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Luxury Accommodation Ch. 02

Story Info
He revisits an older lover with dramatic consequences.
3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/07/2014
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Eight years passed after I got my MEng first and some additional honours during which I worked for a few organisations before I settled with a big Dutch company. I had achieved a reputation as an expert in flow mechanics and I must have been good at it because they paid me well. I worked on dams, Oil rigs and any place where the flow of liquids and gasses needed to be controlled.

I travelled the world and screwed my way through the female population in many different countries. I had no permanent base and no responsibilities other than my job and spent most evenings somewhere in the world seated at a hotel bar. I awoke every day with a hangover but told myself that I was a social drinker, even though I drank mostly alone. The only time I eased off the booze was when I had a tricky assignment the following day.

I frequently wondered what would eventually become of me. Would I finally expire in a foreign motel where nobody spoke English and there would be no one to mourn me? Or would I finish up a lonely bachelor paying classy call girls obscene amounts of money because young chicks no longer fancied me? I had no close friends and soon lost touch with foreign acquaintances when I moved on.

Perhaps I would be sipping a Pisco Sour in a bar in Lima or a Black Balsam in Riga when my thoughts would wander back to Emma. I had never contacted her again or even been close to where she lived.

I would find myself smiling as I recalled how she would giggle helplessly at my nonsense or when she would try to cheat at backgammon if she thought I wasn't looking. Had she found herself a man? I hoped Rodney had been a disappointment. I hoped they had all been disappointments, but then I wiped away that jealous thought because I just wanted her to be happy.


I was clinging to a metal ladder halfway up a semi-constructed water tower in the bleak bowels of Scotland. The wind was howling and the temperature was below zero. I had been brought in as a consultant and I was trying to convince the constructors that water was not going to reach the reservoir without a sufficiently powerful pump.

I had a hangover and I vaguely recalled having sex with the girl behind the bar after closing time.

My phone chirped with a text and I dragged it out with frozen fingers and stared numbly at the message.

It said simply, "Do you fancy a cup of tea?"

Back in the hotel bar I swallowed a large scotch to thaw by brain and ordered another. I stared at the phone on the counter in front of me while considering a reply.

I was baffled; why had she contacted me? Was it for a specific purpose or just for old time's sake? Perhaps she was ill, maybe even dying and wanted to say goodbye. She would be older, I was older. If it was just for a social visit did I want to be introduced to a husband as an old friend; how awkward would that be? I could think of no logical reason for her invitation.

Half a bottle later and back in my room I spent another hour agonising. I couldn't refuse, I didn't want to refuse. Eventually I decided that if it was just for old time's sake then why not? I typed, "Okay, Saturday afternoon," and just before I hit the send button I added, "Looking forward to it."


I checked into a hotel Friday evening and headed for the bar. I ordered a large scotch and swivelled around on my stool to view the occupants. The room was full and noisy and there were three females sitting alone. One was a blonde with dangly earrings who smiled at me and was almost certainly a hooker. The other two were of no interest and probably waiting for their partners.

I swivelled back again in shame that I had even considered sex when I would be seeing Emma the next day.


I pulled up two streets away and sat in thought. I was nervous because I was used to having everything planned and calculated for fear of flooding a city, and I was uncomfortable heading into the unknown. Right then I needed a drink and pulled the flask from the glove compartment. I had unscrewed the top and raised it to my lips when I realised that I would smell of booze if we kissed. I put the flask away again.

I started the engine and drove the short distance to her road. As I turned into it I remembered the first time that I had viewed my accommodation and how suspicious she had been. I nosed up to the closed garage door and wondered if the un-driven Jaguar was still sitting there.

After a squirt of mouth spray and a few deep breaths I climbed out and walked to the front door. From habit I reached into my pocket for the key, but that was a long time ago so I rang the bell.

It was the same soft smile and laughing eyes with neat blonde hair and trim figure. Sure she was older but it was just a later edition and still as beautiful.

