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Mark & Ana: Role Reversal

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The ice maiden is hot.
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This story depicts bondage and anal sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


The diminutive brunette purposefully strode through the office, 'Obviously on a mission' Mark noted to himself as he saw her stride towards the main door. She had a slender build which she made the most of wearing tight-fitting mid-calf length dresses, patterns and styles were plain so that her figure did all the talking. They showed off her modest tits to her satisfaction, her toned stomach, and her slender legs; what she wasn't so pleased about was how prominent the cut of them made her butt look but you couldn't have everything. Her look was topped off with pencil straight shoulder length brunette hair and the biggest glasses known to mankind.

She worked hard at her look just as she did with the persona, she liked to project around the office. Her Eastern European upbringing meant that she didn't suffer fools gladly. Some considered her downright rude, but Mark was one of the few who saw a different side of her and just put her attitude down to either nerves or upbringing. The reality was that she had been dumped on from a great height when she first started in the workplace which had left her with trust issues. She had very few true friends full stop and even fewer in the workplace, in truth, she didn't need that kind of vindication from those with whom she had to interact to get her job done.

What would have shocked most of her colleagues was that she was a very different person at home. Her partner Kris had been in her life since their latter school days -- perhaps you could say before she became so jaded. However, you saw it, the fifteen years that they had been together provided him a different insight into Ana than many had and, almost certainly, would never experience. He knew what buttons to press and knew the levers to pull to control her, although he largely kept them to himself for moments when they were together with no one else to see. Separately Kris had crossed paths with Mark at a company function and the two seemed to hit off, they had several shared interests and could be found together as drinking buddies and, having the same taste in music, gig buddies.

Ana knew of their burgeoning friendship and didn't disapprove as it allowed Kris to expand his horizons without impacting her, what she didn't realise was that Kris had started her down a path that would impact her. On the back of their guy's friendship, it meant that Ana and Mark interacted more now than they ever used to do and it meant they had a newfound respect for one another. She still projected a carefully crafted persona but when in meetings with Mark, she would flash him a momentary sideways smirk that disappeared in an instant lest anyone else picked up on it.

The guys had gone out to a concert together and being close to Ana and Kris's pad the latter he had offered for Mark to crash at their place for the evening as both had consumed several beers that evening. "I don't know," said Mark, "Have you cleared this with your good lady?"

Kris nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders "Naw, she'll be fine with it. You certainly won't be the first to crash on our sofa, besides you'll probably get to see a different side of her away from the office."

Mark considered his words for a moment and then replied "In fairness since you and I started socialising she does treat me differently than the others but then I always take her as I find her. Others might get intimidated by her but then she's different with me, hopefully, she appreciates I'm on her side in such discussions."

Kris held his hands up defensively "Oh she does, she talks about you very differently from the others, that's why she won't have an issue with you crashing at our tonight."

They made their way to the apartment block and Kris got his keys and let them in. With a slightly slurred speech, Kris announced, "Honey it's me, I've persuaded Mark to crash at ours for the night."

Right on cue, the petite raven-haired beauty made her way around the corner. She wasn't dressed in anything special, on the contrary, she wore a big fluffy dressing gown with a comfortable pair of shoes. She beamed a greeting to both "Hello, this is an unexpected surprise. Did you both enjoy the gig?"

Mark was the first to offer an apology "The gig was great; they had the crowd bouncing. I should say that Kris said it was okay to crash for the night. I'm afraid he is a little worse for the drink."

She waved a dismissive hand "It's not a problem by the looks of both of you, it's the safest option, I'm used to him in this state and appreciate you looking after his back. What bedding do you need?"

He surveyed the seating arrangements while Kris was using the wall to keep upright before replying "There seems more than enough cushions so just a blanket will be all I need. I promise not to snore too loudly."

She chuckled and smiled a sweet smile at their visitor turned on her heels to retrieve the requested blanket and promptly returned saying "There are more in that cupboard in the hallway if you decide you need more in the night. Don't worry about the snoring, our room is in the far opposite corner so we shouldn't hear one another. Leave him to me, I'll look after him from this point on."

