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Melissa's Journey: Past is Present

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Mel takes a huge step by reconnecting with her past.
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This is the second installment of Melissa's Journey. It stands alone, but for some additional context, you can read Melissa's Journey: A Big First Step.

Melissa, known to her friends as Mel, was 43, but she looked younger. For a few years she had been on a journey to explore her sexual desires, fantasies, and interests. About five months earlier, she took the first step to actualize her restored sexual adventurousness by seducing (or perhaps being seduced by) a recent high school graduate and friend of her son. That episode definitely lit a fire under Mel's sex life with her husband, Greg, who fully supported her self-exploration.

The couple had always enjoyed play times when Mel would recount stories of some sexual escapade from her teenage and college years, when Mel was a bit promiscuous. One night Mel was sharing a story Greg knew well about three trips she took with her college roommate to the Bahamas. Her roommate's mother was in the travel industry and could arrange for long weekend trips to a fun hotel-casino on the beach, usually with complimentary food and drink, for very little cost. Before their first trip, Mel's roommate told her about a secret, secluded place the "pit bosses," the supervisors who wore tuxedos and oversaw the gambling activities, would invite women for what today would be called "hook ups." The idea was to sit at a blackjack table and flirt with a pit boss, and if things worked out, he would invite you for a walk to a place they called the "Secret Garden." The visit almost always ended up with some kind of quickie sex.

Mel and her roommate took three trips to the casino, and Mel was invited to the Secret Garden each time. The first two invitations were from the same pit boss, who was about 35 with a British accent, but he transferred to a different casino, and Mel's third invitation was from a very handsome pit boss who was closer to 50, about the same age as Mel's father at the time. Her husband knew the details well, because Mel had recounted the stories many times over their years together. He knew that the first time, Mel went down on the pit boss and swallowed a huge load of cum. She also gave head on the second and third visits, but ended up getting fucked too, once standing up facing the ocean and once on a chaise lounge. This particular night they were role playing Mel's second visit, when the 35-year old Brit took Mel from behind as she leaned on a railing and had a beautiful ocean view. Greg always got turned on when Mel described how much she liked "getting screwed and called a 'little fucking slut' by a guy who sounded like James Bond."

As always, their pillow talk led to intense sex, and Mel had two powerful orgasms. As they laid together in the afterglow, Greg wondered if the "Secret Garden" was still a thing." Mel said she hoped so, and their banter led Greg to suggest they plan a long weekend to the Bahamas so Mel could find out. When Mel realized he was serious, she and Greg indulged in a new fantasy and role play about Mel visiting the Secret Garden again that ended up with Greg recovering his erection and coming on Mel's tits and neck as she told him how much she wanted to go back to the Secret Garden. Before he fell asleep, Greg told Mel he would investigate the hotel-casino and plan a trip if it was still in business. The thought of visiting again made Mel's skin tingle.

A few days later, Greg told Mel that the hotel-casino was still in business, although its website showed it had expanded into a full-fledged resort over the years. Laying in bed, he asked if Mel wanted to book a long-weekend trip to "return to the scene of the crime." She didn't answer directly, but the faraway look in her eyes and the way she rubbed her body against him answered the question. "I'll take that as a yes," Greg whispered as Mel's hand slid inside his sleep pants and grasped his erection. Mel slid down to take him in her mouth, imagining herself back in the Secret Garden, as Greg narrated how the pit bosses knew from experience that Mel and her roommate were "horny sluts looking for new cocks to suck and fuck." Mel could only moan and devour Greg because his words recreated the atmosphere she remembered and resonated deep inside her. Their lovemaking was urgent and unromantic, with a focus on physical satisfaction, and Mel came hard not long after her husband climbed on top and fucked her hard.

As they lay together fully spent, with Greg still on top of her, Mel kissed his neck and said "I guess that is a yes." Greg lifted his head and kissed his wife deeply, pressing his tongue into Mel's open mouth.

"You are so fucking hot," he told her. Greg rolled off and pulled Mel to him. He held her tight until he fell asleep. Mel usually got out of bed after sex to clean up, but she indulged her husband and quickly fell asleep with his seed leaking from her.