"Hello Chris, it's lovely to see you again."

"Hello Emma."

She pulled me towards her with light kisses to both cheeks. Holding hands, we walked into the lounge and she said, "The tea is brewing, make yourself comfortable."

I settled into my usual chair and kicked off my shoes as I always did. The place looked the same and smelled the same. Nothing appeared to have changed. A portly Banjo wandered in and stopped dead with wide open eyes. He trotted towards me and butted my leg.

She returned and enquired, "Still four lumps?"

"Please. I can't believe that's the same teapot."

"It's the first time I've used it since you left."

I sipped my tea and said, "You are still as beautiful and sexy as ever, how do you manage it?"

"I look after myself," and she was serious when she declared, "I'd like to say the same about you but you look awful. Your face is ashen and your eyes are sunken. You even have a paunch; what the hell has happened to you?"

I sighed and answered, "When your whole world is in a suitcase and you spend days on end hanging around in boring airports, sometimes the nearest bar becomes your friend. I'm not proud of it."

I knew there must be a reason for her invitation but I decided to kick things off with, "So fill me in with the last eight years; have you found yourself a man?"


"So you're still living alone?"


I considered the equation and there remained only one possible solution. I recalled the first time that she had seen a lesbian video and her subsequent reaction. A wave of horror washed over me and I gasped, "Please don't tell me you're shacked up with a female."

"I'm afraid so; would you like to meet her?"

I recoiled in terror at the thought of, "This is the guy I used to have sex with before I fell in love with you," and I answered vehemently, "I'm sorry Emma but no I wouldn't, I thought I'd come to see just you."

She laughed at my panic and said, "Calm down silly man. Just stay put and trust me because she wants to meet you."

She left the room and I sat alone with a sick feeling that was caused only partly by the previous evening's booze. I scratched Banjo's head and awaited her return with foreboding.

When Emma re-entered holding the hand of her young companion I breathed evenly again. She went back to her chair and left the cute little girl standing in front of me.

She had neat blonde hair and blue eyes and was wearing a short yellow dress that was pleated below the waist. Under her dimpled knees she had yellow socks and shiny brown shoes with a single strap across the instep. Her large eyes were solemn when she held out her hand for me to shake it.

With relief, I took it gently and our hands went up and down in a slow handshake. I enquired, "Hello young lady, may I ask your name?"

"It's Chrissy short for Christine."

I smiled and responded, "Well that's almost the same as mine which is Chris short for Christopher."

"I know."

She took three paces backwards and folded vertically to sit with crossed legs. Her expression remained solemn and her gaze was focussed directly at my face.

I turned to Emma with the obvious question, but I didn't ask it.

Both females were expressionless and staring at me in silence. The seconds ticked by and I could feel the hairs on my arm start to prickle. My mouth was suddenly dry and a pulse began beating in my temple. I wondered if it was visible.

Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong.

I desperately needed a drink of any sort and croaked, "Would you mind getting me a glass of water please Chrissy?"

She left the room and I turned to Emma. She had the trace of a smile on her lips.

My throat was so dry my voice was just a whisper when I asked, "How old is she?"

"Eight," and that was the answer I did not want to hear.

Chrissy returned with a glass full to the brim and advanced carefully with her eyes fixed intently on the nearly overflowing level. She handed it to me carefully but I spilled some in my lap as I took it with a shaking hand. I gulped a few mouthfuls and placed the glass on the side table.

Emma said quietly, "Would you leave us for a short while please Chrissy?"

The child turned and left the room.

My heart was thudding and I could feel my armpits sweating. The pulse in my temple was beating harder as I stared at Emma and waited.

She made the statement without emotion. "You were certainly not firing blanks."

The shock of her words was devastating and I could only stare at her in disbelief. There was thunder in my ears and a metallic taste in mouth. I tried to swallow but my throat was too dry. My chest was so tight I wondered if I was close to a heart attack.

