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Marcelle and Charles Ch. 05

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Ménage à Trois.
7.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/03/2022
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Chapter 5- Ménage à Trois

For the next three weeks Marcelle, Lana, and I lived, loved, and fucked like newlyweds on our honeymoon. However, as it turns out, marriage-- (Lana and I aren't actually married yet even though it feels like it).

Anyway, marriage is a lot fucking harder than I thought it would be. I'm not sure what I thought it would be like-- Best friends that live together and fuck maybe, but this is not that. Well, it is, and it isn't.

However, managing them-- keeping them happy-- is hard enough, but managing their jealousy is damn near impossible. Ménage a trois. I looked up the definition. Obviously, it comes from the French, but it is much more than just a sexual act, it is also a relationship/lifestyle. That is what I have.

Well, actually I have both. The sex is great and easy to manage, but the relationship--man that is a minefield! But, we're figuring it out.


Saturday afternoon of that third week I was out in the backfield working. Our old house really didn't have central heat and cooling. Fans were the order of the day during the hot summer months, and our fireplace and vintage gas room heaters served to keep the house warm in the winter. So, today, I was out mending a fence and cutting down some trees.

I had gone out with Grandpa many times when he cut trees down for the winter season, and though young as I was I learned a lot. There are many differing opinions on what to cut and burn, but the way my grandpa did it was he cut pine for starting a quick hot fire, and then he cut oak, or some other hardwood, for longevity. That's how my grandpa did it, and that's how I do it too.

The back fence was a quick mend, and then I got started on cutting some trees. I made my picks and marked them, and then got to cutting. I was loading the pickup when Lana came walking up and stopped at the front of the truck.

"Charles," She called out as she approached.

I looked up and smiled when I saw her. She was not dressed very practically for marching around in the woods. She had her long curly black hair in two braids, and she wore a white linen, button-down, country dress that stopped mid-calf to reveal glossy black Doc Martens. She looked like a vision. A woodland goddess with a soft grunge side.

Lana returned my smile and then held out her temptations. A blanket in one hand and a picnic basket in the other.

"You've been gone all day," Lana said, "So I brought lunch out here to you."

"Thank you," I said as I tossed a piece of firewood into the truck bed and walked up to her.

Leaning in, I kissed her and she was just as passionate in return. I moved to wrap my arms around her and she quickly broke away and stepped back.

"Nah ah ah ah," She chided while giving me a pursed-lip smile, "You're all dirty, and my dress is clean."

"Not for long," I teased as I took another step towards her, but this time she giggled and turned and ran away.

I gave chase, but I didn't try too hard to catch her. She had planned this. Coming out to see me. Bringing food to me. I didn't want to preempt her by chasing her down and tearing her clothes off. Not when I was sure that she would take them off all on her own soon enough.

I gave her a good chase though, and soon we were out of the woods and in the field of tall grass. Not far out into the sun she came to a stop and put the picnic basket down. It was just in time for me to collide with her and sweep her up into my arms.

"Charles!" She gasped and giggled, "Put me down!"

She said it but I could hear it in her voice that she didn't really mean it. I spun us about and then finally came to a stop.

Looking down into Lana's fathomless brown eyes I could see and feel her love for me and it felt so good, so right, and so warm. She was smiling so that she nearly glowed with love. A breeze came up then and ruffled her untamable curly raven hair. It held a note of winter in its cool caress that goosed Lana's marblesque skin. We ignored it though. We only had eyes for each other.

We were both breathing hard with our exertions, and then Lana pulled me down and launched herself up to kiss me boldly with all the passion she had in her petite four-foot-ten-inch body. I tightened my hug around her and squeezed her against me as if trying to meld her body into mine.

"Too tight, too tight!" Lana gasped as she pulled away just a little and patted my back for mercy, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm all yours."

The spell was broken and with a contented sigh, I sat her down on her feet. Lana gave me a curious look and a smirk then she pushed me aside and laid out the blanket on the grass. She moved over and brought the basket over, and then sat down to open it and start pulling out its contents. Two BLTs. Cookies. Mayonnaise jars repurposed into glasses, and a Tupperware pitcher of sweet tea. Simple, and effective. I was starving, but first...

