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Man, I Feel Like a Woman Ch. 04

Story Info
Z finds out that she has a different life.
4.5k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/04/2014
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Hey guys! Thanks for reading the third chapter and thank you so much for commentimg.


Thanks to my lovely editor, aisielynn, for reviewing and editing this chapter and for support.

Please feel free to comment & check out my social media on my biography to tell me to sit my butt down and write!

Happy reading!


I woke up. First thing I see was my bedroom ceiling; what I felt, both of my hands were handcuffed to my bedpost. What I smell, a lavender candle burning.

Like that shit is gonna calm me down.

"Matt?" I called. Right now, he's the only person I can rely on.

The floor creaked and out of the corner of my eyes, I see Matt appear next to my bed. He smiled, "Hey Z, how are you?"

I frowned. "I'm handcuffed."

He sighs, "I know. I just wanna make sure that you're not gonna run away." Right behind him... Victor and the man appeared.

"What's going on?" I start to panic.

"Hear us out first," Matt said. He sighs again, "We aren't human. Before you say anything, you have to know that you aren't human either. When you are younger, there was a brutal war between Heaven and Hell. The warriors of Heaven were scared for their families and decided to hide their children. Victor, you and I were the children that were hidden."

"Why can't I remember this?" I asked. "Not that I believe you." Of course..

"You're a princess," Victor said. "And we're your guards, also the third royal family."

I burst out laughing. I have never seen Victor this serious before. Once, I realized that the three didn't even join the laughter, let alone blink, I stopped. "You guys aren't kidding."

Matt shook his head. "The hardest part to tell you is that our boss," he motions to the man in the room. "He is your father."

Okay, now Matt is definitely fucking with me. One, he looks young like not even forty. Two, he's a natural blonde and I'm dark-haired. Three, he has blue eyes that went with his slender but muscular face; I have dark brown eyes. Lastly, well, he still looks young.

I shook my head, "He cannot be my dad. I'm sorry dude, but look at you, not even a day older than thirty."

The man smiled, "My name is Aaron Lightning. But I am your father."

"Impossible," I scoffed.

"It's okay if you don't want to believe it," Matt said. "What is important is that you don't run and scream our secrets. The war ended long ago but there is still tension now and forever. If anyone found out you're a princess, you can be in real danger."

"But what about my memory?" I glared.

"We had to hide your memories," Matt said.

"For your safety," Victor added.

When I didn't reply, Matt continued. "We're leaving this place."

I tried sitting up but instantly pulled back onto my bed because of the handcuffs. I grunted in displeasure, "Why?"

"That's for another time."

"We're leaving, now," Aaron said, sternly.

For one second, it was my room in our condo. Now I ended up being handcuffed in a room from a French castle. I blinked, "H-how?"

"It's like teleport, princess," Aaron smiles. "You'll learn it one day, for now I just want the Cains to train you." With that, he left the room.

Matt started unlocking the handcuffs and I got up, rubbing my wrists. "Training?" I asked.

Victor smiles, "We all have powers that are given at birth. I'm a shadow weaver and I rely on strength."

"A what?" I asked. Shadow weaver?

"A shadow weaver," Victor said, too casually. "I create shadows or I blend with them. It's better for me at night so I don't use up too much of my energy."

I looked at Matt, "What's yours?"

He looked down at the floor. "Strength runs in the family, but I'm also a mind manipulator. I can change a person's thoughts or I can just see it, both awake and asleep."

My eyes grew wide.

He looked up and nodded. "I saw your dream, I'm sorry but I had to make him say that someone was waking you up." He frowned. "I couldn't see Hannah's thoughts. Well, I didn't want to. So during the night, I reached to touch Hunter's mind and I found out the truth."

I reached up to grab Matt's hand and pulled at it so he could sit on my bed. "Are you okay?"

He shrugged and gave me a small smile. "Life goes on. Now you should rest today, tomorrow you'll have the tour of your residence."

"As a princess, it is best for you to start remembering everyone's name," Victor said. His eyes then showed a hint of jealousy, "Especially the guys that will court you for your hand."

I gasped. "My hand?"

"Our culture is a mix of traditional and modern," Matt explains sincerely. "Arranged marriages are traditional. It allows power between families. Which comes with history, we will do that tomorrow too."

"I'm gonna get married?!" I shrieked. Matt nodded. "It is best for our race, Z. Marriage combines the powers of both families, the wedded couple is the link, once they have a kid, and the kid is a whole new generation of power that will combine with another family in the future."

