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Maid in Heaven Ch. 02

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She struggles to resist deeper, more seductive humiliations.
10.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/02/2020
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Sweet was an awfully pretty word, Miari thought, tilting her head in wonder as she stared, open-mouthed, at the pretty, bobbing cock in front of her.

She licked her lips. Sweet was the prettiest word in the world.

It was like birdsong. Like a sun shining through rain clouds.Sweet. Like a waterfall of sugar water casting pretty little rainbows all across the forest glen.

It was... such a pretty word, she thought, head lolling. It felt like fluffy pink clouds were puffing through her mind, and it felt so easy to just bob her head in time with the bobbing of Galess's beautiful cock and... and drift...

"Teehee!" Elesma's fingers ran through Miari's long blonde hair, which she had just moments ago tugged out of its sensible ponytail. That bothered Miari a little bit. A little bit. But really, it was so, so hard to think when headpets felt so nice, and her head felt so fuzzy, and the cock looked so pretty, and—and they'd said it was sweet— "Ooh, Galess, I think she likes it!"

"Does she?" Galess asked with a voice like a leaking honeypot. The blonde elfmaid was tied to the armchair chair—not unlike how Elesma had somehow managed to strap one of Miari's ankles to her own chair, Miari thought with a pang of dim awareness—but she was shifting so she could almost reach her cock, needily squirming in a way that made Miari's own cock twitch with sympathy. "Does she? Aww... does she like how it twitches back and forth?"

Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Nn..." Miari dimly knew this was bad. She didn't want to be down here, kneeling between the two bimbo elven maid servants as they teased her. She didn't want to be disarmed, to have let them cast her coat of mail across the room so she was left with nothing but her bare hands and a plain white blouse. She didn't want to be kneeling with her hair undone, accepting the headpets from Elesma without resistance.... Didn't want to be staring, lips parted, positively drooling at the thought of tasting... "Nnuh... no, I, um, I actually... like..."

"Like?" Galess asked innocently, exchanging a glance with Elesma. A sly, wicked, knowing glance. An amused glance. Miari's cheeks flared with embarrassment.

"I-I'm here to see Ciliata!" Miari blurted.

There was a brief pause. The headpets eased up slightly, the smiles dropping to curious pouts, and Miari had a brief blink of relief.

"Oh,really?" Elesma's voice was as crisp and delectable as a sugar cube on the tongue.

Miari bit her lip. "Um... I-I mean... yes?" She tried to put more certainty into her words, screwing her courage to glare defiantly at the beautiful cock. "Yes! I'm here to... to... bring her in."

Thatwas why she was here, she thought, flushing bright pink. Not to get waylaid by these two bubbly beauties. Not to end up on her knees staring at a pretty, bobbing cock as it swung back and forth before her wide eyes.

She needed to... to... to face these maids down, to fight back. As a Toxin Ranger, she knew she was more than a match for two brainwashed bimbos, if only she could get her head back in the game!

And that started by confronting them. No matter what they said, no matter how they tried to mislead her, to pretend Ciliata wasn't here, to force her to stay put and submit to Lady Ciliata's control...

"Ooh, howlovely!" Elesma cooed. "We'll take you to her right away!"

Miari shook her head firmly. No matter their deceptions, no matter their distractions, no matter their... their, um...

Wait, what?

"I." Miari blinked. "R-Really?"

Trap, her mind was whispering.Trap trap trap trap—

"For sure!" Galess giggled. "Like, totally! We wouldn't want to keep you from meeting Mistress!"

"Mistress issoooo wonderful," Elesma sighed happily. "She's gonna love you!"

"I." Miari hesitated. "You'll take me to her? Right now? Armed?" No run-around. No desperate search. No attempted escape. Was the kitsune really going to let Miari get within reach? "Unbound?" she added. "And... and..." She swallowed, watching the cock's tip twitch. "F-Fully clothed?"

"Of course!" the maids gushed in unison, Elesma's hand lavishing soothing pets on Miari's head.

"However you want," Elesma added happily. "Like, you're our guest!"

Miari hesitated. Part of her knew this had to be a trick, but... were bimbos this brainless really capable of any complex deceit? Particularly on a seasoned Ranger like her?

"We could go now?" she whispered.

There was a pause, and her heart sank.

Then it leaped when Galess chirped, "Sure! Whenever you want!"

"There's no hurry, though," Elesma added. "Like, Galess and I can totes lead you there, but, like..." She reached over and gave Galess's cock a wicked little tap, eliciting a whimper. "Like, I dunno if silly Galess here is gonna make it!"

