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When the young lady left, Cindy took a swallow of her drink and then looked up at Richie, "You know, you shouldn't be embarrassed about masturbating. Everybody does it. I even masturbate, and I'm married to a guy who pretty much wants to fuck all the time."

Richie was stunned at Cindy's words. Not so much what she had said, but that she had said it at all. She must be a little drunk, thought Richie, because he was sure that was the first time he'd ever heard her say "fuck."

"You know," said Cindy, just a tiny bit slurred, "I masturbated the other day right after you guys were at the house. After you left I just got real horny and I took off my clothes right there, and I went and played with myself. I had a nice, big orgasm and, believe it or not, I was horny again when Michael came home that night so I fucked his brains out. That was nice. Two big orgasms in the same day. And I'll tell you a little secret," Cindy whispered. She leaned conspiratorially across the table toward Richie, "When I was playing with myself after you two left, one of the things that made me so horny was imagining the both of you coming back and catching me."

Richie just sat there open-mouthed. He had no idea what to say. His eyes bulged with shock. He just sat there for a moment watching Cindy's face, which had a strange, almost silly smile. Finally, he lifted his beer to his mouth and, realizing that he was staring at Cindy again, he turned his attention toward Michael. All Richie could say was, "Whoa. That's pretty crazy." He cursed himself mildly for being stupid.

But Michael just smiled at Richie and then popped up out of the booth. "I gotta go dispose of some of this liquid refreshment in the mens room. Talk amongst yourselves." With that he walked off across the restaurant.

Cindy took another drink from her glass, scrunched up her face for a brief moment and then, sitting down her glass on the table, gave Richie a truly beautiful smile, "Did I embarrass you, Richie?"

Richie dropped his gaze, his face still very red, "Kind of."

Cindy continued to smile, knowing she had Richie at a huge disadvantage. The vodka, her own sexual excitement and Richie's discomfort combined to give Cindy an absolutely thrilling sense of power. Emboldened, she slipped one foot out of her sandal and began to ease it across the booth toward Richie's leg, "Oh, poor baby," she sing-songed, "I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?" Her bare foot made contact with Richie's ankle and began to creep beneath his pant leg.

Richie, without looking up, started. He could not believe this was happening! Michael's wife, in a drunken stupor was hitting on him! He had no idea what to do, but his cock had a definite mind of its own. It immediately became swollen and rigid. Richie said nothing for a moment, choosing instead to slurp a drink of his beer.

Cindy's bare foot, in the meantime, was caressing Richie's shin and ankle. Up, down and around. Richie glanced up, determined to tell Cindy to stop right now, ask her what she thought she was doing, put a stop to this nonsense. Then he saw her face. It was so incredibly pretty. Those eyes. That mouth seemingly designed to kiss and lick. Although Richie's mouth was open to speak, he said nothing. He just looked into her eyes, and he was lost to his own sexual excitement. Cindy's bare foot began to move. She slid it out from beneath Richie's pant leg and caressed his entire leg, edging toward his crotch. Richie, to his own amazement, scooted forward on the bench to allow her easier access. Cindy arched her foot to carefully feel the swollen lump in the crotch of Richie's jeans. She pressed against it, stroked its length, rubbed it, all the while looking directly into Richie's glazed eyes.

"Mmmm," she said sweetly, "Somebody appreciates this attention, wouldn't you say?"

"Uh huh," Richie said, his eyes dull and his face slack.

Cindy continued to tease Richie's swollen member with her foot right up until Michael, returning from the rest room, sat back down in the booth beside her. Even then, she merely moved her foot back down to stroke Richie's shin and ankle.

"You guys hungry?" Michael asked.

"A little," Richie said quietly.

Cindy continued to look directly at Richie, "I'd definitely like to eat something, especially if it's hot and meaty." She giggled.

Michael chuckled and cast a knowing look at his wife. He was well aware of what was going on and, in fact, had delayed his return from the rest room on purpose. He had watched his wife in the act of seduction from across the room, and now his own cock was erect. He told himself to slow things down, let things move at their own pace. If he were to give vent to his own desires at this point, the food order would be cancelled and the three of them would rush straight back to the apartment and just fuck the rest of the day and night. No, Michael, he told himself, there would be plenty of time. Don't rush.

The food arrived and the conversation was quiet, punctuated by the process of eating. Cindy fell quiet, although she continued to tease Richie. She concentrated her gaze on him throughout the meal, and even managed to work her foot back up to his crotch. The torture of Richie Dean was having a powerful effect, proven by the fact that Cindy actually felt some moisture on the outside of Richie's jeans located right near the head of Richie's big, thick cock. That had its own, powerful effect on Cindy, who now wanted to be fucked so badly she could hardly stand it. She struggled to keep her fingers from her pussy.

