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Mahesh's CFNM College Ch. 01

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The prologue.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/28/2021
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Author's note: This is a sequel to the 8-part series Mahesh's descent into CFNM. Mahesh is forced to become a naked slave to the women in his life who pass up no chance to torment him. While it was supposed to end with him joining College, one of them arranges a date with a dominant woman who continues to enforce his nudity.


Mahesh moved into his new accommodation the day before he was to join college. He and Shruthi rented a house instead of going to a college hostel. It was a decent 1-bedroom house with a decent kitchen. Sponsored, of course, by Banu, Aishu and Madhu. Shruthi had demanded this as restitution for tormenting Mahesh. However, she had an ulterior motive. She imagined herself as the most popular woman in college, especially among the females frequently throwing parties at this house. She knew that, very soon, Mahesh would be entertaining and serving a decent bunch of women in the nude. This house would be their playpen. Mahesh would not have one second of peace inside the house as he would be used and abused by all her friends and the thought of it made her so turned on that she just tore both his and her clothes off and took him right in the hall floor. Mahesh, who himself was losing his own virginity smiled without knowing the future consequences.

Mahesh woke up at 5:30 AM the next day. He was now preprogrammed to wake up at that time. For the first time since his naked slavery was enforced by the superior women in his life, he woke up with a huge smile. He had lost his virginity to Shruthi. She was a virgin too. However, she had at least kissed a few boys and had gone to at least the third or fourth base with some of them while he had not even kissed a girl on the cheek before. This did not even bother him the slightest. He also knew that Shruthi planned to make him serve more and more girls naked. He knew he was going to be a slave to many women. This did not bother him either. He now knew that his cock was his greatest asset. In fact, it was his only asset.

He had had no idea he was enormous. Not until he had seen Vishwa and Kiran naked. Those two were turned into naked slaves and even that happened because of him. One day, both he and Kiran had been summoned by Ratna aunty, their landlady. They were both already naked and, naturally, when they got in front of her, they knelt like the slaves they were. Hands behind their heads and waiting for her orders. Ratna aunty, who could never get enough of it took in her fill of the two naked youngsters as they nervously stared at her. She informed them that they were to fully clean the empty ground floor back house. It was empty for more than two months and the dust had accumulated. The stench was bad and it was their responsibility to make it worthy of living in two days. Failing which, she threatened, both of them would be tied to ropes and paraded around the neighborhood.

A flying Cockroach startled Kiran and he jumped and screamed. The jumping action caused his cock to bob up and down and it was then that it dawned on Mahesh that he himself was massively endowed. One of the ways Aishu and the others frequently humiliated him was to tie him up, fully naked of course and make him jump up and down. With his cock fully hard, it would bob up and down with every jump and the women would laugh at him unkindly. The same thing happened today with Kiran but the effect was very low. It was the first time that he had been self-satisfied ever since he started becoming a naked slave. While it was an exhilarating moment for him, it was one of the worst days of Kiran's life. Ratna aunty laughed unkindly at his jump. The whole day, she mercilessly taunted Kiran about his small penis. Next to Mahesh, it looked like a joke and Ratna aunty deliberately made them stand side-by-side to highlight the difference. She also fawned on Mahesh. Both Kiran and Mahesh knew that she was punishing Kiran because he had called Mahesh's mother a floozie. Eventually, Ratna aunty realised that the two boys could not complete the task on their own and jumped in herself to help finish the job.

Reflecting on those thoughts now, Mahesh no longer had any qualms about his nudity. Of course, he would still prefer to avoid it. However, he was a slave and he no longer had any say in such decisions. He was just a naked slave to the women in his life and he naturally went about unpacking the luggage while mistress Shruthi slept peacefully. He noticed while unpacking one of the bags that Shruthi had woken up, smiled at him and was about to go back to sleep. Not happening, girl. Mahesh raced over and knelt in front of his sleeping, naked, mistress. Shruthi had very large breasts herself and the sight of it brought him to full mast. Still, he lovingly sucked each of her toes until she woke up. Hearing her moans change, he realized she had woken up and moved upwards.

