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Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 40

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John receives a phone call and Sammy receives a visitor.
3.5k words

Part 40 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Over the coming fortnight there were some interesting developments, my 'appointments' with Sammy became more regular and settled into a steady pattern of tuesdays and thursdays.

Either morning, or afternoon depending on what shift I was doing at the supermarket.

As I visited him more, the true depth of Sammy's white wife cuckold fetish became clear.

He was obsessed.

So much so that it led to some exciting experiences involving phone calls to John....but more on that later.

I saw more of Sammy's neighbour Barry, too....beaulah grove's resident casanova.

He flashed me amost every time I left Sammy's place, going past his open flat door.

It appeared he was more prepared for me leaving than arriving.

A couple of times he even had a hard on, if you could call it that.

Barry has probably the smallest cock I've seen, looking no more than about 4" and quite thin.

Although, it does have a nice healthy looking, bulbous bell doubt from all the polishing it gets listening to me taking Sammy.

Upon telling John about him, my hubby was a little concerned for my safety, until I described Barry properly.

Not a big guy, thin, about 5'5" and Sammy reliably informed me, in his mid seventies.

Are all old men able to do that? Get a hard on? In my it seemed.

All sex mad too.

Anyway, as I say, John was concerned but on learning more about him, relaxed a little.

An amiable pervert, is how Sammy described him.

I was used to grappling with men twice his weight, and sometimes albeit briefly, getting the better of them.

I had surprised Dave initially with the ferocity of my struggling... initially that is.

He soon got wise to my moves and quickly learned how to deal with me.

But hey, that's part of the fun isn't it? If your going to struggle then do it properly, it makes the end result all the more.... rewarding.

I had also taken self defense classes, it was years ago but, you learn a few moves well and they stay with you.

Barry, was no match for me and John quickly realised this.

What he wasn't aware of at that point in time was something else regarding Barry, something which I was in denial about...

What I felt when I thought about dirty old man Barry was initially disgust, he was ugly, dirty and weird.

However, lurking behind my repulsion, almost completely hidden, but not quite, was something totally unexpected that I'd been trying to banish from my thoughts....but couldn't.

I had begun to fantasise about Barry.

What I was feeling when giving in to these guilty thoughts I had about him, was a deeper....darker level of excitement.

The images that came flooding into my mind.....unwanted but.... somehow craved...

They caused me to tremble with excitement, a tidal wave of adrenaline surging through my being.

Unbeknown to John at that point in time, I'd begun touching myself while thinking about Barry.....what would it be like? give in to him? To give myself freely to the dirty, weird old man...

I suppose the reason behind me not telling my husband right away, was the fact I was embarrassed about these.....twisted thoughts.

I mean....a man like Barry?...Really?

What was wrong with me?

He was disgusting, his flat stank and although I hadn't got close enough to him to find out, I'm pretty sure he stank too.

His clothes were dirty, what little hair he had was stuck to his head with grease.

And to add to that quaint description...the fact he's a pervert...

Barry was the epitome of 'dirty old man'.

So, what was it that I found within Barry that excited me so much?

Simply, it was the fact that he is so dirty and so... pervy.

What repulsed me, also attracted a part of myself that even I don't fully understand....and I'm reluctant to explore it.

These thoughts I was having about Barry were wrong....filthy...indecent...and that is precisely what appealed to this darker part of me.

The man's an animal...

And, he so desperately...wanted me.

Above anything else...

So.....what if I were to let him have me?

For days I fantasised about it, until at last I did tell John....

But for now, back to Sammy and his idea with my mobile phone...

The last time I visited Sammy had been thursday morning, as my shift at the supermarket had rotated to afternoons.

During the morning session with my old Indian boyfriend, he had showed me some of his favourite porn films on the laptop.

Mostly imwf but also one with a black man and a white woman.

Race definitely played a big part in Sammy's fantasies.

There was even one video of two Indian brothers in their early twenties, sharing a white milf.

The footage, Sammy proudly announced, was filmed by non other than the brothers father! Who we later saw filming himself being sucked off by the about keep it in the family.

All the videos were proper amateur footage, shaky camera, dodgy sound favourite kind.

