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Man of the House Ch. 05

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Megan is home for the weekend.
4.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/02/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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The redeye flight back east went without a hitch, and I slept for three hours. The plane landed in a pouring rain. I thought of taking an Uber home, but I got a call from Mom saying she was on her way to pick me up.

Five minutes later, her car parked near the baggage area. I put my stuff in the trunk and sat in front. Mom was covered head to toe with a raincoat.

I smirked, "Mom, I can hardly recognize you..."

"It was rainy and windy when I left the house, hence the big coat. But now I feel too hot. My hands are on the wheel - Can you open the front buttons so that I can breathe easier?"

"Of course."

My fingers fumbled with her upper buttons, but it got easier the lower I went. There was an unexpected finding - Underneath her raincoat, Mom was naked!

"You are such a hot mama! How can I resist you?" My hand kneaded lightly her ample breast, and my rod began rising.

Mom grinned, "I hoped you'd still be interested in me after exploring Megan's fantastic body..."

"Megan is beautiful and looks like young Jacqueline Bisset. Your face reminds me of Elizabeth Hurley, and you have the body of Salma Hayek! You two look very different, but both are very attractive..."

"Joe, stop playing with my boob before I cause an accident!"

"OK, Mother. But it's your fault I do it. I missed your terrific tits..."

"I'll let you play with them at home."


Mom parked in our indoor garage and didn't bother dressing. Her voluptuous body gliding in front of me made my cock stand in attention, waiting for the right time to get into action.

She went into the kitchen and took a plate from the upper shelve. I used the opportunity and grabbed her ample breasts from behind, "Mother, I have the urge to suck on your tits and drink your milk."

She laughed, "Honey, the only way I'll start producing milk is if I get pregnant, and I don't think any of us want a baby. Right?" Reluctantly, I gave up.

She approached and hugged me tight, with her mammaries crushing against my lower chest, "Joe, I have a request. Three days after you left for California, I felt my energy dwindling. I tried a couple of energy drinks, but they worked for only a few hours each. My body needs YOUR energy drink that charges me for at least two days. May I?"

"Only if you promise to sleep with me later and let me play with your body!"

She grinned, "Honey, you are still the man of the house, and I'll do as you wish..."

"Mom, it was a long flight; let me shower first."

"I'll shower with you and ensure your body is soaped and clean..."

Mom scrubbed my backside first. She was thorough and methodical, starting with my neck and finishing at my feet. Then she turned me around and did my upper chest and abdomen. I enjoyed ogling her jiggling tits and gently tweaked them. Next, she knelt before me and did my legs, going up toward my erect organ, which waited impatiently for her undivided attention.

At last, Mom caressed my clean cock, whispering, "It is huge and beautiful. Let me take care of both our needs." Her mouth enveloped my washed cock, and her expert mouth began the familiar up-and-down movements. Her sucking was slow and powerful. Watching her luscious lips wrap around my prick, milking me, made me crazy. I held the back of her head with both hands and whispered, "Mom, take it! Here it comes..."

I ejaculated a massive amount of goo in her throat. She swallowed everything without spilling a drop. When she was done, she smiled at me, "Joe, I love sucking you dry. Now that I got used to the taste, I like it a lot. Knowing it charges my body like no other stuff is an additional incentive. I'd like to alternate between swallowing your seed and accepting it in another place of your choice..."


After the shower, we didn't bother dressing up. Outside, the rain continued pouring, while the temperature inside the house was a comfortable 72 degrees.

We sat down to watch the romantic thriller movie Unfaithful. Mom's head leaned on my chest. My hand was lightly kneading her curvy breast, and hers was gently playing with my cock.

As Diane Lane and Olivier Martinez started their steamy encounter, Mom's hand began moving faster around my cock, and it gradually expanded. Her arousal rubbed on me, and my fingers pinched her sensitive nipple. She moaned and raised her face to mine for a kiss.

I stopped the movie, "Let's go to bed. I want you now."

She smiled, "I hoped you'd say that... Let's go."

Mom was on her back in no time, waiting for me. I joined her using The Good Ex position (I sat down leaning backward with my right leg over her left and her right over my left one). I let my cock slowly revolve in and out of her vagina for a while, and then I pulled both Mom's hands and increased my thrusts, alternating between me sitting up and her lying down, and then pulling her to a sitting position.

Mom began moaning.

