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Man of the House Ch. 02

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We travel to Maui.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/02/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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Mom asked me to choose our travel destination. I was happy to do it. I asked some board members at work; one place everybody had a positive experience was Hawaii.

I checked online and decided on Maui. There were multiple exciting attractions on this island.

I booked flights and reserved a week at the Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas. Noticing that the weather channel predicted nice weather on these dates, I also rented a Mustang convertible.

I gave Mom the time and place of our trip, and she hugged me, "Joe, I am very excited. I haven't been to Hawaii, but heard many nice stories about it. I need to buy swimsuits, sunglasses, sunblock lotion..."

I laughed, "Well, you have five days to prepare. The flights are long but worth it. I chose several attractions I thought you'd like. The one thing you should bring with you is A GOOD MOOD. Everything else we can find once we are there."

Mom had teary eyes, "Joe, when Dad died, I thought my life was over. He was the one I leaned on through the years, and I trusted him mindlessly. I paid a high price - He was addicted to his work, claiming it was the only way to keep his company viable. So despite our wealth, we hardly went anywhere, and I have only a few good friends these days. Often I was lonely. With you taking over, I see significant change. Unlike Dad, you delegate and let others be responsible for parts of the firm. This action frees you to do other things in life. And I hope we can have multiple vacations in the future..."

I kissed her cheek, "Mom, I want the company to thrive, and I'll do my best to accomplish that. But, as you said, I do not intend to live to work. So my senior employees will carry part of the burden, and hopefully, we'll have a fun life."


In the next five days, I ensured that each of my deputies knew precisely what I wanted done during my absence and gave them my private phone number in case of emergency.

Arriving home the day after arranging the Hawaii trip, Mom prepared my favorite dish. I loved it!

I smirked, "Mom, the meal was the best. I'd rate it ten minus."

I saw the disappointment on her face, "Why not 10? What didn't you like?"

I grinned, "The food was 11 out of 10, but you wore your old robe! You are the prettiest and sexiest woman ever. I would love to come home and see I was right..."

"Honey, do you suggest I wear an evening dress whenever you return from work?"

"No, silly goose, but this baggy robe hides your body. You can have a blouse and a skirt, nice lingerie, underwear, or... nothing at all, but after a hard day's work, I want to admire you. Again."

The next day Mom's attire changed. She wore a mini-skirt, a short sleeve blouse, and... she was braless!

She said innocently, "Joe, I am sorry, all my bras are in the laundry; I hope you are not too disappointed..."

Mom was moving in my direction with her tits bouncing freely. It was a sight to behold!

My cock began engorging immediately, "Mom, I don't care what meal you prepared today. I want you in bed. Right now!"

"But it's not right... I thought you'd be home later, so the drier would finish its cycle, and I could wear a bra. Trust me, I did not intend to make your beautiful pecker suffer..."

"Mom, are you coming to bed, or I'll have to do it right on the rug?"

"Joe, dear, why don't YOU choose where you want to use my body? After all, you are the man of the house."

"On the bed. We are still learning about each other bodies. It's more comfortable on the mattress. But soon, we'll diversify."

She gazed at me with big eyes, "Preparing your meal took a lot of energy. My hands are tired. Would you help me undress?!..."

By now, my cock was already poking my front. Mom's provocative talk added to my arousal. I stood before her and started unbuttoning her blouse from top to bottom.

She was smiling and stared into my eyes. I felt her palm caressing the bulge in my pants a moment later. My fingers worked faster, and seconds later, the middle of her chest was exposed. I gently removed the blouse from her shoulders, ogling her fantastic tits. The nipples were hard and dark. I massaged the left one, and she groaned.

I French-kissed her, searching for her tongue. I pulled her to me feeling her boobs crushing into my chest, making my pole stir further.

I led her to the bedroom and removed her skirt. She was without panties!

She chuckled, "I am sorry, but my panties are in the laundry with the bras..."

"You are a naughty woman. You realize seeing you like that, I may suffer a heart attack. What then?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. I went through a CPR course. I would have saved you. Let me explain to you how - First, I'd kiss you... I meant I'd give you a mouth-to-mouth breathing treatment. Next, I'd massage your chest to revive your heart. If it didn't help, I'd massage your cock thoroughly. Caring for him would be good since it was the first organ to react to my nudity. Right?"