He licked and licked each of her breasts and her moans increased. Suddenly, he lifted two fingers and plunged her with them. Shruthi screamed and sat up. Fully awake, her dominant instincts kicked in and she pushed him on the floor. She straddled him and rode him vigorously. Mahesh never imagined he would one day be thankful to his mistresses for repeatedly making him rub himself. It was one of their most common punishments. He thought of Navithra. She would frequently have him lie down completely naked in front of her while she watched TV. With her toes, she would rub and rub him vigorously. Once she sensed he was on the edge and about to come, she would simply remove her toes and stop abruptly. Mahesh would roll on the floor clutching his cock in pain as he tried to avoid blowing while Navithra would laugh and laugh. After a Herculean effort to stop himself from cumming, she would point at her feet again. He would go lie down again in fear and she would just ruthlessly start over.

Those punishments had now caused him to last longer and longer and this came into play as he could see that Shruthi hit two orgasms before he finally blew. They had not used a condom last night and not used one now. Shruthi, once she had enough, took a quick shower and came back to see her slave cleaning the floor. She grabbed the mop and hit him twice on his ass. Mahesh fell down and apologized to her. She hit him again, and Mahesh, knowing what she wanted, kissed her feet and apologized again. Shruthi rushed to the nearest drug store to get an i-pill and also brought back breakfast for both of them. There were four chairs and a table that they had brought in. Mahesh thoroughly cleaned them so that Shruthi could eat on the table while he sat on the floor to eat.

The first week after joining college, Shruthi joined the volleyball team. She dragged Mahesh to all her practice sessions. Mahesh became their ball boy. The other girls were surprised at first. However, they soon started ordering him around. Mahesh obeyed every command and they knew they had a bitch boy. Shruthi had warned him that he shouldn't call anyone ma'am. Not yet. However, he was running around all evening fetching the ball, fetching water, buying cola, holding their towels, holding their bags and doing whatever they asked him to. There were sniggers from other boys but he did not care. This was all part of the plan. When they reached back home, he himself was tired but there was no respite.

"You are tired? How can you be tired? You were just standing around. I was the one playing."

"Ma'am, I also-"


Shruthi thundered. Mahesh shuddered at her rebuke, and it caused his cock to twitch. Of course, he had removed all his clothes as soon as he entered the apartment. " You will be punished tomorrow. Now, massage my feet before we start on dinner."

Despite being athletic, Shruthi was also a good cook. Not only was she good, she also loved cooking. Mahesh, however, was used to great cooking from his mother and while he assured Shruthi that she was good enough, she knew he was disappointed. She gave him some smacks for that as well but promised to get better and better. Mahesh started on her feet.

He went down on all fours and kissed both her feet.

"That is enough, Mahesh, start massaging."

Mahesh complied. He was, by now, really good at this. He had great practice doing it more than a hundred times for the six superior women in his life. However, he was finding it difficult today because Shruthi's feet was quite sweaty. Playing volleyball for three hours made her feet smell and while massaging them, he was treated to the pungent odor. Shruthi noted him frowning repeatedly and smiled with anticipation. When he least expected it, she moved suddenly. Mahesh was treated to a blur. One second, he was massaging her. The next second, she had kicked him down and pressed her feet hard in his nose. Mahesh was finding it difficult to stand the stink of her feet from arm's length. Now, they were directly inside his nose. Mahesh screamed in agony as Shruthi laughed.

"Ma'am" cough, cough, crowwwgh. "Please, please stop. This is smelly."

"I am sorry, are you calling me smelly?"

"No, I-"

"So, you did not call me smelly? Are you calling me a liar?"

"Please, ma'am. I am sorry"

Shruthi was enjoying this. She loved watching him tear up and increased the pressure. Mahesh groaned, retched and coughed as he was treated to the full blast of her pungent sweaty feet. Shruthi stood majestically over her prey pressing down on his face and nose and watching him suffer her feet. She took her foot off and before even Mahesh could took a single breath, she put her other foot in. She kept this up for some time and Mahesh was crying. He knew that, him crying only made Shruthi want to extend his punishment but he could not help himself. He begged and pleaded for mercy and she finally stopped after well over half an hour as she made her way to the bathroom. He continued sniveling until she came back and when she stood in front of him, he automatically kissed her feet and thanked her for stopping. Shruthi ordered him to massage her for some more time and he complied. Now with the sweat washed away, he massaged her freely and Shruthi checked her phone. Unlike others, she had no restrictions on clicking his photos and she had a full album of him naked and in various forms of punishment. She would never send them out and Mahesh and the others fully trusted her. After an hour of massaging, she kicked him aside and went to cook.

