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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 05


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"Oh yeah. I reminded them about tomorrow and the need to be invisible. Livy's a bit worried about Chelsea and asked if she was nice. I told them about the oil coming and that we could have a hot bath finally. I so want one of those and a massage after."

"Oh, I brought my massage oil."

"Oh great. The almond and vanilla one?"

"Yes. I brought them all, but I have that one."

"Fabulous. I love feeling my body covered in it. I love the scent and how soft my skin feels."

"Me too. Lisa?"

"Yeah baby?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, like you need to ask."

"I know. It's just, do you think we're maybe having too much sex? I mean, I'm not complaining about anything, it's just, I was lying here thinking about the last two days and how much sex I've had and how great it is, I mean, I love it, but I've cum more in two days than two years with Ian. I was trying to think, is it because of me getting to come out finally, or is it you, or is it Livy? I mean, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for her and honestly, I tried to think of what made me like doing it with a girl and it was her touch and how it made me tingle. It's like her touch has a sort of spell on me in a way, like I could never say no to her. I don't know, but its got me wondering is all."

"Yeah, I can see where you've been going with this. I agree, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for her and honestly. From the moment I touched her and she touched me, I felt that same feeling of not saying no to her. I thought it was because I was starting to fall in love with her, but she just took me over completely and so fast. The time she tied me to the bed and drained me of cum, I thought she would do it until I was passed out and still keep making me cum. I was so out of it, just lost in what she was doing to me. Do you think that maybe she does have some kind of power over us? Like, she knows what having sex with us can do for her and now what it does to Josie and if they do have power over us, are we like sex slaves to them and cum at their will when they want to play?"

"I know, that's what I was wondering too. It just seemed like I was having non-stop sex and couldn't say no to any of it. It all seemed to be for her and then Josie and I wondered how much I was having just because I wanted to be with you. I want to be with you, I do, just, how much of it might be because Livy wants us to be together. We had all kinds of chances to do this, so why now?"

Lisa held on to Olivia a little tighter, comforting her, as much as herself in the realization of Olivia's thoughts. They lay thinking about it, softly caressing each other idly while they did.

"Ollie, what are we going to do if she does have some kind of power over us? I mean, if we can't stop her from doing what she wants, what's going to happen if they want to do it to anyone else?"

"You mean Chelsea?"

"Yeah. Her and any other woman that comes here when we open it as a bed and breakfast. How do you tell a ghost no?"

"That's sort of scary, isn't it? How do you say no? I woke up to her playing with my pussy and fisting me. No one ever did that to me before. I've let her do anything she's wanted to do and even offered myself to her. I love her, but I think we better be a bit more aware of what's going on between us."

"Yeah, you're right. I do want to be with you, no matter what Livy might have started in us. I know for sure what I feel for you is from my heart and not Livy making me feel something. I do love you, Ollie and I love what we've found out about each other."

"Yes, I love you too, Lisa and I want to be with you and give myself to you like I said. I'm not saying we won't play with the girls any more, just, more on our terms and not theirs."

"Yeah, I like that idea too. Let's just hope they go along with it and don't have plans of their own already."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we're talking about stuff, so they could be talking about stuff and thinking something different."

"Yeah, that's true. What do you think they're doing now?"

"I have no idea. Think we should check in on them and see?"

"Maybe, just in case. Don't want them hurting each other in any way. I do love them, I know that. They're just so adorable."

"Yeah, they are, aren't they. Okay, let's go peek in on them and come back and get some sleep, I'm bushed."


They got out of bed and quietly made their way to the room the girls were in and listened. The moans were easily heard and constant, letting them know they were engaged in something that had them both aroused. Olivia quietly turned the handle and pushed the door open. The shadows dancing on the walls played out the scene and it didn't make sense to the girls to see it at first and pushed it open to see what the shadows portrayed.

They looked and even though they saw it, it was hard to imagine it really happening. Josie was floating in the air, pushing on the ceiling and Livy was bouncing on the bed, her hand inside Josie's pussy. The wand was pressed hard against her clit, humming hard on full strength, making the flow that was continually coming out fall into Livy's mouth, drip by drip.

Neither of them saw them, so they backed out quietly and closed the door. They went back to their room and crawled into bed together, cuddling close and looking at each other in amazement.

"That was just so..."

