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Mattei - A Nation's Father Ch. 02

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Mattei has his first breeding session.
8.9k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/18/2020
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On the other side of the door, Mattei found a line of women who appeared to be waiting for the men as they came through the door. The woman at the very front walked towards him. "Hello," she said, her voice firm with authority, but yet friendly. "I'm Dr. Lura Izaki, but you can call me Lura. Please come with me."

He stared at her for a moment, but then nodded and did as she asked, following her down a long corridor towards an examination room. As they walked, him trailing a few steps behind her, he couldn't help but check her out.

She was short, compared to him, but then again, so were most people. At 6'6", that was usually the case. He figured she had to be more like 5'6", since she barely reached his shoulder. At first glance, he thought she might be of Japanese descent, but when she'd originally looked at him, he could tell that her eyes weren't brown. They appeared to be a shade of green, and they captivated him. That and the rest of her. She was easily the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and her eyes drew him in each time she shot a glance at him while they walked. It made him want to know what she was thinking, and more about her personally. "I wonder if she's single," he thought, shortly before they reached the exam room. "I have to get to know her. There's just something about her ... and my God, she's beautiful." He felt silly, thinking that about her in that way already, but he was pretty sure he was smitten.

Once they were inside the exam room, he discreetly checked her out as she took his vitals. In fact, he'd gotten so involved in watching everything she did, and staring at her when he could, that when she asked him to strip down, he almost croaked.

"Excuse me? You want me to get naked here, and, um, in front of you?"

Lura laughed a little. "Yes, that is what I said. I'm going to be your attending physician for at least the next two days, and I need to examine you fully. I'll take measurements of your body, and insert a subcutaneous monitoring chip under your skin, so that your vitals, outputs, sperm count, etc., can be carefully monitored 24/7. We need to keep you in the peak of health."

Mattei smirked, trying to hide some nervousness. Unless he knew he was going to bed with a woman, he didn't strip in front of one. "We haven't even been on a date yet. Do you always move this quickly with a man?"

"With you, I might," she blurted out before her face flushed. While he didn't laugh, he almost snorted, and he was pretty sure that his amusement was visible. He was about to say something when she cleared her throat and then said, "Now, please undress. I promise this will be quick."

Mattei obliged this time, but he didn't take his eyes off Lura's face. She wanted him to strip? Fine. He was going to take his time. Do what he did when he was about to bed a woman who was clearly begging for it. For all he knew, Lura's response only moments before might indicate that someday, he'd get to bed her. It'd been too long since he'd been with a woman, and Mattei knew he wanted to find himself in bed romping with her. "Smart and beautiful," he thought. "What more could I want?"

He slowly removed his cowboy boots before unbuckling his belt. Then he slid his pants off, and he saw Lura's eyes go to his waist and thighs, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks when she caught him looking at her. But it seemed to be the bulge that was quickly growing in his boxers that had her interest peaked. So he sped up his stripping a little. If she wanted to see what he was packing, who was he to dissuade her? He quickly moved onto unbuttoning his red plaid shirt, shrugging it off and revealing his broad shoulders. Then he crossed his arms and pulled his white undershirt up and over his head. He thought he heard Lura make a noise when he did, and he inwardly smiled. "I think she likes what she sees." It almost made him giddy to know that, which only served to remind him of how long it'd been since he'd gotten to impress a willing partner. Too long.

He wasn't the boastful type, but he did take pride in the shape his body was in. Years of working on a farm, in addition to working out when he wasn't on the job, had gotten him into great shape. It certainly didn't hurt when it came to the ladies. But all in all, his cock was the main attraction. His well-formed body was just the appetizer.

His socks came off last. Knowing the answer, but deciding to ask anyways, he said, "Do I need to remove my boxers too?"

"Um, yes ... please." He could see that she was slightly distracted, and since she was staring at his almost naked body, he was pretty sure he knew why. It was time for the big reveal. He quickly removed his boxers, and then grinned when Lura's face furrowed a little. It wasn't the first time he'd seen such confusion on a woman's face.

"What is that?" she asked quietly, pointing at yet another thing hiding his package from her.

