knew the Rule required her to go with it, but she blushed furiously and looked down.


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