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Luna Vs. The Camp - Prologue

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Luna, fresh out of school, is sent to a correctional camp.
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Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 07/23/2018
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When my parents found out about the many adventures that left me without a stitch of clothing, they were furious.

At first, they refused to buy me new clothes, opting instead to keep me grounded and dressed in bedsheets and whatever rags we had, and when the graduation ceremony rolled around, where I found myself attending naked under my gown, thankfully, that was the extent of it and nobody really realized that I had nothing else on.

Afterwards, I was told that instead of getting to have fun during my summer vacation, I would be sent to a correctional camp, a place that was typically reserved for the incarcerated delinquent children of families who wanted to return their children to the straight and narrow, this particular one was for the variety of kids got caught by the authorities doing something illegal but not that dangerous. So it wasn't strict enough to be called a boot camp.

That was how I found myself on a bus to Camp Eldervale for Delinquent Children, it was a surprisingly empty bus; besides the driver, only 5 other people were on it, three girls sitting in the back and another girl sitting with a boy up front.

I was wearing an old shirt and swimming shorts that my parents had given me to wear whenever I went outside, which I was only allowed to do under their watch, I wasn't even allowed to talk to the neighbors during that time.

One the one hand, I certainly missed talking and playing around with Maya and Sara, on the other, I somehow managed to retain this singular set of clothes that I owned for more than two weeks.

As I was minding my own business, prepared to sit here bored out of my skull for the next couple of hors, I heard the girls behind me, who up to this point were giggling and whispering to each other, call out to me:

"Hey, hey you!" one of them said in a hushed voice, I turned around and saw a redheaded girl talking to me, she motioned for me to come sit with them, and I nervously got up and approached them, two were sitting on either side of the last bench, and one of them sat in the row ahead, since there was a space right in the middle of the last row, I chose to sit there.

"My name's Rebecca, you can call me Becky for short." The redhead, a slender girl wearing jeans shorts and a black tanktop that complemented her curly hair, pointed to the other two girls as sh introduced them "this one is Kaylee, and the other is Jackie."

"Hi." both Jackie and Kaylee greeted me respectively, I greeted them back:

"Hi, my name's Luna." I said, feeling slightly awkward.

"So Luna, what're you in here for?" Rebecca, who was apparently the leader of this newly formed clique, asked bluntly "I'm here for having a knack for a certain medicinal herb."

"I got caught shoplifting, worst is, I was doing it on a dare." Jackie, a girl with short blonde haired and breasts about as big as mine, wearing a pair of overalls and a blue shirt, took her turn explaining how she got busted for trying to sneak out of a small mom and pop shop with a bathing suit under her clothes, they noticed the tag and caught her "I tried paying for it afterwards, but they wouldn't have any of it."

"I just crashed into some big shot's car, I have to do this as part of my community service if I don't want him suing the pants off my parents." last was Kaylee, a black girl with long flowing hair and wearing tight black jeans and a white blouse.

"So what's your crime, inmate?" Rebecca turned her attention back to me, and I froze in place, how should I explain this?

"I uh... I would rather not say..." I tried to weasel out of answering, but the girls were having none of it.

"Come on, we told you what we're here for, at least do the same for us." Jackie objected, she wasn't the only one.

"Okay okay, here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna try and guess and you tell me if it's right," Rebecca calmed the other girls down, and started thinking "let's see, you're not here for anything like what we did, that wouldn't make sense..."

"Are you here for beating someone up?" Rebecca asked, I shook my head "Of course not, they wouldn't send you here if your did."

"You into graffiti?" Kaylee asked, I replied with a no.

"Did you kill someone?" Rebecca asked, a wry grin on her face, it was clear that she enjoyed the shocked look on my face.

"Public indecency!" And that one made me nervous, which was apparently a dead giveaway, because as soon as Jackie said that, Rebecca's expression changed into a serious and surprised one.

"Wait, really? Holy shit!" Rebecca exclaimed her surprise rather loudly, causing me to blush as the other girls to make sure that nobody heard that exclamation, when they were sure, Rebecca leaned in and whispered her question "really?"

I gave in and nodded, the cat was out of the bag anyways, and I started to retell some of my stories, which really interested the girls enough for them to pester me into retelling the majority of my stories.

"Wow, you're a real freak Luna." Kaylee said breathlessly, she looked like she just got off a roller coaster ride "So wait, are you saying you don't have a bra on?"

"Yes." I confirmed her suspicions, and as if on cue, I felt my nipples harden in excitement, the shirt I was wearing was tight enough to show this fact.

"Hah, you're a hoot, Luna." Jackie laughed at the convenient response my body exhibited.

"So Luna, if you're into that sort of stuff, why not give a little sneak peak?" Rebecca, as blunt as always, asked me to take my shirt off.

