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Maternal Instincts

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Sweet BBW trains and nurses a boy to worship her.
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Karen found the building matching the address in what everyone but the city mapmakers called The Golden Corner, in reference to its past as a center of commerce—before the years of neglect took the shine off. It was now the city's most recent target of renewal and Karen was pleasantly surprised to find out things really were better, at least on the surface. A chain coffee shop on the corner wasn't ideal, but it signaled things had changed and she walked past it to a narrow, little stone building between an apartment building and a brick storefront with a "For Rent" sign slapped over the remnants of a logo for what had been a liquor store. Entering without being greeted by anyone or needing to be buzzed in, she found a building directory next to the elevator. Most of the suites were empty but she noticed a dentist and a real estate agency; the presence of two very sane and normal sounding enterprises helped her relax and feel a little less crazy for responding to the letter and follow-up phone call in the first place.

Scanning the directory, she found "True Self Enterprises" on the fifteenth floor and convinced herself it wasn't odd that a building as short as this one had fifteen floors, or that most of the floors beneath the fifteenth didn't appear in the directory. She entered the elevator and laughed at her paranoia, finding buttons for all of the missing floors. Out of curiosity, she pressed twelve. The elevator didn't respond. She tried the other unlisted floors, and the elevator not only didn't move, but the door stayed open as if to tell her if she was going to get out, now would be the time. She pressed fifteen. The doors closed.

Karen took the time to review the letter she'd received a week ago. It concerned one of her employees, David, a sweet if quiet man she'd hired over a year ago to help with customer relations. In all that time, even thought they'd never spoken of anything but work, Karen had wondered if he had a little crush on her—he always smiled when he saw her and the one time she'd given him a compliment, on a shirt that advertised how he was a bit leaner than she'd realized, his ears had flushed bright red. Truth was, she liked the attention, for years she'd struggled with the fact that she intimidated most men, and quite a few women. She didn't do so intentionally, but she had a presence that announced itself when she entered a room; it wasn't just her physical being although that was certainly part of it. Her friends liked to joke that she was "gifted" when it came to curves, especially through her hips, yet she somehow managed to appear both soft and strong. David, like a few other men she'd known, fell into a category of men who noticed her but for one reason or another maintained a respectful distance. It was a bit ironic since she appreciated deference in a partner, but they worked together so it really was a moot point. She had to give him credit, however, for since she'd hired him he'd stepped up his wardrobe and in general appeared to be trying to impress; he wore the shirt she'd commented on once a week. The letter didn't say much other than that David had sought treatment at True Self and as part of the treatment, they thought it wise to inform his employer, Karen. She'd been assured over the phone that there was nothing to be concerned about, but that she needed to come in in person. David, they added, was unaware she'd been asked to visit True Self, and they thought it best she keep it that way for the time being.

The elevator opened with a ding and Karen found herself standing on new carpeting looking through a massive plate glass window and upon the river. Turning to her left, she found a smiling woman a little older than herself, in a business suit, and perched upon a desk empty but for a phone.

"You have to be Karen."

"I am, I—"

"Exactly as he described. David is such a nice man, don't you think?"

Karen agreed he was, then cut to the point. "So is this...therapy of some kind?"

"You might say that, yes. But non-traditional."

Right, thought Karen. Non-traditional. In other words, snake oil craziness. If she could help David disentangle himself, she would, but she had no intention of making it a long visit.

"You know, I could go on about all that we do, but it might be easier if you watch our video, that way I won't forget anything."

The woman pointed to a small computer screen perched on a table behind Karen. Given that the desk was in the sparsest office Karen had ever seen, she didn't know how she'd missed it.

"How long will it take?"

"It often takes two minutes, tops."

