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Macy’s Choices

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A woman's bad boy marriage can lead to bad men.
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A woman's bad boy marriage can lead to bad men

"Honey, you need to drop those berries on top of the cakes before you flip them rather than stir them in the mix. It will make for a better plate when those ornery customers bite into them plus they cook better that way."

If anybody knew what she was talking about in this little diner it was Carole, an always smiling 250 lb. dark skinned woman from south Alabama. Now where she learned about blueberry pancakes I have no idea but regardless she was an expert not only with the pancakes but everything else she touched with a spoon and a ladle.

"Don't you worry any, honey, all this will grow on you before you know it. Besides if I didn't have you in here with your fancy looks and all, half these roughnecks would park their butts someplace else."

When she smiled the whole room lit up and her laughter would spread through the place like a sweet melody. I thought back to when I first met her but the order up bell brought me back to the reality of the noon crowd rush.

"Jesus, girl, How'd a damn beautiful piece like you end up on this dusty old patch of woods?" He was just playing when he said it but I could hear the lust in the undertones.

"Tooth fairy released me here after I knocked out my husband's front choppers."

I dropped a plate of pancakes and sausages in front of him and he smiled up at me. Of course his eyes traveled to the two open buttons on my uniform and the hint of cleavage they revealed. Gunny Beauregard eyed all the women at Rose's diner looking for the thrill of a glimpse of flesh.

He was a retired Marine and had played in a hundred ports of call and like a hundred others this was just another ring of the bell.

Carole had another two orders up when I got back to the counter and the rush continued until near 1PM when most of the crowd was required to be back on the plant site. My shift was over at 4PM and for the rest of the afternoon I would do clean up and help Carole prep for the dinner customers later that evening.

After signing out I walked the short distance to the little trailer encamped down next to the river pausing just long enough to listen to the mockingbirds pull together a new number just for my benefit. The trailer had air conditioning and was big enough for what I needed and with a small garden patch behind it I had carved out an existence that was reasonably comfortable for the circumstances I lived with.

After showering and pouring a glass of wine I took my usual seat by the river to watch the waters flow by and listen to the sounds of the birds overhead. An occasional whistle blast from the plant down river would burst into their harmony but the singing pairs of birds would easily pick right up from where they left off. I must have drifted off to a light sleep because I never heard her walking up from behind to take a seat next to me.

When the heavy lids rose up from my eyes I saw her sitting there and thought I must have been still asleep and dreaming, just for an instant. Then that moment of clarity that sweeps the cobwebs from every dusty corner of consciousness fired each fiber of nervous awareness bringing me to my feet.

I stood looking at her with tears in both our eyes.

"Momma, what are you doing here?? "


Daddy sang bass,

Mama sang tenor.

Me and little brother would join right in there.

Cause singing seems to help a troubled soul.

One of these days and it won't be long,

I'll rejoin them in a song.

I'm gonna join the family circle at the Throne.

Oh, no the circle won't be broken.

By and by, Lord, by and by.

It was really a two part harmony because my brother and I couldn't hold a note to a crow's squawk but when we were young Daddy and Momma were our Johnny and June and there were many evenings with the two of them strumming out a rhythm with Daddy on an old Gibson B-25 and Momma feather strumming a Sears & Roebucks autoharp he bought her when they were young, before kids.

My brother Donnie came before me and when I graced the household they named me after my Grannie Macy and I took my rightful place, off to the side, in the back or on the couch if we had company. It's the travails of being the younger; you learn how to wait on your elders, in this case a brother two years older than me.

It all turned out OK in the end. We were a functional family in a dysfunctional universe scratching out a reasonable living among analogous folks in divergent circumstances. In other words, we were all just normal people; at least as normal as folks get in the reaches of Baton Rouge, more properly Port Allen.

Donnie ran off and joined the Army right out of high school and six months later Daddy died of lung cancer. Momma always said it was for the best rather than having him linger and choke to death. Maybe so but I never got over it. I was his baby. In his passing, Momma was well taken care of with the house paid off and Daddy's life insurance plus she worked as a nurse at Our Lady of the Lake hospital across the river.

