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How it Began: Naked and Handcuffed

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Erika, a budding exhibitionist strips in public.
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(Authors Note: This is the first piece I have ever attempted to write, comments, critiques, and advice are very much encouraged!)


Erika is a 20 year old college student, known for her adventurous and outgoing personality. Erika is a tan, athletic girl who moved to the United States as a young girl from the Czech Republic. Erika has a fit, 120lbs frame, standing at 5'4" tall, mocha skin, supple B-cup breasts, and long, unruly brown hair as wild as her personality. Because of her European parents and upbringing, she's always had a very lackadaisical, and at times enthusiastic attitude towards nudity. Erika since a kid has a reputation for getting naked at the drop of a hat. Hot springs, sunbathing, skinny dipping, and saunas see frequent attendance from the free spirited young woman. Recently Erika and her childhood best friend Jenny went off to college together in a small town on the central coast of California. This is the beginning of a series of adventures fantasized and lusted for by Erika, and enabled by her voyeuristic partner in crime, Jenny.

Erika laid wake for another night in a row in her new studio apartment. A thought has been relentlessly plaguing her mind, to the point of her tossing and turning in her sheets nearly every night these days...

Erika has never been shy in the slightest towards nudity. She has always enjoyed any opportunity to free herself from the constraints of modesty and explore the outdoors nude. She has frequently visited locations, such as California's many hot springs, where she has been nude in front of groups of strangers at a time. But something felt like it was missing. Whether she was sunbathing at home in front of family or friends, or at a hot spring where clothing would feel out of place, Erika was beginning to crave something much deeper than a sense of freedom...

Recently, the fantasy of exhibitionism has entered Erika's mind like a plague and spread like wildfire. Every night, for seemingly months now, Erika has been up watching videos online of women walking completely nude in public, reading erotic stories and experiences of women of similar dispositions, and now she can not rid her mind of the fantasy of walking naked where nudity is not expected, being seen by complete straingers, without a thread of clothing available to her. Even worse, at this point, all of her fantasies involve setting off on any of these adventures with no way of backing down, stranding herself completely nude at the complete mercy of bystanders.

After an intolerable number of sleepless, masturbation filled nights, meditating on how exciting an experience like this must feel for those brave enough to pull the trigger, Erika decided that enough was enough. She had to know what it feels like. One of the benefits of living in this new part of the country, is that she knows for sure that not a single person will know who she is, she's free to invent a completely new name and reputation for herself.

Erika knew that even if she wanted zero safety net on a self imposed challenge of this magnitude, she needed some help. Not only to help prevent the worst of the worst from happening, but also helping her achieve her goals, and push her further. An obvious first choice was her best friend Jenny. Erika and Jenny have been best friends since childhood, and recently went off to college together. Jenny was much more the cheerleader type, long blond hair, larger breasts, and a beautiful body. The two were inseparable. Although they were both straight, they frequently sunbathed naked together, watched porn together, even have had multiple threesoms together. They shared everything about their lives, and Erika knew Jenny would serve as an enthusiastic partner in crime for her future adventures.

The next day Erika invited Jenny over for some drinks and a movie. Erika valued her independence ruthlessly. She lived in a small studio apartment in the same neighborhood as Jenny and her roommate's house they shared. Around 6pm, Jenny knocked on Erika's door, and the two caught up, gossiped, and got into some wine. Eventually, Erika worked up the courage to bring her fantasy up to Jenny.

"Sooooo, can I ask you something completely insane?" Erika asked.

"Completely insane? From you I'd be more worried if you asked me anything normal!" Jenny laughed.

"I've been just about losing my mind sitting around all summer waiting for school to start," groaned Erika.

"Fucking tell me about it," Jenny moaned.

"Well, I think I decided how I'm going to make the rest of this summer something memorable..." Erika said.

"... well?" Jenny asked, waiting for her friend to respond.

Erika, pausing for a moment in nervousness, finally spoke. "I've been having this recurring fantasy".

Suddenly, any sense of boredom was immediately wiped off of Jenny's face. She sat straight up, beaming in excitement and attentiveness as she waited on Erika to elaborate on this train of thought.

