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Naked, Richie stretched out on his bed and finally gripped his cock with his right hand skin to skin, rather than through his clothing. He released his painful shaft. Richie no longer cared about the discomfort, because relieving it was now his purpose. Relief for Richie's aching dick, however, was going to take some time, because Richie had every intention of prolonging the agony to maximize the relief it would give.

Closing his eyes, Richie's imagination immediately produced an image of Cindy, naked. This was a visual Richie had savored many, many times. In reality, however, Richie could only speculate about Cindy's body. He had never even seen her in a bathing suit. Still, it was a pure delight for Richie to imagine Cindy's lush body. He defined in his mind her soft, round breasts, what the nipples would look like. He pictured her pubic hair and her pussy. He envisaged her perfectly round, fat, delectable butt. Even this early in his fantasy, Richie did not dare stroke his cock; he dared not even really touch it. He would definitely explode with just one touch. Richie had been simmering all evening with the fantasy of Cindy bubbling in the back of his consciousness.

Tingling, aching, Richie pictured a naked Cindy lying face down on her bed. He pictured that perfect ass tilted high, the tiny pink rosebud in full view, and her pussy ringed with delicate hairs. In Richie's imagination Cindy's little pussy glistened with moisture. It was all he could stand. In Richie's fantasy he flew straight to the bed, dove behind Cindy and began to frantically lick her pussy and her ass. In his mind's eye, this elicited uncontrolled moaning from Cindy. She wiggled back against Richie's hungry lips, literally fucking his mouth.

Back in the real world, Richie's hand, slathered with lotion, found his painful, stiffened dick. He began to stroke as he visualized a writhing Cindy, imagining her taste and texture. Richie's dick, veins bulging, achingly hot to the touch, was so engorged that its head was purple and drizzling pre-cum. The stroking became frantic. Richie started to growl, licking his lips. His hips begin to buck. The wash cloth barely made it to the tip of his dick before gobs of sticky semen exploded from it, gushing and spurting again and again. Stroking, cumming, jacking, bucking, growling, grunting, Richie came and came. He exhaled for a very long time, then fell asleep with the cum-filled wash cloth still in his hand.

Cindy's jeans were hanging off one ankle. Her shirt was open and her tits with their soft, pink nipples were quite visible. Her legs were splayed wide and Michael was kneeling between them sucking on her clit. She quivered, panted and whimpered as she felt Michael's tongue lick the length of her wet sex and his hands caress her belly and her tits.

"I want you to do something," Cindy said in a husky voice.

Michael glanced up, his face slick with her juice, "What's that?"

"I want you to talk dirty to me like you did the other night."

"What do you mean?" Michael was teasing her, coaxing her to say more.

"You know. Like you did the other night when you were spanking me."

"No," said Michael, lightly caressing Cindy's torso with his fingertips, "I don't know what you mean."

"You do, too," Cindy pouted, "Quit teasing me. I want you to lick my pussy and talk like you did the other night. That drove me crazy."

Michael grinned, "Ohhhhh, you mean to talk dirty to you while I suck you off, right?"

Cindy slapped at him, "Stop teasing me and get busy!"

Michael's face disappeared into Cindy's pubic region. He licked and teased her clit with his tongue and his lips until Cindy's hips began to grind. Then he looked up from between her legs and said, "You know, your mouth is just made for sucking cock. Your lips are perfect for it"

Cindy moaned.

"Do you like to suck on cock?"

Her hips writhed, "Uh huh."

"You love being sucked, too, don't you?"

"Oh, God, yes."

"I'd love to watch you suck someone's cock while I do this to you."

Cindy squirmed as Michael returned to his licking and sucking. Her whimpering became more frantic as she began to imagine the overwhelming sensation of having one man eat her while another fucked her mouth.

"Just think about what that would be like; to have me licking you and some other guy's dick sliding into your mouth." he returned to licking.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I'm so hot!" Cindy's writhing was getting wild, almost out of control. She could feel the beginnings of an approaching orgasm.

"I want you to imagine a real cock. Not just any cock. I want you to think about someone real straddling the back of the couch and pushing his swollen cock between your lips. Pretend you're really doing it." he dropped his head back down between Cindy's legs.

Now she was truly out of control. She was groaning long and loud, almost thrashing on the couch. Cindy's head, though, was turned to her left and her lips were parted as if admitting a hard dick. She slid her tongue out and licked around her entire mouth as if entwining it around a swollen shaft.

