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Marriage Counsellor

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Go to a therapist, they said. It'll be fine.
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Jane and Paul Anderson's marriage was in trouble. They had been married for seven years and had stopped communicating with each other. Neither knew how the other felt because they never spoke intimately any more.

Paul had ridiculous visions of Jane sleeping with someone else. Jane thought Paul might be screwing his secretary because he had been working longer hours than usual.

Paul, being a man, didn't speak to anyone about his worries. Jane, being a woman, talked to her sister and her closest girlfriends regularly. During one such conversation, Jane's friend Tina suggested a marriage counsellor. Tina's sister had been to see him and was really happy now.

Jane was worried about Paul's reaction to this so she decided to be blunt. When he got home from work she said the words every man dreads, "Paul, we need to talk."

While he dreaded it, Paul also knew that they did indeed need to talk. Jane began, "Paul I love you but I don't really like you at the moment. Our marriage is shit and you don't talk to me anymore. I think we need to seek professional advice."

He looked at her and said, "What did you have in mind?"

"Tina has recommended a counsellor who deals with troubled marriages. Her sister went to see him and she's never been happier."

Paul hated the thought of airing their dirty linen in front of a stranger but he really did love his wife so he said, "OK. If you think that's what we need then I'll go. I hate that we don't talk anymore but I don't know how to change that. Maybe this will help."

Jane stood and hugged him. "I'll make an appointment for as soon as possible."

Jane was a petite blonde with long wavy hair. She stood about 5'2" and was thin, bordering on too thin. She had 32 C breasts and because she was so thin, they looked much larger. She had stunning blue eyes and a delightful smile that lit up her whole face. She enjoyed yoga and Pilates and liked to jog to keep herself in shape.

Paul was almost a full foot taller, standing 6'1." He was a large man and had to fight to keep his weight under control. Lately he looked as if he had given up the fight. His stomach protruded over his pants so much he couldn't see his feet without bending over. He was a bit of a slob too and didn't really care much about his shape.

Three days later Jane and Paul found themselves sitting in the office of Psychologist David Jamieson. It was a room at the back of his large Edwardian style home.

He refused to call himself 'Doctor' because that implied that he had either a medical degree or a Doctorate. He had neither. That somehow encouraged Paul. It meant that he wasn't so full of himself that he wanted external recognition.

Jane was quite taken by him. He was about the same age as she and her husband, early thirties. He was the archetype tall, dark and handsome. She quite simply had her breath taken away. David seemed to like what he saw in Jane too.

He began by asking Jane why she was there. "Well, ..."

"Call me David, please."

"Well, David, for the last year or so we have hardly spoken to each other. It's as if we are cohabiting in the same house. The only thing that suggests anything more than that is the fact that we sleep in the same bed. And that's all we do there, sleep."

"How long since you made love," David asked?

"I can't remember," Jane replied.


"No idea," said Paul.

"Go on, Jane."

"I'm at my wits end. Paul has been working longer hours recently. I think he prefers to be at work than to be at home. Initially, I tried to encourage him home at a reasonable hour but for a while now I've just found it all too hard. It frustrates me but I've been wondering if it's all worth it. I tried but it seemed there was nothing from him."

"Thanks, Jane," David said. "It's important that you are honest and I can see by the look on your face that this is really how you feel. Now. Paul, what about you?"

"I don't know hat to say. I think I'm a pretty normal guy. I know talking isn't my strong point but I've got a good job and make a good wage. I've just been promoted at work so that's why I'm there longer. But when I said to Jane that I would need to be at work later for a while I got no response. So I didn't bother telling her about the promotion. She didn't seem interested in what I was saying so I stopped saying anything. Our bedroom is like Antarctica. Nothing but sleep. Jane has taken to getting dressed in the bathroom. I dunno why. I used to enjoy watching her but now I don't even get that pleasure. She seems to be going out of her way to shut me out. I don't like it but what can I do? If that's what she wants then..."