"I've been haunted non-stop of fantasies about being completely naked... In public..." Erika said.

"Not to be a buzzkill, but you get naked outside all the time," remarked Jenny sarcastically.

"No you don't understand. I mean completely naked, with no way of covering up, in a public place in front of strangers... I really think that I might be a real exhibitionist, and I've decided I need to finally explore these feelings. I was wondering if you'd be down to help me on some of my adventures?" Explained Erika.

Jenny squealing in excitement, hugged her friend. "Of course bitch! Honestly if I found out you started exploring this without involving me, I'd be PISSED!" she said.

"I knew you'd be down... There's some conditions though... Once I start, you can never give me a safety net, or protect me against anything besides violence... I think when I start I might be a pussy, so I'm gonna be counting on you to kick my ass, and help push my limits..." Erika explained.

"I am soooooo down... When do we start?" Jenny asked.

"Tomorrow seems like a beautiful day..." Erika said, beaming with excitement.

"What do you have in mind?" Asked Jenny.

"You have no idea how long I've been thinking about this..." Giggled Erika.

Erika went on to describe a public park not far from their neighborhood. The park was a large, green, beautiful park covered in green grass with plenty of trees. The parking lot was directly off of the winding, coastal 101 highway. From the parking lot, was a two mile long, one way, asphalt trail leading to a vista point overlooking the coast. Although this wasn't a highly frequented trail, there is only one way in, and one way out. Meaning if anyone else is there, she'd be forced to reveal her naked state, passing them one way or another...

Her plan was fairly simple, park in the lot, hike with Jenny to the end of the trail, strip completely naked, and allow Jenny to destroy her outfit, casting it off the edge of the vista point and cliff. This would leave Erika completely naked, no way of hiding or covering up, in public, two miles from their car. Erika knew of this spot because there is a hot spring nearby. This created a problem, because of the hot spring, this area was notorious for seeing nudists. Erika didn't want this to be a nudist adventure. She wanted it to be blatantly, and intentionally sexual. Her solution to this need came from another story she had read online. Once every piece of her clothing had been confiscated, she planned on letting Jenny handcuff her hands behind her back. This way there would be no way of covering up, and for the entire journey, she'd be at the complete mercy of Jenny and whoever came across their path... Jenny LOVED this plan...


Erika woke up, exploding out of her sheets. She could barely contain herself. Her mind was flooded in a cocktail of fear, anxiety, excitement, and arousal... She couldn't believe in a few short hours she'd be hopelessly stranded naked in public.

Before Jenny arrived Erika knew she had to choose some clothing she could destroy without missing. After weighing her options, she chose a short pair of gym shorts, a tight wight tank top, and some old sandals. She stood in front of the mirror looking at herself up and down. Her outfit was fairly provocative, her nipples on clear display through the tight tank top, her torso visible about 4 inches below her breasts, and the bottom of her ass poking out from her shorts. She figured because of what she was about to do, today was no day for modesty...

Erika rooted through her nightstand, seaking the final addition to her adventure. Finally, under a few books, she found what she was looking for. A cold, metallic, unforgiving pair of handcuffs with the key clipped to them. Erika held the handcuffs out in front of her. For some reason seeing the cuffs made this more real... She was really going to do this... Just as she could feel herself getting wet, she heard a knock at the door.

Jenny was at the door, Erika was actually speechless for once in her life.

"What's wrong, you look like you've just seen a ghost!... Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jenny inquired.

"Yes..." Erika muttered under her breath.

"I've been fantasizing about this for so long, I just can't believe I'm about to do this..." Erika said nervously.

"I fucking love you!" Jenny laughed, gabbing Erika by her cheeks and kissing her forehead.

"Let's go before you pussy out!" Jenny said, grabbing Erika by the hand and rushing her to her car.

And just like that... Erika and Jenny took off towards their goal. The trail was about 20 minutes from Erika's apartment. It was an extremely beautiful day, and Erika was loving how the sun was warming her exposed skin. The closer the two got the more Erika's excitement grew. It still didn't feel real...

