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Mandy - Becoming a Party Girl

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Roommates help a shy girl get over her ex.
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Mandy stared out the bus window as she made her way back home from the small bookstore where she worked. Unless you looked carefully you would miss the fact that Mandy was actually a very attractive woman. She wore her long brunette hair in a bun that really didn't suit her, wore unstylish eye glasses, her plain pants hid her shapely legs and her oversized shirt effectively camouflaged her large breasts. The overall effect was to turn a stunning pretty woman into a completely almost forgettable average one.

She turned off her MP3 player as the bus passed a house she was all too familiar with. The two storey stone sided house was where her ex-boyfriend, Ben, used to live before he left for college.

They had been friends since grade school and casually dated over the years before officially becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. That had lasted for about a year before they broke up. Mandy couldn't even remember why they decided to break it off, it was something so small and trivial and yet seemed so important at the time. A year had passed since the breakup and the two had slowly become friends again. Ben had been dating other women since the breakup and didn't hide it from Mandy. Mandy had tried dating as well, without much success, and always held out hope that she and Ben would be together again.

The bus continued on towards Mandy's destination, leaving the cute neighborhood with Ben's old house behind her.

Mandy and Ben sometimes scheduled "webcam" dates where they would talk and catch up on each other's lives. Tonight was one of those nights but she had some mixed feelings about it. Mandy was happy that it was webcam night and that she'd see Ben, but it just seemed hopeless that they'd ever get together again. She wondered if she was wasting her time.

Mandy signaled the bus driver, stood up and made her way to the exit. Having a bus stop so close to her home with a route that passed right by her job made living without a car so much easier than it could have been. She hated relying on others for car rides.

As the brunette approached the small house she shared with her roommates Erica and Jackie, she noticed a familiar car in the driveway which caused her stomach to flutter. Her landlord Jeff was visiting.

Jeff was one of the most attractive men she had ever met and she always felt like a nervous little schoolgirl around him. If there was one person that could help get her mind off of Ben it was Jeff.

Jeff was tall and athletic with wavy brown hair. He spent most of his time working as a personal trainer at a local gym, but his other job was taking care of the rental properties his wealthy father owned. Today was rent day and Jeff dropped by to pick up the monthly payment.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and entered the small brick house she called home. Jeff was sitting on the sofa between her roommates Erica and Jackie. The three were watching TV, joking, flirting and laughing.

Mandy spoke up as she entered the room, "Hi Guys."

Erica looked up and smiled, "Hey Mandy! How was your day?"

Mandy really liked her roommates Erica and Jackie. She didn't have a lot of friends left in the city as most of them went off to college after high school, but Erica was definitely her best one. They two of them met when Mandy was looking for an apartment in the city. Mandy had lived with her parents throughout high school but her parents moved to the countryside after graduation forcing her to look for a place of her own if she wanted to stay. Erica and her friend Jackie happened to be looking for a roommate for the house they shared and everything fell together.

Erica was about the same height as Mandy, about 5'2", but that's where the similarities ended. Erica had long wavy blonde hair that almost reached her butt. The beautiful blonde was also in fantastic shape due to the many hours she spent at the gym and loved to wear clothes that showed it off. Erica was fun, flirty and had an air of sexuality about her.

Jackie almost as good a friend. She was much taller than Mandy and Erica standing at almost 5'11". Jackie had a naturally golden skin tone and long straight black hair. She was quite thin with small breasts that she constantly complained about. Her friends had often commented that she looked like a runway fashion model but in reality her profession was quite different. The tall beauty worked in the accounting department of a small Internet services company.

"It was really good thanks," Mandy replied to her friends.

Jeff turned around now that Erica's attention was on Mandy. "Hi Mandy," Jeff said. "Erica and Jackie gave me your rent check."

"Oh, good." Mandy stammered as she nervously played with a loose strand of hair that came undone from her bun. She hated small talk and now that the rent was taken care of she had no idea what to say. She quickly averted her gaze and continued after a pause, "Well it was really good seeing you again, I guess if the rent is taken care of, I should get going. I have a web date tonight..." Mandy let the sentence tail off and headed for the safety of her bedroom.

Jackie sighed, "Not another one of those web dates with Ben."

Erica nodded, "Yep, girl needs to get over that guy."

Jeff looked at the two roommates, "What's going on?"