Shruthi had told him to expect zero mercy from her. He was nothing more than a slave. He was like her footwear. To be used and abused as she wished. And, she was indeed not holding her punches. Not one bit. Every morning, he greeted her with coffee. Butt naked! She gladly took it from him and slapped him. He went down and kissed both her feet. She drank coffee, gave him his list of morning chores and left to take bath. Mahesh would clean the house and then kneel in wait for her. Once she came back, he immediately took bath and then washed her clothes. Washing clothes actually made him happy, because after a long time, he was washing his own clothes. He had been naked for so long that it now felt so great to be wearing clothes. Once he washed the clothes, he went to dry them fully clothed. By the time he came back, Shruthi would have the food ready which he ate on the floor. While it was demeaning to sit on the floor like a servant, it was actually one of the few moments he would be satisfied as he could see her visible annoyance at watching him dressed.

They went to college and sat together in the same bench. Everyone could see that they were dating. They hardly made new friends. Shruthi, however, eventually became close with some members of the volleyball team. Very soon, however, everybody came to realize they were not a normal couple. The first volleyball session itself, the other girls could see that Shruthi ruled him with an iron hand. They themselves had already started making use of him. He would be in the campus walking around when suddenly one of them would call out to him. Either they would tell him to run some errands or they would rag him. The boys in his class avoided him and also teased him at being submissive. Mahesh did not have a care in the world. However, he drew some lines.

The first time one of the volleyball teammates whistled at him, Shruthi ordered her to apologize. When she refused, Shruthi pounded her and forced an apology out of her. This caused the team to be split into two with half of them supporting Shruthi and the other half angry at her. Shruthi did not mind. They would come around but she spent the next two weeks, alert. Sure enough, in a few days, Archana, the beaten woman pounced on Mahesh but he was saved by the others whom Shruthi had arranged to keep an eye on him. Shruthi told him that, at the end of three weeks, most of this would be sorted out.

The second line he drew was with studies. He stipulated that, he would study for 1-2 hours everyday and when he was doing so, he was to be left in peace. Shruthi gladly accepted. She also needed the study time. Of course, he would have to do it naked and she would be fully clothed. However, it was during these times that Mahesh started taking some things for himself in the relationship. She would be studying and suddenly, he would envelope her from behind. She would beg him for some more time but he would pull her head back and go straight for her chest. Kissing her chest, he would suck on it until she caved. They would end up on the floor, on the table or on the bed but Mahesh would not let her escape. Then, there would be the time when he brought her morning coffee. While kissing her feet, he would suddenly start sucking her toes and she would start moaning. She did not mind the early morning quickie. However, when she went to take a bath, Mahesh would come knocking. She told him no repeatedly but he was relentless. However much she abused him, harassed him, spanked or punished him, she was powerless to resist when he demanded her. All he had to do was smile and look at her intensely and she just caved. And, the bastard knew it. She noticed that his smiles became more and more smug and while she did spank him viciously after, she still could not help but give herself to him. They were having so much sex, that she started getting worried. For one thing, they were spending a lot on condoms. For another, even with protection, she knew that it was still a risk. Still, she just couldn't say no to him.

The third Friday, Shruthi took him back to Aishu's house. They planned to have dinner there after which Mahesh would go home the next day. Mahesh kept taunting Shruthi that he was going to bang her on the floor of Aishu's house. Shruthi warned him not to be too cocky. Mahesh replied that, too bad, he was born too cocky. Mahesh wondered whether he was indeed being too smug but he did not care. The women were, after all, tormenting him too much and this was the only way he could get back in a small way. Shruthi rode the scooter straight to Aishu's basement. Without a word, Mahesh got naked in the basement. Shruthi put his tie on and led him upstairs to Aishu's house. Aishu had made palak panneer, he could tell from the smell. When he went to the dining room, however, he froze. Banu was sitting there with a smile.

"Hello, naked boy."

Mahesh shivered.