Karen dismissed the odd phrasing and sat down at the desk, slipping on a pair of headphones and watching a rather poorly produced video starring the woman she'd just met, who wasn't named in the video, talking in a somewhat confusing, circular fashion about True Self. As hard as Karen tried, she couldn't track what the woman was saying so that by the time the video ended, she felt as though she'd learned nothing, except that True Self helped people find their true self, and that wasn't very helpful. She did feel oddly relaxed and buoyant and talking to the woman as if they'd known each other for a long time. If asked, she'd have said she felt understood, and that she didn't need to put up any barriers between herself and this new person, whose name she still didn't know. The talk turned to men and how Karen was struggling to find a partner and wasn't even sure who that partner would be anymore, but she knew she wanted someone who could accept what she had to give and treated her like a queen. Hearing herself say these words, she became briefly embarrassed, but just as quickly felt that feeling evaporate. She then looked at her watch and realized she'd been there over an hour, which seemed impossible.

"How long have we been—"

"So, Karen, let's talk about David."

"Oh. Right." Yes, poor David, the reason she was here in the first place.

"He came to us for a treatment a few weeks ago."

"A treatment?"

"Yes. You see, what we do is we put clients in front of a computer monitor, they put on the headphones and it begins like a normal corporate video explaining our services and so on, then it puts them into a state of deep hypnosis during which we're able to unlock their true self and help them accept it."

"In front of a computer monitor like the one I used?"

"In fact, that is the monitor we use."

Karen paused. This sounded like a key detail. If they hypnotized people using the video she'd just watched, did that mean...? She couldn't quite finish the thought.

"So you messed with his head?"

"Not at all. We can't do that, and even if we could it would be unethical. Our clients come to us with help bringing what's already there to the forefront. We take the secret, repressed self and break down its defenses and let it free, but in a controlled, safe way. The software records his responses and creates a full report on his desires."


"We then do what we can to help our clients manage them. In his case, we contacted you, since you are all he talked about."

"I'm what?"

"You heard me."

"Should I be concerned?"

"Not in the least."

Karen flushed. What a sweetie.

"The two of you have spent all this time around each other and yet how you feel has remained a secret. Such a shame, isn't it?"

"It is."

"But. I can't."

"And why is that?"

Karen fidgeted. The fantasies she'd had for years came back in a flush. A handsome man, as pet—as a sweet baby boy to care for and suckle her breasts. A friend and partner, but also a lover to train. After all, what was the point of having curves like hers if she couldn't use them to calm and nurture...?

"I agree," said the woman.


"That you clearly have a maternal side, and that you need a man who will submit to you willingly and accept your care, while returning the same."

"Wait. Did I say all that out loud?"

"You did."

"I have to get out of here." Karen tried to say it like she meant it but remained in her seat.

"Before you do, I want you to watch this." The woman produced a computer tablet, on it was a still image of David in a video. Karen could see the True Self office in the background. The woman pressed play, and Karen heard her voice, off-camera, ask David to tell her about Karen. When he spoke, it was in a quiet, confessional and reverential tone, Karen had never heard before.

"She's the most beautiful, the most...I don't know, I...get so shy around her but want to snuggle next to her and make her happy, but I don't know how..." David wiped away a tear, while continuing to explain how he thought Karen was really smart and special, and he didn't have the words to explain. He'd tried to let her know how special she was, but he'd sent the flowers anonymously so she could imagine they'd be from whomever she wished.

"Oh honey," said Karen, feeling a catch in her voice, and disappointment with herself for not seeing this in him, and taking care of him. He was a sweetie, but no more keeping things from mommy, that would be rule number one she'd have to get across. She rose from the chair and told the woman she was sorry, but had to go find him.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, but before you do, take this report and read it on the elevator." The woman handed three, stapled pages to Karen. The first one simply said, "David."

Karen gave the woman a hug and thanked her and said she'd call to let her know how things went. This made her laugh for some reason, but Karen let it go and began reading the report in the elevator. For the most part, it felt like reading something she'd always known, but forgotten, about David and, oddly, about herself. At the end, she found a paragraph on long-term effects:

You may be wondering, but this won't alter how either one of you go through your daily lives, at least on a superficial level. You'll both be your normal selves, and the most special and intimate aspects of your relationship will remain private. At times, one of you may feel a little hazy afterwards, but mostly you'll feel relaxed and refreshed as a result of being who you truly are. The one difference is he will be highly suggestible when you show him your breasts. Like most men, he responds to them, but a little hint of cleavage will make him a bit more docile and compliant than most; he will be at his most passive and appreciative. In the moments after you let him see your breasts, you'll be able to guide his state of mind; he won't be able to know his own name or anything other than that he's yours and needs to do whatever you desire. Understand that the more time you spend together like this, the stronger the bond. Now, having finished this report, you will drop it in the incinerator found to the left of the elevator on the first floor. Once you do so, you will forget where you've been and only remember what you've learned. We wish you well.