"Nnn..." Galess squirmed helplessly in her restraints. Miari's breath caught as this caused the cock to swing a little faster. "O-Oh, please..."

"Her cuuute bimbo cock is in toootal control right now," Elesma murmured in a voice like velvet. "Isn't that right, cutie?"

"Uh-huh," Galess panted. "Uh-huh!"

"And Mistress is gonna toy with you, like, soooo cruelly," Elesma went on, giggling, "if she sees you like this!" Another tap. Another helpless little mewl. "Ooh, actually, I dunno... maybe you better stay here and enjoy the slutseat like a good bimbo while us smart girls go off to meet Mistress!"

Galess whined, shaking her head weakly.

Miari could scarcely breathe. She knew she should be standing up, should be instructing Elesma to tell her where to go. But she also couldn't stop listening. Couldn't stop watching Galess squirm and wriggle, couldn't stop imagining herself in Galess's place, so helpless and obedient and needy in the other bimbo's grasp...

And Galess. Smelled. So. Good.

As one maid toyed with the other up above, whispering more little teasing remarks, Miari breathed in the sweetness. Her head roiled and spun and danced with pink fog. The cock was so close. So desperate for any touch. So easy to... to lean... closer...

"Doesn't that sound nice, Mary?" chirped Elesma, and Miari shut her mouth quickly, licking her lips to keep from drooling. " I can take you on your lonesome, while silly Galess gets to stay here and whimper like a good girl!"

Miari swallowed. That sounded... nice, she thought, head lolling slightly as the cock bobbed down towards her, then bounced back up again. Elesma could lead her to the Baroness. One on one. Safer. And Elesma made it sound so simple and easy...

But. No. She shook her head slightly. Bad... bad idea. Elesma seemed a little cleverer than Galess. Maybe even a little meaner. And the last thing Miari needed was Elesma at her back as she faced the Baroness.

Galess was manageable. She needed to take Galess with her.

Miari bit her lip, watching the tip dribble slightly as Elesma whispered something Miari didn't catch in Galess's ear. Galess would be... easier to control. And less likely to tease her as badly. Right?

"Ooh, no?" Elesma asked, sounding curious. "And what does Mary think we should do?"

"M-Miari." Miari couldn't quite take her eyes from the cock, but she did her very best to make her voice level. "I... um... think I w-want Galess to lead me. Alone."

There was a faint chorus of tittering from above.

"Oh, really?" Galess giggled weakly. "Um... w-well, I dunno if, like, I c-can walk straight..."

"Of course not, silly!" Elesma gushed, giving Galess's cock another cruel tap. "Like, a silly bimbo like you needs some relief if she's gonna be leading cute girls to meet Mistress~"

"Uh-huh," Galess whispered, her voice dripping with intense, molten need. Miari couldn't help but feel a little ripple of sympathy.

Galess couldn't possibly go anywhere right now. She was too horny. Too... too tempting. She wouldn't even be able to walk without that pretty cock twitching up from her short skirt and, um. Distracting Miari.

Like it was doing right now.

Miari watched the cock twitch. Back and forth. Back and forth. And an idea started to bubble on her tongue, despite her desperate attempts to hold it in. "I," she squeaked. "I can... I-I mean, I can... like... like, maybe, um, like..."

"Hm?" Elesma turned her attention back to Miari, her ruby-red lips a pitcher pouring sultry, sugary syrup straight into Miari's open mouth. "What was that, sweetie?"

Miari couldn't help it now. Her breath came in light and feathery, and her words came out like little fluttering butterflies flying every which way. "I! I can! Like! Like, I can—I can, like—like—"

"'Like'?" Elesma giggled, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on Miari's cheek. Miari whimpered. She could positively feel the little lipstick mark. "Gosh, Galess! She's already talking, like, like a toootal—"

"N-No!" Miari whined, trying to get up. But the strap on her ankle made it so hard to find her balance, and the headpets kept pushing her head back down. Pushing her down. Almost onto her hands and knees, even closer to the... the... "I... I'm n-not a—"

"Not a what?" Galess cooed.

"N... nnn..." Miari shook her head pathetically, as her voice melted into a puddle at her knees.

The cock bobbed back and forth. Back and forth, so pretty, so perfect, so cute.

Miari licked her lips, self-conscious of the fact that her mouth had opened again and she was... she was practically drooling...

... her head lolling back and forth, back and forth, the pretty cock so hard to look away from...

"Bimbo," Miari whimpered. The word sent a forbidden melty glow through her whole body, and she quivered, trying desperately to keep from moaning.

