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Melody's Open Invite Gangbang Ch. 10


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More excess cum was scraped from her body and into the large glass, which was now a good three quarters full. They got her to lay on her back on the ground, then raise her ass up in the air, her shoulders supporting her whole body, her legs and feet hanging back toward her head. Her pussy was up like an offering plate for them, situated a couple feet above where her face watched from the ground.

At their bidding, Melody reached a few fingers from each hand into her pussy and pulled it open as wide as she could, which given its earlier stretching, was fairly wide. Guys stood above her and took turns jacking off into her open birth canal.

Cumshot after cumshot Brian watched land in and on her, her crotch eventually so painted in cum you couldn't see the skin. Jizz would land on her butthole and then slide down her sloped taint and into her gaped, waiting cunt. When everyone who could cum at the moment had done so, someone took the margarita glass and poured cum into her until her raised pussy was filled to the brim. Every time she slightly moved some of the load would slosh out and splatter in white droplets on her wincing face.

They had her hold it in for a while, telling her it was to let as much of the cum seep down into her womb as possible. Eventually someone produced a shallow plug, riveted and wide enough to seal her vagina, but not long enough to displace much of the cum. Its intended job was to seal the cum inside of her pussy. Someone told her she had to keep all of it inside of her as long as possible.

Finally Brian saw the camera cut over to the fridge, where someone was retrieving the platter of used, tied off condoms that had been produced over the last two nights. While most people had bravely opted to go bareback in her, the festivities had still produced 89 condoms, filled with the cum of 89 different men. Brian heard someone order the condoms to be put in the microwave on the reheat setting, "just enough to get them back up to body temperature for her, like they're fresh again." Melody was staring at this occurrence slack jawed, slightly queasy looking. Someone split the condoms into different batches, so they could be reheated in waves and all be the appropriate temperature when given to Melody.

The first ten were heated and then brought to her.

"You made them fill up," someone said to her. "Now empty them."

She was sitting on her knees on the ground, her ass resting on the soles of her feet. She was looking at the large bowl that housed the full condoms, at the much larger pile waiting in the kitchen, at the big, still half-full margarita glass of cum. It was an incredible amount of semen to get through. Brian could just imagine what was going through her head. Then her eyes seemed to glaze over slightly, her face flushed red, and she grabbed the first condom from the bowl.

She punctured the tip with a canine tooth, then clamped two fingers at the far end of the soiled condom and squeezed all of the contents forward into her mouth. She hesitated a moment, swallowed, and then picked up the next.

She proceeded stoically through the next three batches, 30 condoms broken open and emptied into her mouth, swallowing one spent load after another. All the while she remained on her knees on the ground, ignoring the cameras and smartphones and leering faces getting right up in her face as she got through her ordeal.

For condoms 40 - 60 they placed the bowl on the ground and told her she had to empty them all without hands. Someone poured a generous offering of extra cum from the margarita glass into the bowl so that she could go "bobbing" for condoms.

They tied her wrists together behind her back, and then nudged her head toward the bowl. She sank her face into the shallow pool of cum, fishing around in the muck with her tongue until she found a condom. She clamped it between her lips and came up with it, her face dripping with jizz.

"Now find a way to empty it!" someone shouted at her.

Melody sucked the whole condom into her mouth and then bit into it, opening a hole, then sucked the contents from it, all within her mouth.

"Tongue out! Show us!"

Her mouth opened and her pink tongue extended, showing the mangled, wadded up, but empty condom resting there. A mocking cheer, and then she spit the empty rubber out and went back down for the next one.

She finished another 20 condoms like this, her face and hair slathered with jizz from the bowl by the time she was done. They had her run her tongue over every surface of the bowl when they'd had enough, completely cleaning it free of all the extra cum that had been in it. They'd untied her wrists and had her on all fours now, and someone had the idea to stuff all the empty, discarded condoms into her holes while she finished the job. Someone picked them all up from the floor and stuffed them into her pussy, one by one, until dozens were crammed in there, eventually hanging out in different shades of green, pink, blue, or yellow translucent latex. By the time she'd eaten the cum from the 70th condom, they had to start stuffing them in her asshole too.

Eventually she emptied the 89th and final condom, and someone pushed it into the Medusa-nest of mangled, used prophylactics already protruding from her pussy and asshole.