On her way to the subway, Karen sent her newest employee, David, a text message saying she needed to talk to him and to meet her at her apartment at 7:30 that night. His response, saying he would, but asking if he was in trouble, made her smile. "Of course not, sweetie" was her response. Across town, David read the message with such surprise he walked promptly into a street pole.

Karen stepped out of the shower, toweled off, applied lotion quickly here and there then dressed and looked at herself in her bathroom mirror, smiling at what she saw. To some, she didn't look like she was dressed for a date, but her sweet baby was special if also certain to be nervous and she wanted to put him at ease and not overwhelm him. A simple collared shirt with buttons up the center showed a hint of her soft breasts which were looking as full as ever. Buying a new bra on the way home had been a good idea. The shirt was snug over her breasts and soft belly and stopped at the waist-line of her skirt, which exaggerated the swell of her already voluptuous hips. There was a time when she'd been less than thrilled by her size, particularly as she'd become softer and more voluptuous over the years, but she'd come to embrace it fully and enjoyed feeling the sway of her hips as she padded about her apartment in bare feet, toenails painted a deep red in a hint of sexiness.

The intercom buzzed. 7:29 PM. David was right on time.

She met him at the door, his ears were already red, and Karen took him by the hand and lead him inside where she embraced him, hearing him release a soft "Oh!" as she pulled him to her. "It's okay," she whispered. "I understand."

"Understand what?" David couldn't believe she had a clue as to what he was thinking and feeling. As much as he wanted to believe it and give in, he told himself he shouldn't.

"Close your eyes."

When he did, she kissed his eyelids, then his cheeks.

"Such a sweet boy."

"Thank you." His voice was so quiet it was nearly inaudible and he looked at his feet.

Karen led him to the sofa, where she pulled him to her, laying his head against her chest and whispered that she wanted him to tell her what he was feeling.


"Good. What else."

"I care about you."

"That's so sweet. When did this start?"

"When we met. When I interviewed."

"Have you ever felt this way before?"

"I don't know. Not like this."

"You've wondered about what it would be like to be with a woman with strong...maternal desires."


"Yes, what?"

David looked up at her, confused. It was time. Karen pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it to the floor. David' eyes locked on her breasts. They fit her frame, but seemed enormous to him, he had trouble seeing anything else. Karen found the clip on the nursing bra and released the panel, freeing her left breast.

"Yes, what?" she repeated.

"I don't know..."

"Honey, who am I?"

David knew, but he couldn't say it. He was also having trouble making eye contact.

"Speak your mind. It's okay. I give you permission."

David whispered as quietly as he could. "Yes, mommy," he said.

"Good boy. How did I get so lucky to find such a sweetheart?"

"I don't know..." David' face was red again. She noticed he'd placed his hands over his crotch. Taking his head in her hands, she lay his head across her lap and leaned forward. Her breasts felt larger and more full than normal, as if in anticipation of what was to come. By instinct, David found her nipple. His warm lips tugged lightly at her flesh, and she could feel it expand in his mouth. The weight of her heavy breast lay upon his cheek.

"That's it. Suckle, mommy's breast. Be a good boy and latch on, sweetie." She found his hands and placed them on her belly.

"Don't you worry, it's okay. I'm here. You're safe with me."

David couldn't remember who he was other than hers; she was all he knew. Was it possible he'd never seen a breast before hers? As soon as he asked the question, he knew it silly, of course he hadn't. Her hand stroked his face and she locked eyes with him and whispered that he was hers, such a good boy for mommy. So good at nursing. So safe.