"It's my penis strap."

She coughed a little. "Your what?"

"My penis strap. Helps me keep it close to my body when I'm fully aroused ... or not," he added.

"Why would you need something like that?"

Mattei quickly undid the strap, and then reached down, cupping the bulge. After letting his cock down slowly, and hearing her gaspe, he knew she had her answer.

"You okay there, Doc, or do you like something you see?" he teased, not being able to help himself. He couldn't help but be a little proud of what he was packing.

"Mmm ... what???" She asked in a distracted voice, still staring. Then she looked up and blushed. "Oh, um, very nice. Thank you. Please hold still while I take your measurements. And, um, I may need you to bend over momentarily due to your height. You know, to get your shoulder measurements and stuff."

Her reaction increased his arousal even more, and he didn't think that was possible. But apparently, she had more of an effect on him than he'd anticipated. There was a part of him that was slightly embarrassed to react so strongly to her presence though. He was in a strange room, with a woman he barely knew, and his very thick, and fully erect, 12-inch cock, was sticking straight out, just begging for attention. To make matters worse, he kept on thinking about how bad he wanted to kiss her while simultaneously stripping off her clothes and penetrating her. Just thinking about what he wanted to do to her made his cock throb, and he was starting to get desperate. Mattei wasn't sure he'd ever wanted a woman more badly than he did at that moment. And at this point, even if Lura wouldn't let him have her, he needed a woman. And badly. His hand wasn't going to be enough. That he was sure of.

As if she'd read his mind, Lura stood up and handed him a sample cup. "I need you to ejaculate into this cup, so we can test the quality, quantity, and motility of your sperm. I'm sure you can handle that, but if you would like something to help you get to the point of ejaculation, I can put something on the television. We do have some more explicit videos on hand."

Mattei wanted her to stay but figured she would leave. It wouldn't take him long to climax if she were there, being his eye candy while he fantasized about her. He wouldn't need any stimulus now. She was more than enough. "Are you going to leave while I do this?"

Lura smiled, with what Mattei could've sworn was a naughty gleam in her eye and said: "Absolutely not. We need to witness the ejaculation, due to the necessity of these tests and the results. I have to be able to corroborate that you were the one who ejaculated. So feel free to start whenever you're ready."

Without thinking, he blurted out, "I don't suppose you'd want to help me along, would you?"

Lura coughed, blushing redder than Mattei thought any woman could get, even redder than she had gotten minutes before. "I can't," she managed to say.

"Okay - your loss," he responded teasingly, wishing she'd given in to him while simultaneously smacking himself for even asking that question. Being bold was one thing. Saying something like that out loud on the other hand? That was probably downright stupid, and he hoped he hadn't blown his chance with her, assuming there was a remote possibility of them even ending up in bed together. "At least I can fantasize about her," he thought, as he started to rub his shaft with his left hand. He looked at her while he did so, admiring the curves of her body, and daydreaming about kissing her while plowing deep inside her. Those thoughts quickly pushed him over the edge, and when he came, a growl escaped him as he ejaculated a large load into the sample cup she'd given him. Lura quickly took the cup from him, screwed on the lid, and rushed out of the room.

She'd gone so quickly that it'd thrown him for a loop. He wasn't sure what to think. Did she know he was fantasizing about her? Did she know how badly he wanted to pleasure her, and cause her to scream out his name? Had he run her off, or was she just in a hurry to get his sample to the lab? So many questions, and so few answers. He wasn't sure what to think.

Lura returned rather quickly though, seemingly blowing in as quickly as she'd left. She didn't make eye contact with him like before though, simply holding up a device he wasn't familiar with and ordering him to hold out his left arm. Deciding now was not the time to say anything, or make a funny quip, he did as he was told. In response, he got a shot in his hand with the implant she'd mentioned earlier. It stung for a moment, but then subsided as he rubbed it a little.

She gestured to his clothes, and while still not maintaining eye contact said, "Thank you for your cooperation. Please get dressed, and then come outside. I'll be waiting for you."