"Please don't make me do this, I don't want to get into any more trouble." I pleaded with the girls to leave me be, but they just laughed at this.

"I'll let you in on a little secret, Luna." Kaylee leaned back into her seat and crossed her legs "my cousin works as a counselor at the camp, word on the vine is that this place is shutting down once the summer is over."

"Turns out the company who owns this place is going bankrupt, and so this place is gonna get sold and turned into a regular ol' summer camp." Jackie explained part of the rumor, which Kaylee apparently already told the other two.

"This means that nobody really cares what we do here, there's no real chaperones besides the counselors, and they don't care about 'correcting' anyone." Kaylee continued her reasoning, which prompted Rebecca to sum it up:

"Which means, we can do whatever we want," Rebecca's eyes narrowed with a mischievous gleam "So how about it Luna? Still scared about getting into trouble? Or were you taking us for a ride?"

"Uh..." I looked around at everyone, not exactly looking for a way out, but looking at them to confirm if it really was okay.

"Go on Luna, I dare you." Jackie said, finding some humor in doing onto me what was done onto her.

I was given the green light, and I couldn't help myself, I took the hem of my shirt and lifted it off my body, shaking my hair out and sitting there, that familiar rush spreading through me all over again.

"Wow, I honestly didn't think you'd go through with it." Rebecca snickered, she seemed about as excited as I was "How do you feel?"

"Embarrassed, ashamed..." I paused for a second, but I couldn't pretend around these girls, I already told them some of the most sordid stories I had "Turned on."

"Damn..." Was all Rebecca could manage, she sat there staring at me, before coming to her senses and asking the logical follow up question "You also don't have panties on, right?"

"Right." I knew where this was going, and I didn't wait for them to ask me to do it, I kicked off my sneakers and unfastened my shorts, slowly sliding them off as I lifted my butt off the seat and let them fall to the ground, I was now sitting completely naked in the back of a bus... Again.

"Man Luna, you're such a slut." Rebecca, ever the shameless one, breathed out a sigh of amazement, I shrunk from the label, I must have looked uncomfortable because Rebecca felt the need to justify her calling me that "well it's true, look at you, you're sitting completely naked right after a couple of girls you've never met before asked you to strip.

"In fact, I'm pretty sure this isn't the last time you'll do it, can you imagine it Luna? What we're gonna make you do throughout this summer camp? You're gonna be seen by so many people, and touched by them, in more ways than one."

And then Rebecca began counting what she would make me do, and I can tell you right now that she would indeed make me do all those things by the end of my stay in this camp, hearing her explain in all the gory details what she'll do to me excited me so much, I was so wet I must have been messing up the seat of the bus, and by the time she said the following, I neither could nor wanted to refuse:

"And if you don't want any of what I said to happen to you, all you have to do is put your clothes back on." Rebecca gave me an offer, then proceeded to present a counter "But if you do want all of that to happen, you just have to give us a little show."

I was as breathless when she was done as they were when I told them my stories, excited by the prospect of what they'd do to me, and so, without further words or questions, I let my hand slip to my pussy, I touched my clit and almost bit my tongue when I stifled my own cry of arousal, my hand didn't dawdle, it began rubbing and toying with the little joy button, the other hand reached up to maul my breast, occasionally pinching my nipple.

I moved my hand down from my clit and inserted a finger in, and soon it was two fingers, my thumb took over the duty of rubbing my clit, I was breathing harder, I looked at the three girls watching me in rapt attention, I noticed the phone in Rebecca's hand, pointing down at me, capturing my every indiscretion.

I looked down the aisle of the bus, the driver and two kids in front were completely oblivious to my nudity and masturbation, but I wanted them to look back, and as soon as I thought this, I felt wave after wave of pleasure crash through my body, I was cumming hard.

By some miracle, I'd managed to avoid making any serious noise, as the three in front were still unaware of the show they missed when the girls returned my clothes, I dressed in a hurry, feeling my shame build up as I began realizing what I'd just done, the chain of event I've probably put in motion.

"Luna, we are going to have so much fun." Rebecca grinned, and I knew she was right.

Uh oh...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

These girls seem nicer than Luna's high school friends or even Luna's parents.

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 6 years ago
This is my first time reading any of this series, and I'm HOOKED! LOVE IT

I am so lucky - I can go back and enjoy reading the prior chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Happy to see Luna again, i feared we saw the last of her.

Cream_CaramelCream_Caramelalmost 6 years agoAuthor

There are certainly boys who will be enjoying Luna's little trist through the camp, and I'll just say it right now, Luna won't really need to act on that bet here.

AlyssaStriderAlyssaStrideralmost 6 years ago
So happy

im so glad to see more stories for luna coming up, have been rereading the past ones recently and imagining myself in her place, but nothing beats new stories.

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