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Massive Nights

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One night out in the woods.
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Frank's was a dive bar with peeling sickly red wallpaper, watered-down drinks, and old TVs whose picture always twisted or dissolved into static. Even as teenagers in love with the idea of drinking we knew it was shitty. But there was nothing else to do in that town, and they never carded, so we always ended up at Frank's.

My friend George's band was playing for pennies, which was about what they deserved. I don't even remember what the name of the band was. I was drinking a glass of beer about as quickly as I could, bobbing my head along to what little rhythm there was.

The slovenly barflies ignored the band and muttered to themselves about the baseball game. I assured myself I would never be like that.

The door swung open, and the attached bells rung to signify it. The ringing was light and twinkling, entirely unsuited to the locale. Two girls came through the door and sat themselves down next to me. I knew one of them, Andrea -- she sort of hung around with our gang of low-lives. We had hooked up a couple times, but neither of us was interested in a lame boyfriend-girlfriend thing. She wasn't a beautiful woman, but that was what brought us together -- our freckles and perpetually greasy brown hair made us kindred spirits. The other one I didn't know. She was big -- not obese or anything, but rounded seemingly everywhere. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail.

"Hey John," said Andrea. "Anything going on?"

"Nothing, really." It was what I always said, and it was always true. "Just out here supporting George's band, I guess. And getting hammered."

Andrea nodded. "That's cool. This is Donna. Friend of the family and shit."

"Nice to meet you... John, right?" I nodded and shook her clammy hand. "You know someone in this band?"

I shrugged. "They're just a local thing; I've probably met all of them."

"They're not bad," Donna said.

"I liked his last band better," said Andrea.

Even back then I couldn't remember anything about his last band except for their break-up, which George had spent an hour bitching about to me on the phone. "Yeah, they were pretty cool, but Liam and Ken had to leave and go to college."

Donna was tapping her hands on the table, trying and failing to find a rhythm. "So what do you do, John?"

"Bum around here, mostly," I said. "I've got a part-time job at the 7-11, but it's mainly just to get my parents off my back."

"Ah, so you're the listless slacker type." She grinned too much.

"And what do you do that's so great?"

Donna's grin showed no signs of subsiding. "I never said I was doing much better. I'm going to college, but all I seem to do is write some bullshit for class and smoke pot. Speaking of which..."

Andrea laughed. "Donna just came back here for summer break, and she brought like a ton of chronic with her. You want to go smoke up?"

Frank's would tolerate our drinking, but even it had limits. I looked up at George. He would get along fine without me. "Yeah, sure. You want to go out to the woods?"

"Where else is there?" Andrea said.

* * *

One of the few advantages to growing up in a small town is that there's always somewhere to hide. Sleepy New England woods ringed our town and struck out into the middle of it in some places. We walked out into the trees behind the bar. Even though it was dark, we all knew our way. We held hands through the darkness, grinning goofily as we headed down hills and to a small clearing where the teenagers always went. Rocks and abandoned lawn chairs sat in a loose approximation of a circle. The girls raced towards the chair, and I was forced onto a nearby rock.

"I love this place," Donna said. "It's like some sort of ancient meeting place for druids."

Andrea laughed. "You're such a nerd, Donna."

"Am not!"

Using twigs and all I remembered of my years as a Boy Scout, the three of us made a fire for light. Then we smoked up and sat there for a while, taking the night in. The moon hang full above us, glaring at me condescendingly. After a hot summer day the cool night air was heaven.

"I forgot how many stars you could see out here," Donna said, breaking the silence. "In the city the sky is just all black, like ink."

"Fuck stars," I said. "They're just little specks in the sky."

"Isn't it weird," Andrea said. "That out here, you can see the stars from below, but when you look at the world from above, what you see are the lights of the cities... which, like, can't see the stars back."

I shrugged. "I'd trade all the stars in the universe for a town with a real stadium." Of course, this was back before everyone spent their days sweating about smog and eating healthy and global warming. And it was before I found my concert stadium and it was cold and impregnable, big shows unaffordable on a dishwasher's wage.

"You got big city aspirations, Johnny?" said Donna.

"It would be nice to live in one," I said. "Like, Boston or New York or something. But I have no idea what I would do there. And nobody calls me Johnny."

Donna seemed to consider that for a while. "Well, what are you good at, Johnny?"