They had her model herself in a variety of positions like this, as people wanted to get plenty of pictures of her condom-stuffed holes. It was a perfect visual representation of her filthiness.

Meanwhile guys had been continuing to jack off into the huge margarita glass. It's quite remarkable how much cum a couple hundred horny men can produce, especially when many of them came more than once. The glass was over three quarters full again, easily a liter and a half of cum or more.

"Decent job emptying those, whore," the guy named Kevin said. "But you'd better finish off the rest of this cum these nice men made for you, too."

Brian rubbed the swollen glans on his dick with a thumb as the camera zoomed in on this massive goblet of mixed cum. There was no telling how many dudes had shot their loads in it at this point, but it was without doubt at least 200 more full loads of jizz. It was nearly impossible to imagine a single person managing to force themselves to consume all of it, let alone in a single sitting...let alone after all the cum Melody had already eaten, gargled, and been otherwise inundated with in the last two nights. Brian knew under any normal circumstances the contents of the glass would look disgusting - cum in 100 different shades of white, or gray or off-white, even yellow - mingling all together in varying levels of viscosity, chunky here, watery there, coating the sides of the glass in mottled washes of ball-phlegm. But knowing that once-innocent Melody was about to have to empty every last drop of that foul concoction into her stomach made Brian's lions stir with unrelenting sadistic passion. That millions would witness her latest debasement fueled his lust ten-fold.

Melody was staring at the congealing mess sloshing around in the huge glass with a dull, queasy look on her face. She appeared slightly yellow. He could tell her stomach was already full, her disgust-suppression near its limit, and her nausea peaking. The knots of used condoms were still bulging from her cunt and anus.

"Every drop," Kevin said.

They handed the goblet to Melody, who took it in both hands, studied it in silence for several seconds, and then slowly raised it to her face. As soon as her lips touched the rim and she smelled the combined aroma of 200+ loads mingling together an inch from her nose, knowing it would all be going down her throat soon, she suddenly pulled away, one balled fist covering her mouth as she desperately fought the urge to vomit all over the floor.

"I can't," she gasped meekly.

"You can," Kevin said. "And you will, unless you want this experience to get much worse for you. Tell you what. We'll make a deal. If you can get through this whole glass of cum in the next half hour or so, swallowing every drop, and then licking the walls of the glass clean until nothing is left but your saliva, this whole party will be over. I'll send everyone home, and you can leave. You can vomit, but then you better lick that vomit back up too, like a dog. One way or another, every bit of that cum has to get into your belly. If you don't drink it all, we will drive you to the worst ghetto in the Boston area, tie you spread-eagle on a mattress and leave you inside the scariest project that even the police won't visit, and advertise all around the neighborhood that there's free white pussy in Unit 12093. You'll be taking bare thug dick for the next week, and probably end up as one of their prostitutes after that. But finish this glass in the next half hour, and this episode will be over. You can run away from all of us. I promise."

Melody shut her eyes and exhaled for a long time, steeling herself. She knew the threat was real. She had no choice but to do this.

Her eyes still closed, and evidently trying not to breathe through her nose, she raised the glass up and quickly took a long gulp, trying to get as much down her throat as she could before the gag reflex kicked in. Suddenly she choked, eyes still clamped shut. She kept her lips sealed tight to try to keep from retching the cum out, but she coughed hard, sending two long twin streams of jizz out of her nostrils. Everyone laughed as they dangled and wobbled down to nearly her tits. Melody quickly grabbed the strings and licked them off of her hand.

Someone gave her some more cocaine, and some other mystery powder. She took them right away. Anything to get through this easier.

Slowly, one forced gulp at a time, the contents of the glass lowered. Nearly each time Melody had to fight back the rising bile in her throat. Twice she vomited on the floor, but the contents of her stomach was nearly entirely cum anyway, and she had to get down with her face to the floor and lick back up every bit she'd hurled up. Still the tangled wads of used condoms filled and protruded from her holes. Brian edged the whole time he watched. Had anyone in history ever allowed themselves to be demeaned and debased more than Melody had?

After about twenty five minutes she was to the bottom third of the glass. She was now half-retching every time she brought it up to her lips again. Her eyes were red and burning, her face covered in cum from where she'd had to lick it off the floor.