With Donny run off to be a man and Daddy gone I lost a sense of protection I had been nurtured with most of my life. When I started growing into a woman I had two menfolk in the family to look after me and make sure I didn't stray into the wolf's lair. With both of them now gone or not at home I had to make do with my own wits and to be honest I was poorly matched but just didn't realize it.

Momma did her best to keep me on an even keel through the rest of my high school years but she had blessed me with her good looks and feminine charms. I had her ash blond hair and brown eyes along with her full bosom and fair skin. Without Daddy to guide me with his judgement I took a few paths I'm not so proud of today.

Looking back on it I guess it wasn't terrible but I was fortunate I didn't get knocked up before I was eighteen. It might have been worse for the men if my Momma had found out. She would have gotten the law after them for statutory rape if not chased out of town with buckshot. It seems funny at times now as well as careless and just plain stupid. I lost my virginity to a refinery worker while hanging out at the old church ruins down River Road and smoking pot.

That went on for a while with a lot of promiscuity and then it was as if somebody up above dumped a bucket of smarts in my head. I lost interest in the running around and wanted to go college. LSU wouldn't accept me because of the grades but Louisiana Tech let me come in on a conditional admission and after four years I came back to town with a fresh minted degree in how to waste four years studying to be absolutely nothing; in other words a B.A. in Liberal Studies. I could do math really good and I knew the classic sciences and could even speak French but I didn't have the specific career training I really needed; so much for that bucket of smarts.

Regardless, Daddy must have been watching over me because I ended up getting a job with a big law firm in downtown Baton Rouge. I wasn't going to get rich but it was going to be OK too. There were a good number of girls in like circumstances; single, reasonably well educated and enjoying whatever was thrown their way so I fit in well.

The partners and the lawyers were almost exclusively male. When I joined the firm as a document writer and editor there were two female lawyers. Every male attorney had at least one female assistant. I wasn't assigned to any one attorney but I worked most often with two of them; Bill Comer and Travis Delacroix. Both were hotshot corporate lawyers with clients up and down the river.

Thursday evenings became almost a required let down the hair event for most of the people in the firm, especially the lawyers and admins. I tagged along with a couple of the girls I worked with and we would burn the candle and somehow pour ourselves into work the next day. Most of the guys were married as were most of the admins but that didn't stop the shenanigans. I think it was pretty common knowledge that just about every lawyer in the firm was fucking either their admin or somebody else's wife. I know Dan and Travis both hit up on me pretty hard but I kept them at a bit of a distance without completely shutting them down.

For my play time, I ventured to the south side of the city and hung out at some of the places just outside the LSU north gate. It was at Chimes on the corner of Highland that I met Jimmy Letourneau. He had a shock of curly jet black hair and stood a cool six feet wearing a pair of Tony Lama's and a black leather vest over a white silk tee shirt along with a pair of black leather jeans he had to have been poured into.

Whether it was fate or ruin I don't know but our eyes met and the glory of the heavens opened up, at least for me. Throwing caution to the wind I ended up in his restored 1972 Triumph TR-6 speeding down I-10 for New Orleans. We cruised the Quarter ending up at his place in the Garden District and I then discovered what it was like to not just be fucked but made love to throughout the night.

Jimmy cooked breakfast for me and brought it to me in bed with flutes of champagne and when we were done he opened my kitty and feasted on strawberries and whipped cream before fucking me to a shattering orgasm that had to have aroused the entire surrounding neighborhood.

"Jesus, chéri, how is it you not married with some man by now? You too damn beautiful to be messin' with a man like me." His big white grin was contagious.

"I'm a woman of my own world, Jimmy. I've never found the man to tame me." I was talking crap and he knew it but the banter was fun and playful.

I swung my naked hips over his and kissed him before moving down slowly over his torso pausing at each nipple on his hairy chest to kiss and suckle before resuming southward. He was as insatiable as me when I reached my destination. The large uncut prick was firm in my hand, ready for my comforts. I gave him the most sensuous blowjob I have ever given a man and I took his ejaculate in my mouth when his time came.