A few weeks later, Mel and Greg boarded a Thursday afternoon flight to the Bahamas, checked in, and had dinner at a romantic beachfront restaurant. After a moonlit walk on the beach, they briefly went to the casino. It was bigger and different than Mel remembered. Walking around, Mel felt the energy of the room and took in how the gaming tables were laid out. She also surveyed the good-looking pit bosses wearing tuxes and watching the goings on. Seeing them brought back memories of her prior visits, and she also wondered if any of the men she saw would be overseeing the table where she might sit. After a night cap, she and Greg headed to bed.

On Friday, Mel woke early and was anxious to enjoy a light breakfast and get to the beach to work on her tan. She had spent time over the past two weeks getting some sun, but there was nothing like the strong Caribbean sun to turn her skin bronze. At the beach, Mel noticed several men enjoying the view of her body in a revealing red bikini. In the islands, she was not especially careful with her bikini top as she rolled over and adjusted her positions. Greg counted at least six times a breast was easily visible from one side or the other, including twice when both tits were briefly on display. Each time Mel flashed the other beach goers, she gave Greg a smile, letting him know it was all intentional.

On an afternoon walk down the beach, they talked about how she might find out if the Secret Garden still existed. Greg then asked the million-dollar question: "And if you get invited, do you still want to go?" The question alone made Mel shudder, because of what "going to the Secret Garden" surely meant. She first tried to avoid answering by saying she probably would not get invited anyway, but both she and Greg knew differently. Greg sensed Mel's nervousness and he stopped at a quiet section of the beach to embrace her from behind as they faced the calm blue waters of the Caribbean.

Feeling safe in her husband's embrace, Mel whispered, "I do want to go." Neither of them said anything for a few minutes as Mel trembled and Greg held her tightly. They talked through a plan to go to the casino the next night and have Mel sit at either the first or last seat at a table, both of which were near "the pit." Greg would sit at a neighboring table, and, as he put it, "we'll see what happens." Mel found it very erotic how casually they were discussing the possibility of her having sex with a stranger.

When they returned to their beach lounge chairs, Mel immediately ordered a pina colada and forced herself to relax. After another romantic dinner, they walked the casino again, and Mel noticed two pit bosses she found particularly attractive. She knew she would probably have to sit wherever there were open seats; still she hoped the table would be by one of those good-looking men. All day Saturday, Mel could not shake a tinge of nervousness as she spent more time on the beach. For a moment she wondered if that meant she was being ridiculous and should call everything off; but ultimately, she identified the feeling as nervous anticipation, a true blast from her promiscuous past, and it was a feeling she had been longing to feel again.

Mel and Greg ordered an early dinner from room service as they planned to go to the casino before it got too crowded. Mel put on a tropical print scoop neck halter dress that she brought along especially for the occasion. It flattered her figure and was the dress was long fringe from mid-thigh down, so it also showed off her legs when she sat. Mel also knew that if she moved certain ways, the halter dress could easily expose the side of her breast. She considered a light blue thong but decided to go with nothing under the dress. The dress was one of Greg's favorites, and he showered her with compliments until it was time to go.

There was a nervous energy in the air as they rode the elevator down and went into the casino. About ten minutes after they arrived, Mel gestured toward a table with the first seat open and nodded to an adjacent table with two open seats. She looked at Greg, squeezed his hand, and said, "I guess it's time."

"Good luck," Greg smiled and said. "And have fun." Mel felt her skin tingle and blush.

"Thank you," she whispered. Mel then took a deep breath and sat down, sliding cash toward the dealer. A moment later, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the pit boss for the table was one of the two she noticed the night before. Mel held her own against the dealer, and she quickly attracted the attention of the pit boss, whose name was Alain. He was about 35-40 and spoke English with a sexy French accent. Mel flirted with him as she gambled, and she positioned herself to make sure he was treated to several "side boob" views of her right breast. She didn't dare look over at her husband for fear of either changing her mind or losing her composure.

Over the course of more than an hour, Mel chatted up Alain and learned he had worked at the casino for about nine years. Mel told him she used to come to the casino with her college roommate "a long time ago," and mentioned how much bigger and more glitzy the place was now. She smiled warmly and added that the "pit bosses are much cuter too." He mostly maintained his stoic expression, but he smiled at her indirect compliment. After a cocktail waitress brought Mel a new drink, she casually asked Alain, "With all the changes, does the Secret Garden still exist."