"There are some couples that are married out of love, but most of them are the lower class," Victor said. "Some of the people used to be the top families."

"What's wrong with that?" I looked at both of them.

Matt sighed. "Marrying someone out of love isn't bad, but... marrying someone with low power because of love is bad."

I glared, "That's bull."

"We all feed on power, Z," Victor said, sitting down next to Matt. "Speaking of power, Matt has to get married. Since he is the oldest, our dad is gonna have a fit when he finds out that Matt hasn't found a bride."

"How does that work?" I ask.

Victor smirked, "He'll meet the potential women, look over their backgrounds and stuff, pick who would he take out on a date, then sooner or later, he'll find the right one." He sighs in pleasure, "Then there's the ceremony."

There was a knock on the door. Victor got up and answered it.

There stood two guys standing at the doorway. Both were nicely built and have a guarded look on their faces. One of them has short blonde hair, a dark glare towards Victor, an even tan (if that was possible) and a stance that reads that he was in charge. The other has lighter skin, short black hair, as well as dark brown eyes, and somehow mysterious.

"Sharp, Ethan," Matt immediately stood.

"Cains," the blonde one said with a tone so...empty. "We need one of you to attend the meeting to fill in about your...mission."

"I'll go," Matt said. He gave me a warm look, "I'll be back." Then he went out the door and followed the two.

"Who was that?" I asked Victor.

He sighed and sat back down on the bed. "Those two are your older brothers."

I blinked at him. "I have brothers?"

"Crazy, right?" Victor chuckled. "They came back here a few years ago to find that their sister was not there with them. Believe me, they're cold at first but later they'll grow on you."

"I doubt that," I huffed. "They barely looked at me."

"That's because they're afraid to lose their posture as sons of the Lightning family," he smiles. "Gossip is a bitch."

Dinner was delivered to my room for both Victor and I. The lady that brought the food told us that the meeting will be a few hours later. Victor and I practically groaned.

"How come you don't attend the meetings?" I asked him between bites.

He shrugged; sadness present in his eyes. "I don't know."

This is the first time Victor actually acted like this and I couldn't help but help him. "Come on Victor, you know," I said.

He flashed a smile, a happy smile. But his eyes said something else. "Well, meetings are boring anyway so I won't really pay attention."

I opened my mouth to talk to him more about it but the look he gave me said that he didn't want to talk about it; we continued to eat.

After what seems like forever, Matt came back to pick Victor up. He told me that I start training tomorrow and it's a lesson that's very special. When they left, I thought I wouldn't sleep right away but once I snuggled under the covers and my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

That morning, Matt and Victor came into my room to wake me up. We ate breakfast; just the three of us and Aaron called us to come over to a room. Sharp and Ethan were there.

The room is Aaron's office, with a desk and everything. His walls are practically really tall bookshelves. The office is big enough to hold a party of approximately a hundred people.

After looking around the room, I asked, "What spell are we doing? Will this be hard?" Thinking about me failing in front of them? I held back a groan.

"Elizabeth," Aaron said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fine."

Matt stepped forward, "All you need is all your concentration."

Sharp scoffed. "Cain, you haven't done this spell." He looked at me. "Little sister, this spell is your guide for a while. It will appear to you and you will feel this comfort." He smiled, "You get to see that person, but for us, it'll be a hooded figure."

"All you need is to believe in this spell," Ethan said, quietly. He hands me a clear crystal shard that's attached to a gold chain.

I looked at the necklace weirdly because I have no idea why he would give me that. So odd.

"It's your family's rock," Victor said. He shrugged, "Well part of it. It's a really big rock."

"It's a stone to help you," Matt said. "With your powers."

"Eventually you won't need it," Sharp said. "But it's good to keep it with you."

Aaron handed me a spellbook that's already been opened to the spell called The Guidance Ghost.

"Wait," I said, panicking. "This person could be dead?"

The boys looked at each other.

"Just say the spell," Victor said.

Ethan gives me a small smile and rubs my back, "You'll be fine."

I sighed. Great my guidance person could be a dead person. Ugh, this is just awesome! Not.

I looked over the words.

"Speak it from your heart," Ethan said.

"Deep breath," Sharp added.

Funny, I thought Matt would teach me. But since he didn't do the spell, I accept my brothers' help.