This girl was seriously starting to irritate me. "Nothing, really. That's the problem." To me cities seemed like places for massive, epic people with talents and dreams and complicated love lives, like the people on TV. Small, invisible towns like this one were home to the dull voids like me.

"He's good at mooching things off people," said Andrea.

Donna laughed. "There's always work to be found in that field."

"And he has months of experience as a 7-11 clerk."

"Shut up, Andrea."

Andrea giggled like a mental patient. "You can't make me, you can't make me..."

"Well what are you going to do with the rest of your life?" I countered. The bliss of the marijuana high was edging into paranoid, defensive territory. "Not much future in professional apathy."

"I," Andrea said proudly, "am going to be a poet."

"Bullshit," I said. "You spend a summer reading Sylvia Plath and all of a sudden you're an oppressed soul who needs to express herself through art?"

Andrea pouted. "You're crushing my dreams John. Crushing them!"

"You two are cute," said Donna.

A silence fell over the campfire. You should never call a boy cute.

"Seriously, are you two going out or something? I'm getting a kind of vibe here..."

Well, like I said, we had hooked up a couple times. I thought back to those few times. Drunken fumblings after shows, pants pulled down around the ankles so when I go for the washroom afterward I trip and she laughs uproariously, the hard nub of her nipples between my fingers, her hairy delta, those soft little cooing sounds she would make as a contrast to my macho grunting...


"John, you have the biggest fucking erection right now," Andrea happily informed me.

"No, that's uh... the pencil in my pocket. From earlier today."

Donna laughed. "So you're not happy to see us?"

"I gotta go piss," I said, and beat a hasty retreat to the bushes. Behind me I heard the sounds of the two girls' laughter. It shouldn't have hurt me, but it did.

In the woods proper the darkness was almost total. Even the stars and moon above were mostly blotted out by the leafy canopy. But no matter how dark it was, I couldn't become invisible to myself. I was still painfully aware of the warm flush on my cheeks, and my boner pointing stubbornly forward. I tried to think of things to calm down -- baseball, old ladies, you know the drill -- but I couldn't get the memories of Andrea out of my mind. If anyone's ever told you not to think of purple elephants, you know the experience. Her painted red nails against my white bed sheets or the way she shook her hair out after she took off her shirt -- these memories lingered while the actual feel of her pussy on my prick seemed distant and foggy.

I pulled my dick out of my fly, hoping that the night air would help it. "Come on little guy. Just calm down." Maybe I really would try and piss.

A giggle, from too close. "I wouldn't call it little."

"Andrea?" I hastily tried to stuff my dick back in my pants, but she grabbed my hands. I could now see a vague outline of her in the darkness.

"I came to check on you," she said, obviously playing. "You had been out here for like ten minutes, and I was worried you might have gotten attacked by bears or something. Aren't I a good friend?"

"Good friends don't have a vice grip on their friends' dicks."

She smiled. Somehow I could still see that smile in the dark. "Whoops." Andrea's fist remained clutched around my cock, but now was slowly pumping it back and forth. She leaned up to kiss me on the lips. I kissed her back, crushing my soft lips against hers. I could feel her smiling through the kiss.

"You're cute tonight," she said.

"I'm not cute all the time?"

"No," Andrea said bluntly. "But tonight, you're really cute." She zoomed in again for the kiss. My tongue easily penetrated her lips, and explored the cavernous insides of her mouth, licking the inside of her blunted teeth and the warm squirmy tongue. Andrea wrapped her arms around me and leaned in closer, pressing my erect cock in between our bodies. I could feel the denim of her jeans on my cock-flesh, and it felt strangely intense. The texture was super-real.

I snaked a hand up her shirt, pawing my way up to her small, supple breasts. My hand was still above her bra, but even through the cotton I could feel the hard point of her nipple. Andrea had big nipples.

"Well, looks like somebody forgot to invite me to the party."

I spun around, hastily removing my hand from under Andrea's shirt. Donna was standing a few feet away with a Cheshire grin. We both started brushing ourselves off and pretending in vain that nothing had happened, and then I realized that my stiff erection was still hanging in the breeze. Belatedly I tried to stuff it back in my pants.

"Well," Donna said. "I certainly see why you couldn't wait to get your hands on that, Andrea."