Anyway, we were getting busy....things hotting up, when Sammy had an idea....

What if? I were to call my hubby on some trivial matter and have a little conversation with him....while Sammy was doing it to me?

The idea appealed to me immediately, quite an imagination that Sammy.

However, as good as it sounded, I realised that John would have no prior knowledge.

Although he might guess what was happening because he knew I was going to visit my elderly boyfriend that morning.

We did try it, and it was just as well that John didn't answer, too busy at work.

Later, on the way home that thursday dinner time, with a fresh donation from Sammy leaking into my knickers as I walked phone began to ring.

It was John, worried about why I'd called him.

I briefly explained about Sammy's plan and promised we'd discuss it properly when he came home.

That evening, we decided I should visit Sammy again at the weekend, saturday morning, that way John would be at home....and alone.....when I suggested to my boyfriend that we try his idea once more....

Saturday came around and I went to see Sammy, we had our usual chat, during which I mentioned trying John's phone again as my hubby would be at home that morning and should be able to answer this time, I was supposed to be out shopping.

Sammy, impressed with my eagerness to try again, and willingness to treat my husband in this...cruel way..... could hardly contain his excitement.

We quickly got down to business, saving the best for last.

Sammy, despite his age, is an excellent lover.

He easily brought me to orgasm a total of three times that morning.

When it was his turn he wanted me missionary on the bed, his favourite way so it seemed.

I retrieved my phone from the bedside cabinet and carefully dialled John's number, just as Sammy slid his big brown cock home.

Sighing deeply....feeling very satisfied...and very... full.... I swallowed, and pressed call.

John, knew of course, that I was going to call him. He was waiting for it.

Although I could not talk dirty to him, he knew full well what was happening to me.

As he answered, Sammy, knowing we didn't have long.... immediately began quickening his strokes....thrusting into me harder...and appeared his intention was to come in me while I spoke to John!

This new development filled me with the utmost excitement....the sly....kinky old fox!

So there I lay staring up at old Sammy, phone in my shaking hand.....the tremors coming from not just Sammy's eager thrusts but also the sheer excitement of what was happening and about to happen.

The phone, at Sammy's request was on speaker, kinky sod wanted to hear John's voice.... while fucking his wife.

Oh god! We were so close, Sammy's sweaty face just inches from mine.

He'd promised to be quiet but his heavy rapid breathing was becoming noticeable.

If John really hadn't known what was going on he may have questioned what the background noise was.

Indeed, later when we discussed it he told me that he could hear Sammy's heavy breathing.

As for Sammy, he didn't notice how loud he was becoming....Sammy, was somewhere else....lost between my silky thighs....buried deep within my special place.

Our conversation, which had been about directions, with me pretending I didn't know the way to a certain shop....was coming to an end.

But fortunately for us all, Sammy reached the end of what he was doing before we did.

Fixing me with a determined excited glare, his face suddenly contorted, at the same time he pushed deep into me and tensed up.

How he managed not to give out his usual deep bellowing groan, I'll never know.

My voice faltered a little as I continued to speak with John. I could feel Sammy pumping his stuff deep inside me....oh my god....I love that! I'm addicted to that feeling...can't get enough.

He was just in time too, with me saying bye to John a moment later.

Putting the phone down I wrap both arms around my lover and kiss him passionately.

Breaking away, looking into his eyes....a satisfied....wearily happy... contented look...for sure.

Now he can breathe properly Sammy collapses on my bosom panting, trembling a little.

I can feel his heart going nineteen to the dozen.

"Mmmm....oh Sammy sweetheart....I can feel you"

I speak to him softly.

"You did good....he had no idea."

Giggling a little, Sammy would believe I was mocking my husband.....but in fact it was him who was being mocked.

It was Sammy who had no idea.

Afterwards, during my cleaning up efforts Sammy became aroused again.

He was so turned on by what we'd just done that, even at his age he was ready again.

So, I took care of his need.... sucking him dry....every drop.

Afterwards we chatted some more.

During our conversation he expressed a keen interest in doing the phone sex thing again.

This time coming up with a far bolder, and more interesting idea.

An idea I knew John was going to love.

When it came time to leave Sammy's place that morning, Barry, was waiting....