Erica excitedly turned to Jeff like she just had the greatest idea she'd ever had, "You should ask her out! That would help her get over Ben!"

Jeff was caught off guard. "Me? I don't think I'm her kind of guy," he replied.

Jackie joined in, "Come on, she totally has the hots for you."

Jeff hesitated.

"Come on, she's really nice. Just a little uptight and shy. That's all." Erica said trying to convince Jeff without much success.

Jackie jumped in to defend her roommate too, "She's super sweet, and one of the nicest people I've ever met. I'm sure you'd like her if you got to know her."

"Look," Jeff said, "I'm not disagreeing that she's nice, I just don't think..." He struggled for the right words.

Erica sighed, "What if we can get her to come out to the club with us. We can all hang out and you'll see she's cool."

Jeff smiled and shook his head, "I wish you the best of luck at getting her to go out."

Erica dismissed Jeff's negativity with a wave of her hand, "Are you and the guys going to the bar tonight?"

"Of course," he replied.

Erica took a deep breath, "Okay, Jackie and I will see you there tonight. With any luck we'll have Mandy with us. Please be nice to her and show her some attention. We want to encourage this."

"Yeah sure, I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway, I gotta get going home. Thanks for the rent. See you two tonight, let me know if she's coming. If she shows I promise I'll be nice."

"Awesome," Erica beamed. "And once you see how cool she is maybe you'll ask her out?"

Jeff laughed, "You never give up. We'll see. One thing at a time." The handsome landlord gathered his things and headed home.


Mandy collapsed on her bed and stared at the ceiling. "If it wasn't for Erica and Jackie I'd be completely invisible to Jeff," she thought to herself.

The shy brunette looked at the clock, it was just about time for the call. Mandy grabbed her tablet and initiated the video chat with Ben. Talking to him should get her mind of the embarrassing moment that just happened and hopefully make her feel better. After all, Ben was the only guy that seemed to notice her.

"Hi Ben," Mandy's face lit up as her ex accepted her call.

"Hey Mandy, sorry I can't really talk right now. I'm, uh, heading out in a couple minutes." Ben replied.

Mandy was a little disappointed they can't talk, but happy to see him anyway. "Oh, okay. Umm. Have you thought about visiting me like we talked about? It's been a long time."

"I can't do it this weekend, sometime came up. How about next?" He asked.

"Yeah okay, next weekend sounds good," Mandy forced a smile and tried to be hopeful but Ben had cancelled many times before. "You have a good night."

"Yeah you too," Ben replied. "Talk to you soon."

Mandy was about to close the call when she heard a familiar voice coming from the small speaker, "Ben are you coming or what?" It was her old friend Janice, she was there with Ben.

"Ben," Mandy asked, "is that Janice?"

Ben looked a little uncomfortable, "Yeah, we're off to a party tonight. Sorry it bumped into our web chat time, I didn't know about it until she invited me earlier today. We can chat tomorrow right?"

"Oh, yeah. Of course," Mandy said.

"Tell Mandy I said hi," she heard Janice callout from off screen.

Ben smirked, "Janice says hi. Gotta go, talk to ya tomorrow."

Mandy stared at the blank screen as Ben closed the call.

"Fuck me," she muttered. "Forever alone. Now Ben's dating my old best friend and I can't get anyone to even notice me."

Mandy got off the bed and looked in the mirror. She undid the tight bun and let her long brown hair fall down, resting over her right shoulder and reaching just past her breasts. Breasts that while not too big, were just slightly too large for her petite frame.

"It's time for a change," she said to her reflection.

Mandy looked over to her closed bedroom door. "Let's do this," she says to herself building up the courage to go out and talk to Jeff.


Mandy walked back to the living room, partially disappointed, partially relieved that Jeff had already left.

She sat down between Jackie and Erica, "Guys, I really need your help."

"Of course, what's going on?" Jackie said concerned.

"Are you guys going out tonight?" Mandy asked.

Erica and Jackie looked at each other, "We were going to."

"Mind if I tag along? I'm tired of staying home alone," Mandy said sadly.

"We'd love to have you come with us," Erica replied warmly even as she was surprised by the request. "Is something wrong? You seem sad."

"I'm tired of wasting my life waiting for Ben. I'm tired of being invisible. I want to have fun. I want guys to want me." Mandy blurted out.

Erica grabbed Mandy's hands. "Oh, Mandy. Everything's going to be okay. You're definitely coming out to the bar with us tonight. We're going to get drunk, dance, flirt with guys and have a blast. You're going to forget all about Ben."