"Sorry, sorry," I said, my cheeks turning red. Donna took my hand that was frantically trying to get my insurgent cock back beneath the waistband of my underwear. She took one of Andrea's hands too. "No need to put that away. Let's go back by the fire. We can get warm together." Her voice was warm and inviting. Donna was suddenly, inexplicably, very alluring to me. Instead of being this weird fat girl I didn't know, she was a mysterious but seductive outsider with a full figure topped off by huge, juicy breasts. I was entranced.

Donna led the two of us back to the fire. I think Andrea was just as dazed as I am. What were we going to do now? Were we just going to hang out with my dick uncovered for the world to see, or were we going to have some kind of threesome? I had only heard about things like that in porno mags I stashed under the bed in my room. Surely that kind of thing didn't happen in real life.

As we stepped back into the firelight, I noticed that Donna had let down her head. It was an inky river, lit orange at the side.

Donna promptly swiveled around and kissed me passionately.

Andrea giggled. "This is nuts."

I don't know how long I stood there kissing Donna, but when she broke away both of us were gasping for breath. Still, it didn't feel like nearly long enough. "Johnny, tonight you're the luckiest boy in the world." And with that she dropped to her knees and sucked my still fully hard cock into her mouth.

That girl could give a blowjob. She didn't mess around with any teasing, sticking the head right between her lips and bobbing up and down the shaft. Her tongue bathed my cock, leaving warm and slippery strokes along its underside. Donna also fondled my balls, giving them gentle caresses that sent darts of pleasure up to my brain. I groaned like I was having the life sucked out of me. I felt like I was.

Andrea leaned in close to see her friend in action. Donna gave her a playful look and started to bob up and down faster, overloading my cock with sensation and motion. I gasped out loud. Donna released my dick from her mouth and began to kiss up and down it, her tongue flickering out to give it scandalous caresses. She was doing all of this to put on a show for Andrea.

Then Donna apparently tired of sucking cock and leaned back, letting the firelight frame her in an inviting orange glow. She lethargically lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. Donna wasn't wearing a bra; I'm not sure where you would find one that fit. Her two huge tits flopped forward, wagging before me enticingly. Maybe my heady memories of that night are exaggerated, but they might have been bigger than my head. Her tits were surprisingly firm, pointing straight up at the moon, and under her hard nipple were butter-plate areolas. It was one of those times when all higher reason comes undone and a man is reduced to his first, most basic instinct.

As though hypnotized, I slowly leaned towards Donna's breasts without even deciding to do it. I stuffed my head in between them and enjoyed the sensation, along with the pure erotic excess. I took the right breast in between my lips, as much of it as I could take at least, and suckled hard. My world shrunk to a nipple. I felt comforted, as though I could suck on this tit for the rest of my life.

"You get in here too, Andrea," said Donna. "I've got more than enough breast to go around."

I shifted over to let Andrea get in beside me and climb on top of the large frame of Donna. Her head touched mine as she sucked the left breast, at first tentatively and then with as much enthusiasm as me. When I looked over at her she had a look of contented bliss on her face. We were suddenly twins, basking in the care of our great mother. My hard prick grinding into Donna's thigh, and her short and irregular gasps of pleasure added an exhilarating incestual element to the whole act.

"Oh yes... mmmh, that's right," Donna was muttering. I felt proud of myself.

Then she was squirming out from under us. "Okay, that's it. I want to see you two fuck."

"John and I?" said Andrea.

"Why not? You've done it before. And I want to watch."

I shrugged. "Why the fuck not?" It was that kind of night.

Donna stood up, brushing some grass off her naked back, and sat on one of the rocks by the campfire. The orange illumination cast her as a shadow, some kind of Greek god watching over our ritual of lust.

Andrea looked apprehensive. I wasn't. Maybe it was just the pot, but everything around me seemed so silly. Why weren't people having sex all the time? What was all this other bullshit in life? I kissed Andrea hard, crushing her lips in between mind, shoving my tongue down between her teeth. She kissed back in force, and we ran our hands over each other's bodies rapidly. Andrea's hands settled on my nipples and became rubbing them. I broke from the kiss and moaned. I never knew my nipples were that sensitive, but now there were hard little points in the night air.

I pointed to the ground. Andrea dutifully sat down and leaned back. She still had all her clothes on. How strange. I leaned down, my cock still sticking out like a flagpole, and unzipped her jeans. Andrea popped her hips up and let me pull her pants off of her. Underneath was nothing but her long, skinny legs that had gotten her laughed at in middle school but seemed so sexy to me, and her bushy mound.