I took a deep breath and recited the words. "I, Elizabeth Lightning, seek spiritual guidance. In the name of the God and Goddess thou shall bring me their knowledge. My soul is bind with theirs. Purity."

My family smiles while Matt and Victor nodded.

"Beautiful princess," Aaron said. "Like a natural, right boys?"

"Yeah," Matt said.

"Good job," Ethan and Sharp whispered to me.

I looked around to see all five people, plus me, so six people in the room. No one even appeared! Disappointed, "It didn't work."

Victor cleared his throat. "You may want to know that the dude is behind you."

I furrow my eyebrows. "How do you know it's a guy?"

"His outfit is black," Matt said.

"Ethan and my guide is a female," Sharp said. "So she was dressed in white."

"Hello Bee," a guy's voice appeared behind me.

I gulped, scared but I feel like I know him. "Can you hear him?"

All of them shook their heads.

"It's silence from our point of view," Matt said. "We would only hear you talking to him."

"Great," I groaned. "I'll look like an idiot talking to a silent figure."

Victor smiles. "Have a nice time with him."

Then everyone left the room.

"So am I just talking to your back all the time I'm here?" the guy asks. "Not that I mind, I have a great view."

I roll my eyes and turned around. Then it's like my heart stopped. I met the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen; not only that, there's that clean chiseled jaw. He also has milky skin. I looked down to see he's wearing dark jeans, a black tight shirt and black boots. Nice body. My goodness! Why he has to be gorgeous?!

"That's not how you first saw me before," he said, scratching his spiky black hair.

Wait. "I've met you before?" I asked him.

"What date is it?" he tilts his head.

"One, zero-four, two thousand fifteen," I tell him.

He smiles, a small one where only one corner pulls up on his lip. "Soon, we will."

"Can I have your name at least?" I ask.

He looked at me, silently debating with himself. It had probably been a minute that passed by but it felt like hours.

"Quinn," he said. "I look different from before when you'll meet me so I have no idea if you'll recognize me."

"How different?"

Small smile again. "About three hundred years different."

Gross. Hot yet old.

"Okay," I nod in understanding even though I have no idea what he means. "How does this shit work?"

"I help you, blah blah blah, and I give some advice for your future," he said.

I nod again. "Well, I'm hungry." I walked pass him, out the room, to the kitchen. There sits my sandwich.

"Simple meal," Quinn sits next to me as I took a bite. "You never change, Bee."

I swallowed. "My name is Elizabeth. You can call me Z."

He shook his head. "I call you Bee for a reason."

"What reason is that?" I asked.

He sighs. "Your name, your real name is Elizabeth Beatrice Lightning."

"What? Beatrice?" I said.

He nods. "I rather call you by the other part of your first name."


He shrugs. "It's best to ask the old me when I start calling you Bee."

"Some guide you are," I muttered and continued eating.

Quinn chuckled.

"Hey princess," Aaron says as he comes in to get a bottled water. "He annoying you yet?"

"Not yet, Aaron," I tell him.

"You'll call him dad later," Quinn says.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah...right."

"What has he told you so far?" Aaron asks.

"Is Beatrice part of my name?" I ask him.

Aaron smiles and nods. "He sounds like a good guide, who is he?"

"Don't tell him," Quinn says. "He would freak."

I shook my head. "He says to keep quiet."

Aaron nods. "Sorry this is a whole new level of guides. He must be...very careful."

"No kidding," Quinn says to Aaron even though he knows Aaron can't hear.

"I'm gonna see if the boys are training," Aaron says before he leaves.

Quinn smiles. "Now it's time for you to train. I'm gonna make you touch your elemental powers."

What? "I'm not ready yet," I tell him.

Now Quinn rolls his eyes. "You are. Aaron just misread your readiness. Even your brothers. But trust me your brothers are more powerful than Aaron thinks." He gets up. "Come on, to your room."

Okay now I hate my guide. Quinn tells me to touch my inner emotion. He wanted me to move water in the bowl. He tells me to think something that keeps me calm. I thought about being in my room alone, reading a good book with peppermint tea on my nightstand.

Before I knew it, the water was out of the bowl, above our heads.

Then there was air. He said something about being free and happy. It was a little difficult but I managed to ruffle the curtains in my new room.

The last two, Earth and Fire, I failed. No matter what Quinn was saying, nothing sparked or shook.

