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Melissa's Silky Things

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Melissa helps her shy workmate celebrate New Year's.
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We were almost done with our last shift of the year. I finished up my last phone call and took off my headset. "What are you doing for New Year's?" Melissa asked.

"No plans. Probably just watch a movie or something," I said.

"You should come over," she said.

"I don't know."

"Dude, we've shared this stupid cubicle all year and not once have you accepted an invitation to hang out," Melissa said. "Either you come over or find yourself a new cube mate. I can take a hint."

She was right, but for all the wrong reasons. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy her company, but rather that social situations make me very anxious. The only reason that I took the call center job was because my therapist recommended it as a kind of immersion therapy, and it sort of worked. I could talk to people all day long about their customer service issues, but they weren't really people, just voices on the other end of the phone.

But Melissa was real. She was pretty, smart, and funny - all of the things that I could never be. What I admired most about her was that she seemed so comfortable with herself. It didn't matter if she was talking about religion, politics, sex, or the weather, she always seemed at ease with who she was. Sometimes her candor made me uncomfortable, but most of the time I found it enviable.

"Come on, come over," she said. "Don't worry, it's not a date or anything like that. I'm having a whole bunch of people over. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky and meet a nice girl to help you with that boner you're always trying to hide when I talk about my love life. Look at you blush!"

"Fine," I said. "I'll come. Just please stop talking about boners."

On the drive home from work I felt like I was going to be sick. How many guests did she mean when she said "a lot of people"? Was I going to have to talk to them? My heart raced and my stomach cramped. Maybe I was coming down with something. Maybe I should just stay home.

But I knew I couldn't. The idea of losing Melissa as my cubicle buddy was too much to take. She was the only friend I had at work, and she really knew how to make the day fly past. She kept all of her paperwork in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet that sat between our two desks, so when she reached for reference materials during a call she'd lean forward and her blouse would fall open. She always wore satiny white bras with lace trim. Sometimes her matching lacy slips would peek from beneath her skirts. I could only assume that her panties matched, too. At least I imagined that they did: white, satiny, pure fullbacks hugging her round ass. Occasionally her ass brushed against me as she was walking to or from her chair, and I'd scoot my chair closer to my desk to hide my erection. No, I couldn't risk her asking to move desks.

Later that night I worked up all of my courage and rang Melissa's doorbell. I could hear the music and the voices through the door, but when she opened it the noise was tremendous. There was a full blown party going on. "Cube buddy!" she said, and she hugged me. "Everybody, this is Pete, my work friend!" Some people waved, most just looked at me and went back to what they were doing. "I'm so glad you came. Come on in, beer's in the fridge or there's wine on the kitchen counter," she said, and then she disappeared among her guests.

I struggled through the crowd and into the kitchen. It was a little quieter in there, but not much. People sat on the counters chatting and laughing. I found a wine glass and filled it to the top. "Somebody came to party," the guy standing next to me said, and the people around him laughed. "I'm Tim."


"How do you know Melissa?"

"From work," I said.

"Cool," Tim said. We stood there for a minute. "Well, later dude, enjoy yourself."

"Thanks," I said.

Melissa had a pretty big house, but there was nowhere to hide. It was like the whole town had invaded her place. I moved from room to room, looking for an empty chair or a corner to sit in. There was one room left at the end of the hallway, but the door was closed. I knocked and nobody answered, so I turned the knob.

It was Melissa's bedroom, and it was remarkably, gloriously empty and quiet. I closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed, drinking my wine and collecting myself. With a little time and liquid courage I could go back out there and mingle, I told myself, but at that moment I just needed quiet and calm. I was kidding myself, and I knew it. There was only one thing that calmed me down when I felt that anxious, and it was somewhere in this room. My desperation outweighed my guilt. I didn't want to violate my friend's privacy, but I couldn't think of any other way to relax. I set my wine glass down on her bedside table, walked over to her dresser, and opened the top drawer.

Lined up like silky little soldiers were rows of neatly folded white bras, all identical, all trimmed with the same lace I'd seen so many times hiding beneath her blouse. To the right were stacks of matching panties. I unfolded a pair to see whether what I'd imagined was true. It was. There wasn't a thong to be found, nothing but white satin fullbacks. I rubbed the thin material between my thumb and forefinger and felt my heartbeat slow. I pressed the smooth fabric against my cheek and my whole body calmed. I stood there, staring at the neat rows of white lacy underthings, rubbing my friend's panties against my bare skin.