"Mom, I think I am going to faint. Apply your CPR technique."

"Son, lie on the floor before you pass out!"

I was on my back in a jiffy with my stiff organ pushing the zipper and threatening to tear my pants.

"Honey, the first rule of successful resuscitation is removing all layers above the areas to be massaged." She bent down, removed my shirt, and cautiously unzipped my pants. My cock jolted, happy to escape its cage.

Mom mounted my body with her legs wide open on both sides. She was facing in my direction and French-kissed me, forcing her tongue into my mouth. She crouched slowly over my stiffy and let it bathe in her soaking cunt. As she descended on my expanded prick, her hands began massaging my pectorals, now and then pinching my nipples. She whispered, "Chest massage is critical to achieving heart function and adequate pulse!"

I watched her gorgeous tits jiggling before my eyes, and my cock gradually disappeared inside her tight pussy. The erotic sight made my cock extend and enlarge her tunnel even more. She moaned and continued her downward motion until she sat on me, impaled on my erect member.

She stayed sitting for a moment as her vagina enlarged slowly around my girth. And then she began an up-and-down gentle bobbing, like sea waves undulations.

Mom's movements intensified, and her fingers were tweaking my nipples. She was riding me at an increasing pace, moaning loudly, and was fast approaching the point of no return.

This was the moment I was waiting for. I kneaded her fantastic orbs, and my pelvis began countering her riding motion. I still let her set up the pace and avoided touching her ultra-sensitive clit.

A minute later, her body abruptly stopped its up-and-down movement. Her torso extended, and her head bounced backward. She let out a loud scream, and her body started shaking. She tried to ride me again but lost control and almost fell sideways.

I turned her body on her side and climbed between her thighs. My cock was still embedded in her vagina. With her now on her back, I began pounding her pussy hard. I increased the speed as I shoved my penis even deeper, crushing her cervix. Mom was crying and screaming and pulling my butt cheeks into her body. After a few minutes, my fingers trailed to her clitty and lightly rubbed it from side to side. This maneuver sent her to another high, and her body jerked erratically from side to side.

Watching her two magnificent tits jiggling uncontrollably all over the place was the trigger my cock needed to erupt. As I was banging her poor cunt mercilessly, I flooded her with a massive amount of spunk. After cumming inside her, I continued my strokes at a decreasing rate and eventually pulled out.

Mom stayed with her eyes closed, breathing fast and shallow, and her heart rate through the roof. Her skin was covered with sweat. I hugged her and gently kissed her open lips.

Several minutes have passed. She turned her face to me, "Honey, Last thing I remember, I saved your life with a chest massage while riding you. Suddenly I woke up, you were alive, and I almost lost MY life! What a turn of events..."

"Mom, you have no idea how hard it was! I mean to save YOUR life. I had to pound your body as fast as I could. Otherwise, you wouldn't recover..."

She laughed, "Joe, half the time I was on cloud nine, and I don't remember much. If you ever decide to change your profession to a lifeguard, I suspect that a large number of women will choose to drown in your part of the beach, needing similar resuscitation..."

"Mom, I want to be YOUR lifeguard! Now we are both very sweaty. Shall we go and take a shower together?"


The flight to Maui lasted almost 8 hours. I was watching movies the whole time. After breakfast, Mom took Ambien, lifted the separation between us, put her head on my lap, and slept throughout the flight! We arrived early afternoon. I was pretty tired, but Mom looked refreshed and was in a good mood. I got the rented Mustang and drove to our hotel. Forty-five minutes later, we were at the reception desk of the Westin Ka'anapali resort. We got a nice villa in area 5. It was close to the beach, the Beach Pool, and The Pailolo bar and grill.

The first day was dedicated to exploring the resort. When I reserved it online, I was impressed by its size and offered amenities. Once there, it looked even better. The sunny day, freshly cut green grass, and blue sky - We were already hooked on the place. And then the pretty pools, sports areas, and hammocks between the trees... Mom's happy face told me that my selection was correct.

We went back to our room and started unpacking. I noticed Mom smiling and asked her for a reason.

"Joe, before our trip, I bought several swimsuits, and wondered which one you would like me to wear in this place."

"Can I see a display of all of them on you, and then make my choices?"

