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Maid in Heaven Ch. 02


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Miari whimpered in shame.

"Tell her what?" Elesma giggled. "Like, tell her how it's gonna suck her cute bimbo cock until it's just as silly and cute and pretty and obedient as the rest of her?"

Miari whined and swallowed, squirming as the flower sucked and sucked, the slippery sticky amber honey making her cock even more sensitive, making all her... all her thoughts...

"Or how it's gonna suuuck all those cute silly thoughts from this cute silly head of hers," Galess sang, tapping Miari on the forehead, "until her pretty bimbo cock is doing aaaaall the thinking for her?"

"Nnn..." Miari managed to feebly shake her head. "Nn-nuh, i, I mean, I'm..."

"It's gonna feel soooo good," Elesma purred, her voice drooling syruppy venom, drowning Miari in a sea of poisoned honey, as the sucking flower began to slide down her cock, trapping more and more of Miari in its sweet, suckling embrace, like the most exquisite, unbearable blowjob of her life. "Your cock's getting soooo silly, sweetie!"

"So obedient."

"So cute~"

"So pretty~"

Miari was drowning in the praise. She couldn't breathe. She could only whine and gasp and pant and wriggle and squirm like a wifwolf in heat, overwhelmed.

"Does this feel gooood?" Elesma asked sweetly.

"I." Miari whimpered. "I duh. I don't. G-Good." It was so hard to remember what not to say. She felt so vacant, and yet so, so full, as the foxglove sucked ever-so-sweetly, ever-so-hungrily at her needy, sensitive cock...

"And," Elesma whispered in Miari's open, vulnerable, perfectly captivated ear, "what happens when a pretty girl feels gooood?"

When a pretty girl... feels good...

"She gets silly," Miari whispered back. The hearts in Galess's eyes seemed to be dancing right into her head. Right into her silly, silly head.

Elesma sounded unbearably smug. "And silly girls...?"

"... a-are pretty girls," Miari mewled.

"... and silly girls..."

"... are good girls."

"And good girls..."

Miari stared into those eyes, as Elesma's voice sank deeper and deeper into her melty mind.

"good girls feel good," she whimpered.

"Good girl."

The praise made Miari cry softly as she sank deeper into the eyes. And from the base of the foxglove, as it wrapped perfectly around her needy, sensitive cock, Miari felt a little tongue emerge and... begin teasing her tip.

And she realized she was trapped completely now as it began to suck sloppily, messily, noisily, and she let out a squeal of panic, of mortification—of unspeakable arousal—

"There we go!" Galess cooed, taking her hand as Miari writhed and whimpered and moaned. Miari stared helplessly, hopelessly turned on, as the two maids carried her—naked, squirming, crying out in need—to her feet. "What a good girl!"

"What a silly girl!" Elesma agreed. They both giggled.

"N-Nuh!" Miari whined, staring helplessly down at the pretty pink flower, watching it pulsate, watching its eager efforts at her eager, needy, silly, cute, adorable— "nonononono—"

They sat her down in the chair. She squirmed, whimpering, realizing dimly her danger. She tried to reach down to grab the foxglove away, but her hands were in Galess's care, and Galess smiled at her feeble struggles as she held her hands still. "Do we like this, sweetie?" she cooed. "Isn't this, like, soooo good?"

"No..." Miari bucked helplessly as the maids descended on either side of her, giggling at her state. Miari's heart raced. They were going to finish binding her. How had this happened? How had she let them gain the upper hand?

"Aw, don't worry, cutie~" Elesma tutted sympathetically at Miari's panicked look. She leaned in close and cupped Miari's chin.

And her confusion, Miari felt her protests die. Her cries reduced to whimpers. Her lips half parted, and a little submissive gasp slipped from them as she stared helplessly ahead, overwhelmed at Elesma's dominant touch.

She stared into Elesma's sparkly rosy sundown eyes. She felt the flower suckling at her cock, and though intense desire was coursing through her, she couldn't quite muster anything but a soft, breathless moan.

"You look sooo pretty right now!" Elesma said softly, smirking as she caressed Miari's cheek. Again, Miari found herself leaning into the touch.

It felt so nice.

So good.

"You're gonna be such a good maid," Galess cooed, sitting on the arm of the chair next to her. "Ooh, Elesma, she's gonna be soooo cute in her uniform!"

"I know!" Elesma giggled down at Miari, ssmooshing Miari's cheeks together endearingly. "Our uniforms are, like, soooo much cuter than that boring old armor, aren't they, Miari?"

Miari bit her lip to stop from replying. But she couldn't bite down the torrent of images sailing through her mind. Images of herself, giggly and bubbly in her pretty pink maid outfit, curtseying like a good bimbo, obeying Galess and Elesma as they put her through humiliation after humiliation, making her feel so good, so pretty...