He was disappointed when she walked out of the room, but what choice did he have? She was all business now, and he felt like he'd fucked up. "Me and my stupid mouth. Maybe it's better that nothing happens. She's obviously mad at me about it. Fuck."

A few minutes later, he left the exam room and followed Lura down another hallway, where his photo was taken, some blood was drawn, and then he was given some injections. Lura barely said a word to him the entire time, the most she spoke being when she handed him some pills and told him to take them.

He was relieved when she led him away from there, and to his sleeping quarters, where he found his belongings had been moved for his convenience. As he looked around, Lura said, "You should rest now."

Mattei shot her a glance. Sleep was the last thing he wanted. His arousal was in full force, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to sleep like that. Seeing that he had no other option but to ask her for advice on his predicament, he asked, "What do I do about the medication making me horny? To be honest, I was already horny, and the medication is making me hornier. I need to cum again."

Her response surprised him, as she blushed a little, and finally met his eyes for the first time in well over an hour. Maybe all hope wasn't lost. "Don't worry. Depending on the results of your sperm test, you'll have quite the release soon. Trust me. Now get some sleep. You were given a sedative, so that'll help. Just give it a few more minutes to kick in." Then Lura shut off the light and left the room.

Disappointed that she'd left, but feeling a renewed hope that maybe he hadn't screwed up as bad with her as he thought, he laid down on the bed. And sure enough, within a few minutes, the sedative kicked in and he dropped off to sleep.


Mattei slept for several hourse before being woken by Lura. "You should eat," she said quietly, gesturing to a plate of food on the nearby table. "You'll need your strength."

He wasn't sure what she meant by that, but he sat up and after the grogginess cleared a bit, he sat down to eat what she'd brought him. As soon as he took the first bite, he realized how hungry he was. He quickly scarfed down the food she'd brought him, and then looked up. "That was good. Can I have more?"

Lura laughed. "Yes. But later. You need to take a shower now."

He wasn't sure why he had to wait, but figured maybe it wasn't a bad thing. He might feel full after the food settled. He had eaten it rather quickly.

Mattei resisted the urge to ask her if she'd join him and took a robe that she handed him. "Should I come find you, um, after my shower is done?"

"Oh, I'm staying here while you're showering," she replied nonchalantly. "So go ahead and get cleaned up."

He thought for a moment and then put the robe in the bathroom. Then he walked back out into the room and started to strip.

"You're not going to strip in the bathroom?"


"Why not?"

"You've already seen me once. Do I look so poorly that you can't stand the thought of seeing me again? Besides, my dirty clothes would end up out here anyways. Just saving some time."

"You don't look poorly," she snapped.

"Is that so?" he asked, looking directly into her eyes. He could see some irritation in them. What had brought that on? And why did she snap at him. Women were confusing. "What did I do to offend or piss you off? You're the one who told me to get naked in front of you in the first place, and to jack off while you're standing there. Am I just supposed to ignore the fact that there's a beautiful woman standing in front of me, asking me to get naked?"



Lura opened her mouth as if she were going to speak but shook her head instead. "Please ... just hurry up." So, he did, quickly stripping while not looking at her. He could feel her eyes on him though as he got naked in front of her for the second time that day. She had him so confused. Totally and utterly confused.

"Mattei?" she asked, after he'd stood back up and headed towards the bathroom. Her voice was soft and sweet now, not like the harsh snap it had been a few minutes earlier.


"You ... you don't look poorly. I mean that."

"Then why are you upset with me, Lura? I've done everything you've asked, even trying to be humorous about what is honestly a rather awkward situation."

She gave him a look. "I know you were looking at me."

"And?" he asked, stepping closer to her. "Is that a crime. Or even better, can you blame me?"

She looked up at him, and he saw a few tears in her eyes. "No ... I just ... I don't know what to think about that."

"To think about what?"

Lura shook her head again and then looked away. "You know what? Never mind. It's stupid. Please go shower."

Mattei reached out his left hand and cupped her face, pulling it gently towards him. "Tell me."

"I can't."

"Tell me," he said again, almost growling. "How can I make things right between us? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. That's the last thing I want. I think I'm uncomfortable enough for the both of us."

"It's complicated," she murmured.