"Not a bimbo?" Elesma purred. The redhead reached over, and her delicate fingers entered Miari's field of vision as she daintily touched the tip of Galess's cock, made it bounce. Galess whimpered. "Ooh, but just look at her pretty bimbo cock!"

"No," Miari whispered, staring longingly at the cock as her lips formed a perfect 'o' shape.

"So sweet," Elesma cooed, and Miari's whimper was covered only by Galess's achingly eager moan as Elesma's finger glided up and down the shaft. "So full of yummy, dummy cum." Her other hand pushed Miari down ever-so-gently, encouraging her to fall forward. Miari weakly tried to resist. "Aww... wouldn't we like a taste?"

A taste.

"Mm..." Miari shook her head weakly. She couldn't tear her eyes from it. It felt like her lips were so sensitive, so perfectly-shaped, perfectly sized to fit Galess's entire cock, and it felt so wonderfully natural to just... sink... forward...

Her mouth was watering. She was drooling, Miari realized, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Drooling like a... like a...

"I think she does!" Galess squeaked, squirming with excitement. "Teehee, nowonder she wanted to tie me up so bad!"

"Ooh, yeah!" Elesma giggled. "Like, she's basically begging for it!"

"What a bimbo!"

"What a cute little bimbo!"

Miari shook her head desperately with a tiny whine. The voices were burrowing into her head, filling her with that sappy, sticky need for... for the taste of that drippy, mind-melty cock in her mouth...

"She's, like, hypnotized by it, Galess."

"Ooh, like, really?" Galess giggled, and wiggled her ass from side to side, forcing Miari to bob her head to keep up. "Oh my gosh, she, like, totally is!"

"She looks sooo pretty like that."

"So cute~"

"So obedient~"


"No!" Miari squeaked. "N-Nuh—No, n-no, I'm—I'm f-fine!" The Ranger licked her lips and closed her mouth, heart pounding. It felt like she was in desperate danger of floating away, and she was clinging to a tiny cluster of clover as her only anchor to the ground.

She was a Ranger! She was strong-willed, cunning, experienced! She'd been doing this for years, and she wasn't—she wasn't about to turn into some girly, adorable, pink-dress-wearing, whining, begging, sweet, cute, drooling slutty bimbo maid just because a pretty cock keptbobbing back and forth, so pretty, so cute, so slutty and drooling and yummy and obedient and—

"I think she likes it even more," Elesma said slyly, stroking Miari's hair slowly, "when we, like, tease her."

"Ooh, really?" Galess gasped as Elesma's finger made her cock bob from side to side like a pendulum. "You mean... wow, like, does she like humiliating herself like this?"

"No," Miari whispered, as her cheeks burned like the dawn, as her cock tingled and twitched with needy excitement at the mocking lilt to Galess's words.

"Oh my gosh, look how red she's blushing!" Elesma cooed, petting Miari even more until Miari could barely breathe. "She totally does!"

"Aww, that's soooo cute~"

Miari whined. No, no, it wasn't true! And if only she could muster words to speak—

"Just listen to her!" Elesma gushed, and leaned down to plant a kiss on Miari's cheek. "She's begging for it!"

"Begging to be embarrassed~"

"Mm, teased~"

"Nnnn! Nuh-uh!" Miari couldn't even shake her head. Elesma held her too tightly for that. All she could do was keep following the cock—and she was following along so well—and keep listening, and try not to think about taking that cock between her sensitive lips and—

"Such a cute. Submissive. Bimbo."

Miari squirmed and thrashed in place, lost in a tormentous ecstasy. Her head felt so heavy. So heavy with hot, sticky, melty, gooey honey. So fuzzy and fluffy and pink with headpets.

"Drooling for a taste of my bimbo cock," Galess said sweetly, smirking down at her.

Miari was drooling again, she realized dimly, and she licked her lips self-consciously. She was positively she couldn't have been blushing any brighter if she'd tried. Nor could she stop her mouth from opening again. She was panting. Almost... drooling. Mesmerized.


"She needs it," Elesma cooed, "doesn't she?"

Her fingers twirled through Miari's long, free-flowing blonde hair.

"Nn." Miari bit her lip. "I... I don't..." The cock bobbed back and forth. Back and forth. "... need... a..." Back and forth. So sweet. So pretty. "... taste?"

She drifted into meek, submissive silence. Unable to help herself, she watched the cock twitch. Stared at the tiny little glimmer of precum. Licked her lips. She felt so thirsty. So horny. So humiliated. So dumb and dopey and cute and girly and—

"You want a taste," Elesma whispered in her ear.