Finally they parked. Erika gulped in nervousness... There were 4 cars currently in the parking lot with no one around. This meant there were people on the trail today... The two friends climbed out of the car and began hiking to the vista point. Erika was visibly nervous. The two made small talk about their upcoming freshmen year of college, the weather, and anything that wasn't the fact that Erika was about to expose herself to complete strangers. They passed two small groups of people on the way out, which only exacerbated Erika's sense of excitement and nervousness.

Finally the friends reached their destination. They were speechless, the view was unbelievable, overlooking the California coastline decorated by evergreens. The sun shimmered off the ocean, illuminating the warm waves crashing in the distance. There was no one around, the two friends had the whole vista point to themselves, time stood still...

Erika slowly turned to look at Jenny.

"Well, shall we?" Jenny asked deviantly.

Erika was visibly shaking with nervousness, but despite this felt herself getting more and more aroused by the second. Jenny stood there staring at Erika's tight, young body. Jenny pulled two items from her purse, a pair of scissors, and handcuffs, placing them on a park bench in front of Erika.

Erika felt like her heart was about to explode out of her chest, but she knew that she had to do this. She deeply craved the adventure she was about to embark upon...

Without saying a word, Erika finally broke eye contact with Jenny, walking over to the edge of the vista point, and taking in the view one more time. She takes a long, deep breath in, and reaffirms herself... "You fucking got this... you WANT this..."

With that, a shaky pair of hands slowly grips the hem of her tightly fitting tank top. Lifting up, Erika peals the tank top off of her torso, up over her shoulders, exposing her firm, tanned breasts. Erika shuttered with the sudden added sense of wind caressing her bare breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened with arousal with a newfound sense of freedom. Erika placed her tank top on the bench in front of Jenny's scissors. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Jenny lost in trance. A 50/50 split of disbelief that Erika actually had the courage to go through with something like this, and taking in the intoxicating site of her mocha-skinned friend's exposed skin out in the open, glistening in the sunshine. Erika turned to face Jenny, her face burning red in a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She dragged her thumbs to her hips, hooking the elastic of the tight, short running shorts. Erika looked up one last time at Jenny nervously. Finally she pushed downwards, kicking her sandals off and stepping out of her shorts, swiftly placing them down on the bench along with her tank top.

Erika and Jenny looked at each other, seemingly matching each other in a sense of disbelief. Erika was now standing in front of her friend, barefoot, and free of even one thread of clothing...

Erika felt high. Standing there nude, she felt the wind caress every inch of her body, the sun's warmth shimmered off of her bare body as she watched her best friend slowly take in her naked body, head to toe.

Jenny finally broke the silence.

"I am fucking impressed... I knew you were crazy, but for some reason I doubted you'd actually go through with this." Jenny said.

"I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now," Erika explained, beaming with pride and arousal.

Jenny could tell how turned on and nervous her friend was from the rosey, patches forming on Erika's cheeks and chest, she looked flushed, almost intoxicated looking. Knowing that this is where her part comes in, Jenny tore her eyes away from Erika's nude body, turning towards the park bench. Picking up the scissors she had brought along and the discarded items of clothing, Jenny turned to look back towards Erika. In a seemingly mocking fashion, Jenny took the scissors to the items of clothing, cutting the tank top in four pieces, her shorts in half, and sliced the foot straps clear off the sandals. Jenny made a pile out of the newly destroyed clothes, looking back up at Erika.

"Looks like there's really no turning back now!" Jenny laughed.

Erika seemed like she was lost in a trance, her fantasy was finally becoming a reality. She was now completely naked, nearly two miles away from Jenny's car on a public hiking trail. Erika stared lustfully at Jenny, feeling her body up from her hips, finally reaching her breasts, squeezing, and pinching her hard nipples, Erika felt like every molecule in her body was vibrating. She barely felt in control of her actions from this state of arousal. Erika bit her lower lip, slowly caressing her body, clearly exposed and on display to the public. Suddenly Jenny grabbed the piles of destroyed clothes, walked to the edge of the vista point, and cast the shreds of clothing off of the cliff. Erika was truely, completely, and helplessly exposed from bare foot, to the wild hair that blew freely in the light summer breeze.