Mandy smiled, she had the best friends a girl could hope for.

"Okay," Erica said excitedly, "I can't believe you're finally coming out with us. Let's pick out your outfit for the night. Show us what you have."

The three girls went to Mandy's room where Erica and Jackie got busy digging through her closet and dresser. Soon the room was littered with discarded clothes.

"Hmm. You really don't have anything sexy do you," Jackie said. "You have cute, but we're not going for cute. We're going for sexy tonight."

"Well except this," Erica laughed holding up a black teddy and matching thong panties. "But I don't think it's appropriate for tonight. Unless Mandy gets lucky."

"Hey, give me that back," Mandy laughed grabbing for the lingerie. She bought it as a surprise for Ben before they broke up but he never ending up seeing it.

Mandy looked around at the piles of clothes and plopped down on her bed. "It's useless," she sighed. "I'll never look as good as you two. The guys won't even know I'm there."

"Bullshit. I don't want to hear you talk like that," Erica snapped causing Mandy to jump.

A wicked smile crossed the blonde's face and she turned to Jackie, "I know the perfect dress for getting attention."

Jackie grinned, "If it's the one I'm thinking about, you grab the dress, I'll grab the liquid courage."

Erica and Jackie darted from the room leaving a bewildered Mandy wondering what the heck was going on.

Jackie returned first with a bottle of liquor tucked under her arm and three small glasses. She sat them down on the dresser and quickly poured three shots of the amber liquid. "You're going to need this once you see the dress," Jackie laughed.

Erica appeared a moment later with a black dress draped over her arm, "Don't scare her, this dress was a big hit when I wore it to the New Year's Eve party. I had to beat the guys off me with a stick."

"Okay, let me see the dress," Mandy said nervously.

"Drink first," Jackie demanded.

"To a new chapter in Mandy's life," Erica toasted and held up her glass. The three girls quickly downed their shots. Mandy didn't drink very often and winced a little as the liquid burned her throat.

Mandy picked up the dress and looked it over. She gave her friends a puzzled look as she wasn't exactly sure how to wear it. The dress just seemed to be a couple loops of black fabric.

"Where's the rest of it?" the bewildered brunette asked.

Erica laughed, "Get undressed, we'll help you put it on."

Mandy unbuttoned her shirt and threw it over a chair which happened to be one of the last places in her room not littered with her garments. Erica and Jackie watched patiently as Mandy slipped off her pants.

"God you have a fantastic body," Jackie exclaimed, "I can't believe you keep it hidden."

Mandy blushed a little at the complement, "Thank you."

She stood nervously in front of her friends in her plain bra and large white cotton panties.

Erica got up and walked behind Mandy, "You'll need to lose the bra, it's a backless dress."

The shy brunette started to complain that her breasts were way too large to go without one but Erica was having none of it. "Trust me," the attractive blonde said as she unhooked the bra and slipped it off Mandy's shoulders.

Jackie got off the bed and approached her topless friend. "You can't wear the granny panties with that dress either. Your little sexy ones will probably be okay."

Mandy have a little gasp of surprise as Jackie grabbed the panties and lowered them to the floor leaving her naked in front of her friends.

"Hmm," Jackie grunted. "I'll be back in a minute..."

The tall beauty quickly left the room, returning a minute later as Erica helped drape the dress over Mandy.

"Okay, time for the big reveal," Erica announced proudly.

Mandy turned around and looked into the mirror, "Oh my god!" she exclaimed. Never in a million years would she have expected to wear a dress like this. She turned around to look at herself from every angle. Mandy wasn't even sure you could call it a dress. It was very low cut in the front, just an inch or two above her belly button. There was basically no back or sides to the dress as the fabric looped from behind her neck over her breasts and wrapped around the front to the top of her butt, extending down just a couple inches below her crotch.

Jackie and Erica looked proudly at each other. "You look fucking amazing!" Jackie exclaimed.

"You wear it better than I do!" Erica said excitedly.

Mandy was still in shock, "I don't think I can wear this..." she said nervously trying to figure out how to keep her boobs tucked inside the dress. "I'm practically naked."

Erica poured another drink and handed it to Mandy, "Trust us, we're the experts."

Jackie giggled, "I think you're more an expert than I am."

