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Meeting the Nymph - Mannia Series

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A crazy sci-fi story. Includes cross species sex adventures.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 01/15/2024
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Meeting the Nymph

Marlon had her bent over a table in the dining hall and was pounding her pussy with his nice, thick dick. Sorcha was biting her lip to keep her moans quiet without much luck. Marlon's dick was decent sized and was one of the few that could successfully scratch that persistent itch that lay deep inside her. When he bothered with the effort, that was.

The edge of the table was digging into her soft stomach, but Sorcha didn't care. Opening her eyes, she stared down at the other men sitting at the table, watching. Her large breasts here smashed against the hard surface and the eyes of each of those men were firmly glued to the sight of her white mounds as they moved with each thrust of Marlon's hips. The only sound, the slapping of flesh as the men watched her being fucked right in front of them.

She was almost there. The pressure building tight, low in her gut. Marlon's hand gripped her hip hard, and she knew what that meant. "NO!" she screamed, "you keep going, you fucking moron."

Marlon grunted, and his pace increased. He was going to spew, and she wasn't ready. She shoved a hand under her to flick her overlarge clit, but it was no good. With a few last hard spasms of his body, Marlon shot his wad deep inside her. He was done.

Once again, she was left unfulfilled. Letting her head drop to the tabletop with a thump, she wondered briefly if maybe another would take his place. But the shouting of her name from across the room snuffed out that hope. Marlon gave her ass a firm slap as he pulled out.

"Thanks, slut, I needed that." All the men laughed with him and he moved away, still buttoning his pants.

Sorcha shoved off the table and let her short skirt fall to cover her aching pussy. She knew better than to give him the sneer and rebuff that sprang to her lips. If she pissed him off, chances of getting stuffed with that big cock anytime soon would shrivel right along with his schlong. She gave him her best fake smile and rubbed up against him as she moved away, heading back to the kitchen.

God, but her pussy ached. Just once, she wanted to find a man that could last long enough to give her what she needed. With a sigh, she shoved open the swinging kitchen door. Evidently, her pussy felt so good to the men that fucked her that they couldn't hold out. Or so that's what they told her when they bothered to try to get her off. She could only take their word for it that even as she fucked every chance she got, her pussy was always wet and tight and ready for the next cock.

She came to a stop in front of old Matilda, the battle-ax in charge of the kitchen. Sorcha figured that the woman was so bitter and dried up because she was too mean spirited for any man to give her plumbing a proper greasing. That wasn't her fault, nor was it her problem, but unfortunately, the woman's constant grim mood made Sorcha's life even more frustrating. To amuse herself, she pictured the woman's reaction if Sorcha scooped up the jizz dribbling down her thighs and rubbed in the bitch's face.

Lifting a brow, she inquired, "Yes, ma'am?"

Matilda stared at her with cold, dead eyes. "You disgust me."

Sorcha felt the pinch of pain inside at the woman's words and forced a laugh. "No, I don't. You're so fucking jealous of me that you hate me. But secretly, I think you really wish you had a dick so you could fuck me, too." Just to annoy the woman even more, she reached into the top of her loose-fitting blouse and rubbed her tits that ached from being smashed into the table and also from wishing there was a hot, wet mouth attached to them.

Matilda's hand flew and slapped Sorcha right on the mouth. It stung, but it didn't hurt. High pain tolerance was only one part of Sorcha's fucked up life. She kept her eyes locked onto Matilda's as she licked her lip, tasting a bit of blood where her teeth cut into the flesh.

Indeed, today the evil was firmly on Sorcha's shoulder as, impulsively, she grabbed Matilda's face and jerked her close. She smashed her full, lush lips onto the frigid woman's thin and unyielding mouth. In the background, she heard something metallic drop onto the floor. Sorcha managed one quick grope of Matilda's large breast that felt like it was encased in metal armor before the woman shoved her hard enough to cause her to fall to the floor.

Wild laughter erupted from her. Matilda was flushed brick red and seemed to be completely speechless. Sitting sprawled on the floor, her short skirt up around her hips, Sorcha flashed her bare pink cunt at any who wanted to see. Reaching down, she stroked her fingers through the gloopy mess of Marlon's jizz and flicked her clit as it stood tall and proud, like her own tiny little penis.