"Thank you Paul for your honesty too. There seems to be a lot of issues here but there's quite a bit you can change, Paul, to make things better. Because this is your first visit we won't go too deeply into it now but I'd like to see you by yourselves for the next little while but I'd encourage you to talk about today when you get home. Now, Jane, I've got a spare hour at the end of the day tomorrow for you, how does that sound?"

"I'll be here," Jane replied.

"And Paul, I can fit you in this time next week. Are you OK with that?"

"Yep. I can do that."

"Good, that's it then for today. Thanks both of you. I know how hard it can be to take this first step but I feel some positives around the two of you and I'm confident we can get a good result."

Jane and Paul went home with slightly different feelings. Jane was thrilled to be going to see David by herself. She felt that she made a connection with him in the short time she was there. She felt that he really listened to her. He didn't take his eyes off her while she was talking. It didn't hurt that he was gorgeous. He was about 6'2" with broad shoulders, a narrow waist and cute bum. His blond hair was wavy. He looked like a surfer. He also looked a little younger. It was going to be nice to spend some time alone with him.

Paul, on the other hand, took an immediate dislike to him. He felt that David was transfixed by his wife and didn't really care about what he had to say. He also thought that this was couples therapy, not singles. He saw how David looked at his wife and thought it was like a wolf looking at a helpless rabbit. He didn't like it, not at all.

He also knew that if he said anything to Jane that she would just make some sort of excuse about it, that he was imagining things and that he was reading too much into it.

When they got home Jane was really enthusiastic about the therapy. "I can't believe how comfortable I felt talking to David. He seemed to be really understanding of our situation. I think this is going to be really good, Paul."

"Yeah, sure," Paul replied. "I hope so."

Jane went on a bit about how wonderful she thought David was but Paul tuned out. He just went about his business by himself, "as usual," he thought, and let Jane babble on. About how wonderful therapy was.

She phoned Tina that night and spoke for about half an hour about how good David was and how much she was looking forward to tomorrow.

Finally they went to bed. Jane leaned over and gave Paul a big kiss goodnight. "Goodnight, darling. Sleep well."

"Yeah, goodnight, Jane."

The next day Jane was right on time for her appointment with the therapist. David ushered her into his office and shut the door behind her.

"Jane, let me begin by saying I know exactly what you are going through. I've seen it many times before. Husbands seem to take their wives for granted and expect everything to be rosy. They want sex when they feel like it but are not attentive to their wives needs."

"Oh, David, that's exactly how I feel. It's like I'm a piece of furniture but if I forget something for him or, God forbid, don't feel like sex, world war three breaks out."

"Yes, Jane, I know how men can be. Now I just want you to relax. Try not to think of Paul at all. This session is for you, and you alone. I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to be as honest as possible, OK?"

"Yes, OK, David," Jane replied.

"Now, first question, think back to when you were first married. How was your sex life?"

"Exciting, we made love every day. It was fabulous."

"Why do you think that was?"

"Because we both wanted the same thing, to be with each other and to make each other feel good."

"Now, did your husband always reach orgasm? Did he ejaculate?"

"Yes, all the time."

"Well, Jane, that was because of you. Men won't cum unless the lady really wants them to. It's obvious that you wanted him to feel that way. Next question, did you always achieve orgasm?"

She hesitated.

"Now Jane, you need to be honest, at least with yourself."

"No, not always."

"And why do you think that was?"

"Well, Paul would finish before I was ready to."

David paused. Eventually he said, "You have a fairly typical husband. The sex is good, as long as they get off. It doesn't matter to them whether their partners do or not. Now let me ask you this; did he ever ask you about it?"

"No, I don't think he ever thought about my pleasure at all."

There was a tear in her eye as she said this, and her voice was catching as she fought back a sob.

"Now, Jane, it's OK. Take a deep breath and try and remember why you are here. It's going to get fairly rough as you explore why your marriage is where it's at right now. Next question; did you ever give him oral sex?"

"It's personal, David. I don't feel right telling you this, these details of our sex life."

"Jane, I'm a therapist. This is what I do. In order to help you build I need to see what sort of foundations I am working with. It's all confidential, if you're worried about that. I won't even tell Paul unless you want me to."