Erica shot her tall friend a dirty look before turning back to Mandy. The hot blonde reached up and removed Mandy's glasses and fiddled with the brunette's hair. "A little makeup and we're gold."

Jackie interrupted, "Oh, there's one more thing." The tall black haired beauty handed Mandy a disposable razor.

"I already shaved my legs," Mandy said as she took the razor from her friend.

"Yeah, it's for the forest between your legs. That's gotta go if you're wearing the tiny panties," was Jackie's reply. Jackie could see Mandy was embarrassed and tried to lighten the mood. "Trust us, we're experts. It will make you feel sexy. And feeling sexy is everything. It will show in how you act and how others treat you."

Mandy blushed a little, "You're the expert."

"Okay, you have a shower and shave while Jackie and I get ready," Erica told her. "We'll help you with your hair and makeup when you're done. Wear your contacts tonight too, the glasses aren't going to work with that dress. Your feet are the same size as mine, I have prefect heels for you too."

Mandy slipped off the dress and put it down carefully on the bed. Laying it out so she could remember how to put it on.

Erica gave her a big hug, "I'm so proud of you. We're going to have an amazing time tonight. Just trust us and follow our lead."


Mandy hopped in the shower and washed up before grabbing the razor and shaving cream. She had never shaved her pubic hair before and wasn't exactly sure how to do it and how much to leave.

"You okay in there?" She heard Jackie call from the bathroom door.

"Umm, how much do I shave off?" Mandy meekly replied.

"All of it," was the response the pretty brunette received.

Mandy was afraid Jackie would say that.

"Do you need any help?" Jackie called out.

Mandy was getting frustrated, she already dropped the razor twice and only managed to clear a small patch. "Yes," she replied quietly.

"Okay, come on out," Jackie said.

Mandy turned off the water and climbed out of the shower.

"Take a seat," Jackie said as she placed a towel on the edge of the tub. "Don't worry, I've done this for Erica plenty of times."

The pretty brunette sat down on the edge of the tub and nervously opened her legs for her beautiful tall friend. Jackie filled a small bowl with warm water, grabbed a face cloth and sat down cross legged in front of Mandy. Producing a small pair of scissors, Jackie carefully began trimming away the longest hairs, wiping them away with the cloth and water.

"Looks better already," Jackie said warmly as she looked up at Mandy.

Mandy could feel dampness growing in her pussy and hoped Jackie didn't notice. The pretty brunette tried to stop her growing arousal as she felt her nipples starting to harden. Mandy closed her eyes and tried to think unsexy thoughts.

"How do you manage to do it yourself?" Mandy asked.

"I don't," Jackie replied, "I get waxed at the spa. Erica's a big baby though and thinks waxing hurts too much, so I help her shave."

"Step one done," Jackie said as she reached for the shaving cream. The tall sexy friend squirted some cream on her hands and carefully massaged it onto Mandy's sensitive pubic area. The pretty naked brunette let out an involuntary gasp.

"Feels nice doesn't it?" Jackie said. Not expecting a reply.

Jackie placed a hand on Mandy's stomach and pulled the skin tight. The razor gently glided over Mandy's smooth skin slowly removing the remaining hair. Jackie worked slowly and expertly, frequently cleaning the razor between strokes.

Mandy couldn't believe how turned on she was from her friend shaving her. Jackie's gentle touch on her pussy was driving her crazy and she hoped her friend didn't notice the moisture building between her thighs or her hardening nipples.

"Almost done," Jackie giggled, "then you can take care of yourself."

Mandy blushed knowing Jackie could tell she was turned on.

"Don't worry," Jackie calmly reassured her, "happens to Erica to. Now flip over."

Mandy bent over the tub as Jackie cleaned up any stray hairs around her butt.

"All done," Jackie said proudly. "Damn you have a pretty pussy. Here take a look."

Jackie handed Mandy a small hand mirror and the pretty brunette examined her newly shaven mound.

"Wow," Mandy exclaimed. "You did a really good job."

Jackie handed Mandy a small bottle of lotion. "You should rub some of this on to prevent razor burn," the tall beauty said with a sexy smile adding "unless of course you want me to do it."

Mandy was surprised by her friend's comment, the meaning was really clear about what she was offering. Mandy didn't know what to say, she was so turned on she almost agreed. "Umm, maybe next time?" she managed to squeak out a reply.

"No problem," Jackie smiled. "Whenever you like. See you shortly."

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