He did not know Banu was going to be there. He did not know this was his punishment as arranged by Shruthi for being too cocky. Shruthi went over and hugged Banu. She then started hugging the two other women while Banu beckoned Mahesh. Mahesh slowly walked forwards to his fate. Banu hugged him first and then put him over her knee. She then asked him "How many times?" Mahesh, knowing he would be crucified if he lied, gave Banu the answer.

"Seriously?" Aishu screamed. "Shruthi!" She shouted at Shruthi, her shock very clear.

"It was one of the things I wanted to talk about. " Shruthi answered as Banu started.

SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT!"Ma'am please, I am sorry." Mahesh bawled.

"Sorry? You are sorry you had sex with me?" Shruthi asked, incredulously.

"NO, that is no-"

"So, you are not sorry?" Banu thundered. SPLAT! Mahesh shut his mouth but could not stay quiet for long.

"Please, stop. I can't take anymore."

And so, it continued. Mahesh kept screaming at the wave of punishing smacks. Wave after wave. Banu reveled in his pain, his terror and his tears. Mahesh begged and begged and it only made her more excited. Mahesh clutched both her feet and continued to beg.

"Please, ma'am. Please stop."

She pushed him down and he clutched her feet as though they were lifelines. "Thank you, ma'am. Thank you for showing mercy." Banu kicked him aside and went to Shruthi. She chided him like she was a school-kid. "You have to be more careful. You need to reserve."

"How? How to stop?" Shruthi asked.

"How to stop? Just keep it in your pants."

"But, he does not wear pants."

If it weren't for the stinging pain in his red buttocks, even Mahesh would have laughed.

"Remember this pain, the next time you get horny!" Banu thundered at Mahesh. Shruthi snorted. "Do you think I am giving him anything less? The rat bastard is a machine. He can go on and on."

"Look, you just have to put your foot down. There is no other way. Or, maybe you should live separately for a few days."

"NO." The cry came from Mahesh.

They had dinner and they were going to turn in. Banu kicked him all the way down to the basement as she got into her car. Knowing what she wanted, Mahesh thanked her after each kick. However, he felt a great wave of happiness watching her drive away. He got back upstairs and Shruthi was waiting for him. She hugged and kissed him and he kissed back. The three women assembled on the sofa while he sat on the floor in front of them. However, they told him that they needed him to be a footstool and so he got down on all fours in front of them while all three put their feet on him.

"Coming to your issue of sex," Aishu started. For Mahesh, it was still somewhat surprising when they talked about sex so casually. However, repeated punishments had conditioned him enough that he did not show it.

"There are a few solutions. The obvious one is that we allow him to wear clothes."

"Never ever happening." Shruthi piped in immediately. Mahesh once again forced himself not to show his disappointment.

"Then, it is a bit difficult. There are chastity tubes but they won't work on him."

"What are they?"

"They basically cover his cock and can be locked. They are fantastic, actually. He cannot get erect as long as they are on."

They showed pictures and Shruthi cooed. This was a superb thing.

"Just imagine, naked boy. You will be naked. I will also be naked but you cannot do a damn thing about it." Shruthi taunted him and Mahesh groaned. He was scared that they planned on actually doing it.

"Not only that. But, his cock will keep trying to get hard. Since it will be confined, it will also ache like hell."

"Sounds so hot and tempting. However, I am not that keen. It will feel as though he is wearing something." Shruthi replied, slightly disappointed.

"It is moot anyway. They don't make them for his size. Well, there is only one other solution, though and that is to put him in handcuffs. We can buy one tomorrow. I know a local shop. We can also buy a proper leash instead of using his tie."

Mahesh groaned. Come on! Couldn't they give him something? He knew better than to argue. He knew the only outcome would be that he would be punished even further and then he would still be cuffed anyway. But still, he was nervous about going to a sex shop and buying things. More and more people would know about him being submissive.

"Well, now that that is settled, let's get to bed." Aishu announced. The three of them stood up. Mahesh let out a sigh of relief as the combined weight of the three legs was lifted from his back. Shruthi was wearing a chudidhar. Unlike the other two, she always preferred wearing clothes that covered her fully. However, she never expected what happened next. Madhu reached for the knot in her chudi pants and pulled hard. The knot unraveled and the pants fell to the floor.


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