Jenny smiled mischievously as she walked back towards the park bench. Out of the corner of her eye, Jenny saw that Erika was now rubbing her clit, biting her lower lip, and moaning in ecstasy. Jenny knew she had to take the next step before her naked friend climaxed and lost her sex fueled courage. Jenny picked up the handcuffs, removing the key, and placing it in her purse. She walked back towards her naked friend.

Erika made eye contact with Jenny knowing what was coming next. She reluctantly tore her hands away from her right breast and pussy. Submissively holding both hands together in front of her, Erika felt like she was about to explode. In a firm, but playful manor, Jenny grabbed her friend's hands, forced her arms behind her body, and clamped the handcuffs down on her nude friend's wrist.

That was it... Erika was now completely naked in public, handcuffed, and only one way out of this situation, back the way they came. Erika could not believe how turned on she was. She would give anything to free her hands, and make herself cum right then and there. Now there was only one thing left to do...

Jenny stood back, admiring her work. Erika returned the smile and kissed her friend passionately on the lips. Jenny seemed surprised, but by the time her eyes were open, Erika was already half walking, half skipping down the hiking trail.

They were fortunate that they had the vista point to themselves, or else Erika might have chickened out. But now the pair walked back the way they came. Erika felt her hands restrained behind her back, she felt the warm asfalt beneath her feet, and the summer breeze caressing every inch of her naked body. She could not believe what she was doing... Was she insane? The fact that she was in public re-entered her mind. She got lucky as of now, but being back on the path, the fact that so many cars were in the parking lot brought her back to reality. What if she got caught, what would she do? With no way to cover up, she knew that anyone walking the path would have an unrestricted view of her naked body, not to mention Jenny. How far would Jenny let people go? How far would Jenny go? Erika knew she had no control over the situation moving forward. This sense of feeling helpless, vulnerable, and exposed, coupled with the knowledge that anyone they come across is going to see her naked body sparked another wave of arousal to course through her body. God, I'm such a slut, Erika thought. She loved this feeling...

They walked, Jenny teased her friend, making jokes about how exposed she was, and sneaking the occasional grab of Erika's breasts. Erika responded with smiles and quiet moans, it was clear how much she was enjoying this experience.

As they progressed, giggling and teasing each other. Something pierced the peaceful tranquility of the summer breeze rustling the branches of the trees they now walked through. They heard voices... It sounded like a man and a woman, the two friends looked at each other, Jenny smiled nervously, but was met by an excited Erika biting her lip and looking back at her. She was ready for this.

As the voices got closer, Jenny took a more dominant roll by grabbing Erika by the arm and leading her along. As they turned the next corner the couple came into view. Their conversation came to a halt as their brains caught up with what their eyes were seeing. It isn't every day you come across a naked, handcuffed girl, being confidently led along a public trail. Erika was on the edge, there were now two complete strangers, and her best friend, taking in every inch of her exposed body as they walked along the path. She had been naked in front of strangers before, but there is a world of difference between her past experiences, and being the only one naked in a public place. She felt like such a slut.

The couple continued walking towards them, finally someone broke the silence. The girl spoke up, with a beaming smile on her face. "You two look like you're having fun!".

Jenny returned the smile, as the two pairs met each other in the middle of the asfalt trail. Neither Erika or Jenny knew what to say, considering the novelty of this experience.

Finally the woman broke the silence once again, "so let me guess, is this some kind of dare or something?". The couple stood there, clearly enjoying themselves, and taking in the sights.

Erika was speechless, blushing bright red, looking down at her naked body, slowly rubbing her thighs together. Luckily Jenny was there to speak for her.

"Yes actually!" Jenny smiled back, still holding Erika by the arm, presenting her to the couple.

"But that isn't the crazy part... This was actually her idea! If you look close, you can see how much she's enjoying it" Jenny giggled, shoving Erika out in front of her towards the couple.

Erika was shocked at first, she felt exposed. Completely and totally exposed. The vulnerability of her situation started to turn her on even more. Now blushing, giggling, and smiling at the young couple invitingly, Erika was naked and handcuffed two feet from complete strangers taking every opportunity to appreciate every inch of her beautiful, toned body.


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