"You know who I'd like to watch you suck?"

"No, unh! Oh, God! No!" Cindy was panting and whimpering as she bucked and writhed, "Oh, God...tell me who you want me to suck!"

Michael licked the entire length of Cindy's clit and was rewarded with a moan that sounded very much like a sob, "You sure you want to know?"

"Yes! Yes! Oh, God! Tell me! Please, tell me!"

"Would you do it right now if he was here? Would you suck his cock right now?"

"Yessss! I'd love to suck it no matter who it was! I just want someone's cock in my mouth right now!"

Michael sucked her clit into his mouth as Cindy fucked his mouth with her distended clit. Swollen and hot, it was almost like a tiny dick itself.

"Just imagine if Richie were here with us and he fucked you in the mouth."

"Auggghhh!" Cindy came and came and came, flooding Michael's mouth with her sticky juice.

Cindy worked Friday through Sunday of each week as a Certified Nurse's Aide at the hospital, three twelve-hour shifts. It was decent pay to start with, and when you added shift and weekend pay differentials, she had the best of all possible sitiations. She was off work all week long. Unfortunately, Michael worked and went to school during the week. While their time together was limited, they tried to make the most of it, and Michael would sometimes take a day off from school to be with Cindy.

Cindy had finished up her Sunday night shift, arriving home at around 8:15 a.m. Michael had already left. She was so tired from the long weekend of work that she just rinsed off in the shower quickly, then plopped into bed and immediately went to sleep. She awoke, her eyes wide open, at three in the afternoon. Realizing there was no point in trying to go back to sleep, she climbed out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom.

Cindy had washed her face, brushed her teeth and slipped on a pair of little jersey shorts and a T-shirt. She was seated at the dining room table reading the newspaper and eating a bowl of Cheerios when the door to the apartment suddenly opened, and through it breezed Michael with Richie Dean in tow.

"Honey!" said Michael cheerily, "I didn't think we'd find you up and around this early! We just stopped by to pick up that lab analysis I've been working on for Dr. Wooten. I'm gonna drop Richie off at work on my way back to the school. His car's in the shop again." Michael turned to look at Richie, "This'll just take a second, bud." He disappeared into the back.

Cindy sat at the table becoming more flustered by the second. She had never been so unclothed around Richie Dean and could in no way forget that ever so recently she had entertained a completely vivid fantasy of sucking his dick. The blushing started deep in the pit of her stomach and spread upward. The T-shirt she was wearing was heavy enough that one could not see her nipples through the material. As she began to really blush, however, Cindy's nipples hardened into little rocks, and their outlines were very visible through the shirt.

Richie just stood for a moment, staring at Cindy. He could in no way get out of his mind that he had ever so recently stroked his cock while vividly fantasizing about the woman seated before him. Richie also couldn't miss the fact that Cindy was actually blushing, probably because she was only wearing a pair of skimpy, little shorts and a T-shirt. Oh and, by the way, her nipples were jutting right out through the material of the shirt. The stiffening of Richie's cock was completely involuntary.

Richie smiled, the heat rising to his gaze, "Hey, Cindy. How're you doing?"

Cindy, hearing Richie's voice, looked directly into his eyes and felt the heat in his countenance. Clearing her throat just a little, she managed to return his greeting, "Hi, Richie. I'm okay, I guess."

Richie kept watching her with a slight smile on his face, but remained silent.

Cindy's mind would simply not let go of the fantasy. She dropped her eyes from Richie's and looked into her cereal bowl for a few moments. Then she glanced up just a little and noticed Richie's pants. He was wearing a pair of black, knit slacks, required uniform for his job. They were soft and clingy. They fully revealed his erection. Cindy, seeing it, had no doubt that Richie Dean had a very large, very thick cock, exactly like the one about which she had fantasized. Cindy wasn't just blushing any longer, she was getting wet.

Michael trotted out from the back of the house waving a binder full of papers, "Got it! Okay, we gotta smoke! See you later tonight, baby!" He briefly twisted down to kiss his wife, who was still being held in the smoky gaze of Richie Dean, whose hand was now on the knob of the front door to the apartment.