"You going commando?" I said.

Andrea giggled. "Underwear is bullshit."

"Agreed!" Donna shouted from the rock. I noticed that she was rubbing one of her heavy breasts while tracing around her pubic area with the other hand.

Andrea rolled up her T-shirt, exposing her small and pert breasts to the moonlight. I leaned down and politely kissed them. And then I settled down in between her legs and thrust in.

She was positively damp, and cooed as soon as my stiff cock slid into her. I was face to face with Andrea, and we both had wide, stupid smiles on our faces. I began to thrust steadily, falling into a very instinctual rhythm, and she matched me with every stroke. Our hands were eager wanderers, grabbing onto every part of each others' bodies as though they were falling apart. With every thrust into that sweet, warm and willing snatch my head jerked forward and I kissed her on the lips.

Andrea flipped me over playfully, not breaking our physical connection. I saw the stars behind her. She arched her back up and began riding away, her pelvis thrusting like a piston. In her face I could see her absolute concentration on this meeting of bodies, a hard facade only broken by the tiny grunts and squeals that escaped her lips. I grabbed the round cheeks of her ass and began slamming her down harder, enjoying the exquisite feeling of her cunt walls sliding up and down my cock. Then, when she least expected it, I flipped her on her back.

And so it went, this game of wrestling and fucking. She flipped me over, then I her, and soon enough the two of us rolled to the large feet of Donna, our bodies covered in so much sweat that our groping hands began to slip. And I looked up and saw Donna. One hand pried her cunt lips open, the other had three fingers hammering inside. She was crying out wantonly. I was completely overcome by the sight, and with one final thrust I began shooting my seed into Andrea's clutching pussy.

It felt like I was coming forever. Even after I was sure my balls should have run dry, I was shooting more and more of my seed into that hot vice. Andrea's mouth was twisted into a silent "O", and she was tense beneath me. Finally, with a shudder, I collapsed, burying my face in the soft, cool grass.

Above us, Donna was still frigging herself wildly. I could now hear the obscene slapping sound of her hand against her crotch, and the wet schlick of her juices. Unlike the two of us, she preferred words to grunts.

"Ah, fuck yeah -- so hot -- MMMH, yeah, gonna come..." And then, in the end, she was reduced to noises too, a primal shout that almost deafened me.

After that, we lay in silence for a while, trying to catch our breath and our minds.

"That was crazy," Andrea said.

Donna's lips curled (I guess it was a smile). "What do you mean was? I'm just getting warmed up."

I lethargically withdrew from Andrea's pussy, letting our combined juices. "Normally I would jump right on that, literally, but I just had like a crazy intense come," I said. "I suspect I'm out of commission for a while."

Donna shrugged. "Your loss, then. Get on up here, Andi." My eyes widened. In those days you just didn't see casual lesbianism that much.

To my further surprise, Andrea got on all fours with a dopey grin on her face and started to crawl towards Donna's wide open legs. My pearly spunk oozed out of her pussy in droplets. It was then that it hit me.

"Oh shit! I forgot the condom!"

Andrea looked back towards me and shrugged. "Well, since I got a lake of your cum in me, I guess we're having us a baby." She cracked after less than a minute of my horrified expression. "Kidding. I'm on the pill."

While I tried to get my heart rate down to normal Andrea made her way across the ground to Donna. The fire illuminated Donna's curves but hid her slit in a grove of shadow. Andrea slowly pressed her face into that grove and gave Donna a kiss on the lower lips. And from there she started licking.

Andrea would later tell me that it was her first time doing anything sexual with a woman, other than some suspicious "practise kissing" in middle school. In truth, it was hard to see the fine details of what went on from my vantage point -- I only saw brown hair pressed to sweaty thighs. But Donna did offer a lot of directions, ranging from "A little less teeth, darling" to "Oooh, that feels good." On the other hand, Andrea showed no hesitation and took an artist's pride in her craft.

I watched the two women in rapt attention, not even noticing that I was getting hard again. Donna began gyrating, pressing her cunt against the eager Andrea's face. "Oooh, that's it baby... yes..." She straightened up and noticed me. "Hey Johnny. Looks like little Johnny has made a miraculous recovery. I nodded dumbly. Donna abandoned words and with a finger coaxed me to her side.


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