"Better hurry up Melody," Kevin said. "You've only got a few minutes left. It's best you get used to eating cum in this volume, anyway. You might be living as a sex slave with someone sooner than later, only allowed to live off of cum that your fans send in the mail for you."

She looked at him with hatred as a slug of cum slipped out of her mouth and dribbled down to her chin. She caught it with a finger and brought it back up and sucked it into her lips.

She tilted the glass back, her throat working to swallow over and over. "Chug, chug, chug!" the crowd yelled out mockingly. Phones were right up in her face, capturing her shame and struggle up close. Finally she finished the glass and sat gasping for air, holding a hand over her mouth. Then, knowing what was expected, she picked the glass up once more and licked every surface of it, making sure that no cum whatsoever was left. The cameras caught her pink tongue pressing against the glass, her tastebuds mingling with the white streaks of jizz and the clearer bubbles of her own spit.

She collapsed to the floor, the room spinning. The crowd applauded her performance. Kevin stood over her where she lay breathing hard.

"Good job," he said. "Well, I guess let's wrap up here, then. You can hit the streets soon, like I promised. But first some pictures. We need some good before and afters."

People had evidently taken photos of Melody right as she'd walked into the suite when this all started, when she was dressed up nice. The pictures captured looking elegant, but with a look of confusion as she saw the crowd awaiting her, the full implication having not yet dawned on her. Now they were going to get pictures of her after her lengthy violation, presumably to juxtapose next to the classy pictures. Before and after 232 dicks.

Melody's eyes were red, her pupils massive from the various drugs she was on. Her hair was wild and mottled everywhere with semen, some dry, some still wet. She was still covered in sweat and patches of dried cum all over her skin too. Her holes were ringed with redness from over-usage, both still bulging with condoms. Her makeup had long since been fucked away. Brian had never seen any woman look so ravished.

Someone carefully extracted ten condoms from her holes and placed each one over a different toe on Melodys' feet. She spread her long, white legs wide in this ridiculous fashion, allowing them to photograph her.

In her normal pictures, her everyday attire, Melody looked like the quintessential 1950s, wholesome American wife. A model from that time. Demure and elegant and perfectly respectable. This was, of course, why seeing her reduced to the most disgraced cumdumpster imaginable was so incredible. These kind of girls shouldn't reach 1/100th of the filth that Melody was mired in.

Brian alone knew the full truth of her situation. He couldn't believe the extent of it all, how far it had gone. Melody had, unwittingly, played her role perfectly. No one in that room doubted that she was a reluctant slut who had made a major mistake, but brought it upon herself. That she had wanted to play a dangerous little game to satisfy her secret kink, but had had it spiral way out of her control. That her kink had accidentally become her entire life; that she now lived a life of regret, yet was still unable to help but get soaking wet in masochistic pleasure every time a stranger demanded she get on his dick, as would keep happening for the rest of her life.

He felt guilty about it sometimes, but not usually. It just made him too horny to stay guilty for long. It helped that he was confident the truth would never be linked back to him. He told himself that he had just fulfilled her destiny for her. It obviously suited her. It was amazingly hot knowing this was a girl who would have been proper and normal if not for him. He made her become this. Changed her life. Her sole role in this one life she gets to live was to be a total whore now. Look at her, those long, slender legs spread akimbo for the world, a nest of filthy condoms bulging from her two most sacred places on her body. He reduced her to this. She was proud once.

When they were done snapping all the pictures they wanted, they told her to dress and get ready to leave. Of course, the only clothes for her to wear were those left behind by the hooker. Stumbling around in dizziness, covered in cum, Melody got to her feet and then awkwardly stepped into the hooker's thong, then the torn fishnet stockings that her toes poked through at the ends, then the tiny shorts that were cut so high her entire asscheeks were hanging out. The widecut blouse that couldn't even fully cover both of her nipples at the same time. Finally the ridiculously tall high heeled boots, that several guys had jerked off in just a few moments before, filling the toe of both boots with shallow pools of cum. Melody felt it squishing between and around her toes and she pulled her feet all the way in.

Some girl pulled a stick of bright red lipstick from her purse and sloppily smeared it around Melody's lips, then did the same with too much black mascara around her eyes. With her wild, cum-matted hair, the cum both dried and wet everywhere else on her skin, the wild, worn-out look in her eyes, the makeup and the outfit, Melody looked like absolute hot trash. Someone pulled out a sharpie and wrote more filth on the visible portions of her skin. "Melody Ann Ainsley - oops, I'm a whore again!" across her tits. "FREE BLOWJOBS" on her forehead, "Pussy and asshole, $1 each" on her exposed back. "Cum whore" on both of her arms.