"I love it when you've been out working," Lana was saying, "You always come home smelling of fresh-cut pine trees, or of hay and diesel mixed together. I don't know why I like it so much. I guess, to me, it's just your smell, and it's manly..."

Whatever else she was going to say was cut off by the fact that I lunged at her, kissing her and pawing at her breasts and thighs. She squawked or tried to protest, but I smothered her in kisses as I fumbled with the buttons of her dress. All those buttons felt like they took forever, but finally, I had her small white body completely exposed!

Lana seemed to glow like the moon! Her pale, marble-white skin never tanned or darkened. She only burned, turning pink and red on really bad occasions, but then she peeled and was as white as ever. Her long curly raven hair was fanned out all around her, and her eyes! They glimmered with unshed tears that rimmed her long black lashes with such love that it made my heart palpitate.

I couldn't help myself. I kissed her one more time on her soft pink lips and then I whispered, "I love you," into her ear before starting to kiss my way down her neck to her clavicle. She sighed and then giggled as I moved down to cup one small breast while kissing the other. I came to her small white nipples and I pinched and suckled.

"Mmm," She moaned as she arched her back and breathed in, expanding her lungs, and thrusting her breasts out for more attention which, of course, I gave her.

I took turns licking and suckling her breasts and nipples, and then I finally started moving down her body, kissing ribs and sternum, licking and caressing her belly with my lips, blowing softly across her navel before kissing my way across and down to her hip flare.

Lana giggled again as I moved down her body before purring, "Mmm, yes! I love it when you eat my pussy!"

I responded by growling as I licked and nibbled my way from her hip flare down the crease of her skin where her abdomen met her upper thigh to her soft, fatty, protruding pubic mound. I bit and sucked on her completely hairless mons pubis and licked and flicked my tongue across her smooth white labia.

Lana tightened her abdomen and curled her back as she grabbed fistfuls of my hair and thrust her pussy into my mouth aggressively while gasping, "Oh yes! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me with that marvelous tongue of yours!"

I couldn't help but grin as I grabbed her thighs and lifted her legs up so that her feet rested on my back. I spread her knees further apart and then I blew a soft caressing breath across her ever-so-light pink labia. Lana moaned as I delighted at the sight of her dewy pedals. Then, Lana gasped as I buried my lips in her pink garden.

For long interminable minutes, Lana gasped and hummed and moaned as I licked her from her anus to her clitoris. I nibbled, and I licked, and I flicked, and I sucked and I fucked her pussy like I was a starving man eating my first meal in weeks. I drank Lana's nectar from her well and I tickled her clit until she bathed my face in her cum. Lana trembled beneath my oral ministration. She quaked as she orgasmed and screamed as I took her climax to its furthest peak. By the time I was done her breathing was tremulous and she twitched incessantly, hers were closed and she had this silly, sex-drunk smile.

I pulled away and pulled my shirt off over my head. I unbuckled, unzipped, and then pushed my pants down to my knees. Then, I wrapped my arms beneath Lana's thighs and spread her apart as I pulled her across the blanket. I was already so swollen with arousal that I hoped I didn't fucking pop on insertion. I lifted Lana's hips up even with my dick, she was mumbling incoherently, and then I watched as my dickhead disappeared inside her sheath as I pulled her down my sword.

Lana gasped. Her eyes flew open. Her mouth was a wide-open orgasmic-O. Her dark brown eyes locked onto mine, and then they crossed and rolled up into her skull as she wailed in a second climax that went on and on and on and on.

I fucked my dick inside Lana like a revved engine. I didn't go slow. I was too amped from eating her pussy as she climaxed over and over again, and now, with her climax upon her once again, I couldn't stop or slow down. I fucked so her hard and deep that I thought I must surely see my dick distending her belly, but I never did.

Lana went from wailing to gasping to screaming in one long tone like a moaning banshee. Her pussy clamped around my dick so hard I could barely fuck her until she started squirting all over me, herself, her dress, the blanket, and the food, then she was so well lubricated I had no problems fucking my dick inside her like a madman.

With all the build-up and all the raunchy action, my climax came upon me like a sudden thunderstorm. My flesh goosed. It felt like lightning was striking all around me. I was so hot but also so cold. And then the dam broke and I was deluging Lana's womb with cum until I was left weak and exhausted.