Next, I changed into a G-Whiz position (Mom was on her back. I was kneeling with her pelvis slightly raised, leaning on my knees, and her legs over my shoulders). Now, my prick could enter deeper, targeting the G-spot. My hands were free to play with her marvelous tits, which I hadn't played with all last week.

As I pounded her cunt and my palms massaged her breasts, I watched her expression. Her eyes were shut, and her face had extreme pleasure written all over it. My strokes increased in speed and intensity, and her expression changed to lust.

Suddenly, her cell phone, which was by her side, rang. She opened her eyes and peeked at the screen. It was Megan.

Both of us were aroused. I continued pounding her pussy, but slowed down.

Mom looked at me and whispered, "She called me before your arrival and had a low-grade fever and sore throat. I need to answer to ensure she is OK."

I nodded my head 'yes' but didn't stop humping her at a slow pace.

"Hi Megan, how are you feeling now?"

"I took Zink and Airborne, and I feel better. I called for another reason. According to the weather channel, you had rainstorms. I wanted to know if Joe was unharmed and came on time."

"Honey, don't worry about Joe. He is unharmed and came once already..."

I heard Megan laughing, "Mom, was it the naked body under the raincoat that did the trick?"

"It definitely helped. But why don't you ask HIM?..."

She handed me the phone, closed her eyes, and started countering me each time I shoved my cock into her.

"Hi, Megan. Gooood to hear youuur voice agaaain."

She chuckled, "You sound funny. Did I catch you two going at it again?"

"Yes, you did."

"I am jealous. Can I join?"

"Ask Mom." I transferred the phone back to Mom.

"Yes, honey. Joe and I were too aroused to stop when you called. Since the beginning of the phone call, he has been trying to slow down, but I doubt he'll be able to keep the pace down for long."

"Mooom, whaat is heee dooing nooow?"

"His cock is buried deep inside my vagina, and his hands are all over my boobs. Let me guess, are you playing with yourself right now?"

"Yesss. I remember how gooood it felt wheeen he was inside myyy body and I thought about him fuuucking youuu hard!..."

I was listening to their chat and decided it was time to intensify my strokes. I placed two fingers on her clitoris and rubbed it lightly.

Mom was still holding the phone, but abruptly, she dropped it, and her body shuddered. She went into a massive climax with a scream. I banged her harder, still making groaning sounds, fast approaching an orgasm, too. Seconds before climaxing, I heard Megan whimpering sounds on the phone. Mom's initial scream turned to loud moans.

After ejaculating deep in her pussy, I rested, keeping my organ inside her.

I picked up the phone, "Megan, are you still there?"

She whispered, "Yes, I am. Geez, listening to you guys gave me one strong orgasm..."

"Megan, the morning after the flight, I had a woody, and seeing Mom's naked body was too much to let go..."

She laughed, "You don't have to apologize. I know Mom is very sexy. I told her that multiple times, but she didn't believe me. Now that you are there and prove it to her, she has the time of her life!"

"Girl, when are you coming here?"

"Did you mean COMING or CUMMING?"

Mom heard the question and smiled at me.

"Megan, we are family. I hope we can share everything, and if I am The Man Of The House, as Mom claims, once you come here, you'll CUM as well." As I was saying it, I looked at Mom. Her lips mumbled quietly, "But of course!"

Megan said, "I'll come home next weekend and leave Monday morning."

"Mom and I love you and will be happy to spend quality time with you."


In the following days, I was busier than usual at the company but never returned home after 6 pm. Mom and I went twice to good restaurants, and on other evenings, we stayed at home and watched TV before going to bed.

Bedtime was our favorite time of the day. We couldn't take our hands off each other.

The night after talking to Megan on the phone, we went to bed, and I hugged Mom. As usual, feeling her nipples poking my chest was the primary trigger to harden my pecker. As my hands roamed her voluptuous body, I whispered, "Mom, how would you like our sex to be when Megan is here?"

She stayed quiet, but her movements increased, suggesting excitement.

"Would you rather I have sex one evening with you and another evening with her? Or would you prefer to try a three-way?"

She moaned and didn't answer. She took my hand and placed it at the entrance to her cunt. It was soaked!

"Mom, in my fantasy, my cock pounds your pussy as Megan sits naked, watching us. Once you are aroused, I ask her to join us. She hesitates but then comes closer. I gently place her palm on your beautiful breast and help her massage it. I want her to feel, touch, and play with your body. Then I push her head gently toward you. You may close your eyes as your full lips meet hers for an intimate kiss. I want you to touch and knead her tits too. They are smaller but perky and sexy. I wish to see you kiss and suck on her nipples. The three of us should play together like a united, happy family..."