Jumbled thoughts and images tumbled in chaos though my bewildered mind until finally I wrestled out, "How can you be sure? What about Rodney, or anybody else for that matter?"

"There never was anyone else."

"But what about the weekend on his boat?"

"I lied, he didn't have a boat."

In utter confusion I asked, "Then why the hell did you say he had?"

"To get rid of you."

I was shocked by her reply and said, "But we were having such fun, why did you want to get rid of me?"

"Because I already knew."

"You already knew?" I was angry and demanded furiously, "Then why the hell didn't you tell me?

She breathed a big sigh and with exaggerated patience answered, "Oh get serious Chris, it would have destroyed you. Would you have achieved your first and all those other fancy honours with me dragging you back? Could you have coped with me being sick every morning and flopping about like an elephant seal and still have sailed your way through your finals?"

I knew she was right but my feeling of guilt was overwhelming. I said weakly, "But you had to do it all by yourself."

She laughed and came back with, "Daily help and a top gynaecologist; it was a breeze. Chrissy popped out without a struggle and she's been a dream ever since. You had to know and you would never have forgiven me if you'd found out some other way.

You gave me a wonderful goodbye present and every day since has been a happy one. She is amazing and you can be proud of her. Between us we've created a really sweet human being and it's up to you if you want to share her with me."

Even though I was reeling with shock I had to ask, "So there's never been anyone but me?"

"I didn't say that. I wasn't going to waste all that education you gave me, so I gave a few blowjobs until it was time to fire the babysitters and give Chrissy my full attention."

I was mentally and physically exhausted and asked limply, "Do you have any alcohol?"

"Do you want to stink of it when Chrissy comes back? She might want to get close to you." She stood up and said, "Come with me, I want to show you something."

On our way up the stairs I could see Chrissy on a swing in the garden. We walked along the corridor to my old room and when we entered there was no doubt it was a little girl's bedroom. There were fluffy things, the obligatory teddy bear, a computer with a pink bendy keyboard and pin-ups on the wall. Emma stood by in silence and I asked, "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

She said nothing so I looked around again. Then I took a closer look at the pin-ups and blinked in surprise. In among the photos of boy-bands and pop stars there were some of me. There was I sunbathing in the garden, with floured hands in the kitchen, cuddling Banjo and many others.

I felt a surge of strange emotion and I was afraid to look at Emma; but she knew and her arm slipped around my waist. I struggled to keep an even voice but it was tremulous when I asked, "How long has she known?"

"Ever since she was old enough to think for herself, and I left it up to her to decide when it was time. You've never been off my radar."

"I've been to some desolate places."

"But I always knew where you were. I paid a lot of money to keep tabs on you, and my God you've bedded some wenches."

I muttered, "Well as the guy said; I've never been to bed with an ugly woman, but I've sure woken up with a few."

We returned downstairs and she called in Chrissy. Still with the same solemn expression she folded into her crossed legged position and stared searchingly at my face. I tried several times to speak but my lips were numb and I could only stare back at her. I drank again from the glass and tried to breathe evenly as I prepared myself to hear it from the child.

With a tight throat I finally struggled out, "Do you know who I am Chrissy?"

"Yes, you're my Daddy."

They were simple words but her answer was a towering tsunami that engulfed me and I was swept helplessly away. I could feel myself drowning in the truth of it and tried to struggle to the surface but its force dragged me to the depths. I was no longer man enough to cope with such responsibility and it overwhelmed me.

All of the emotion had been building pressure inside me and I could no longer contain it. When it burst free I covered my face as the sobs racked me.

I felt her young body climb onto my lap and her warm arms wrap around my neck. Her soft face was close to mine when she whispered, "Mummy has told me all about you and sometimes it would make her cry. Every night I said a prayer that one day you would be my Daddy and cuddle me but you've always been so far away. I'm just happy that you are here at last."

It took a while, but slowly I recovered my composure and tried to come to terms with the devastating news. I said limply, "Honestly Chrissy I don't think you would want me as your daddy; I wouldn't be very good at it."

