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Meeting After Ten Years Ch. 03


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"That's perverted in a whole different way," replied Becca. "I've always been intrigued by corsets. I was always too embarrassed to buy one but I'd love to have one."

Mike continued, "Good. Totally apart from body modification through tight lacing, I expect to corset you from time to time. I keep visualizing you in a black or red cupless corset or waist cincher. It doesn't have to uncomfortably tight; your breasts will look incredible. I get instantly hard picturing how a corset will emphasize your breasts and display them for me. Actually the black bondage tape you're wrapped in is giving me a preview. A black under bust corset is going to be one of your first pieces of custom made clothing."

"Well, you've done it again. You've made my pussy wet."

"Good. Your pussy should always be wet. I should mention that you'll have a safe word phrase. It's 'red light'. You can stop whatever I'm doing with that word. In fact, you can cancel the whole contract by using that term. The only other early termination of the contract would be the ending of our relationship. If either of us wants to break up our relationship the contract would obviously end as well."

"That covers the high points. There's much more for your perusal. You have all day tomorrow." Mike pushed the contract away and pulled Becca's chair away from the table as he said, "I expect you to study the contract and really understand what you're agreeing to before you sign. I don't want any disenchantment later. I believe you want what I've reflected in the contract but if I'm wrong you shouldn't sign."

Mike knelt next to the chair and fondled Becca's left breast gently. She moaned as he caressed the stretched flesh. He said, "You're swollen and hot- just about perfect. Well..., not perfect since you'll be even more swollen in another hour."

Becca squirmed and muttered, "perv."

Mike's hand moved to her other breast and he caressed it. Carefully avoiding the erect nipple he lifted it to appreciate its weight and said, "I trust you know my cock is aching. You look and feel great. I'd love to suck on you right now but I'm going to wait. I'm going to tease us both by making you hold your milk for another hour. We can ache together. This is essentially a taste of what I have in mind for the next year.

"The thought of your breasts being heavy and ripe is really arousing. The idea that you need me to make you comfortable and to bring you sexual pleasure is very exciting."

Mike continued to fondle Becca's breasts gently- always staying away from her nipples. He stared at her breasts and after a minute said, "Your nipples are incredibly big and inviting. I'm going to enjoy playing with them in a little while."

After a few minutes Mike removed the tape from around Becca's thighs and spread her legs apart. His hand cupped Becca's Venus Mound and she squirmed against it. She was highly aroused and Mike enjoyed teasing her.

As his hand remained close to her pussy Mike said, "There's another section of the contract I guess I should mention. After the contract term expires we'll own the story of your contract experience jointly and with the understanding that our identities will always be confidential. I thought we might write an erotic book together or sell a book of artsy photos. With that in mind the contract says we'll both keep a weekly journal to record what we did and how we felt. Each journal would be kept secret from the other person until the year is up. In that way you can be candid in your observations without fear of disrupting anything."

Mike pushed several fingers down between Becca's legs and she pressed upward against them with arousal as they passed over her clit. Becca unconsciously spread her legs further apart and said "Please Mike. Are you going to keep teasing me for an hour? I could use some sexual relief right now. My breasts will keep swelling for you- I promise."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't usually bring you off before milking but there's no real reason not to." As he spoke his fingers toyed with Becca's pussy and she gasped. Mike then continued, "I was also thinking that pushing you to climax might well prompt your tits to leak and I'm ready to taste your first drops. I actually can't wait to tease your nipples with my mouth."

Mike moved to kneel between Becca's thighs and reached out to her breasts. He cupped his hands beneath them and weighed both of them in his hands while staring at them with lust. "Absolutely incredible," he said. "They're so big and heavy."

Mike then said, "Since you confessed to reading milking machine porn I guess I should share something with you. I've been thinking about your breasts going back to "B" cups. There's a perverted side of me that imagines your body still producing milk to fill "DD"s- leading to your needing very frequent milking and being uncomfortably swollen much of the time. I imagine you constantly pleading for me to suck on you and being very horny. I visualize enjoying your obscenely swollen tits anytime I want and I see you panting with passion as I indulge myself."

"Oh really," said Becca. "Well, there's a perverted side of me that envisions my tits growing another cup size and staying that way even without milk. I imagine having men salivate over my body as I win "best tits" and wet tee shirt contests all over the country. I give up my day job and live on the income I get from displaying my tits."

Mike replied, "Well, I can see that; in fact, I'll be your agent. But these tits are mine for the next year. I'll be happy to prep them for your new career but I'm the only one who's going to be salivating up close and personal for quite awhile."