"OK, thanks David. That's good to know. Yes, I did give him oral sex."

"And did you swallow?"

"Yes, every time."

"And did you enjoy it?"

"Not really. I never got any real pleasure from it. And Paul was always too tired to do anything for me afterwards. He rarely tried to make love after he orgasmed. That was usually it."

"OK Jane, you're doing great. Now, did he ever give you oral sex?"

"No, never. He thought it was dirty."

"So, he was OK with you giving and him receiving but not the other way around?"

"Yes, David, that's right."

"Thanks for your honesty, Jane. I know it's not easy. We'll move on to more recent times. What is your love life like more recently?"

"Well, as I told you yesterday, it's been so long I couldn't remember the last time we made love. I thought about it last night. It was our wedding anniversary last year, which is about eighteen months ago."

"Has Paul been asking you for sex a lot in that time?"

"Not really, hardly at all."

"And have you asked him?"

"No, and to be honest I don't miss it. To me it's not the most important part of the relationship. I mean, I know it's important, but not the most important thing. I miss the communication more. Although to be honest that's never been one of Paul's strong points. He's like his father; hardly says anything, good or bad. He doesn't show any initiative. I have to ask him to do anything around the house."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I hate it. I mean, he always does what I ask, but I have to ask or it doesn't get done. A little while ago I decided that I wouldn't ask him to clean up after the dog. The yard was full of dog shit. I mean, you couldn't walk anywhere without stepping in it. He went outside once when I asked him to get his shirt off the washing line. He stepped in shit with almost every step. And yet, I still had to ask him to clean it up."

"OK Jane, that's enough questions. I'm going to stand behind you and rub your shoulders. I can see how tense you are. Close your eyes and enjoy the massage."

David stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Just relax and enjoy the massage. I dare say Paul has never done this for you so don't even think about him. This is a really important part of your therapy. You are concentrating too much on what is wrong and not on what is right."

As he spoke he began to massage Jane's shoulders. A little smile formed on her face. She was enjoying this attention.

David began to speak softly, next to Jane's ear. "Jane, you are a beautiful woman. Your husband is a fool. He should be worshipping the ground you walk on and thanking you every day for marrying him. He has no idea how to treat you and as a result he might lose you. Well, that will be his bad luck. You are a powerful, gorgeous woman and you are a strong independent woman who can make her own decisions. This threatens Paul. He feels he should be the alpha male but is unable to cope when you show your strength."

Jane was nodding slightly in time with the massage David was giving her. She could see the logic in what he was saying. She let out a quiet sigh of pleasure.

David kept up his positive talk. "You are strong and you are able to do anything you like. You are an attractive woman, Jane, and any man would see you as just that, beautiful. I certainly do. You are one of the most attractive, desirable women ever to grace my office. I don't know what your husband is thinking but if you were my wife I would love you every day and prove my love for you every single day."

With the last three words, David massaged Jane's shoulders extra hard to emphasise what he was saying.

He finished and sat in a chair opposite Jane. "You can open your eyes now, Jane, but slowly. It's pretty bright in here."

Jane opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was David's face, close to hers. She felt a shiver run through her. It ended in her pussy. She was highly aroused from the words and the massage, even though there was nothing overtly sexual about it.

Jane took a deep breath. She could smell David's after-shave over his manly smell. She was soaking it in and the small smile on her face grew larger and larger.

"Jane," David whispered, "I have a cancellation tomorrow at the same time. Would you like to come back?"

"Ohh, yes please, David. I'd love to."

Even though the conversation was about another session of therapy, both David and Jane could feel a sexual undertone in what they were saying.

When Jane got home that evening she was feeling really good about herself. She felt that she could overcome anything at home, she was so positive. Paul was home when she arrived.

"So how did you go with David," he sneered.

Jane was flabbergasted. With one question the wind was right out of her sails. Her good mood evaporated around her.

"It was really helpful, Paul. Why the attitude?"

"Because I don't think he will be any good for us. I saw the way he looked at you yesterday."

"What are you talking about, Paul?"