I collapsed onto Lana but made sure to support my weight on my elbows, and then we kissed for a long time as we both caught our breath.

Eventually, I rolled aside and onto my back. Lana followed me and moved to straddle my hips having made sure she guided my dick back inside her first. Then she looked down at me and said the words I will never forget to my dying day, "Charles, my love, you're going to have to be more gentle with me from now on, okay?"

"Huh," I said like an idiot, "Why? You like it rough."

"Because, honey," She said with a hugely self-satisfied smile, "I'm pregnant, or, at least, I think I am. I'm about a week overdue for my period, and, well, I've been feeling weirder than usual lately."

"Weirder how," I asked.

"Nauseous most mornings," Lana replied, "My breasts are sensitive to touch. I feel a little achy in my womb, but nothing like pms or when I am on my period. Oh, and, I am so horny--so so horny! --When I don't feel nauseous."

"Have you taken a pregnancy test yet," I asked.

"Yep, three times," Lana said, "They've all been negative so far."

"What are you hoping for," I asked.

"Well," Lana hem hawed, "I'm a little conflicted. I had really hoped to finish school before getting pregnant, but if I had really felt strongly about it I should have had you wear condoms. So, I'm happy either way."

She paused with a thoughtful expression then continued, "However, I would like you to marry me before I start showing that I'm pregnant."

I nodded. I completely understood. We lived in a small southern town. The times--they have changed. Living together. Sex outside of marriage. They were accepted as happening in our time but getting pregnant...

Well, no one says anything to your face, but behind your back, there is all sorts of judgment. Sluts. Bastard children. Going to hell. All of it. And still being in school Lana would be getting it from the students and the teachers.

We ate lunch after that, and then reluctantly I went back to work. Lana hung out for the rest of the day and helped load the truck with firewood.


The next day, Monday, was grocery day. We drove into town and to the local supermarket. Silver-maned Marcelle gave me sultry grins and brushed her hips and breasts against me whenever she could. People packed the store like doomsday preppers scavenging for everything. People are so rude now. We didn't let it bother us though. Marcelle, Lana, and I walked around with our heads in the clouds. Lovestruck and under a spell. We played and flirted and didn't even care if it was me and Marcelle or me and Lana. Even every now and then Lana and Marcelle shared a look and smile that was more than love, but once Marcelle realized what she was doing she looked away blushing.

We got to the self-care isles and Lana and Marcelle grinned as we looked at the lubricants, the vast array of condoms, and the store even carried toys now. Vibrators. Ben Wa Balls. Anal plugs. I was actually kind of stunned that we could find them in a supermarket now as if I would ever buy any of them when I knew every cashier in this little town. Hell, I wouldn't even buy condoms!

Marcelle wandered away to the pregnancy tests. Lana followed her. They looked at each other and Marcelle grabbed a double pack. They walked together to the pharmacy checkout and paid for them, then went into the bathroom.

I sat outside waiting for the next twenty minutes. When Marcelle and Lana came out they each held a test in their hands. Both read in dark purple; PREGNANT.

I hugged mom and kissed her. It wasn't a son's kiss. It was a husband's kiss for his pregnant wife. Then I kissed Lana and it was the same. The girl at the pharmacy desk just stared at us. She didn't know what to make of us. I think her name is Kathryn Witmocker and she was a junior in our high school.

We finished shopping after that and went home.


Since then three months have passed by and not much has changed since our first night together, which is that I sleep in the middle of our king-size bed with Marcelle on my right and Lana on my left.

Mom has actually gotten into having a ménage a trois nightly, though, the only big detractor is that she still has shown no interest in actually making love to Lana. I am still her central focus which has forced Lana to focus on me as well. It hasn't been a bad thing. Lana and I are very much in love. Over the past four months, I've come to realize that she is the perfect girl for me in every way. We love all the same things, hate all the same things, and love all the same people. As for my physical attraction to her now, I constantly find myself wondering how I never saw just how gorgeous she was for all those years we were best friends.

Lana, for her part, has been so great, and so patient. Not so much with me as with Marcelle. She has not made it easy for Lana. Petty jealousies mostly, and being stingy with me and my time. At first, Marcelle wanted to split my time between her and Lana but then complained when Lana got to spend more time with me since Marcelle worked while Lana and I went to school together and spent the afternoon together. Eventually, we gave up on trying to share equal time with each other.