She removed a large nylon bag from her luggage and spread the suits on the bed. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I'd score each of her swimsuits...

The first one was a tankini top with shorts in various bluish colors. It looked nice, but more as something to stroll in rather than a swimsuit. I gave it '2'.

The next one was a multicolor one-piece. It wasn't bad looking, especially on top but still... I gave it '4'.

Mom tried an orange bikini. I liked that it showed her fantastic midriff, but the color and bottom parts could have been more flattering. It deserved '3'.

Mom looked at the scores and smirked, "I wonder if the low scores reflect your opinion about the swimsuits or my body. So to be sure, I also bought three other swimsuits."

The fourth one was a smaller red bikini. The bottom was a low waist, and the top consisted of two small triangles tied around her neck. I loved this one! It exposed Mom's terrific cleavage and flat abdomen. Her round ass cheeks looked nice too. I scored it '10'. Mom had a big laugh, "I knew it..."

She went to the bathroom and came out with the fifth one. I was stunned. It was a thong bikini that barely covered her butt crack on the bottom and had tiny pieces of cloth covering very little more than her nipples on top. She was sashaying toward me, "Honey, it's a bit conservative... What do you think?!..."

"I think I will rape you in the next 5 minutes!" I gave it '20'...

"I bought one more, just in case. I am not sure if you'd like it."

The last one was a white one-piece that looked nice on Mom. It showed a little cleavage and covered her butt completely. I thought it deserved a '6'. But then Mom said, "Are you sure how you scored it? It's intended to be used in a pool or seawater. Let me go under the shower and check it out."

She stood in the tub, and the showerhead poured warm water on her body. The white swimsuit became utterly transparent! Her fantastic body was fully exposed through sheer material. The water hardened her nipples that poked through...

I was able to scribble '50' before my hard cock reminded me that such sexy sight was too much!...

Mom noticed my reaction and grinned, "Son, it's only a swimsuit. Are you OK?"

"Take it off!"

I removed my clothes and entered the half-full tub with my erect pole leading the way. The shiny water droplets on Mom's wet body were an erotic sight.

She glanced at me, "Darling, you are too excited. Be careful; we may slip and break our bones..."

I didn't bother answering. I turned her toward the wall and hugged her from behind. My hands massaged and squeezed her ample tits, and my cock grazed her ass crack. She leaned against the wall with her elbow, and used her other hand to direct my member into her pussy. If initially I wasn't sure she was lubricated enough for my penetration, the feeling of my spongy head swimming in her juices was enough to ensure safe passage...

I shoved my pecker all the way faster this time. There was no resistance, and Mom began moaning. I stood in the shallow water with one hand tweaking her nipple and the other leaning against the wall. My strokes were slow yet hard. Both of us were closing fast on our orgasm. I felt her starting to quiver, which was the last straw for me too. I increased the rate of pounding her from behind, placed my hand on her hairy mound, and rubbed her clit gently. We came simultaneously, both groaning and wailing like cattle being slaughtered. It was over in less than a minute. It was intense and highly satisfying.

I helped Mom lie down in the water before getting out. She said, "Joe, you were a cute child before you left for Australia. Now you are an alfa animal. Should I be scared near you?"

I grinned, "Yes. You should! You have also changed. From a docile, hardly talking woman, you became a naughty sexy goddess that I cannot resist. With you around, my testosterone controls me rather than the opposite..."

We laughed and later relaxed in bed until dinner.


The next day we drove to the famous Road to Hana. I wore shorts with a colorful Hawaiian tee shirt. Mom had on a short skirt, and a short sleeve sheer thin blouse with a soft bra underneath.

We stopped at the Ho'okipa lookout to stare at the fantastic surfers carrying out daring water exercises. Next, we drove to the Garden of Eden Arboretum. The large variety of Hawaiian flowers and other plants was astonishing. Green and dark red colors dominated the area. I shot Mom holding colorful flowers and trying to smell them. We continued, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the road, especially some waterfalls.

The temperature rose to around 85 degrees, and we elected to stop on one of the shores. We entered Waianapanapa state park and settled down at the black sand beach. Mom wore one of her bikinis, and I put on my Speedo. The water was cool, likely high 70s degrees, which was pleasant. Mom swam and was cheerful. She splashed me with a jet of water when I wasn't ready. I returned the favor. She turned her back to me and tried to swim away, but I caught her. I whispered in her ear, "Lady, you look very sexy in your swimsuit. If you continue provoking me, I may behave wildly!"