"i want a taste," the Ranger whimpered.

"You neeed for a taste," Elesma purred.

"i need a taste," the Ranger whined.

"You're a cute little bimbo," Elesma cooed.

"i'm a cute li'l bimbo," the Ranger squeaked.

"You'd do anything for a taste," Elesma sang.


Galess and Elesma smirked down at her, their eyes sparkling with those endless pretty pink hearts. Miari couldn't even meet their gaze.

The cock bounced right in front of her as she fell to her hands and knees and crawled forward like a needy puppy. She couldn't think of anything but putting that pretty bimbo cock past her pretty bimbo lips, and she whimpered, knowing what a slut she looked like and helpless to stop herself.

She needed a taste. Just a little taste. Then, she told herself, she'd fight back. She'd get away. Regroup. But she just needed one taste first.

She leaned in, eyes wide, barely daring to breathe for fear of what Galess's sweet scent might do to her now, and let her lips part into that familiar shape once more...

And Elesma's left hand held her back.

Miari squirmed slightly, gasping in surprise, and her head swam with the sudden puffs of sweet pheromones filling her chest and clouding her mind. Galess, too, squirmed, as Elesma's right hand gave her cock a dainty little stroke.

"Now, now," Elesma said sweetly, giggling. "Good bimbos say please!"

Miari stared up at the cock. The two bimbo maids giggled down at her.

"I... I..." Her voice was so weak. So breathless. She stared, fixated, at the bobbing cock, feeling her thoughts bouncing, her mind dribbling, drooling, like her parted lips, like her...

She couldn't. She couldn't... couldn't beg for it. She couldn't! She wouldn't! Her whole free will rebelled with fiery panic at the thought.

It felt like her mind was sinking down an endless well of syrup. She kept regaining her bearings and managing to swim a few feet back up, but the more she struggled, the faster she sank, the more tired she got, the harder it got to remember which way was up at all.

She couldn't bear to imagine it. How she would look. She couldn't bear to imagine herself, a once-proud Toxin Ranger, on her knees and only half-undressed, her long blonde hair spilling down around her bright red face as she whimpered and drooled and begged for a taste, begged to be agood bimbo, begged to... begged to be filled... begged for Galess to let her wrap her pretty, sensitive bimbo lips around that cock and suck Miari's silly bimbo brains away until she was ready to be dressed up and teased and toyed with like a good cute bimbo maid.

Miari wriggled, panting with need, her cock twitching with excitement. She couldn't... couldn't bear to even imagine it, she told herself.

But the cock seduced her. It held her gaze, bobbing back and forth in Elesma's grasp. Miari breathed in, and her head swam with the scent of Galess's arousal. It was like a drug. Like pheromones, sending Miari into a hopeless horny haze.

It was so easy to stare.

So easy to let her lips part.

So easy to... lean in...

... so easy to obey...

"So eeeasy," Elesma cooed, and Miari foggily realized that these were Elesma's words in her head now, "to say please!"

"please," Miari whimpered unthinkingly.

She heard Galess giggle.

"What was that, cutie?" Elesma asked innocently. She caressed a finger around Miari's parted lips, and Miari trembled at the sensation.

"please," Miari whined, "p-please!"

"Do you want something?" Elesma purred. The bimbo's finger slipped into Miari's mouth, and Miari almost closed her mouth around the finger, desperate to suckanything she could reach

"i wanna. wanna taste." Miari's will and pride were melting into putty. All she could think about was the bimbo cock. Was the taste, the scent, the feel of that pretty bimbo cock sliding between her needy, cocksucking lips... "p-please!"

"You wanna taste my cock?" Galess cooed down at her. She giggled. "Ooh, like, but that's a bimbo cock, silly!"

"Yeah," Elesma agreed, also giggling, "what a silly girl. Doesn't she know that sucking a bimbo cock is gonna make her all silly and ditzy?"

"please," Miari whispered, eyes following the cock as it bobbed before her eyes.

Just a taste. She just needed a taste.

"It's gonna make you allslutty and sweet," Galess gushed, bouncing in excitement.

"You're gonna be, like, a tooootal cumslut," Elesma sang.

"wanna taste," Miari babbled. "wanna taste!"

She couldn't even think about what she was saying. She didn't care how humiliating this was—no, she loved how humiliating this was—and she just needed a taste. Just a little lick. A kiss. Then she'd get up and get out of here. She'd make Galess take her to the enchantress. She'd say whatever they wanted if they would just... just let her...

"Is that what you want?" Galess's voice bubbled with laughter. "You wanna get all slutty and ditzy?"

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