We showered and dressed and he returned me to my car back in Baton Rouge but not before exchanging contacts and promising to hook up again, soon. That came sooner than I expected and a couple days after our hookup I found my Cajun bad boy leaning up against my car after work.

"I thought you might be wanting to share a drink with me here in beautiful downtown Baton Rouge, Ms. Macy Benoit."

Jimmy stood there with an irresistible smile framing his deeply tanned face.

"I woulda called you but I figured you'd like the spontaneity; besides I just got here on a lark. I had to run an errand for my uncle and since I was so close by, there was only one girl I wanted to see, you know."

He was pouring it on now without needing to. He had me as soon as he smiled.

"Well Jimmy Letourneau I'd be pleased to enjoy a table with you."

With that we headed to nearby Huey's bar where I limited myself to two glasses of Pinot Grigio and saved myself for a light dinner which I made Jimmy pay for. Afterwards, I took him home.

Whatever he paid for dinner was more than compensated with passion. He didn't fuck me. He made delirious love to me until I couldn't take it any longer lest the morning become impossible. My lover stayed the night and when I rose to get ready for work I left him sleeping with his head on my pillow.

When I returned that evening the amazing man had changed the sheets and done laundry, made up the bed and cleaned up my entire apartment. Lying on my pillow was a handwritten letter.

"My chéri, I can't express in words how wonderful our evening together was and I hope we can find ourselves in the same delightful circumstances soon. With that in mind I am hoping you will accept my invitation for dinner and an evening on the town in New Orleans this coming Saturday.

If you wish I'll pick you up Saturday morning and sweep you into the Crescent City in time for lunch at the establishment of your choosing.

Until then, the beautiful Macy Beloit,

Jimmy Letourneau"

Pleasant surprise doesn't express the joy I felt when I read that. Jimmy and I clicked or whatever you call that connection that occurs when two people seem to melt into each other's arms. I had been with a lot of men when I was younger and even now I had dated fairly regularly and enjoyed the company of a masculine man but I had never felt as I did now.

I called him later that evening to accept his invitation and thank him for the sweet job he did on my apartment. He picked me up Saturday morning and I had the best weekend of my adult life...

"Momma, his name is Jimmy Letourneau and his family is from New Orleans and I know he is in import-exports working for his family. I want you to meet him, OK?"

"Yeah, rich Letourneau's from N'Orleans. I'll meet him but you need to be careful, Macy girl. They's connected people and not all those connections are good decent folk. They made the papers a few years ago for some crap down the west bank from here."

Momma got like that when she didn't trust people, always assuming the worse about them. Nonetheless, I took Jimmy to meet Momma and they seemed to hit it off OK. It helped that he knew nearly every coon-ass recipe she had and then some. By the time we left the two of them were planning a BBQ for the following weekend.

Jimmy and I became an inseparable couple from then on with the only rub in the works being my job in Baton Rouge and his work and home in New Orleans. It was an hour and a quarter trip down I-10 between us. We worked it out in any event since most nights I was just resting up for the next day.

When I went to meet his folks I was bowled over when I walked into their home. It was a stately old place in the Garden District off St. Charles not all that far from Jimmy's place but it smelled and looked of money and the characters I got to meet from uncles, aunts and cousins were Louisiana Italians. Jimmy's mother was Italian, of the Marcello family, which explained the large presence of the heritage and décor of the home.

His Daddy was a great big bear of a coon-ass and I hit it off really well with him while his mother would occasionally give me the careful eye but by the time we left that evening we were all hugs and kisses. I must have made grade because the next day Jimmy proposed and I accepted him to be my husband.

Jimmy and I were married in St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square at his mom's insistence. My brother Donnie gave me away and James Sr. charmed the dickens out of Momma before she was swept away at the reception by Jimmy's uncle Tommy. She's a grown woman and I didn't need to keep track of her especially on my wedding day. When we left to go she was still in the safe keeping of Tommy with a big grin on her face.