Pleading with me to touch him.

He was naked except for dirty white socks.... stiff as a board too...his little cock stood proudly to attention....ready to be played with.

I stopped and stared, letting him get close.

But still, I was not ready, if I ever would be.

Walking on, trying to ignore his desperate words.

Once outside beaulah and away from Barry I was able to calm down and focus my mind on something else, at home John would be waiting for me, eagerly waiting.

And what with Dave coming over that night too? I was going to be busy....

On returning home, as predicted, I was treated to a warm and vigorous welcome by John.

He can't half make our bed headboard bang. Lord knows what the neighbours think.

After we'd calmed down John confessed to wanking himself off as he listened to me trying to talk....while being fucked by Sammy.

At the time, I knew he would be doing that, so for the first time unbeknown to Sammy we all had fun together.

Next I revealed what Sammy's plan was.

John as also predicted, loved it.

"So....I'm gunna get to meet old Sammy."

He pondered.


I replied, then added.

"...and if your really lucky you may get to see Barry....he may even mistake your footfalls for mine as you get near his open door."

Grinning and winking at John, I was jovial on the outside but in turmoil inside.

Barry was now taking up a lot of time in my thoughts...

Sammy's plan involved John coming to visit him, albeit briefly at his flat at beaulah grove.

We were too excited about it to wait while the next Saturday.

So it was arranged for tuesday morning's session.

John phoned in work that morning and told them he was sick, probably one of those 24 hour things.

He had a few jobs to catch up on around the house anyway, and one day wouldn't hurt.

I kissed my husband goodbye telling him to keep an ear out for his mobile, then headed off to beaulah grove and my eagerly awaiting boyfriend.

That mornings chat with Sammy was brimming with excitement, my old man full of questions.

He'd heard John's voice but not met him yet, I'd shown him pictures of John on my mobile but that's as close as the pair had gotten, so far.

Sammy decided that his plan be put into action at the beginning of our session.

"I want to be able to enjoy you.. with him still fresh in my mind."

He said, with possibly the slyest look I've ever seen.

The kinky old sod.

We both knew what to do.

We were in his living room on the sofa sat side by side.

We'd been intimate already.

Nothing too heavy, kissing, fondling each other.

I could feel him hardening up downstairs.

Sammy broke off our kiss, gently pushing me back a little so he could stand up.

Looking meaningfully down at me while pulling down his trouser zip.

"It's time my dear...get your phone....I'm going to enjoy this."

Getting up myself, giving him an admiring look before going to get the phone from my coat pocket.

Returning to the sofa I find Sammy slouched back in the seat....his semi hard dick out the fly.... awaiting me.

Getting down on my knees between his, passing him the phone.

John's number I'd already selected, all he has to do is press call.

I know what to do....and so...eagerly get on with it.

Taking his hot bell end into my mouth....

A gasp from above while I tuck in....then I hear the phones speaker engage as call is pressed.

The lady from o2 saying....'bundle call.'

Then the beep beep....beep beep...

It rings 4 times before the familiar sound of my husband's voice echoes through.....loud and clear.

"Ey up love."

It begins.

Looking up into Sammy's eyes while rolling my tongue around his swelling bell it's his turn... to try and keep a steady voice.

"Hello name is Samir you don't know me but....I found this phone on the street this was just lying there on the pavement."

Gazing up into my lovers eyes, never looking away while he talks to John.... taking his swollen brown meat out for a moment....turning my head on one side...long strokes of my tongue up the length of his shaft.

Sammy's eyes narrow, that intense...almost cruel look.

He watches what I'm doing very closely as he speaks with my hubby.

John replies, "Oh I see....that's my wife's phone she must have dropped it....bloody hell...she's always losing the thing...oh thank you so much Samir....where are you? I'll come get it."

Sammy tells him where we are, almost losing his composure as I take his big bell end back into my mouth.

John replies that he knows where it is and can come for it now?

"Yes yes...of course sir...that's alright....I'm just at home's can collect now."

Cheeky git! He's really enjoying this....and so am I.

John again, "Ok that's brilliant Samir...I'll be 5 minutes....well that's your good deed done for the day....thanks again...your a true gentleman....bye for now."