Mark had settled down on the sofa and managed to nod off pretty quickly. It was quite a comfortable sofa which is why he took some time to wake up as someone was stood over him shaking his shoulder. Ever so slowly he realised it was Kris who stood in just a T-shirt and his boxer shorts. "Hey, what's the matter?" Mark asked rather groggily as he rubbed his eyes.

Kris smiled rather sheepishly and replied, "I need your help with something, come with me." Mark was still gathering his thoughts as he followed his friend down the corridor and didn't realise where he was leading him until they arrived at the bedroom door. Mark drew a breath in to ask the obvious question but Kris put his finger up to his lips to indicate Mark should be quiet. Kris slowly opened the door and stepped aside.

The sight that greeted him had Mark rooted to the spot. Ana was bound face down to the bed, all she appeared to be wearing was black stockings and black lacy panties, her wrists and ankles were clasped in cuffs where the other end disappeared under the bed somewhere, the picture was topped off with a ball gag in her mouth and buckled behind her head. Although Kris had hinted for him to be quiet Mark had to let out an exasperated "Holy fuck."

On hearing this Ana started to wriggle and struggle against her bonds fruitlessly and it was Kris that made the next comment, "I'm hoping you can help us. We've talked about trying anal sex but we haven't had much joy so far and Ana overhead one of your female colleagues saying that you were quite the expert. I don't suppose you want to help us out do you?"

This left Mark in something of a conundrum, he had indeed had anal sex before and it had been with some of his female colleagues, the trouble was there could have been four or five candidates and he didn't want to give the game away by saying the wrong thing. As Kris was speaking Ana continued to frantically writhe against her bonds which made Mark ask as he reluctantly tore his gaze away from her lithe form and amazing butt "Is this what both of you want? By the looks of the lovely lady, she might have better ideas."

Kris dismissed his question saying, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll thank you when it's over and I have every confidence that we can rely on your discretion around the office."

Mark wasn't convinced though "Don't get me wrong I have had anal sex with several partners and they have all enjoyed it once the initial discomfort is out of the way." Kris's expression brightened as he said that but Mark continued "But each and every occasion has been with a willing partner. As enjoyable as it is for the bloke, it's the receiver that has to put up with the initial pain and must be as relaxed as possible."

He turned to leave but Kris rushed and blacked his path "Look, it's something the two of us have talked about ad infinitum, we really want to try it but haven't had any success so far, I've always ended up hurting Ana, we really need some help from someone who knows what they are doing."

His argument didn't seem to be swaying Mark though as he interjected "From someone, yes maybe, but from someone that invariably sees Ana in the office whenever I'm in there is that what you want? More importantly, is that what Ana wants? So far, she's safe. Lying face down means I haven't seen much apart from her legs and butt and rest assured Ana this stays between the three of us and goes nowhere, you have my utmost respect and I'd never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable." As she absorbed his words Ana had ceased struggling against her bonds and was looking at her partner. Turning to Kris he added, "What you're asking puts a very different complexion on our friendship, on mine and Ana's interaction in the office and perhaps most importantly on your relationship with Ana."

Kris saw Ana's change but turned to Mark "We both trust you, 100%, I knew we could count on your discretion but above all that trust extends to who we ask to help us. I know you by now and know you'd always do the best for us both, am I wrong?" Mark just shook his head at his friend's logic. Kris strode over to the bed and sat beside Ana, he reached up and tenderly stroked her raven hair as he said "Haven't we talked about this so much, I'm not sure I could trust some stranger I didn't know but Mark is very different. I strongly feel he is the one for us."

Mark saw Ana lower her head to the mattress in defeat which prompted Mark to state "Look, you had a skin full last night and so I question whether you are thinking straight. What about we step back from the edge of the cliff, discuss this in the cold light of day and if you still want to proceed then we can arrange something -- but only after some long, sober, thought -- and maybe while the lady isn't so incapacitated. I want to hear the request from the lady's own lips, with no cohesion from you."

