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Martha My Dear

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Wife discusses her affair with lover.
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Martha Henson was admiring the rose bushes she had recently planted along the garage when her phone rang. Checking caller ID, she saw Bill Murphy's name. Her face lit up in a smile as she answered the call.

"Hey, Bill. I thought you weren't going to call me when I'm at home with Joe. It's okay right now because I'm out checking my rose bushes while I'm waiting for him to see a man about a horse. We're going to be taking my new Prius on a little road trip as soon as he's ready. Don't call me again today, okay?"

"I just had to talk to you again, Martha. It seems like every time we have sex, I start feeling really lonely the next day. I wish we could get together more often," complained Bill.

"Why don't you just get a piece off Sue? She can't be that bad in the sack, or can she?" responded Martha with a chuckle. "Your problem is you've been to the Promised Land and everything else pales in comparison."

"She just lays there like she can't wait for me to finish up," admitted Bill. "You have that amazing snapping pussy that nibbles on my cock and then squeezes it hard. Joe's lucky to be able to tap that every day."

"I've told you Joe doesn't get my little kitty every day. He only gets it when he deserves it," responded Martha with a laugh. "Today he's taking me for a ride in my new car and then we'll stop for a nice dinner. If he plays his cards right, he'll be up to his balls in paradise tonight."

"The lucky bastard!" whined Bill. "I can't even get Sue to suck me off. I think having two kids has made her a frigid bitch. I'll probably be jerking off thinking about Joe tapping your sweet ass."

"Joe doesn't get my ass very often. I save that for special occasions, like your birthday."

"Are you saying Joe's going to get your ass on my birthday?" asked Bill. "That's not fair!"

"Yeah, I promised Joe he could fuck my ass to celebrate your birthday, you dumb shit," responded Martha with another chuckle. "That's why I like sleeping with you. I always feel in control, not to mention how I enjoy being a ton smarter than you."

"You like my big cock and how I eat pussy. We both know that," asserted Bill.

"I admit that does help sway me in your direction," answered Martha. "Listen, I can't talk any longer. Joe should be done pissing by now and I have to find out why he's not out here ready to leave. Think of me tonight while I'm riding Joe cowgirl style. I know that's one of your favorites."

Martha terminated the phone connection with Bill and walked to the front of the garage only to find her husband sitting behind the wheel of her new car. She wondered who he was speaking with since he was holding his phone in front of his face.

"Are you on the phone with someone?" asked Martha as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Actually, Dad's on the phone with me," came a voice from Joe's phone.

"Bev! It's nice to hear from you. When will you be coming home next?" questioned Joan. "Your father and I have been thinking of driving up to Dallas to see you."

"I was going to come home for your birthday next weekend. Sue Murphy, Dad, Grandma and I had a big surprise party planned for you. It doesn't seem like it'll be happening now, though," admitted Bev.

"Oh? Why not? I know it wouldn't be a surprise now, but I'd love to have a party and celebrate with friends and family," responded Martha.

"Because your new car has Bluetooth. Dad's been on a conference call planning your party with Grandma, Sue Murphy and me. We've been on the phone for several minutes."

"Sue and Mom are on the phone with you? This technology is amazing. How's everyone doing?" asked Martha cheerfully.

"For a soon to be divorced frigid bitch, I'm doing okay," was Sue Murphy's bitter reply.

"Your conversation with Bill was enlightening for us, Mom. We were having a conference call when your new car picked up Bill's call to you. Dad and the rest of us heard the entire thing. I don't think Dad's all that excited about getting your ass for Bill's birthday, but maybe I'm wrong. Why don't you ask him?"

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CaptFlintCaptFlint12 days ago

BOOM! Welcome to the 21st Century. Nice work. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Ooh perfect short story. Brilliantly written and thoroughly enjoyable. With a great burn at the end. They fucked themselves literally lol. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4 Stars as it was a Prius . I have ridden in one Prius and that was enough for me . My next door neighbor gives his Prius rave reviews about the Gas Mileage . I have an Old Stang and an Old Camaro with a 396 that has been Balanced blue printed and bored . So it is basically a 427 on Steroids . It puts out north of 600 horsepower . The Mustang will be getting a gen 2 5 .0 engine .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Ouch! I’ll bet that was painful for someone. Thanks, HDK, very nice little short one.

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