Sammy bids my husband goodbye and hangs up the call.

Putting the phone down he grasps my head in both hands, staring down into my eyes with that....oh so wicked grin.

I gaze back up, my master....while he speaks softly to me....mocking my husband.

"The poor fool thinks I'm doing him a good deed..."

He chuckles.

"....oh I'm doing him a good deed alright...oh yes....I'm making sure his wife is happy... and satisfied....aren't I Pippa dear?"

Taking his stiff... glistening cock out my mouth I reply with real passion in my voice, "Oh god yes."

Before sinking back down onto it, gobbling most of his length.

Sammy's plan, for me to pretend to lose my phone was proving a big success for all concerned, and the best was yet to come.

My husband was on his way...

I believe that morning, it was Sammy's intention to save his seed for my fanny.

It was his preferred target.

However, I had other ideas...

Call it my little act of rebellion to counter Sammy's cruelty towards a supposedly unsuspecting hubby.

As mentioned in previous chapters I can be very determined when I want something.

John was on his way and I thought it would be nice for him to see my elderly boyfriend for the first time.... looking a bit.... flustered.

Five minutes till he got here?.... It was more time than I needed.

Sammy was on the verge of pulling away from my affections a couple of times.

I could feel his reluctance to keep it in my mouth.

But in the end my vigorous attention was too much for him.

This cat received her cream with a minute to spare, gratefully purring while Sammy's loud bellowing groan sounded my victory.....and his spunk... filled my mouth.

In fact, I'd just swallowed the last of it down and had begun licking him clean....when the main door intercom of beaulah grove buzzed.

My husband had arrived...perfect timing.

Sammy, just as I'd planned, answered the call still out of breath.

Greeting John and telling him to come on in.

With excitement filling every corner of me, I got into position near the front door.

Sammy had zipped up and was trying to compose himself, retrieving my phone and coming to the front door.

Giving me a sly look and placing his finger to his lips in a shush motion, he opened the door wide....ready.

With the door open I was able to hide behind it and be very close so I could hear their conversation.

A moment later....the sound of footfalls coming down the corridor.

I was expecting some indication that John had encountered Barry... but nothing happened.

The next moment he's here just at the other side of the door, greeting a still breathless Sammy.

My hubby says 'hi', and introduces himself.

It's very exciting but also equally strange to be this close to him, knowing that Sammy firmly believes John has no idea what's going on.

The pair exchange pleasantries, as I stand and listen just feet from my husband, the smell and taste of Sammy's spunk still fresh in my throat.

I hear John ask if Sammy is ok? He looks out of breath.... excellent...he knows something naughty has just happened.

My boyfriend replies that he has just been helping a neighbour move something.

Clearly Sammy is unprepared and surprised to find himself attracting this line of questioning.

Next, John thanks him again, calling Sammy a gentleman once more.

He calls him Samir which is the name Sammy has used up to that point.

But now that's corrected with Sammy asking John to please call him Sammy because that's what his friends call him....oh the cheek!

He's really enjoying this.

Can you imagine if this situation was for real? With John really not knowing what Sammy was doing?

John however, plays along, and has his own little bit of fun.

He offers Sammy a reward for finding my phone... £20.

I can see him holding it out for him to take, "Here Sammy take this....I want you to have something for your kind act."

John says, so sincerely.

Sammy reacts immediately, declining...and replying, "No no...honestly...I do not need a reward like reward is in the knowledge that I've made your good lady very happy.... returning her phone."

There's a noticeable gap between 'very happy', and 'returning her phone'.

A fact I'm sure, not lost on John at the time.

Sammy gives my hubby the phone, John thanks him again and goes to leave.....with Sammy asking him to give me his regards...

"I will."

John replies, then adds cheekily, "She's going to be very pleased."

And with that final exchange, Sammy closed the door....leaving us alone.

He stands there near his front door for a moment...studying me carefully.

Then says, "Oh Pippa married to a naïve fool...aren't you?"

Slowly I nod, acknowledging him....but thinking otherwise.

He shakes his head in mocking disapproval of my husband, chuckles to himself....then suddenly becomes serious.


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