"So uncomplicate it." He moved his naked body closer to her, until they were only a breath away from one another. "Talk to me."

"I can't."

Mattei ran his thumb along Lura's bottom lip, and a little gasp escaped her as she closed her eyes and relaxed in his touch. "Why not?" he asked quietly. "I'm here to have sex with women. To breed them. To spill my seed inside them and impregnate them. And maybe, hopefully, to find at least one woman to share my life with. You're a woman, and I'm a man. What's complicated about that? Do I make you feel things you don't want to feel?"

Her eyes shot open, and he knew then that he'd found the problem. "Oh," he said quietly, moving away. "So I do make you feel uncomfortable."

"No," she replied hastily. "I mean, not entirely."

He let out a snort. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's complicated?" she asked, her voice sounding almost like a chipmunk's in that moment as her reply squeaked out.

"So, I gather. I'll go shower now and leave you alone." Then he walked away, Lura watching him as he left.


Lura quickly sat down in a chair as soon as Mattei was in the shower. "Holy Mother of God," she hissed out as she made the sign of a cross. "I'm in over my head."

She'd been taken with him from the moment she saw him, and she was frightened. At 31, she was six years older than Mattei, and she'd been married before, though briefly. Her husband had died in the Plague along with billions of other me and feeling attraction hadn't been something she'd ever expected to feel again. Then Mattei walked into her life and made her want to rip her panties off and jump on that monstrosity of a cock she'd seen earlier.

She'd seen the way he looked at her as he jacked off, the way he bantered with her, flirting a little here and there. She loved it. She hated it. Correction, she hated that she loved it, because it made her feel so guilty. It made her feel like she was subconconciously cheating on her dead husband.

"I'm so sorry, Jack," she whispered, as she wiped a tear away. "I'm not trying to lust after another man. I just don't know what's gotten into me." But that wasn't entirely true. She did know what had gotten into her.

Sixteen months earlier, she'd sat helpless next to her husband in his hospital bed. He was dying of the Plague, a cruel and harsh illness that swept through and took so many loved ones. Her husband was one of the first to die, and it was likely her fault. Or at least, that's what she'd told herself. As a doctor, she was on the front lines of illnesses, and it swept through so quickly that it took the world by storm. It killed quickly, and with very little mercy, killing men, youth, and little boys. And babies. So many male babies. Lura had lost track of how many mothers she'd had to console after finding out that what little they had left of their husbands had died inside them as well. She could count on one hand how many baby boys she'd delivered in the last year. One. That was it. And he was a lucky one, seemingly having a random mutated immunity when his father hadn't succumbed. And tests had showed that the baby was indeed the dead mans' offspring, so there was no doubt that he was a little miracle.

"Lura," Jack gasped, pulling off his oxygen mask.

"Jack!" she exclaimed. He'd been asleep for what seemed like an eternity, and it'd worried her. It'd been over 13 hours since he'd been awake. The illness was literally taking everything out of him. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," he said. "But how are you?"

"I'm fine," she lied.

"I know you're lying."

"Would you have it any other way?"

Her husband squeezed her nearest hand with what little strength he had. "Lura, we need to talk."

"You can't leave the hospital yet," she said, anticipating that's what he wanted. He'd been begging her for days just to take him home, but he had to get better before he'd discharged, especially because of how virulent the illness was. "You're too sick. You have to stay here. We're still trying to find a cure. I swear to you, we will find something that works."

"Lura, stop."

Lura shook her head. "I can't."

"Lura. Stop. Look at me."

She looked up at her husband, and saw the serious look on his face. "I don't want to talk. Whatever it is, it can wait."

"No, baby, it can't."

Tears immediately started to flow. She hated when he called her that, because it reminded her of what they didn't have ... a child of their own. They'd had a fight the night before he got sick about when to start a family, and about how many children to have. It wasn't the first time they'd had that fight either, and it ended up in her making him sleep on the couch. That'd been two weeks ago, when she told him her period was over, and asked him if this month, they could focus on trying to get pregnant. She wanted him to plan his trips around her cycle, and he'd refused. It'd made her so angry. "Don't call me that."

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