As he spoke Mike's hand returned to Becca's pussy. He spread her lips and two fingers played with her wet folds. Her arousal re-doubled. Mike slowly moved his fingers near her clit. Becca's breath caught as he pushed her to the edge. She was soon shuddering and gasping through a huge climax and Mike stared at her nipples hoping to see some tempting drops of milk. For a minute he was surprised and disappointed that nothing appeared. Then he saw the first small droplet emerging from her left nipple. He moved in close and said, "That's what I was waiting for. I'm looking forward to a year of your breasts being so full your nipples can't hold it all in."

"It sounds like you're becoming more of a sadist every minute. I'm starting to worry a little about this contract."

"It's not really sadism," replied Mike as his mouth moved to within an inch of the milk droplet. "It's lust for your nipples. I'm always talking about your breasts but I'm equally obsessed with your big hard nipples. I've always loved erect nipples and yours are truly spectacular. Add a drop or two of milk and I'm truly obsessed." His tongue extended to capture the droplet as Becca stared down at her breast. She shuddered at the teasingly light touch and all that was symbolized by it. She was looking at a year of being the object of Mike's tit obsession. She smiled and thought, 'Yes, she could live with that.' She moaned as another droplet magically appeared in the same spot and hung lewdly from her erect nipple. Her nipples throbbed as she longed for Mike to be drawn to suck on them. How long was he going to tease her?

Mike's tongue removed the second drop with the same finesse as the first. He drew his head back a few inches and looked at Becca's other breast. The nipple looked painfully erect. It was at first dry but then Mike watched as a droplet emerged from nowhere. He said, "Mmm, I seem to have gotten your attention."

Becca saw the offering at her second nipple and wondered if it might be enough to seduce Mike. In a sultry whisper she said, "As you can see both of my nipples are begging for you. Please suck on me. Suck me dry."

"In due course," replied Mike as he removed the new droplet with the tip of his tongue. "For now I'm enjoying the slow approach. For every drop that emerges I'd guess at least ten are being made. That means your tits are still growing and stretching and getting even more ready for me. I think I'll just stay close and try to catch each drop. At some point if they come too fast for me I'll assume you may have reached your fullest. I might make you hold that for awhile- then I'm going to drain you totally. You've earned that and I'm not going to be satisfied with a time limit either. I suspect your orgasms will be the largest you've had for several weeks."

"Oh, please," panted Becca. "I'm so full now. I feel so swollen. Look at my leaking nipples. They're begging you."

"I see that. I don't know if you're really full or if my tongue's presence is drawing the droplets out. Maybe your tits are reacting to my mouth being here. In any case, it's going to get a little messy but I'm going to play with your nipples for a little while before sucking on them. If you think about it, because of your lactation I always go from staring at your nipples to sucking with no foreplay; tonight I want to feel your nipples on my lips and tongue like I'm sure I'd do if you weren't lactating."

"Do you expect me to feel sorry for you? I don't think you have anything to complain about. You've had one of my tits in your mouth every few hours every day for the past few weeks. You're the one that came up with the time limits; without those you could have had even more time with them."

"I'm not complaining at all. I was simply explaining why you're going to wait a little longer." Mike's tongue pressed firmly against Becca's left nipple. They could both feel that more than a few drops of milk were released. His mouth was moistened and several drops ran down over her breast and dripped. Becca gasped with arousal at his mouth's more aggressive touch. It felt strange to leak so much and his touch only increased her desire to feel his mouth sealed around her turgid nipple.

Becca panted, "Suck on me." She flexed her chest muscles trying to push her breast into Mike's mouth but her bondage was too tight. Her breast simply moved an inch or so vertically. That was enough to drag her wet nipple up across Mike's upper lip which aroused her even more. She moaned with passion and frustration. She immediately tried to rake her nipple downward across his lip but Mike moved out of her reach.

He didn't say anything but moved to her other nipple and teasingly cleaned several droplets of milk away with his tongue which sent electric shocks straight to Becca's pussy. Mike's lips lingered at her nipple as he said, "I love your nipples. They're so big and taut." His lips felt up the erect nub causing Becca to squirm with arousal.

"Please suck on me. You're being a bastard to just tease me for so long. My tits feel like they're going to explode."

"Soon," replied Mike. "I've wanted to feel your nipples ever since I first saw them. As I said before, your lactation has prompted me to just suck on them but feeling them this way is great! You'd better get used to it. I'll want to do it frequently over the next year."

Mike continued to tease each of Becca's nipples in turn using his tongue and lips. More and more milk leaked from her. The drops he missed ran down her swollen tits and dropped onto her thighs. Feeling the wetness on her legs and knowing the source was secretly very erotic to Becca. She felt like a true pervert and was shocked by her arousal.