I didn't finish telling my fantasy, and Mom's body shivered, undergoing a powerful orgasm. The mere thought of having a threesome with Megan was enough to take her over the edge, even though I wasn't touching her clit or pounding her vagina!

I let her relax, caressing her forehead lightly.

When Mom recovered, she looked at me, "Joe, if you want it to happen, I am ready, but you better ensure your sister isn't disgusted by the idea BEFORE acting on it..."

Mom liking the idea of Menages a Trois was very arousing. Without prolonged foreplay, I penetrated her moist cunt and began drilling while whispering, "Megan loves your gorgeous tits. I think she'd enjoy tweaking them! And just like you, she wants to milk my cock... once I cum in her mouth, you should kiss her and share my present. I also want her to lick you and feel the tasty nectar I suck on frequently..."

As my arousal was building, Mom's moans started becoming louder.

"Yes, Mom, I also want to play with both of you simultaneously. I want to fuck one and massage the other while you girls touch intimately each other..."

Mom and I came almost at the same time. I prevented her from crying with a French kiss. Her two orgasms, while I was whispering about a threesome with Megan, told me she was mentally ready for it.

The next step would be to convince Megan to join. My hunch was it would be even easier than persuading Mom...

I called Megan from work the following afternoon, "Girl, I miss you."

She smirked, "Buddy, Mom is the sexiest woman I know; isn't she enough for you?"

"Megan, I love Mom and love sex with her. When you are here, I want to have sex with you and Mom together. What do you think?"

"I knew you were a pervert. What makes you think Mom will agree to it?"

"I talked to her about it when we were in bed. She came twice during the time it took me to describe my fantasy. Is it good enough for you?"

"Joe, I'll tell you a secret. When the two of you were having sex, and I was on the phone, I imagined myself there with you, being part of the action. My answer is YES, but I'd like a glass of wine before the start..."

"Having all three of us in bed sharing our love will be awesome. I'll take care of the details..."


Early Saturday morning, I met Megan at the airport. She wore a simple blouse and jeans pants. I kissed her and asked how the flight was.

"I had a window seat and slept one hour before a baby started crying and woke me up. But now I feel OK."

"I'll take you home. Earlier, Mom and I only had coffee. By the time we arrive home, breakfast will be ready. Afterward, you can shower, and I am sure you'll feel much better."

She smirked, "Will you help me if I am too tired to soap myself?"

"If you are good to Mom and me - Yes."

We arrived home. Mom opened the door, having on a nice kimono robe. She hugged Megan, "Honey, you disappeared from home for too long. I missed you a lot."

Megan kissed her cheek, "You are right, but I had a lot of catch-up to do. Now it's easier, and I may visit more often." She turned to me, "I also applied for a transfer to three colleges on the East Coast nearby. I hope one of them will accept me without losing a year."

"Children, breakfast is ready. Sit at the table before it gets cold."

Mom prepared the same European breakfast we used to eat in my youth - A toast with cream cheese, soft-boiled egg, a large plate with slices of tomatoes, red peppers, and cucumbers, and another with olives, ham, and turkey slices. Orange juice and coffee were ready, too.

Megan laughed, "In college, I barely eat in the morning. If I have time, I eat cereals or yogurt, but often I have only coffee."

The rest of the breakfast, we ate silently and looked at each other lovingly.

When she was done, Megan stood up, "I feel dirty after the flight. I am going to take a long, relaxing shower."

She was gone, and I asked Mom, "How do you find Megan after months of not seeing her?"

"She lost some weight, but she looks good. I'll make some of her favorite dishes when she is here."

"I wonder how tired she'll be after the shower. It's a nice day outside. If she wants, we can stroll in the park."

I helped Mom put the dishes in the washer, and we sat in front of the TV.

Megan came out of the bathroom half an hour later. Her shoulder-length hair was wet and loose. She wore short pants and a white tee shirt without a bra. The contours of her breasts were clearly visible, and the hard nipples poked through the cloth.

Mom and I stared at her. To me, she looked like a wet goddess. My cock felt the same and stirred in my pants.

Megan gazed at us and smiled, "My hair is wet. I needed to dry it, but I was exhausted. I'd better go to sleep for an hour or two." She went to her former room and closed the door.