The two men left Cindy sitting at the table with a soggy bowl of cereal. Her tiny, puckered nipples still tented the front of her T-shirt, her pussy continued to moisten, and her clit began to throb. Cindy rose from the table and dropped her bowl in the kitchen sink. Walking toward the bathroom, she pulled her shirt up over her head, and she quickly shucked the tiny shorts. She definitely did not care if Michael and Richie walked back through that door and found her naked. In fact, she hoped that would happen. It didn't.

Cindy plugged the drain of the bathtub and began to run some warm water. As it began to fill, Cindy listened hopefully for the door, but was disappointed. She stepped to the bathroom mirror and looked at her naked body, which she thought was much too fat. Still, horny as she was, the view excited her. She tweaked her nipples and squeezed her breasts. That made her even hotter. Listening to the water falling nearby, Cindy reached between her legs and touched her soaking pussy. The sensation elicited a little moan from her throat. She inserted her finger, then eased it out and teased her clit, swollen already, yet swelling still more. She lifted her finger to her lips and tasted her own musky savor. Cindy moved her legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, reached down with one hand, and began to lightly spank her pussy. The thrill washing through her made her hips begin to move in a fucking motion.

She glanced over at the tub and decided it had enough water for her to get in. There was probably only two inches of water, but that was fine. She lay down and scooted forward as far as possible toward the tub's faucet. She checked the temperature and adjusted it very slightly. Then, sliding her ass all the way to the edge of the tub, Cindy splayed her legs as wide as possible and placed her tingling pussy directly beneath the stream of water. The jolt to her clit was immediate and delicious. Cindy began to moan, remembering the way in which Richie had looked at her. Could he possibly know what she had been thinking? She wanted him to know. She hoped he knew. She dare not tell him, but she loved the way he had looked at her. Cindy hoped even more that Richie had seen her noticing his erect cock, and remembering that sight made her shudder beneath the warm, cascading water pummeling her clit.

Cindy fantasized about Richie's swollen member slipping into her mouth. In her mind's eye she saw herself roll her tongue over the shaft, saw her lips slurp on the head and tease down the length of Richie's cock. She could almost taste it, almost feel it twitching in her mouth. In her mind's eye she saw herself ease her mouth off the steaming, hot shaft and, with her saliva still glistening on its rigid length, she saw herself straddle Richie Dean's body and lower herself onto the cock she had just sucked. She came, the warm bath water only a minor player in the drama that triggered her massive orgasm.

Michael quietly entered the apartment after work and school that night. The small living/dining room area was dark and quiet. Although it really wasn't all that late at night, Michael wondered if Cindy might not have gone to bed. Michael moved very quietly toward the bedroom, being careful not to wake his wife if she were sleeping.

As he approached the bedroom, Michael saw some very dim light peeking around the cracks of the door, which was closed. What he saw as he pushed it open jolted him like an electric shock.

The small room was lit with candles and Cindy lay on the bed, her back partially propped up by pillows. She was completely naked, slathered in oil and masturbating languidly. She smiled seductively at her husband, "Well, hello there. I decided to start without you, as you can see." She glanced down at her widely spread legs and swollen sex. One hand was busy finger-fucking, the other was employing its index finger to gently and slowly massage her


Michael said absolutely nothing, but steadily watched his wife play with herself as he quickly disrobed. Naked, he crawled onto the bed to join her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her to himself and kissed her deeply.

"I'm so hot," Cindy breathed into Michael's mouth, "I need to be spanked. I've been very, very bad."

She withdrew slightly from him and, pulling the pillows she had been using as a prop beneath her soft, white belly, lay with her face down and her creamy, round ass tilted up into the air.

Michael found the oil Cindy had used on the nightstand and he dribbled a small amount onto Cindy's bottom. Slowly, teasingly he rubbed it into her cheeks, lower back and thighs.

"What did you do that was bad?" Michael asked.

"Mmmm. I fucked myself earlier today," Cindy replied.

"That's all?" asked Michael, sounding disappointed.

"No, there's more." said Cindy.

"Tell me."

"When you and Richie were here this afternoon I got horny. That's why I fucked myself."

"What made you horny?" with that, Michael slapped one of Cindy's ass cheeks.

Cindy sharply sucked in a breath with a slight whimper at the sudden sting of Michael's slap, "It made me hot to be caught sitting there like that, not wearing very much. My nipples got hard and I saw Richie looking at me. He could see that my nipples were hard, and that made me even hornier."