Finally, Mike said, "Based on the mess we've made I'd guess you've reached the point at which your leaking equals your production. I'm going to leave your tits alone for a few minutes. Let's see if they stop leaking. While you calm down I'm going to spread a waterproof pad on the bed; there's a good chance you'll leak much more when I attack your breasts. I can only suck on one at a time; I'd guess the other one will weep quite a bit. I'll be back in a few minutes." He left the room and Becca stared down at her nipples which were leaking small amounts- there were no individual droplets anymore- they were coming fast enough to join together.

Becca marveled at how obscene her life had become. She was sitting naked in her kitchen. She was bound in a chair, leaking milk from her big tits. It was dripping onto her thighs and then onto her kitchen floor. She'd had an orgasm just a few minutes before but was incredibly horny. She couldn't wait for her lover to ravish her tits and fuck her. He'd be fucking her well; she knew that but wasn't sure if it would be in her ass or pussy. Either was fine with her. The topper was that all of this was just foreplay to her upcoming year as a contract milk producer; a contract that effectively said, 'I'm a perv. Do this to me for 12 months.'

Mike came back and resumed his kneeling position between Becca's spread thighs. He leaned in close to her left nipple and tongued the milk away- both on her nipple and from the flesh below. He then repeated the cleansing of her right breast. Becca enjoyed the touch of his tongue but said, "Haven't you teased me enough? Don't you want to suck on me and then fuck me?"

"Yes and yes," replied Mike. "I was just curious to see if you would stop leaking if I wasn't teasing you. I think the flow slowed but didn't stop. I'm going to cut the tape and then we're going to the bedroom where I can properly service your needs. Okay?" "Yes!"

Mike removed the tape and quickly wiped Becca's thighs with a paper towel. He then gestured for her to rise and brought her to their bed. She lay down on her side as she did routinely for milking. She could feel her breasts ache with heightened anticipation. Mike joined her and without saying a word engulfed her right nipple with his mouth. Becca gasped as she felt the familiar suction at her nipple. His hands reached to her hips and around to her ass. She could feel the lust in his hands as he grabbed her. She immediately knew she was going to be ravished- not merely milked.

She was in sexual heaven as his suction relieved some pressure and shot waves of pleasure through her. She loved feeling his hands fondling her ass. Within 30 seconds she could feel her body beginning to tense with arousal. She smiled as she recognized the first signs of the approaching orgasm. Mike's mouth was working its magic on her again. The orgasm was coming on so quickly she was sure she'd have several before she was drained. All of her sexual frustration was about to be sucked away.

Becca's body tensed more. She could feel milk leaking from her one breast as Mike sucked on the other. That was sexy in its own way. She thought of being milked while bound to a machine. She visualized her full tits hanging through holes in a hammock while an invisible stranger sucked on her. Those thoughts turned her on even more.

Overwhelmed. That's how she felt as her climax took over her mind and body. She felt helpless as her thighs squeezed together and her pussy contracted. It was a big one- one of the most intense orgasms she could remember. Every ounce of her strength seemed to flow out through her nipple into Mike's powerful mouth. He knew just how to milk her and get her off and he was giving her a one year contract. It was going to be exhausting but great.

One part of her wanted him to stop sucking so she could savor her orgasm but she was helpless and she didn't really want to stop. She knew that her milking was less than half done; she wanted him to have every drop. Becca could feel Mike rolling her body slightly; she knew the drill and arched her back to offer her second tit. She felt his mouth leave her one nipple and attach to the other.

His first contact with her full breast brought a new wave of intense feelings. How would she describe such feelings in a journal? They were full of electricity and instant sexual arousal. They also represented relief as her milk started to flow. Her body now seemed wired to her left breast as Mike sucked. She relaxed into her lover's mouth and hands with a sense of wellbeing. Emotional and physical pleasure had fully replaced the frustration Mike had made her endure.

Becca's excitement built as she enjoyed being the object of Mike's lust. She realized that one of his hands was now on her pussy and she was humping his palm as his fingers fucked her. His mouth was devouring her second tit and draining it- fulfilling all of her needs. She could feel her body starting to build to another earth shattering orgasm. She knew her tits would soon be empty and she'd be sexually sated- spent in every sense. She started to visualize Mike fucking her in her weakened state- taking the spoils of his attack and her excitement built further. A year's worth of being teased, frustrated, drained and fucked lay ahead. Mmmm. She could live with that.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 4 years ago

Good but a bit wordy, quite a bit of repeating the same things

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Lost me with the contract nonsense.

Bad even for fiction

melbourne_womanmelbourne_womanalmost 12 years ago
loved the story

I wish I had a man that would do that to me. I'd love to be milked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

One of the best breast fetish stories i've read!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
such a waste of the original story

the story is no longer interesting with all the humiliation and artificial implant, wondering if it's actually developed by the same author? or what has really happened to the writer over these 10 years?

PsuedeONhymPsuedeONhymalmost 13 years ago
Excellent stuff

I would love to read more of this. WELL DONE!!!

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