That question got a visible reaction from Alain. He immediately looked at Mel with more intensity. "As a matter of fact, it does," he said after a pause, and he gave Mel a questioning look. "Have you visited?" he asked provocatively.

"Like I said, I used to come here when I was an impressionable college girl," Mel said with a smirk. "So yes, I visited a few times."

"A few times?" he asked with a smirk of his own, glancing at her wedding ring.

"Oops," Mel said, "did I say that out loud?" Her flirtatious tone and revelation had Alain's full attention, and his demeanor became decidedly more seductive. The next time the waitress came back, Mel's rum punch was larger and stronger.

Not long after that, Alain was making his rounds as the dealer at her table was shuffling the cards. Alain casually told Mel he was going on break in "ten minutes." When she looked at him with interest, he said, "If you would like to visit Garden again, consider this an invitation." Mel felt a tingle and immediately flashed back to her carefree college years, and she was excited, not fearful, at the possibility of reliving what were very exciting memories from her past.

"I'm not sure I know how to get there," Mel said truthfully. Alain pointed to a sign at one end of the casino and told her to walk down a short hallway with an "Employees Only" sign to a double glass door heading outside. Mel didn't remember the specifics, but she did remember glass doors that led to the meeting place. "Well," Mel said flirtatiously, "if I'm not too old, I'd love to see the Secret Garden again."

"You're definitely not too old to be my guest," Alain said firmly, and the gleam in his eyes sent a shiver through Mel's body straight to her midsection. She realized right then that this really was going to happen. Watching from the next table as his wife made plans to meet Alain outside, Greg was both impressed and a little surprised that Mel was going through with the fantasy. He picked up his chips and walked over to a small bar area nearby. When Alain walked away, Mel waited a minute or two and then got up from the table. The dealer immediately put a yellow cube in front of her seat and told Mel he would hold her seat open. When Mel said she might be a while, he insisted her seat would be waiting for her whenever she returned.

Greg texted Mel where he was, and Mel hurried to the bar area. She excitedly told Greg about Alain's invitation. He smiled and said, "Now do you believe me how fucking sexy you are?" Mel just blushed. "Are you okay with this?" Greg asked her lovingly.

Mel took a deep breath. "He's a lot older than my usual eighteen-year-old, but yes, I'm okay," she said trying to ease her nervousness with a little joke. Greg smiled at her attempt at humor, although her reference to most recent sexual dalliance was titillating. "Are you okay with it?" Mel asked sincerely.

"I am. I love how fucking hot and uninhibited you are," Greg teased.

"I love you, babe." Mel said breathlessly. "Even if this is a funny way to show it," she said nervously.

"I love you, new Mel, and I get to have you all the time," Greg assured her. "Or almost all the time," he teased, making Mel shudder. "You better go, I know how much you like Secret Garden" Greg said. Mel touched his arm, then turned and walked off to meet Alain. Greg watched his tanned, fit, and now very aroused wife heading off to what they both knew would be a sexual encounter with a stranger. He was acutely aware of how much their lives had changed in the last few years, and he knew Mel's journey was closer to the beginning than the end.

Mel walked down the hallway and opened the glass doors. She immediately recognized a path that led to the Secret Garden, and memories of her visits as a co-ed flooded her mind. A very large Bahamian security guard, who was a full foot taller than Mel and at least twice her size smiled and nodded toward the path. His name tag read "Hercules," and Mel thought that fit him perfectly. As she turned a corner on to the path, she was surprised to see Alain. "I wasn't sure you would come," he said in his sexy accent.

Mel smiled seductively and said, "I try not to pass up an adventure." Looking into Alain's eyes, she added, "Plus, as I remember, the Secret Garden was always fun." Alain smiled and nodded, intrigued by Mel's suggestive comments.

"I will do everything I can to keep it that way," he said, stepping toward Mel. Alain took Mel into his arms and kissed her deeply. As his tongue explored her mouth, Mel knew she was about to take another big step on her journey. The thought excited her, and she eagerly returned the kiss with her tongue pressing against his. The strange kiss was more erotic than she anticipated, and she moaned softly when Alain's hand quickly moved to her left breast. He squeezed her tit firmly and ran his palm over her erect nipple. Breaking their kiss, Alain said softly, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Mel responded with a twinkle in her eye. Alain took her hand and led her slowly down the path until they reached an open beachfront area with a full bar, chaise lounges, and comfortable chairs and couches. The furniture was different, but the Secret Garden felt familiar. A much younger Mel had been invited there three times by two different pit bosses, and she knew the visit would end the same way those adventures did. Leading Mel to the bar, Alain poured one large drink from a pitcher and another glass with whiskey on the rocks. Handing the first glass to Mel, he said, "I believe the lady was having rum punch."