"Suckle nice for your mommy," she said. "Not too hard. If you keep this up, mommy's breasts might get bigger for her you, heavier. You'll like that, won't you?

David gave a slight nod but didn't stop suckling.

She laughed. Greedy boy. "Let's see what we have here." She undid his belt with one hand, holding his head to her breast with the other. "Do we have a little something for mommy?" Her hand slipped under the waist of his boxers and touched his penis with the lightest touch David could imagine. It still startled him and his eyes went wide as she lay her hand across him. He felt thick and warm down there and longer than the length of her hand from finger tip to wrist, was that good? Did she like it? He didn't know.

"I think my sweet boy likes being touched there."

She could see David' eyes welling up again.

Karen stroked his cheek and told him he was safe. "This is what your mommy likes. It's just for us. Nod and tell me you understand."

Again, he nodded.

As a reward, Karen pulled some lotion from her purse, tugged David' boxers down to expose him and put a cool dollop on the shaft.

"Mommy's going to show you how to play. I want you to just rub it with your hand and fingers like this...or you can rub it against a pillow or, if you're extra sweet you can rub it on mommy's thigh. Maybe one day, you can put it inside. It's so soft and warm there, sweetie. Do you think you're ready for that yet?"

David had no idea how to respond. All he could do was suck and look up at her; it was hard to see past her breast and her voice came to him as if from a dream as it explained what a good boy he was and how he was safe and to relax and let go. It felt like his penis was getting bigger against her fingers, which now rubbed at his skin with greater intensity and a heat began to spread from his stomach downward. He sucked harder, and was rewarded by a brief rush of warm liquid filling his mouth. Karen seemed genuinely surprised and pressed her breast hard against his face. He tried to suck for more milk but none came, instead he heard the command.

"Squirt for Mommy, sweetie."

With the words, he lost all control over his hips and he felt something hot squirt from his penis and land on his belly. What followed was dizziness and panting into the warm space between her breasts.

"Such a big mess from such a little boy."

For an instant, David was embarrassed and worried he'd done a bad thing, but she was smiling at him. She was teasing. It made him blush and turn to cuddle against her soft belly. He stayed like that while feeling her wipe a tissue across his stomach.

After a few moments, Karen pulled him to his feet and walked him into her bedroom where she told him to undress first himself, then her.

"May I say something, Mommy?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

"You're the most beautifulest..."

She laughed. "That's what you wanted to say?" Embraced him. Pushed his head to her chest. Felt his arm wrap around her waist. He sighed and trembled. Together, they climbed under the sheets. David rubbed against her and latched upon her right breast. She slipped her free hand between her legs. She was soaked and slipped a finger inside.


"Sssh, sweetie. Mommy needs to play, too."

David found her breast again and pressed his penis against her soft thigh.

"That's it," she whispered. "Hump Mommy's leg. Feel how good it is. We're going to get you a pillow, sweetie. Ever day when you come home, you're going to go straight for that pillow and start humping it. You'll want to make relief, but you won't be able without Mommy. Just hump and rub." She wrapped an arm around him. "Don't be scared, baby, you're safe. Mommy's got you. Such a good boy, keep humping Mommy."

His hips pumped in fits and starts as if moving on their own. Karen moved in her own, languid rhythm and she pulled him roughly from her breast to give him a rough kiss. Her tongue invaded his mouth and she whispered through clenched teeth, "Who do you belong to?"


She popped his cheek with the back of her hand. It startled David almost as much as the shame of having not realized the answer immediately.

"I belong to you," he said. "To my beautiful Mommy."

"That's right. Such a good boy. You make me so proud."

The words hit David hard this time—his head felt warm and dizzy. It was almost too much to take. He tried to explain this but she put a finger to his lips, which slipped within them. He began to suck. Before he could react, she'd flipped him onto his back and pulled one of his legs between hers and pushed a breast to his lips. He sucked, and felt her weight relax upon him. He was pinned, and truly helpless, as she alternated between rubbing the wetness between her leg upon his thigh and slipping her own fingers there.


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