"What are you doing?" The voice startled me. I slammed the dresser door shut, like that was going to help with a pair of panties in my hand. "Look at you blush!" Melissa said.

"I am so sorry," I said.

"Damn, Pete! All this time you've been a freak and you never told me?"

"I'm sorry. I'll go."

"No, come on. I'm just kidding around. It's what I get for cockteasing you for so long," Melissa said.

"No, no, it's nothing like that," I said. "It just calms me down."

"What calms you down?"

"The fabric. The way it feels. There's too many people here. I just needed to calm down."

"Wait, are you like a tranny or something?"

"No! It just calms me down, I swear. That's all."

"You are!" Melissa said. "You're a tranny! Look at you blush!"

"I swear to God, I'm not. I just have really bad social anxiety, and the way silky things feel calms me down. I don't know why, I can't explain it," I said.

"Look at your hands," Melissa said. "You're rubbing my panties like you're trying to start a fire. And you have a boner, too. Don't tell me it doesn't turn you on."

"It's just adrenaline," I said.

"I don't think so. I think we've stumbled onto something interesting about our friend Pete. Come with me," Melissa said, and she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her walk-in closet. "Nothing personal, but I think my ass is a little smaller than yours. The good news is that I used to be a little bit bigger." She pulled a black skirt from its hanger and held it in front of me. "I think that will fit."

"Melissa, please don't. I'm embarrassed enough already."

"Your lips say no but that tent in your pants says yes, so hush up," she said. "Oh, feel this blouse. Do you like that? It's barely there."


"Okay, come on," she said, and she grabbed my wrist and took me back to her dresser. "You've already picked out panties...if you put this bra on the last hooks it will probably fit." She opened the next drawer down. "Can't have a skirt without a slip, take this...do you want stockings or pantyhose?"


"Don't start that shit again, just tell me which you want, Pete."



"I said stockings."

"Oh come on, Pete. This is your lucky day. Say it like you mean it," Melissa said. That made me laugh. "Okay, cube buddy. I need to get back to my party, but you can stay in here and play dress up as long as you need to, okay? I'm sorry, I should've known that this was going to be too much for you, you little freak."

"Shut up," I said.

"I'm just kidding . I totally get it. Lock the door behind me when I leave and you'll be safe, okay?"

"Thanks," I said, and she kissed me on the cheek and left.

I pulled off my shirt and wrapped the bra around my waist like I'd seen women do. The little hooks were hard to get into the eyelets but I managed, and then I spun the garment around and pulled the cups up to where they belonged. I had to loosen the straps to fit them over my shoulders, which took a few minutes to figure out. When I was finished I felt kind of silly standing there in a pair of jeans and a bra filled with nothing.

When I unbuttoned my jeans my cock popped out. A thick string of precum dangled between the head and where my penis had been pushed up against my belly. I didn't want it to get on Melissa's pretty things, so I wiped it away with my hand, and then with nowhere else to put it I licked my hand clean. It didn't taste like anything. I slipped her panties over my feet and pulled them across my thighs. When the satin brushed against my scrotum my cock twitched. They felt so good on my ass, but my penis jutted over their lacy hem, their cute little bow pressed against the underside of my shaft. I pushed my cock sideways beneath the material. It looked huge stuffed inside Melissa's panties.

Her stockings felt incredible, like my legs were being hugged. I didn't like the way my leg hair looked beneath the sheer fabric, though. When I pulled the slip over the stockings and panties my whole body convulsed. The two layers of feminine material rubbing against each other felt like nothing I'd ever experienced before - like an orgasm, only more intense. The feeling was so strong that I almost didn't bother putting on her skirt. It seemed so coarse compared to the other things. Not the blouse, though. It was as delicate as Melissa's lingerie, and it felt every bit as good against my skin.

I didn't feel beautiful. I didn't feel naughty. I felt warm, calm, relaxed, like I was back in the womb. Every time I moved the fine material brushed against my skin and made me tingle. I'd never felt so happy.