"There's your weakness," Quinn said, sitting down next to me on MY bed. "You don't think strong. It's the same as how I met you." He looked down.

"How did we meet?" I asked.

"Your dad."

"Aaron?" I had to make sure.

Quinn nod. "Sooner or later, you will have to accept him."

I roll my eyes. "Never. I don't even know him."

"Did you try?" Quinn looked at me with a duh expression.

"Would you?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. "With my situation."

"I would do anything to get to know my father," he said simply.

I looked down. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged.

To change the subject, I asked about him. "What are you like when I meet you?"

Quinn gives me a small smile. "I'm different now. But when you meet me, you'll hate me. What I want you to know is that you shouldn't give up on me. Understand?"

I nod. Odd, though. Why would I hate him? "Am I scared of you?"

He chuckles. "I don't know."

"How long are you with me?" I ask.

"I'll know when it's the right time. But I'll warn you."

Just hearing that gave a weird sensation throughout my body. Ignoring it, "How was Aaron involved with our meeting?"

There's something in his eyes when he met mine. Like a twinkle. "If I tell you, you might change the course. So I'm not going to. All I can tell you is this, we can never part."

That sounds like...a vow. Not a very good one, but a vow. Before I could say anything, there was a knock on my door. I cleared my throat, "Come in."

When the door opened, my two best friends came in. Quinn tensed and got off the bed. "I'll wait outside," Quinn said before leaving.

Matt and Vic moved out of his way. "He seems...powerful," Matt said.

I giggle. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Just to make sure you're okay," Vic shrugged, sitting where Quinn sat. "How's your guide? He bothering you?"

"He's quite an angel actually," I tell him. "He taught me some things."

"Like what?" Vic smiled. "Your powers?"

"Half," my shoulders slump.

Matt sat on the other side of me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, it'll take time. Besides checking up on you, we decided-" he looks at Vic. "Well I decided that you should know the classes of our society."

I nod.

Matt then pulled an old book out of my bookshelf. Well not my bookshelf, but the one that comes with the room...that happens to be mine. Matt pulled it out magically. He only lifted his hand and the book came to him.

"Like I said we are the warriors of Heaven and there's two sides, so the other is the warriors of Hell," Matt said, opening the book. The left page was like a new page; my guess is the good side. The right page is black with white ink, the bad side.

"So there's the poor class for the bad side," Vic said. "These people suffer from cold, starvation, and they pray to their King aka King of Hell. They will sacrifice anything to make their King powerful." Vic glared at the page. "Then there's the working class. They serve the royal families by being a warrior or the help in the castles. Then the royal families. Royal families have small sections. But we pay attention to the direct line of the King of Hell. The Bloods. Six princes and one princess."

"In the human world, they are known as the seven deadly sins," Matt said. "Hunter, our previous landlord was one of them. Pride."

I gasped. "What?"

"He hid the power well," Vic said, clenching his jaw. "We were the closest ever to our deaths."

"Did he know who we were?" I ask, panicking.

"Vic and I, he knew," Matt said. "Not you, which is good."

I nod.

"To continue," Matt changed the subject. "Our side has three classes. Bottom is working class. They have normal jobs and as well as jobs helping the royal families. Then the next class is the royal families. Our family, The Cains, being the third powerful family. The second is your mother's side, The Firespheres."

"Will I know her?" I ask.

Matt and Vic looked at each other, hesitant.

"What?" I ask.

"It's best to ask your guide," Vic points at my bedroom door. "He knows the exact details."

I wanted to ask more but I passed.

"Then number one is your father's side, The Lightning. The battle for being number one is frightening. But your family, your dad's side has been powerful for many centuries."

"Yippee for Aaron," I said, lamely. "Who's the top class?"

"The Order," Vic said. "They make sure that everyone follows laws and that the royals are trained and prepare for battle if there is one."

"Their uniform is their way of hiding," Matt said. "They wear black to hide in the shadows to observe."

"At least that's what we're told," Victor said. "No one really sees them, except our fathers."

"So they are very secretive," I say. "Aren't we supposed to know them?"

"They're a boring subject," Vic said.

Matt ignored his comment. "Yes we are. The Order consists three people, well, three men, born on the same day of the same year, three hours apart."

"Sounds unreal," I say. And it is.

Matt nods. "The three boys are then put in the ancient building in a faraway land. They are trained to be powerful, endure power being thrown at them, to be leaders, to-"


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