"There's a good bimbo," Elesma said smugly, patting her on the head. Galess started doing the same, and again, Miari drowned in a torrent of petting, staring between the two pairs of shimmering heart-eyes for an escape that couldn't come.

"Good bimbo."

"Cute bimbo."

"Pretty bimbo."

"Giggly bimbo!" Elesma tickled her side, making Miari squirm and giggle despite herself. The two maids giggled, too, even as Miari felt like she was about to melt into putty from sheer embarrassment.

And from pleasure.

And neither emotion was lost on the two bimbo maids.

"Gosh," Galess remarked, playing with Miari's hair, "she's already sooo cute, Elesma!"

"I know!" Elesma beamed at Miari, who shivered at the praise. "Such an adorable little slutty toy!"

"She's gonna get soooo silly when she's cumming her brains out," Galess cooed in Miari's ear, making her shift uncomfortably.

"Soooo silly when her silly bimbo cock's making aaaaall the hard decisions!" Elesma gushed in her other ear, making her squirm needily.

"N-No," Miari whined, giving her head the tiniest shake. "Nn, um, no, I—I don't"

"Hm?" Elesma blinked innocently down at her, settling down to sit on Miari's knee. "What was that, cutie?" She beamed. "Is there something wrong?"

"Does it not feel good?" Galess asked, her voice just as meek and innocent as Elesma's eyes as she kissed Miari's ticklish neck, making Miari squeak and giggle and squirm. "Do you want us to stop, cutie?"

"I—I—" Miari barely trusted herself to breathe, let alone speak. She stared at Elesma, then at Galess, and blurted, "Yes!"

Elesma smiled. Miari stared back, and bit her lip.

And to her shock, the sucking stopped.

There was a brief pause. Miari blinked.

The flower slipped from her cock, and Galess stopped petting her hair. Elesma stopped playing a fingertip around her nipple. The two bimbos smiled down at her, and without a word, ceased to toy with their captive.

Miari blinked, uncomprehending, as the cool air brushed by her suddenly exposed, aching sensitive cock. She bit her lip to hold in a whimper. "I... wh..."

"You said you don't want this!" Elesma said innocently, holding up the honey-dripping flower with a smirk. Miari's cock twitched at the mere sight. "So we'll stop!"

"Don't wanna be a horny bimbo, after all!" Galess added, sharing a sly look with Elesma.

"N-Nn—" Miari bit back her words, thoughts swirling in confusion. What... what was she saying? She couldn't possibly—

"Don't worry," Elesma sang, eyes sparkling with mischief. She leaned in close. "Clearly you're not a silly girl like we thought."

"B-Buh—" Miari shook her head weakly. No, they were—they were—oh, gods, her cock twitched just at that word—

"You don't wanna be teeeased," Galess hissed in her ear, her voice dripping with condescension. "You're not, like, some kinda pretty bimbo like you were acting!"

"I—I—b-but I—" Miari kept looking between the pair, desperately searching for the trick. Her heart raced. They, um. They were just humiliating her a little, right? They were going to... to raise her hopes, and then...

... but... but she liked being a pretty girl, she wanted to cry out. She bit her tongue, every last drop of dignity practically begging her to keep her calm... keep her head...

"No, silly, it's okay!" Elesma said sweetly, pushing Miari back slightly with one hand on her forehead. Miari realized she'd been leaning forward, as if pleading for more touches, more headpets and headpats, more... "We won't embarrass you anymore. Clearly you wanna be respected."

Miari trembled, hope fighting panic fighting reason fighting daydream. The words were bubbling on her tongue, and she held on, praying... praying...

The two bimbos bounced to their feet and, smirking down at Miari, seemed to be turning to leave.

"N-No!" Miari blurted. "M-More!"

The words slipped from her lips like honey from a dipper—slow, agonizingly slow, but as heavy and unstoppable as the tides.

Elesma glanced back and gave a smug smile. "No, no, sweetie," she said, reaching for the binding holding Miari's wrist, as if to untie her, "we don't wanna do anything you don't want."

"We're just silly bimbos, after all!" Galess giggled, going to her other wrist. As she did so, her skirt ever-so-softly grazed Miari's cock, and Miari couldn't hold in her whine. "Ad you're, like, a totes super-smart Ranger!"

"I'm not," Miari whimpered.

As soon as the words crossed her lips, she regretted them with every fiber of her still-conscious being.

But her cock twitched with shameful need at that pathetically small tone of voice.

And after an unspeakably long pause... Elesma's smile grew wider.