The party went on outside the bedroom door while I lounged around in Melissa's things, sipping my wine. I enjoyed hearing the voices and the laughter. When they counted down I counted with them: "3-2-1. Happy New Year!" It really was my happiest New Year ever. I didn't want it to end, but I knew that people would be leaving soon and I'd have to change back.

There was a knock on the door. I panicked and froze. The person knocked again. "It's me," Melissa said. "Open the door."

Suddenly I was very conscious of how ridiculous I looked. "Hold on," I said. "Give me a minute."

"Just open the door for a second," she said.

I stood behind the door and cracked it slightly. "What?"

"You okay in there?"


"Everybody will be gone in a few minutes and then I'll be back. Don't change. You wait for me, okay, Patricia?"

"What did you call me?"

"Just do it, okay?" Melissa said, and she pulled the door closed.

I sat back down on the edge of her bed, gulped the rest of my wine, and waited. Ten minutes later there was another quiet knock on the door. The knob turned and the door creaked open. My mouth went dry. "Hey, can I come in?" Melissa said.

"It's your room," I said.

She peeked around the edge of the door, put her hand over her mouth and laughed. "Look at you blush!" she said. "I'm sorry." She sat down next to me.

"I know I look like an idiot."

"No, come on. I'm really sorry. It just caught me off guard. Besides, who the fuck cares how you look? How do you feel?"

"Other than embarrassed and humiliated, you mean? I feel great."

"I thought so," Melissa said, and she smiled. "Underneath all of that red you actually look really relaxed. Other than your boner, I mean."

"Shut up."



"You know I like you, right?" Melissa said.

"Yeah, I know. You're my best friend at work," I said.

"No, I mean I really like you. You're a good guy."


"Didn't you ever wonder why I rub my ass on you every chance I get?"

"I just thought it was a small cubicle," I said.

"It's not that small. I mean, there's a fucking filing cabinet between our desks. Just how big do you think my ass is?"

"Okay, maybe I wondered, but I just assumed it was an accident, like when your top falls open when you're grabbing files."

She looked at me with a mixture of pity and affection. "You are so sweet. Dumb, but sweet. Did you at least like it when I rubbed my ass on you?" I smiled. "Admit it!" Melissa said. "Fess up! You liked it!" She stood up and rubbed her ass against me. "Admit it!"

"Stop it!" I laughed, and I grabbed her hips and stood up. She ground her ass against my crotch. My slip rubbed against my panties and my body convulsed again. I dug my fingers into her hips.

"I thought so," Melissa said. She unbuttoned her slacks and pulled them down, then bent forward and placed her palms on the mattress.

I pressed against her, but the skirt was too coarse. I unzipped it and let it fall to the ground. Our silky underthings rubbed against each other. Melissa reached back and pulled her panties down to her thighs. I didn't move. "What's wrong?" she said.

"Can we..."

"Oh. Yeah. Of course," she said, and she pulled them back up. "But will you do something for me?"

"Yes," I said.

"Will you cum on my panties?"

I pushed down my slip and panties and pressed my cock against the thin material covering her ass. She rocked against me like we were fucking, and in no time the feeling came. My whole body tensed as the warm jets landed on her satin panties and hung there like beaded pearls.

"Thank you," I said between breaths.

Melissa smiled, and she slipped out of her wet panties. "Happy New Year, Pete," she said, and she handed them to me. "When I see you Monday, I want you to be wearing these, okay? And don't wash them."

"You're a freak," I said.

"I know," Melissa smiled. "Aren't you glad you found me?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Now you know.

How wonderful dressing up in lingerie feels!

Stephen_HeathcoteStephen_Heathcoteabout 7 years agoAuthor
New Story, Similar Scenario

Thank you, Anonymous (and all) for your kind words. I never intended this little story as a series, but I recently published one entitled "A Taste For Bikinis" that covers similar territory. You can find it here: //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/a-taste-for-bikinis

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great beginning

Like others have said....hope this is start of more to follow


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

More please!

Lisamarie555Lisamarie555over 8 years ago
Ohhh Ohhhhh Yessssssssssssssss

OMG .... I was able to Live this ! My dream .. Thank you ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

More, more, more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A Nice Story

What a nice story & well told. I do hope there is more to come.

mammoetmammoetover 8 years ago
great start

more please

JD2100JD2100over 8 years ago
yeah please continue

It was a good tsrat and hopefully he embraces his feminine side more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

can't wait for the next chapter please

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