"Joe, I know you; you are all talk. You are just a Teddy bear pretending to be rough and tough." And then she splashed me again.

Without thinking twice, I unclasped her bikini top and swam away. I stood in the seawater about 30 feet from her. She bent down, showing only her head above the surface, and announced, "You are a bully. I will complain to your mother that you have no respect for oldies."

"Woman, you can complain to anybody you want. You are not getting your top until you come to me, apologize profusely, kiss me nicely, let me play with your gorgeous tits, and give me a handjob in the water."

"Joe, it's unacceptable to blackmail your mother into doing such a pervert act. Don't you care about my feelings at all?"

"Not really."

"You are a jerk, and I hate you! Unfortunately, I do not see any other option to get my bikini top back, so I'll give in to your ridiculous demands. But the first time I get an opportunity, I'll beat the heck out of you for embarrassing me like that!..."

She approached me, making sure that her exposed chest was always underwater. The closest person to us was about 100 feet away and looked in the other direction, so I was not worried.

She joined me and placed her palm on my groin, "Honey, how do you expect me to play with your unruly monster if it's caged?"

"A mother who does not know how to remove her son's swimsuit... What a shame!"

She lowered the waist part of the Speedo, and then her foot pushed it all the way down. She smiled at me, "Did I mention lately that I like playing with my new toy?"

My organ stiffened quickly in her expert hands.

The water level I was standing in reached my waist. Mom was kneeling in the water, keeping only her face up. As she continued giving me a hand job, my extended prick started peeking above the water. Mom chortled and said that it was too huge to hide. While massaging it lightly with both hands, her face was now the same level as the mushroomed head.

She gazed at me. I stared at her face, my pecker, and back at her.

She sighed and inserted the head into her soft mouth. She removed it and grinned, "It's salty but delicious." I think I'll take seconds..."

She sucked me slowly up and down, and my penis continued to elongate, eventually surfacing in its entirety. Mom continued giving me head, and her muffled sounds were heard. I peeked at the young guy who was far away from us before. He was now about 80 feet away and looking directly at us! Mom was focused on her blowjob, feeling my hands massaging her sensitive nipples, and unaware of his presence. He was on my left side, and had a perfect view of Mom's moving head. He smiled at me, showed a 'thumbs-up', and moved away. I exploded in her mouth a moment later. Like a good mother, she swallowed my seed without spilling a drop in the water.

When I was done, she grinned, "Darling, the added salt made it even more delicious..."

I caressed her hair, "I love you, Mom!"

We ate the sandwiches and fruit we prepared earlier, and continued driving east. We reached the town of Hana. It's a small town that didn't impress us, and we continued southwest for another half an hour to Ohe'o Gulch. We stopped there and walked along the trail between several pools and waterfalls. We strolled slowly, enjoying the scenery for about an hour on a path that usually took half the time. It was fun!

The drive back to the resort was long. It took us about three hours, including a short stop for using the bathroom and having an ice cream.

I loved watching Mom enjoying the gelato like a little girl. Some drops of it spilled on her blouse. Instead of cleaning it, she glanced at me and extended her chest. It was terrible of her to make me clean after her! I had to pour some water on her cleavage and tried my best to scrub the ice cream droplets, but I wasn't very successful. I inserted my palm inside her soft bra and rubbed it from the inside, but I was so frustrated and confused that I was doing it incorrectly. I was massaging... I meant rubbing her tit instead of the blouse. Mom gave me an understanding look and did not comment on my mistake. Eventually, I directed my palm the right way and was able to remove the stains. I was so consumed with helping Mom that I hardly noticed how close I was to stain the front of my pants in the process...

While the stains disappeared, Mom's bra and blouse were soaked. I suggested Mom removes her bra and leave it on the back seat so it dried faster. She agreed it was a good idea.

She removed the bra. I stared at her fantastic chest. Without the bra, a hint of her mammary was noted through the dry part of the blouse, but the wet part was transparent! The fantastic breast was seen in all its glory as if the blouse was not there... I had to adjust the position of my rigid penis. For some reason, Mom just smiled and ignored my suffering!


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