Life was good for a good while until I started to get bored. Jimmy was spending a lot of time at work with frequent travel. He didn't talk a whole lot about what he was doing and I never pressed him on it. His mom always called it men's work and I respected her for it but I'm from a different generation. I needed something to do while Jimmy was doing his thing.

The opportunity came when my old firm announced they were opening two more offices, one in New Orleans and another in Lafayette. I called my old boss back home and she hooked me up with the New Orleans gig as an admin with my own office.

When I showed up for work on day one I discovered that I was working for none other than Travis Delacroix. He and Bill Comer had both transferred down to the Crescent City since they were from the area and Tulane graduates as well. I figured I was a grown up woman and could handle the sexual jostling that I knew was going to come. I did handle it but it got a bit hot at times.

In all fairness to them I rather enjoyed the tease. They were both stunning pictures of manhood, especially Travis with his huge hands and being nearly six and a half feet tall. They were both married although Travis' was on shaky ground and Bill had two kids at home but that didn't seem to stop them. I knew what it was like back in the home office so nothing was a surprise.

Jimmy and I had been married nearly three years when we hit a bit of a rough patch and when I tried pressing him on whatever the problems were he would shut me down real quick. He never brought anybody he worked with around the house and until then he had never complained about my own career.

"Macy, why do you need that job you go to anyways, eh? I make enough to take care of whatever you want. Why don't you quit that and maybe bring your Momma down here or start spending more time at my folks place?"

That was usually the start of an argument that would never get resolved and we would both piss about it for a couple days until Jimmy would lug me to bed and make love like when we first met. Things would stay good for a couple weeks and then he'd start in again. Eventually he stopped starting in on me but things never got good like they were.

Another year went by and Jimmy was gone more and more and everything had dropped off in our lives including how often we made love. I began to think he had a woman on the side, maybe more, but I couldn't pin anything on him.

That changed one afternoon during lunch at Maspero's with Travis, Bill and another girl from work. We had just finished paying the tab and were walking out the side entrance when I happened to glance up and see Jimmy coming in from the Decatur St. side. He didn't see me and I ducked beneath the overhead awning and watched as he and a woman wearing a tight white dress walked toward an open table. His arm was around her waist, low on her waist like he used to walk with me.

He broke my heart that day. I didn't need to see them fuck to know he was having an affair. The question now was what I was going to do about it.

I was asleep when Jimmy came in that evening but I woke up when he entered the bed and nestled against me. I lay there listening to him fall asleep, his breathing becoming regular with its familiar cadence. Somehow against impossible odds I worked my way back to sleep and I was up and out of the house before he woke.

"Macy, you seem out of yourself today, something wrong?" Travis has those piercing blue eyes when he gets inquisitive, the lawyer aspect in him.

"I'm OK... just have a lot of things on my mind. Hey, I might have to leave early for lunch. I need to run to the house to take care of some things."

He was good for it. We all skip out when we need to. He had been doing a good bit of that lately while his wife and he went through their separation. Odd thing it was her that got caught banging one of their neighbors when his wife came home in the middle of the day. It became even odder when I pulled onto our street at noontime.

After parking street side I walked up the drive passing a late model SL convertible, obviously a woman's car with a compact on the dash. When I entered the front foyer nothing seemed out of place and I walked quietly out into the kitchen. Nothing would normally seem odd about any of this except for the car in the drive and the fact that I never come home in the middle of the day. I could think of maybe one time that had occurred before.

When I reached the top of the stairs I froze as I heard them. The master bedroom is at the end of the hall from the stairs and the door was open. The moans of pleasure from a woman's mouth were obvious and coming from the bed I had slept in the previous evening. As I stood just outside the doorway I could see them, all three of them naked on my bed. I wanted to scream out 'that's my husband, you cunt!' but I remained silent

The woman I had seen the previous day at Maspero's was sucking my husband's cock while another dark haired woman squatted over his face obviously enjoying his ministrations. None of them noticed me because of the depth of the room and where the headboard was relative to the doorway I was standing at. I snapped off several pictures quickly with my phone and retreated back down the hallway and down the stairs.

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