It took Matilda a moment to find her voice. When she did, she screeched as Sorcha had never heard before. "Get out! I will report this behavior. I am done with you! Get out of my kitchen."

Sorcha brought her fingers to her mouth to lick off the salty wetness. She took her time standing up and even gave Matilda a saucy wink before turning on her heel. As she left the now utterly silent kitchen, she put all the sway she could into her hips. Just before leaving the room, she stopped, grabbed young Jonathan, and kissed him deep with lots of tongue. Only Matilda's scream of rage convinced her to let go of the young man, who now stood stunned and speechless. She gave his face a quick caress and flounced from the room.

In her head, she was berating herself. Dammit, now I'll probably end up in the fucking laundry. She'd been thrown out of so many jobs there weren't many left for her. Without something to do, boredom was a sure enemy to Sorcha. When she had nothing to keep her occupied, she got into the most trouble.

On impulse, she left the castle and headed for the dog kennel. She had no idea if Jeb was working today or not, but at least her favorite dog should be in residence. A quick trip across the neatly cut green grounds, and she pushed open the door to the kennel to be greeted by a riot of barking.

The king kept plenty of dogs for hunting as well as protection and Mack was her favorite. A large brown dog with no definable breed. He loved Sorcha. Approaching his stall, she found the dog standing on hind legs, his nose pressing over the top of the gate. He was so big he could easily put his paws on her shoulders.

"Hey, big boy. There's my favorite." She cooed as she gave his head and neck a good scratching. Mack licked neck and reached for her face before she laughed and backed off.

"Okay, okay." She backed up to the hard metal chair in the corner and sat. With a sigh, she relaxed into the chair, sharing snippets of her day with the wagging tail and attentive ears. Frustration tinged her voice as she recounted another unfulfilling moment. Mack whined in sympathy and pawed at his kennel door. Sorcha knew better than to let him free as he'd run straight out of the building and it would be her hide the king would come looking for.

The sudden sound of a throat clearing caused her to jump in surprise. She kept her sprawled position and looked up. A strange man stood before her, with skin as black as the darkest sky. His eyes were very nearly the same, but Sorcha would swear had a slight purple hue. Dressed in colors of gray and blue, Sorcha had never seen his kind before. Tilting her head to the side, she studied the newcomer.

"Who are you?" She asked, not bothering to make sure her skirt was covering her bits.

The man smiled. She noted his lips also had that slight purple color and wondered how they would taste. "Forgive me for the intrusion, but I'm Portman. I was told I might find Jeb here. Any guidance you could offer would be greatly appreciated."

Taking in the man's tall, muscular physique, Sorcha felt herself get wet all over again. She damn near stayed wet all the time, which was another irritant to go with the constant need to be stuffed with cock. She smiled. "I'm sure Mack won't mind the interruption."

Startling white teeth glittered when Portman laughed. "I haven't seen a nymph for a long time. How did you end up here?"

Always full of restless energy, an unnatural quiet settled over Sorcha. She slowly stood. "What's a nymph?" The word meant something to her. She just didn't know what.

Portman looked startled. "Do you not know what you are?"

Sorcha shook her head. "I know I am different from every other woman here, but I don't know why."

With a chuckle, Portman looked her up and down. Letting his eyes linger on her barely covered breasts, he took in her wild reddish-brown curls and beguiling blue eyes. "I have traveled extensively in my time. Once I came upon a people called nymphims. They were... very interesting. It appeared the pursuit of sex was their primary goal in life."

Sorcha swallowed hard. "Where were these people? How did you find them?"

Portman shook his head. "No, I want to know how you got here first."

With a shrug, Sorcha answered, "I was born here, and then my mother died. No one will tell me anything more than that. She lived long enough to name me, feed me from her breasts, and then she passed. Or at least, according to old Sarah, the midwife, that is."

"No father?"

Sorcha shook her head no. "No one will tell me. I finally accepted that no one I have asked knows anything more than what I've said. My mother was here. I was born. She died." Sorcha stared hard at the dark man. "I've spent my life since my teens living with an insatiable itch deep inside me. It has caused me to fuck very nearly every man in this place. None have put out the fire in my belly, although some have gotten close."