"Well," Kevin said, smiling. "We're done with you, as promised. But now it's time for you to hit the streets."

Some people, the casuals, headed out at this point, but a medium-sized entourage, as well as the camera man, followed Melody as she walked out of the suite in a daze, into the elevator, and down to the street. It was so late it was almost early. People looked at them in confusion as they passed, their looks turning to disgust when they saw Melody. They all quickly tried to look away.

Kevin tried to keep the posse back a fair distance from her. He'd promised they wouldn't bother her now. He hailed two taxis that were both waiting on the curb for passengers. He placed Melody in the first one, shut the door behind her, and then leaned in the driver's window and told him where to go, handing him a handful of cash. Kevin, the cameraman, and a couple others got in the next cab. The small crowd watched dejectedly as the two taxis went away.

They arrived at the place Kevin had told them to go after 20 minutes or so, the second taxi tailing the first. They saw Melody stumble out of hers and begin wobbling down the sidewalk uncertainly. The final rounds of drugs and alcohol that had been put into her body in the last hour or so seemed to be kicking in with force now. She was stumbling all over the sidewalk, extremely unstable in the heels. More than once she fell. She seemed to not even know fully what she was doing or where she was going, just that she was walking away. The guys followed from a distance.

Of course it wasn't long until she had wandered into the party areas of town, and then to the seedy sides of the party areas. All by design. Just where Kevin had wanted her to end up. They kept their distance from her, and it didn't seem that she even knew they were there. Heads turned everywhere she went. People laughed, drunk people hollered at her, girls looked at her in disgust. More than once group of drunks posed for a picture with her.

Eventually drunk guys were openly groping her exposed asscheeks, or copping a quick feel of her tits. As the night went on and the bars began to close, and the further she got from the busier streets, the more things escalated.

By 5:30 AM they were watching her suck cock in a back alley, having just serviced about nine guys in a row with her mouth. A half hour later they had her bent over a trashcan, one drunken guy after another going bareback in her snatch. They'd had to pull out the wad of condoms first, but this had only amused them. Some guys followed the writing on her back and stuffed a dollar bill into her stockings. Word of mouth spread, and soon a bit of a line had formed to stuff her nasty, newly leaking, cummed-out cunt. She just took cock after cock with a glazed look in her eyes.

By the time the police arrived her total number had been brought to 560. The guys scattered and the camera filmed from around a corner as Melody was handcuffed and placed in the back of the cop car. You could just hear one of the cops informing Melody of her arrest being "for prostitution."

They panned in on her face through the glass as the car drove off, looking out in a confused daze, "FREE BLOWJOBS" still written on her forehead.

Kevin turned to have the camera face him.

"Thanks for tuning in everyone, and helping to put Melody back in her place. Don't feel bad for her. She's getting everything her heart has truly desired ever since she was old enough to feel lust. If you didn't get a chance to fuck her this weekend - you will in the future. And who knows, if some enterprising fan can afford her bail, maybe you can earn yourself a very fun new housepet. Just be sure to keep sharing her with all of us."

(To be continued).

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This comment section is crazy, the fact some people can actually find this hot, even worse the guy who ACTUALLY thinks up this stuff. Both parties are VERY wrong, and definitely don’t have a moral compass. It became too much at chapter 2, now it’s just sickening

whore4urwhore4urover 4 years ago

No need to apologise, we're happy(ish) that you're living life. Glad to hear too that things aren't getting any better for Melody. I love the fact she can't help loving the fact she's getting so degraded. Would love to hear her say it more. Wouldn't mind if Brian and co made a comeback, but only to push her further to the depths. Looking forward to the next chapter :)

mirror_worldsmirror_worldsover 4 years ago

Yay! For the part that its comming and yay for the not good part.

Also, totaly understandable. Real life takes issue first. But I hope you can understand our anticipation.

OrpheusRadiusOrpheusRadiusover 4 years agoAuthor
Next chapter

I promise it's coming, guys. Sorry I'm slow. I've been busy in real life. Should be having more time soon. Next chapter is mostly done. I promise things aren't going to turn out good for her.

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