Kris reached up and gently unbuckled the ball gag. Ana worked her jaw slightly but then surprised both as she stated "We have talked about this but I hadn't thought who it would be that helps us" She then paused as she looked at her partner's face, adding "Of all the people I know, few have experience and from what I heard I think it will be worth it and you're probably our best chance. As for the cuffs, they enhance things for me so we'll continue with them as well as the ball gag."

Mark was still staring dumbly at Ana's peach of a butt and it was Kris who spoke next. As he re-applied the ball gag he replied "See I told you this is what we both wanted. You can't deny she looks hot, especially in her current position."

A smile spread across Mark's face as he nodded slowly, 'she did look hot right now' he considered and replied "I can't deny she looks a million dollars, especially in her current position. That butt is certainly something that needs pampering. There is one crucial element needed and a second that could be useful. We need lubricant although we can improvise if you don't have any, some toys would also be useful as we need to stretch the muscles back there." Kris jumped to his feet and rummaged in the nearest beside cabinet throwing a long tube at Mark who turned it over in his hand to read 'ANAL LUBRICANT'. On seeing this Mark added, "Good, you've got the good stuff that gives off a tingling sensation for both parties."

The conversation still felt a bit surreal for the two work colleagues, especially as Kris brandished a pink plastic dildo asking "Will this do?"

Mark should have been shocked that this woman who liked to portray a professional female would have a sex toy but then considered 'Why shouldn't she.' Unable to find anything else to say to delay matters Mark shrugged and said "Well I suppose the next step is removing the panties, not easy when she has both ankles tied." Kris smiled wolfishly and fiddled with bows on either hip to reveal that they were laced at the side and pulled out from under Ana to reveal her full nakedness. Mark couldn't deny that her peachy butt looked even more amazing like this, especially with her legs splayed; there seemed to be a glimmering sheen at her shaved pussy as though she were suitably excited and he secretly wished that to be true. "Okay first step is we need to prep the lady -- and I mean a lot - nothing ventures inside until everywhere is tingling and relaxed. Start by kissing her butt working towards her rosebud, slowly mind."

Kris settled down between her spread legs and followed his friend's instructions. It felt very natural to him even if his friend was still getting over the unusual circumstance. He had encountered a number of different lovers that eventually worked their way up to the final sex act but this was only the second occasion when someone had asked him outright to help them with anal -- potentially one of the colleagues Ana had overheard - and so he should be used to it. Kris was very gentle and progressing unhurriedly, eventually reaching her amazingly clean butt hole to swirl his tongue around.

"Okay now place a small bead of lubricant on your index finger and gently -- gently mind -- work your finger progressively inside" was Mark's next instruction. Sadly, this was where the fumbling started and Mark could visibly see Ana tense her buttocks in response making him sound agitated "No, no, no. It looks like you're hurting the lady. You've got to keep a close eye on her feedback so continue being gentle, the muscles are used to expelling not receiving." Kris tried again with the same result and Mark asked, "Look why don't we call it a night, I can see this will not end well if we continue." He aimed his next comment at the lady "Would you prefer to regroup and try some other time?"

The very obvious shake of the head left Mark dumbfounded as to his next step but Kris decided it for his friend. He tossed the lubricant to Mark saying, "How about you show me how to do it?" Mark wasn't prepared for this but then he wasn't prepared for Ana nodding her head vigorously making him rock on his heels as he blew out a deep breath. After some thought, he knelt up on the bed applied a small amount of lubricant to the tip of his index finger and asked Kris "Prise her buttocks apart for me" he then turned to Ana and after stroking her back he said "You'll feel a chilled sensation for a moment, rest assured I'll go easy on you but I need you to try and relax back there. At any time you become uncomfortable, shake your head or give me a mumble and we'll stop, okay?" He got another nod from her and then gently rubbed the gel around the entrance to her sphincter.