Portman looked thoughtful. "It seems that is the curse that follows the nymph. To forever search for the one that can give them complete relief." He looked apologetic, "It seemed a sad and difficult life that I saw there even with the abundance of sex and enjoyment of the search." He shrugged, "Although I must say I did highly enjoy my time there."

While this new information worked through the corners of her brain, Sorcha still had the desire to fuck raging through her. Boldly, she reached out and felt along the front of his pants. At the size of him, soft and lax, her eyes went wide. If he was this big while soft, the man would be a giant when hard and ready to plunder.

Knowing what she felt and seeing the wonder on her face, he laughed again. "Maybe before I leave here. But I really must find Jeb. Can you direct me to him?" He gently pulled away from her grasping fingers.

Sorcha was familiar with rejection and so shrugged. "He's been training the new pups recently. King Bernard is planning a hunt in a couple of months, and Jeb wants to have them ready. Why are you seeking out a kennel master anyway?"

Portman gave a vague wave of his hand. "I met him years past, and he has something of mine that I'd like to retrieve. Nothing more."

Sorcha eyed the man and indelicately scratched her nose. "I've never seen one such as you. There are none here at the castle nor in the village. They have cleared you to be here, yes?" She wasn't apprehensive about the safety and security of the castle, but it was curious as to how he came to be wandering around so freely.

Before he could answer, the door to the kennel burst open and Jonathan from the kitchen and two of his friends rushed in. "It's my break and me and my friends want to fuck ya." He was quivering with nerves.

"All three of you?" Sorcha asked with a smile.

The three nodded so hard their heads bobbled on their shoulders. She gave Portman one last long look and quickly snuck in another caress of that giant snake in his pants. Pleased to find it marginally firmer than the previous time she squeezed it, she strolled to the boys and let them grab her and pull her outside.

She quickly forgot the huge black man as the three teen boys sat her on a nearby backless bench and pulled off her blouse and tossed up her skirt. One attached his mouth to her breast and began to suckle, one put a shaking hand on her hairless pussy and explored. She quickly had Jonathan's pants opened and sagging around his hips. His cock was thin and smooth but a decent length and she jerked him close and into her mouth.

Sorcha sucked his cock in deep, her nose brushing the crispy hairs of his groin. His hands fisted in her hair and he let out a groan, his hips bucking slightly. The mouth on her breast was joined by hands that squeezed and pinched. Fingers pushed into her pussy and, keeping Jonathan's dick firmly in her mouth, she tilted her hips so that one could dig deeper.

They played for a bit before Jonathan shoved his friend's back and meant to lay her down on the bench. Shaking her head, Sorcha smiled and instead directed him to lie down on his back. Straddling his body, she looked at the other boys. "One of you get your cock wet in my pussy and then stick it in my ass. The other-" she opened her mouth and pointed.

They scurried to take their positions, and a cock stabbed her pussy hard. "Get it real wet first," she ordered. The one behind her pumped a few times, but before he could get carried away, the one standing shoved him off. Sorcha laughed and reached behind her, spreading her ass cheeks for him. "Slow and steady, big man."

The boy managed to be careful and pushed into the waiting hole. He was small, so Sorcha took him with no trouble. With a twitch of hips, she seated Jonathan inside, then grabbed the dick bobbing in the air in front of her face. The feeling of two dicks helped with the almost constant empty feeling, but they were too small to fill her up.

It took a bit of work on the boys' part, but they found a rhythm that worked. Sorcha had every hole filled and still wanted more. She pictured Portman's black-skinned dick and tried to imagine just how big it might be when fully erect. It helped her along, and soon that deep-seated itch began to feel slightly better.

The boy behind her, though, her tight ass was too much for him. With a shout, he blew his load and pulled out, leaving her gaping open and oozing. Sorcha popped the dick out of her mouth and pointed him toward her empty hole. The kid was happy to please and, without ceremony, shoved his cock inside.

The feeling of two cocks working together through her body had Sorcha feeling almost good. But young boys didn't have the staying power and soon Jonathan was grunting and panting out his release. That caused the one in her ass to get his nut, and all the fun was over. They left her wet, messy, and unsatisfied. Again.

The boys moved off, straightening their clothes without another word to her. They discussed their accomplishments with pride, though, as they headed back to work. Sorcha plopped down in the green grass and let her body drain of its new collection of fluids.