"I know. Only ghosts baby, only ghosts. It's something we're going to have to get used to that they can do things we can't. But the idea of fucking your pussy like that above me and drinking your cum like that, now that's something I could enjoy."

"I guess having a tight pussy doesn't matter when it comes to girl/girl fun, does it?"

"Nope, you can get all big and sloppy and I'll still have fun playing with it. It's soft and meaty feeling, like it can take some abuse and no damage done."

"If it's abuse like the flogger, then yeah, I can handle that."

"Like that, did you?"

"You know, I did actually. It sounds kind of weird saying it, but I like having my pussy hurt a little, my nipples too. When it was spinning off of them, it felt like pulling and made them ache hard. I liked that feeling. I'm not a sicko because I like that, am I?"

"If you are, I'm a sicko too, because I like doing it to you. I think I'll make a cool dominatrix. Make my pet serve me well and reward her with the best orgasms ever."

"I like that. I think you'll be a good dominatrix, too. I like submitting to you already, so once we get into it more, I think we'll have lots of fun doing it."

"Yes we will, yes we will. Now, give me a kiss and lets get some sleep. My eyes are stinging they're so tired."

"Awww, let me kiss them better then."

Lisa closed her eyes and Olivia kissed each one softly, then kissed her nose and then lightly kissed her lips. Lisa sighed breathing in and kissed Olivia stronger, pulling her in tightly and loving on her, Olivia folded into her and loved on her right back.

When their lips had satisfied their need to express, they shared a look of bonding love, one of their doing and will. No matter what influence Livy and Josie might hold over them, their love was theirs. Lisa held Olivia to her, showing her the comfort of her dominance, as Olivia molded her body to her and accepted it. They drifted off to the faint sounds of moans from down the hall echoing in to them, the constant theme of sex always playing in their minds.

It was going to be a long and busy day tomorrow and both of them hoped everything would go okay and nobody would be the wiser of what went on there. As long as Chelsea's stay was uneventful and the oil delivery went okay, they could breathe easier and get an idea of how to live their new life. It was the two sexually starved ghosts that posed the biggest problem and if they could stay invisible long enough. It was tough on them to say they only had tonight to enjoy and then wait three more days.

They could hear Livy screaming through an orgasm and cuddled a little closer, as they fell asleep to the smells of lavender and sex. It would be hours later when two satiated bodies snuck into bed and cuddled into the sleeping women. They were glowing brightly with their auras, making sure what they did would get them through the worst of it.

A few hours later, Olivia and Lisa stirred to the sound of Olivia's phone going off. She woke up with a start when she realized it was her phone and clamoured over bodies to get to it in time. It was Joe calling to let her know the oil would be coming in half an hour and giving her a heads up he would be there soon. She stayed calm sounding and happy while she talked, but the moment she hung up, she was in full panic mode and rousting everyone from bed.

The realization that both girls were still perfectly real looking hit her and it made everything in her head spin, trying to know what to do with them.

"Why are you two still visible? You should have disappeared already. Fuck it, just stay in here and don't make any sounds, okay?

Olivia and Lisa were racing to get clothes on, when there was a knocking at the door. Olivia raced to the front window and looked out and her shoulders slumped when she saw who it was.

"Guess who's here already?"

"Not Chelsea?"

"Yup, Chelsea."

"This is so not good."

"Tell me about it."

Olivia scooted down, still straightening her clothes out and ran her fingers through her hair quickly before opening the door. Chelsea was standing with her suitcase in one hand and a bag of something from the liquor store. She bounced up and down, then pulled Olivia to her, the bottles clanking together on her back.

"Ow, what do you have in there? Hey you, great to see you. Let me have that bag and put your suitcase down. Give me a proper hug."

Chelsea put her suitcase down and handed the bag to Olivia, who put it on the small table. She turned and opened her arms to Chelsea and got and big hug in return.

"Hi Chelse. So great to see you. Thank you so much for coming, it really means a lot."

"Hi Ollie, I missed you, girl. Just not the same without you and Lisa with us. Skylar just sits at home and does nothing and doesn't want to go out. I sat there at the lake shore and it was boring by myself. That's when I decided I'd rather spend three days with you guys cleaning, than hanging around with Miss Mopey Pants. So, here I am."

"Well, thanks for the compliment, I had no idea I was the life of the party."

"Party? What party? Am I invited to it?"

Lisa started skipping down the stairs, still wrapping her hair in a tail.