Later, Marcelle insisted that anytime we were together, as my mother and my first wife (in her eyes), I should always make love to her first and then Lana. This, of course, hurt Lana's feelings by always making her feel less than Marcelle. So, then Lana and Marcelle decided to try spending time with me separately so that each of them felt like they were my number one gal.

Eventually, I came up with a composite of everything and presented it to them along with sharing my feelings for them and of just how much I love them both--equally.

Sitting on the couch with Marcelle on my right and Lana on my left I held my spreadsheet up and explained, "Okay, here it is my lovelies. So, Tuesday through Friday mom works and we have school. I figure that after school Lana and I will spend time together doing homework and then making love as we want to. That is about two hours before mom gets home. One hour for homework and one hour for just us. After mom gets home for the next hour mom and I will make dinner together while Lana bathes and then we eat dinner. Afterward mom and I will have an hour that is just our couple time after which Lana will come and join us."

"It seems too rigid," Marcelle said, "What if I'm all dirty and want to take a bath, or just need some me time? Maybe one of us is on our period. What then?"

"What about the weekend," Lana asked.

"Well, this is always flexible," I replied, "We could start with this for now, and then discard it and just spend time together as we want--once we are less sensitive about how much time any one of us is spending with the other."

Marcelle nodded and so did Lana with a sigh. She was the less vocal of the two on the subject.

"As for the weekends," I continued once I elicited a smile from Lana, "Mom, you work Saturday, so that makes it a perfect day for me and Lana to focus on each other. Lana, Sunday mom has off, so that is our day for just the two of us. Since we have school on Monday though mom has that day off, I will take that as my day to have you both cater to my every desire."

"Every desire," Lana purred half scandalized.

"What do you intend to have us do for you, or to you," Marcelle asked in a not-so-sure tone.

"Anything I want," I said in husky arousal, "Anything and everything I want. No questions asked. No arguments. Pure submission."

Marcelle and Lana looked uncertain for a moment as they looked at me and then at each other. Lana swallowed hard, but Marcelle's eyes gleamed as she remembered our first time in her bedroom with her assortment of dildos and vibrators.

"I'm in," She panted hornily as she zoned out, already imagining scenarios, "I am all in. Please, Charles. Please. Spank me as hard as you can when you do... Master..."

She almost squealed as she imagined me spanking her. Lana was used to mom's lascivious imagination but still, her mouth fell open.

"You will just have to wait and see what I have in store for you, Marcelle," I chuckled, "Now, today is Monday and I have been planning this day for a long time..."

I had been planning this night for about two months. Ever since I found out that Lana and Marcelle were both pregnant.

"If you both accept the terms of this arrangement," I said, "Then please sign the spreadsheet."

They both did so eagerly. Marcelle looked hot and horny as she signed. Lana had a naughty grin like she knew something was going to happen, and something was going to happen. We had planned this night together and she knew what was coming.


The nights had grown cold early this year. It was December and we were using the fireplace. Its light cast a warm flickering ambiance across the living room as Lana and I moved the coffee table off to the side of the room while Marcelle laid out the overstuffed, futon-like blanket and pillows. Then everyone retired to their rooms to get ready. When everyone returned to the living room we were all naked. No one even tried any more to pretend that our cuddling wasn't going to end with all of us making love.

Marcelle walked out like a beautiful, eternally youthful, elven queen. Her olive skin was dusky in the dim light of the fire while her long straight silver hair seemed to glow. Her dark eyes gleamed and her smile was intoxicating. Her large D-cup breasts heaved and swayed as she walked and the rest of her body was a sensual marvel of curves and ridges that made her seem otherworldly and enchanting. Her ribs led to a small, twenty-six-inch waist that was only just showing the slightest thickness of her pregnancy, just a slight roundness to her lower belly offset by the incredible breadth and depth of her forty-inch hips and curvaceous ass.

Marcelle entered the room, her hips swaying, her breasts jiggling with every step. I saw her and my mouth went dry and my dick stiffened. Still, I managed enough self-control to point and command, "Lay down in the center of the pallet."


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