This time Ana stayed relaxed and he was able to gently probe the muscles until they allowed the very tip inside. He turned to Kris and stated, "See how slowly I'm going, gentle steps each time are needed." He then turned to Ana and asked "Are you still okay with this" Another single nod was her only answer. Over the next ten minutes Mark, with many pauses to apply additional lubricant, was able to work his index finger up to the second knuckle. He encouraged Ana further as he soothingly said, "You're doing amazingly well." Turning to his friend he then suggested "Lube your finger up and repeat what I just did."

With a few heartbeats, Ana was tensed up again and was getting annoyed and Mark was about to bring things to a halt when Kris said, "You were doing so well, I think it's just the thought of me doing these things that is hampering matters. What about you taking the next step?"

Mark considered his words for a moment and then replied, "Well the next step is just an evolution, we need to work the muscles gradually wider." He applied more lubricant to both his index finger but now his middle finger too, "Ana, you'll feel a slightly wider sensation next, it's just more of the same and you just need to carry on as you were previously." Another nod from her proceeded him to work the tips of both fingers inside, she groaned but began to push back against the fingers so that they gradually worked up to the second knuckle. "You're doing amazingly, more of the same and remember shout at any point."

He gradually started to spread his fingers apart, pulling them back together and then apart again until he had opened up as he indicated to Kris "Get the toy and apply some lube; lots of it mind." With that done Mark gradually replaced his fingers with the pink toy which seemed to be readily accepted in no time at all. Mark addressed both as he said, "Well the next step is replacing the toy with your dick so get naked and lubed up."

Kris hesitated and eventually replied, "I don't think that's a good idea." Mark assumed they'd reached the finish line for today and considered that they'd done really well so far but then he became shocked once more as Kris haltingly said, "I want Ana to enjoy this as much as people say, I think it would be better if you went first, path the way for me so to speak."

"Wow, wow, wow, steady on their buddy, that's a whole different conversation. Ana's a very beautiful woman and yes, I agreed to help you but this? Nah" Mark immediately cut.

Ana was shaking her head around and so Kris reached up to unbuckle the gag once more and she said in a croaky voice "We've come this far, what difference is your dick instead of Kris's or the dildo for that matter. Can we just get on with this?"

Mark looked from Ana to Kris -- he nodded enthusiastically -- and then back to Ana who said nothing but raised her eyebrows expectantly. The expression 'painted into a corner' sprang to mind and as Mark scanned his eyeline to look back at Kris he couldn't ignore the sight of Ana, with a decently sized dildo poking out of her anus, wiggling her curvaceous butt. It was Kris who chuckled as he said "Balls in your court buddy. You said you'd help us and get us over this hurdle; you know how to do this; you know what signs to look for and I know you would never hurt the person that means the world to me. So, what will it be?"

Ana wiggled her butt invitingly again as she said "Please, do this for me if not for Kris."

Despite his better judgement he began to undress hoping that some previously unsaid argument would arise. Yes, Ana had a magnificent bubble butt but fucking another man's partner in front of that man had only previously cropped up once before. On the back of thinking about that previous occasion, Mark steeled himself and once naked he took hold of the lubricant and applied a very generous bead along the top before working it in vigorously. He stepped up onto the bed and settled down between Ana's outspread legs. To help his friend Kris first of all prised Ana's buttocks apart and then slowly pulled the dildo from her anus. Mark wanted to start before her muscles relaxed too much and he lodged the head inside her but held still. "Are you okay?" he asked to Ana.

Kris answered with a chuckle as he said, "It certainly looks like it."

Mark scowled at him adding "I was asking the lady. Now Ana I will say again, the minute you aren't happy with anything just say."

Her answer was to push her butt back against him so that another inch slipped inside her. Mark held still while she repeated the step, pulling forward a little bit before pressing back to take a little more in her. The two kept at this until Ana felt Mark's pubic hairs against her buttocks prompting her to ask, "Have I taken it all?"

Again, Kris was the eager one to comment "Yes you have and it looks amazing" he then leaned down and kissed her enthusiastically.

Mark was enjoying the way she grasped his dick but felt compelled to ask, "Did you want to take over now the initial step is out of the way?"


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