"Hey, Chelsea girl, how ya doin'?"

"Happy. Hi, gimme a hug."

Chelsea pulled Lisa into a hug and squished her heard to herself. Lisa gave Olivia a look and hugged her back.

"Nice tits. I wish mine were that firm. Gimme a little rub with them."

Lisa moved back and forth, working little circles into her moves, making Chelsea laugh and hug her hard again.

"Oh baby."

"Oh stop, Lisa."

Chelsea let her go and stood back smiling at her and Olivia.

"I love you guys, I'm having fun already. Okay, let me get my shit to the room and I'll go back out and get the rest of the stuff."

"The rest of your stuff? What did you bring?"

"Oh, c'mon, I'm not coming for three days and not bringing food and stuff. Need something to go with the rum and vodka in the bag, right? I even brought my Iphone and speaker to listen to. I can plug my charger in right? Like the old electricity works with new stuff right?"

Olivia and Lisa looked at Chelsea, trying not to laugh at what she said, but the innocence was too real on her face not to break out completely.

"Oh Chelse, that's just too fucking funny. Seriously? Old electricity?"

"Well, does it work, or doesn't it? I don't want to try plugging it in and it blows up in my face or something."

"You're too precious for words. Chelsea, of course it will work. It's the exact same electricity you have at your place and we all have at our places."

"That's not what I'm talking about, I know that, silly."

"Well, what electricity do you mean then?"

"You know, the plug thingies. One has a fat end and one doesn't. That electricity thing."

Lisa understood what she meant by her explanation then.

"Ahhh, gotcha. You know, I bet they won't take it then. The plugs here are from the fifties, that I'm pretty sure of, cuz they look like the ones in my parents house and it's from the fifties. They had to upgrade all of them to handle the new plugs they came out with."

"I'm pretty sure they are too, if I remember Sebastian's quote. He said the wiring was upgraded in the fifties at some point."

"Oh, who's Sebastian?"

"Oh, young guy who's going to be doing all the electrical upgrades to this century now. He's the handyman's nephew."

"Got a handyman already?"

"Well, he kind of came with the place. Really sweet man, so is his nephew. Hell, everyone here is really nice, aren't they Lisa."

"Truth. We had a flat and Sebastian stopped after he did the estimate and was on his way home. Insisted on finishing it for me and just took thanks for it and left."

"He sounds adorable. Is he single?"

"Pretty sure he is, but you're five years older than him, at least."

Chelsea made an offhand look that it was nothing to Lisa.

"That's not so bad. Nothing wrong with being older than the guy these days. Has lots of life left in him to keep me happy in bed for a long time."

"Not finding the right guy to do that for you?"

"No and I'm getting really disappointed too. It's like, all the good guys are taken already and the jerks are all that's left."

"Join the club then. We were talking about that earlier, about guys just not cutting it anymore for us."

"I know. Thank God I have my toys to keep me sane. I don't know what I'd do without them."

"You and me both."

Lisa and Chelsea looked like they were getting into a discussion about sex and Olivia wanted that to be the last thing they talked about.

"Anyway, enough about that, let's get this show going and get whatever inside and we'll talk as we go."

Olivia didn't want the talk to stay on sex any longer than it had to, lest Lisa let something slip out. She picked up the suitcase and made a face at how heavy it was, then led Chelsea upstairs. The one room she knew was ready to sleep in was Livy's room and it was far enough from the room the girls were in last night and hoped it wasn't too noticeable what went on in it. Olivia opened the door and showed Chelsea where she would be staying and dropped her case on the bed.

They were heading back down the stairs, when the sound of a giggle could be heard right behind them. Chelsea stopped dead and turned quickly.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great Story!

Fun storyline. Short wait between chapters! Please keep it Rolling Along!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Maybe even have the electrition join in on the fun. While the two girls are going at it he could catch them.

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69almost 9 years ago
Sexy sensual excellence!

I wondered how Livvy and Josie would handle the Domination/ submission flogging aspects of Lisa and Ollie's Mistress/ pet sexual relationship. Well done! I do so hope that Chelsea gets to experience the ghostly duo and Sebastian the handyman too! I wonder if the nasty wicked mother ghost will make an appearance and wreck all their happiness?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Thank you for starting more of a story plot. I enjoy the story just wish there was a tad less sex every couple of seconds rather than having it spread out.

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