"The lady was, thank you," Mel responded, and they clinked their glasses in a toast. "It is as beautiful as I remember," Mel said, turning and taking a few steps toward the beach and moon-lit ocean.

"Made especially beautiful by my adventurous guest," Alain said with an inviting smile.

Mel smiled and said, "I see now why my college self found the Garden irresistible."

"And what about your tonight married self?" Alain responded, putting the ball back in Mel's court.

His "married" comment flustered Mel for a few seconds, but she recovered. "She thinks adventure is pretty irresistible too," Mel said, knowing she was giving Alain the license he was looking for to go farther.

As Mel and Alain were sipping their drinks and flirting, Greg opened the glass doors heading out of the casino, hoping only to check that Mel was safe. He was greeted by the imposing presence of Hercules, who asked if he needed help. "Um, I just wanted to... uh, I think my wife headed out this way, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay," Greg explained, struck by how awkward he felt. Hercules nodded.

"I'm sorry sir, like the sign says, only employees and invited guests are allowed beyond this point," Hercules said without showing any emotion. Greg's immediate thought was that the sign said nothing about "invited guests" but decided against any wisecrack. As Greg thought about what to say next, Hercules spoke: "There's no need to worry sir, your wife will be fine." Greg knew then Hercules understood the situation, and he somehow was comforted by the big man's assurance. Then, looking directly at Greg, Hercules said, "She's in good hands." After an awkward pause, he added, "Tell the bar staff you're a friend of Hercules, and they'll take care of you" Greg thanked Hercules, which he immediately realized was a little strange, and he headed back into the casino with his mind racing with thoughts of his wife of more than 19 years, who also was his new wife of three years.

As Mel gazed at the moonlit beach and ocean and listened to the night surf, Alain embraced her from behind. His hands ran over her tummy and then moved up to cup and knead both breasts. "You are stunning in this dress," Alain whispered, his breath warm against Mel's neck. She relaxed back into him and felt his hips, and his hard on, press into her ass. He began kissing her neck and biting it gently. Alain had no way of knowing, but Mel's neck was definitely an erogenous zone for her. Her nipples throbbed and she felt dampness between her legs. "I almost don't want to take it off," he said softly in her ear, fueling the electricity between them.

Having worn nothing under her dress, the thought of being totally naked in the Secret Garden with Alain washed over Mel. It also overcame any last bit of resistance she had. Mel felt as if she was in a dream as Alain gently guided her to turn around, and they again kissed deeply. His hands again caressed her breasts, and then he slid down to Mel's hips. He grabbed her dress and lifted it up, until Mel almost robotically took over and lifted it up over her head and off. The cool night air rushed over Mel's naked body, sending a shiver down her spine. Now deep into the moment, she looked at Alain and asked, "Is that what you wanted?"

"It is," he responded with an appreciative stare. He took one step back, looked over Mel's body, and said huskily, "And it is far better than I imagined." Mel shuddered from the combination of the cooler air, Alain's salacious compliment, and the realization that she was totally naked with no control over who could appear. Alain reached with both hands to caress her breasts and then brought Mel close for another embrace and open-mouthed kiss. His hands ran over her naked back and down to her ass. He pulled Mel closer and again she felt his erection against her midsection.

Mel again flashed back to her prior visits to the Secret Garden, and she reveled in the same raw arousal of total inhibition that she remembered from her sexually-formative years. Partly by instinct, and partly driven by the lust she longed for, Mel slowly slid to her knees and began to undo Alain's pants. Her hands trembled as she fumbled with his waist button and zipper, as Alain gently cradled her head in front of his crotch. Mel got the zipper down and ran her hand over his erection through his tight boxer briefs. She was a little stunned that things had progressed so quickly and naturally to the point of her kneeling naked in front of Alain about to suck his hard cock. But Mel also was very turned on. She maneuvered Alain's penis out of his briefs, and, just as she did on her previous visits to the Secret Garden, she took the pit boss's cock into her mouth.


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