"Your skirt is quite stained." Portman's deep voice rumbled off to her side.

"Mmm. That's usually how it ends up." She plucked a blade of grass and twisted it between her fingers.

"How does your king feel about... you?"

Sorcha shrugged. "I think I fulfill a necessary need and so as long as all the work gets done and everything stays on track, I don't know that he cares at all. He's obviously never spoken to me, nor has he had anyone else speak to me on his behalf."

There was something in Portman's voice that she wasn't sure of, "So he just lets you be the castle slut. Are there any others that perform the same service?"

Thinking about it, Sorcha gave another shrug. "I don't know of any. Maybe down in the village, there's another or so."

"Unusual." Portman pondered.

"Why is that?" Sorcha finally turned to look at him. From her seat on the ground, he seemed extraordinarily tall.

Looking down from his height, his eyes slightly glazed over at seeing her breasts still bare; he said, "Normally, each kingdom has a separate brothel. Outside of the castle and sometimes outside of the village."

Sorcha picked up her discarded blouse but didn't put it on. Instead, she gently cupped and rubbed her breasts, caressing them as Portman watched. "I've never known anywhere but here, so I wouldn't know how other kingdoms work."

Tilting his head to the side, he studied her. "Three men have just fucked you at once and yet you work to entice me. When will you decide that there is nothing here for you?"

Crushing loneliness descended on her. With quick movements she pulled on her blouse and stood, brushing grass off her skirt; if not the cum stains. "Where would I go? What else is there for me?"

She turned on her heel and headed for her shack of a home just at the edge of the castle and village grounds. They granted her the hut when she turned eighteen, and it became evident that her sexual appetites would not diminish. A stone's throw from the castle gates, it stood poised on the edge of belonging, a dirty smudge between two worlds. Sorcha always assumed it was to make it easier for castle personnel to have access to the village whore.

Heading straight for the bathroom, she yanked off her clothes and let them drop. Standing before her mirror, she stared at the body she'd been given. Blue eyes and plump pink lips were on a face that was pleasing, if not beautiful. The curly brown hair on her head was the only hair on her body. For reasons she nor the village doctor had ever known, she'd grown no hair anywhere else. Not even on arms or legs, not a single hair had sprouted anywhere. Her body was as clear as a newborn.

Her breasts were high, lush, and full. She'd never in her life worn a bra or corset and at the age of 24, showed no signs of drooping. Bright pink nipples with paler areolas stood at attention, as they did most of the time. Her hips were nicely rounded, not too big, just right for a man's grasp. She was soft and round, but without any extra, that would jiggle and be uncomfortable. It was as if she was created for a man's pleasure and nothing else.

The only other thing about her that was slightly different besides the lack of hair was her pussy. Pink and plush, always wet, her clit was clearly visible. The little nub stood at the apex of her crotch. Always ready and waiting for a mouth to suck on it. When fully aroused, it raised up much as a man's member did, but only at a fraction of the size. Sorcha had often used her fingers to seek relief and even to her, it seemed her pussy opening was a tight, sucking maw, ready and eager to pull in anything long, warm, and hard.

The village priest had called her an abomination at a tender age when her torment had started. The widow who had cared for Sorcha had taken her to the church, convinced a demon had inhabited her. She then left Sorcha there with the priest, washing her hands of the troubled child. Sorcha heard daily sermons of how it was not a demon inside her, but that she was the monster formed from depravity.

One day, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Sorcha broke down in tears, not understanding why she was so tormented. The priest took her into his inner office, but his comfort soon turned to something else. Before she fully knew what had happened, he had her panties torn off, his head buried between her legs, and was licking her frantically. He took her clit in his mouth and sucked on it, then bit down, and she erupted with her first real orgasm.

The priest soon had his robe tossed off, his pale and impressively sized dick impaling her. Sorcha had used her fingers, and a few creative long slender items on herself, but because of her tender age, none had fucked her. But the priest gave her the pounding her pussy had been aching for.

She reached a second orgasm, and the clenching and clutching of her vaginal walls had Priest George unloading wave after wave of cum. When he finished, he nearly collapsed onto the floor as his legs gave out. His breathing was labored, Sorcha was concerned, as he wasn't a young man by any means.


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