"What was that?" the elven maid asked with a sweet, wispy voice like cotton candy, leaning in with her hands clasped primly behind her back. Miari found her eyes drawn first to her jiggling breasts, then to her sparkling, mischievous eyes. "I didn't, like, hear that, Mary!"

"I-I'm not—" Miari trembled as she breathed in the sweet perfume. Her world seemed to swirl into those rosy eyes.

Galess leaned in next to her, sitting up on the arm of the chair. "Not what?" the bimbo cooed.

And her fingers began to stroke up her wrist and down her side.

Miari squirmed. "N-Not s-smart," she whined, as giggles threatened to slip from her. "I-I—I mean, n-no, I—"

"What else?" Galess purred. Her fingers tickled under Miari's arm.

"H-Heehee—n-no, um, I—" Miari gulped. She stared into Elesma's eyes, open, wide, friendly, encouraging. "I-I like the... the flower..."

The maids were pressing in now. Miari breathed in deep, feeling her thoughts scattering. Galess's fingers stroked down Miari's side and tickled her hip.

"What else?" they cooed in each ear in unison.

"N-Not..." Miari whimpered. "I-I—I don't—I d-don't mind—" She felt so submissive. So obedient. It felt so good to keep talking, and she couldn't stop talking. "I—I don't mind—kisses?"

There was almost a pleading note to that last word.

"Look at her blushing," Elesma murmured, stroking a finger in a lazy circle around Miari's cheek, drawing out tiny squeaks of embarrassment. "Gosh, Mary, are you saying you're... silly?"

"Y-Yes," Miari whispered, feeling Galess's fingers tracing towards her inner thighs, breathing heavily in molten need.

"Really?" Galess giggled, and kissed Miari on the other cheek. "Are you suuuure?" her fingers teased just above where Miari so so desperately needed them to go...

"I-I'm silly," Miari cried softly, unbidden, staring between the two maids in frantic need. Irrational panic told her they were on the verge of leaving, that she needed to—needed to get them to stay—give them what they wanted— "I'm silly! I-I'm a silly slut!" She squirmed helplessly, giggling as the fingers tickled her midriff.

"Are you..." Elesma leaned in close, and Miari breathed in her scent, drank in her rosy gaze, drowned in those eyes... "super totally positive, sweetie?"

"P-Pos—" Miari squeaked as the fingers tickled. "P-pawsy...um..." She giggled. "N-Need. Need more!" She made her eyes as big and needy as she possibly could, and felt all sense of dignity flee her head as Elesma's hand—the one holding the flower—began to come closer and closer. "Need more! I need! I—n-neeeeed—"

"Need your bimbo cock to take charge?" Galess asked sweetly, tickling the tip.

Miari nodded desperately. "Y-yuh-huh!" She stated imploringly up at these two bimbo elfmaids—these gorgeous bimbos who had so easily lured her into this helpless, horny state... as if she'd always, deep down, secretly...

"Say please," Elesma cooed, and Miari's mind nearly dribbled out altogether as a tiny drop of honey tingled upon the tip of her cock, and Miari realized just how close she was to heaven once more.

"P-Please," Miari whispered.

The flower started to pull away.

And Miari stared into Elesma's eyes, swallowed, and whispered, "please please please take—t-take care of my bimbo cock!"

"You want it to take charge?" Galess cooed.

"uh-huh!" Miari's head bobbed vapidly. She couldn't help but giggle as Galess kissed her neck, giggle in excitement as she realized she was dropping right back into the state she was in before—whimper in shame at the realization—

"What was that?" Elesma leaned in closer, batting her eyelashes innocently. Closer. Miari suddenly couldn't breathe, and her mind seemed to stutter and stumble and skip a beat, as the eyes came ever nearer. Those pretty, sparkly, spiraling sunset eyes.

"i want m-my—my bimbo cock to take charge," Miari whimpered, as she felt the lips of the foxglove drawing near again...

"Ooh, really?" The maids both giggled as Galess's fingers daintily aligned Miari's cock into position. "And who's gonna be in charge of your pretty bimbo cock, cutie?"

"i. i um." Miari stared dumbly between the two, trying to get a hint. Her brain was dissolving into sticky goo. "M-Mistress?" The word made her cheeks glow so bright she could see the blush reflected in their eyes.

They exchanged evil smirks.

"Mistress controls our bimbo cocks," Galess said conspiratorially, planting ticklish kisses along Miari's neck as Miari squeaked and whimpered.

"But guess who's gonna control yours, cutie?" Elesma cooed with a voice as slow and sultry as those swirling rose eyes..

"you," Miari squeaked.

The flower's 'lips' locked around Miari's cock's very tip in a tender kiss and began the slow, seductive sucking, and Miari's eyes widened.