I glanced at Mom, "She looked very sexy, don't you think?"

Mom blushed, "Yes, she did."

I was curious about Mom's red face but elected to let it go.

My growing prick reminded me it wasn't just Megan's appearance that caused it. The morning woody did not get its usual relief yet... I turned to Mom, "We have at least an hour to kill before Megan wakes up. Any suggestion of an enjoyable activity?" And I lowered my gaze toward my groin.

She grinned, "Let's go to the bedroom and think of something."

We went to the large bedroom and undressed on the way in, throwing our clothes on the floor, not bothering to take them with us or close the door. We were too hungry for each other and would have much time to do it later.

My erect cock led the way to bed, and Mom followed behind me.

She chuckled, "Joe, did I tell you your butt is adorable?"

"Mom, I don't know about mine, but yours is as sexy as any I've seen in Playboy. One day, I'll be very tempted to play with it..."

"Do you mean massage, spank, or use it for anal sex?..."

"How about all of the above?"

"Son, you are very naughty, but I am too horny to discuss the implications of what you said. Right now, I want to feel your monster in my hungry cunt."

Mom was on her back with her head toward the door and her legs wide apart for me. I mounted her fantastic naked body, and my pole continued expanding. Her hand caressed my cock while I tweaked her beautiful orbs.

"Joe put it in. I want my pussy filled. Then you can play with my breasts as much as you want."

I bathed it in her wet entrance and shoved my dick all the way in. She groaned, "It feels so good inside me. Only minor strokes are needed to make me climax."

As Mom was talking, I heard a soft noise outside the door. I looked in that direction and saw Megan standing by the door, watching us!

Mom's eyes were closed, and she wasn't aware of Megan's presence.

I began slow pounding of Mom's cunt and looked straight at Megan. She stood still with her eyes focused on us without moving or talking. I massaged Mom's breasts gently, and she moaned.

Noticing that Megan was not running away, I tried my luck, "Mom, your body is very sexy, and it feels wonderful to be inside you. I can still envision Megan's tits poking through her thin tee shirt. Don't you think her boobs were perfect?"

She whispered, "Yes, they were."

"Just imagine the fun I'll have to play with yours and hers simultaneously."

"Before you arrived from Australia, Megan and I were good buddies. I loved to hug her and feel her warmth. Since your arrival and our intimate relationship started, everything seemed to get an erotic connotation. Yes, when she came out of the shower, I was ogling her gorgeous breasts too. Joe, this talk makes me even more horny. Fuck me now, please."

"Mom, before I do it, you should know I plan to have a threesome with you and Megan this weekend. How do you feel about it?"

She mumbled, "Joe, I said it already. If Megan wants it, I'll be happy to participate. Now stop the talk and fuck me hard. Your talk made me even hungrier to feel you ramming into me!"

I looked at Megan, who was still near the door, and signaled her to come closer. She hesitated for a moment and then slowly approached us. With my hand, I pointed at her upper body, hinting for her to remove her blouse.

She looked at me and then took it off.

"Mom, Megan is right here near us, and is topless. Her nipples are rock-hard. She is as aroused as we two. She heard everything we just said. I want her to knead your fantastic tits when I fuck you. OK?"

Mom sighed, "Joe, just fuck me. And yes, Megan can touch my boobs if she wants. I think hers are prettier."

I started with slow, hard strokes. Megan seemed frozen. I placed her hand on Mom's right breast, moving together circularly around her nipple. Mom gasped, and then her breathing increased. Gradually, Megan's palm began moving without my help, and I removed mine, watching her pinching lightly Mom's rubbery nipple. Megan bent down and licked the nipple. Mom's hand caressed Megan's hair, and she whispered, "My baby, I missed you..."

Megan's lips wrapped Mom's nipple, and she sucked on it as I pounded her harder and faster. I grabbed Mom's hand and placed it on Megan's tit. She clutched to it, and her body quivered. With a loud groan, her massive climax began. Her body jiggled between Megan and me. She was groaning and moaning, trying desperately to pull me deeper into her body with one hand and pinching Megan's mammary with her other.

As Mom's orgasm subsided, I slowed down, too, praying silently I won't cum yet. I wished to involve Megan more directly in our lovemaking before ejaculating.

I instructed Megan to undress completely and lie down between me and Mom.

Mom's eyes opened, and she saw Megan. She blushed and whispered, "Thank you."

Megan kissed Mom's forehead, "I love you, Mom."


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