She took my face in her hands and looking earnestly into my eyes replied, "Then let me teach you how to be a good daddy." I looked to Emma for support but she just shrugged her shoulders.

Chrissy continued, "I know it's not fair because you didn't know about me, so please don't be angry. If you decide to go I will understand, but first will you please cuddle me."

I put my arms around her small warm body and held her close. She snuggled against me and it was a strange but not unpleasant experience.

She looked down and said, "Banjo would also like you to stay. Mummy said that he didn't eat for two days after you left."

She added, "And Mummy also told me that you like kids."

I muttered, "Well I do, but I couldn't eat a whole one."

She exploded into giggles and the room was suddenly bright with sunshine.


Dinner was my favourite chicken thighs in a sticky garlic sauce and we all had some to avoid offence. Banjo had his without the sauce. We retired to the lounge and relaxed with wine and beer and Chrissy had a soft drink. I heard that she was learning Spanish and taking ballet lessons. Emma had tried to get her interested in the piano but she preferred the clarinet.

After a few beers I got more into it and the two of them laughed at some of my nonsense. Chrissie went to bed at ten and her wet kiss on my cheek lingered pleasantly for some time. Emma and I didn't talk much and there were long silences.

We both retired not long afterwards and I lay in bed and pondered my uncertain future without coming to a decision. Eventually I switched off the light, but then switched it back on again to let in Banjo.


I don't drink so much anymore and ballet bores me senseless, but that is where I've been persuaded to take them today.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A highly emotional ending, but also deeply unsatisfying. Chris is sadly portrayed as a heartless and shallow man. Why such tawdry conduct? The two females seem so much more gracious and forgiving.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Ending is just fine; bet you learn to love the ballet

I'm good with the ending. Sex w Emma would have been gratuitous. The transition to fatherhood couldn't be summarized so easily in the context of this site. Ending good.

I know that you'll learn to love the ballet as Chrissy grows with it. I know the ensemble pieces get a little long, but see the great ones on video together. Learn the story of Swan Lake and what it has to do with The Little Mermaid. Watch Black Swan and the Matthew Bourne choreography on video as well as the more classical choreography's. Watch Billly Elliott. Learn the history Le Sacre de Printemps and dig in. This stuff is made for engineers. Really.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wait, what?

You have a story that can be absolutely amazing. But it kinda seems like you left off with that last paragraph because you had to run somewhere urgently and didn't feel like finishing . That doesn't really qualify as an ending.

acupacupover 9 years ago
Too short

It's a good story, but it stops instead of ending or showing a reasonable point of continuation...

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
this was a continuation?

instead it was an almost, but not quite.

Of the many possibilities, you chose the path of least opportunities. This option leaves Emma with almost nothing. An oops for a daddy. Physically depleted, emotionally vacant, and a career absent success. Wow, what a future on offer to a young lady with such high hopes.

What is hardest to accept is that Emma knew what he had made of his life and invited him back anyway.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
a surprise...

A surprising storyline..leaves the door open for many more chapters...and lots of questions too! Such as..."he gets another message from another former lover to find out that...."

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
the great ending

so pepre you have your answer the great ending, this should be made into a movie it should go up to the oscars well good one witesocks keep at it

PeperePepereover 9 years ago

I don't see this as an ending, only an introduction to the next chapter.

bamabikerbamabikerover 9 years ago
good start at the end.

It is a good start of a 2d chapter to Chris & Emma's growing love. The previous evil treatment of Emma was a little beneath this character, but it helped to keep them so they could seemingly break away without too much emotional problems. But obviously they were not going to be happy anywhere but with each other. The twist with the daughter is good. But there definitely needs to be more than this. More of Emma's life while Chris is gone. Then part three, the future living and traveling the world together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
No soul?

Sorry w8ingnow - you have no soul. :-) I love the ending. It's unexpected.

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