Michael delivered several, carefully timed and placed blows to Cindy's exposed ass. It was beginning to turn slightly pink, "I don't think you're telling me everything." He spanked her in earnest for several more seconds.

Cindy moaned and wiggled her bottom in delight at the attention she was getting. She fingered her clit simultaneously, but had to be careful. She could sense an orgasm wasn't far from her. She removed her finger from her throbbing little clit and answered Michael's assertion, "No. Richie looked at me like he wanted to fuck me, and I looked at him, too. I didn't say anything, but I know he saw me looking at his cock and that made me even hotter than I already was, sitting there showing him so much of my body. God, it all made me so horny I could hardly stand it!"

Michael said nothing, but spanked Cindy's ass with very randomly timed and spaced blows. Her wiggling, squirming and moaning told him she was loving every second of it. He kept his gaze locked onto her pussy and saw that she was rubbing her clit intermittently. Finally, he spoke again, "Tell me the rest."

"Ohhhhh," Cindy whined, sobbed and moaned all in the same breath, "As soon as you and Richie left I took off all my clothes right there. I was hoping you'd both come back in and catch me naked, but you didn't. That's when I fucked myself."

"And..." Michael prompted her.

"Oh, God," she sobbed, "Oh, God I can't take too much more of this. I want you to fuck me."

Michael said nothing in response, but delivered several more blows to his wife's cherry red ass.

She knew he wanted to hear the rest of it. As he gave her ass a rest from the spanking she told him what she knew he really wanted to hear, "The whole time you were here I was thinking about how I've been imagining sucking Richie's cock. After you left and while I was fucking myself I thought about how I was looking at his cock and I imagined him taking it out and putting it in my mouth."

Michael smacked her ass three or four times and then stopped.

"Oh, God....oh, my God," Cindy panted, "If I tell you the rest will you fuck me?"


"Oh, God...I was fucking myself and thinking about Richie fucking me in the mouth and then I thought about how I wouldn't let him come in my mouth. In my fantasy I took it out of my mouth and I crawled on top of him and I fucked him," she was very close to coming herself even though her hands were nowhere near her clit.

Michael's erect cock was poised very near to his wife's pussy, and now he slid it into her. Her response sounded almost like a wail. Michael hardly moved within her.

"Did you like thinking about that?" he asked.


"Does it make you hot to think about Richie's dick in you?"


"Tell the truth now...are you thinking about that now?"

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God...yessss" and Cindy emitted a long sob of almost painful pleasure. If her finger even grazed her clit at this point she would come. If Michael moved his cock even slightly more than he was at present, that would make her come, as well. This fuck might very well be the best fuck she had ever had in her entire life.

"I know you want to come, and now I'm going to let you. Tell me what you would be saying if Richie were here in bed with us."

"Ohhhhhhh," her orgasm was already starting, "Fuck me, Richie! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Cindy completely lost count of the number of huge orgasms that rolled through her like surf. Michael came right along with her.

Michael and Cindy lay all curled together, more or less wrapped around each other. They were dozy and quiet, still buzzing or humming in the aftermath of sex.

"You know," said Cindy, lazily, "I really, really enjoyed that. I'm sure you could tell that. But I feel guilty about that stuff. I mean, I feel like I'm cheating on you. I mean, I enjoy it...all that fantasizing...but it makes me feel bad, too. Do you understand what I'm saying? I mean, I'm not sure we should be talking about this. It makes me think about really doing something like that, and I'm afraid of what it would do to our relationship. Besides, I really don't understand how this stuff could make you horny and not jealous, okay?"

"Whoa!" Michael laughed, "Good grief! Could you get just a little more serious? Don't you think you're taking all this a little lightly? I mean, can you just FEEL the sarcasm I am sharing with you?" Michael laughed loudly and, despite initially looking at him with a look somewhere between worried concern and a scowl, Cindy suddenly burst in to laughter, too. And they both laughed and giggled for some time.

As Michael's laughter finally subsided he said, "I'm going to tell you about something that happened to me before I even met you. Although all this that I'm about to tell you actually only happened a few weeks before we met. I always wanted to tell you about it, or...more truthfully...share my little kink...okay...my big kink...but I just didn't know how. I still didn't know how when I started to do just that, but I guess I couldn't stand it anymore. Besides, I know you're a hot little sex mopnster. I knew you'd come around."

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