"Sooo cute," Galess sang, as Miari squirmed and wiggled and moaned. "Your bimbo cock, like, is totally calling aaaaall the shots now, huh?"

Miari gasped and pleaded wordlessly, writhing as the flower sucked and toyed.

"It's so much more fun that way," Elesma agreed, smirking as Miari panted, drooled. "And your bimbo cock controls you, like, totally, now, doesn't it, cutie?"

"uh-huh," Miari whispered, almost drooling as the foxglove suckled ever-so-daintily...

"What was that?" the maids asked together, positively vibrant with glee.

"my bimbo cock controls me," Miari whined, trying in vain to buck.

Elesma rewarded her with a heart-skipping little kiss on the cheek. But her eyes never left Miari's. "And?"

Miari shivered as the flower began to sink deeper, taking her cock deeper in its warm, slick sucking embrace. "i'm. um. y-you control my bimbo cock!"

"We're gonna get you cleaned up, like, sooo nice," Galess cooed, stroking Miari's hair. "Like a nice, brain-washed bim-bo!"

Miari whimpered, nuzzling Galess's hand needily.

And her cock sank all the way into the foxglove's silken prison, and Miari began to pant and drool as pure, senseless pleasure poured into her whole captive body. She cried and thrashed in her restraints, staring helplessly into Elesma's eyes as Elesma's smile only widened, the bimbo's sadistic glee hanging around them both like a cloud of honey mist, her heart-filled eyes filling Miari's entire mind and glazing her gaze with pink sugar glow.

"There you go," Galess cooed, continuing to stroke Miari's hair, play with it around her finger. Miari quivered, overcome with pleasure as Elesma's flower sucked and slurped at her... her bimbo cock... and yet equally overcome with the joys of headpets. "Awww, we like that?"

"yes," Miari cried softly, helpless to keep the word in now. "yes yes yes yes—"

"Yes what?" Elesma asked, smiling even as Galess rewarded Miari with neck kisses to make her gasp.

"i like it," Miari whined. "i—m-my bimbo cock likes it!"

"Aww." Elesma smirked. "Cute."

Miari swallowed, staring unresisting into Elesma's gaze as Galess stroked her cheek. Her cheeks burned at the way Elesma said that word. Cute.

The worst part was, she thought, lower lip quivering as Galess delicately stroked her sensitive lips with a finger, she... even nearly brainless as she was, she still couldn't escape feeling so humiliated! These bimbos that had so easily bested her seemed to delight in it.

Her breath came in and out like a hummingbird's wings as the flower pumped her bimbo cock, as the little 'tongues' teased at her poor, sensitive tip, as her lust grew and grew, as her mind melted deeper and deeper into the bimbos' grasp... "p-please," she whimpered, meekly shaking her head, "i-i can't..."

"But you did!" Elesma teased, reaching over with her free hand to toy with and undo the first button of Miari's shirt. "You beeeegged~"

"Like a good slut~" Galess purred, reaching over to undo Miari's second button.

"no," Miari whispered, shivering with delight. "i. i can't..."

She bit her lip to try and pitifully fail to hold in a moan as the third button was casually undone by Elesma's delicate fingers. Her shame only seemed to grow with her helplessness, and she trembled as Galess continued to pet her, continuing to stroke all free thoughts into kittenish submission.

"She's being sooo cute!" Galess remarked to Elesma, undoing a fourth button. Her other hand briefly paused the petting—and she giggled as Miari, despite herself, found herself nuzzling the hand and whining needily. "Wow, she's a little headpet slut, huh?"


"Of course she is!" Elesma beamed and patted Miari on the head. "She's, like, totally gonna be our new bimbo dressup pet until Mistress comes to visit. She's, like, literally begging for it!"

Miari panted and drooled helplessly at the word 'favorite'.

Another button undone. Miari's blouse was starting to slide down as the rest of Elesma's words sank in.

"i'm... but..." Miari stared wide-eyed as the flower milked her bimbo cock ever-so-slowly, ever-so-flawlessly, filling her with dizzy twirling pink pleasure... "mm... mistress... v-visit? b-but~" her words gave way to a squeak as Galess leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips, her sensitive cocksucking bimbo lips...

"Mistress doesn't live here, silly." Elesma giggled. "But don't you worry your pretty little head!" She leaned in close and, through the pulsing flower, gave the head of Miari's cock a merciless little squeeze. "We'll have plenty of time to have made you a good little bimbo maid... by the time she comes to visit."

"i... nnnooo... mmm~" Miari whimpered in molten shame as her lips parted to admit Galess's fingers. Without even thinking, she began to docilely suckle—before she caught herself and blushed as hot as a forge.

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