"Jane, you must be the most naive, trusting woman I know. Didn't you see how he looked at you? I know a predator when I see one and he was sizing you up to move in for the kill."

"Have you gone completely insane, Paul? He is a professional. He gives good advice. He was wonderful today. He really seemed to understand what I was going through. Maybe if you give him a chance he can help you too. You've got your appointment next week. You'll see, he's wonderful."

"Wonderful, huh? Well, I hope I never have to remind you of this conversation because I think he's dangerous. I hope I'm wrong, but I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Bad feeling...you're just jealous that a handsome professional is helping me with our marital problems."

"Yeah, well...whatever. I'm going to the pub for tea. I'll see you later."

Jane fumed as Paul left the house. "What has gotten into him? David was wonderful and I can't wait for tomorrow," she thought. "Paul doesn't even have to know."

Jane was in bed when Paul came home. He wasn't exactly drunk but not too sober either. He made the decision to sleep in the spare room. He didn't want the hassle he would get if he woke her up getting into bed.

Jane woke the next morning in bed by herself. Paul had already gone for the day. She looked for evidence that he had actually come home at all. She couldn't find any. She spent most of the day thinking the worst. When it was nearing time for her appointment with David she decided she would make herself feel better if she dressed up a bit. She decided that her one set of sexy lingerie should do the trick. It was a wedding gift from her husband and she was really proud that it still fit her after seven years.

She decided on a skirt and top. The skirt she picked out was quite short and quite tight. She knew that if she were going out she would need to be aware of how she sat because it tended to ride up her thigh when she sat down. Her top was an almost sheer white blouse. It wasn't quite see-through but it didn't leave much to the imagination.

She decided that complete make-up was needed also. Rather than just a swipe of lipstick she went all out. Blush, eye shadow, eyeliner as well as lipstick were necessary. If anyone had asked her why she was getting all dolled up for a visit to her therapist she wouldn't have been able to tell you but deep down she knew that she wanted to look good for David.

As she left the house she really did feel good. "And the best part is that David won't say something nasty to me as soon as he sees me like Paul did last night," she thought.

She arrived a little early for her appointment but David was free. He took one look at her and said, "Wow."

Jane blushed, but a wide grin was on her face.

"Jane, you look absolutely gorgeous. I knew you were a beautiful woman but you look amazing. I don't know how your husband lets you out of his sight."

Jane blushed more deeply. "Thank you David. You are so kind. You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"Well, you are special, Jane. Just because your husband doesn't think so doesn't change that fact."

David ushered Jane into his office. She took his offer of a seat and was settling herself comfortably when he asked her, "Jane, would you like another massage?"

"Oh, David, would you mind? I've had the most awful time since I last saw you. I was feeling really good yesterday and was hoping to have a really good talk to Paul. But the minute I got in the door he made a remark about you. I don't think he likes you very much."

"That's probably because he recognised that he wasn't the alpha male in the room the other day. And that I was asking him to see your side of the argument. I hope he keeps his appointment next week because I think I can really help."

While David was talking he placed himself behind Jane and started kneading her shoulders. A little sigh of contentment came from her as he began the massage.

He leaned down and whispered, "Jane, did you dress up for me?"

"I dressed up for me, David, but I did it because I was seeing you today. I wanted feel good and I knew that you would compliment me. It's really nice to have someone as handsome as you give me a compliment."

As she said that Jane was surprised. She didn't think she would be so forward as to tell David what she felt about him.

David said, "Jane, I love the idea that you dressed for me. Thank you."

Jane slid lower in the chair and her skirt rode up her thigh. David could almost see her knickers from behind but Jane didn't notice. He could see down he blouse too and enjoyed the view immensely.

He worked his hands down the sides of her shoulders and to the tops of her arms. His fingers inadvertently touched the sides of her breasts. He noticed Jane's nipples getting hard.

He leaned into her again and said, "Jane do you want me to keep going?"

"Oh, please don't stop. It feels really great," she sighed.

His hands went lower on her arms and circled onto her stomach. He lightly ran his fingers across her belly. Her sighing increased. She was almost whimpering, she was enjoying David's touch so much.

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