Richie tried valiantly to maintain some sort of conversation with Michael, but it was nearly impossible. He only wanted to crawl across the booth and get his hands and his mouth on Cindy. The caressing of his cock with her bare foot was driving him insane. If she kept it up long enough he would absolutely come in his pants, and things were worsened when he looked up at her. She was watching him, and her eyes were clearly saying, "Fuck me." At one point Richie watched her eat a damn french fry as if it were his cock. He had never had to control his passion as he did at that very moment. Had he released control his briefs would have literally been filled with semen.

As the meal wound down, Richie renewed his effort to clear his head. Cindy's teasing continued unabated, but with a slightly bolstered sense of control Richie focused more on the mundane chat with Michael, who seemed to be smiling constantly. Richie was amazed that Michael had not noticed his wife's strange behavior. Michael probably indulged Cindy and, like Richie, tossed off her odd demeanor to a little too much vodka. That's when Richie decided to relax and enjoy the attention. Cindy probably wouldn't remember this tomorrow and, if she did, she would be embarrassed herself. Richie reached down between his legs and began to caress Cindy's bare foot, ankle and lower leg.

Richie's soft, sexual touch on her bare foot pushed Cindy right over the edge. Her soaking wet pussy now quivered, her clit throbbing, aching to be touched. Cindy leaned forward. She turned her head toward Michael and smiled, then looked directly into Richie's eyes, "You know, I forgot to tell you something about when I masturbated the other day. Not only was I hoping you two would come back and catch me naked and fucking myself, but when I came I was thinking about how much I'd like to suck your cock. Would you like it if I sucked you?"

Richie was completely astonished once more. He continued to caress Cindy's bare foot, but did so absent-mindedly. He sat straight on the bench seat and looked blankly, his mouth open. Looking at him, Cindy and Michael both laughed. Cindy pulled her foot down and slipped it back into her sandal. Michael arose and let Cindy out of the booth. She merely slipped out and slid back in, now sitting next to Richie.

"Something else I didn't tell you," Cindy said as she settled in next to Richie, "That same night when Michael and I fucked, I thought about how much fun it would be if you joined us and I got to play with two cocks...got to have four hands crawling all over me, and got to suck on one guy's tongue while the other one used his tongue on my pussy. Oh, by the way, my pussy is so wet right now that my panties are soaked clear through, I'll bet." With that, she leaned in and covered Richie's mouth with hers. Her tongue slid into his mouth and entwined with his. She moaned softly and slid her hand right down his abdomen and fondled his uncomfortably rigid cock right through his jeans. Michael looked on. He was more sexually excited than he'd ever been in his entire life.

Cindy drew back just a tiny bit from Richie's mouth, "We need to pay this bill, and then we all need to go back to our place and get naked."

It was a bizarre combination of sexual excitement and confusion Richie felt as he sat in Michael and Cindy's living room. It helped that he had a beer in his hand. He nursed it as Michael tried vainly to explain that this was just a sexual fantasy he and Cindy shared, one they really wanted to make happen in the real world. Michael went on to explain that they both trusted Richie enough to include him. Besides, they understood all too well that he was having exactly zero sex, so why not share in the fun?

As Richie listened he had already decided that he just didn't care why Michael and Cindy had this kink, he was just damned glad they did. While he was still nervous, his libido completely overshadowed any uncertainty or weirdness he might feel.

It was only Michael and he in the living room. Cindy was in the back of the apartment "preparing" herself for her two lovers. She called ahead to the living room for Michael to dim the lighting as she wanted to emerge into at least partial darkness. Michael cut most of the lights. The stereo was already playing some soft music. A door opened and Cindy walked into the living room.

She was even more delicious than Richie had imagined. She was wearing a nearly transparent robe of filmy, black material. Beneath the robe she only had on a pair of tiny, black bikini panties. Her breasts, clearly visible through the robe, were perfectly round, full, firm and tipped with softly pink nipples. Her belly was soft and round, her thighs plump and shapely. In a word, Cindy appeared to have been built specifically for sex.

Michael walked to meet her. He embraced her, ran his hands all over her and kissed her deeply, "Mmmmm. You taste and feel so good. Why don't you make Richie comfortable while I take my turn in the bathroom?" With that, Michael disappeared into the back of the apartment.

Cindy took a seat next to Richie. She snuggled closer to him, took the beer out of his hand and set it on a coffee table. She pressed herself against him and began kissing him, her tongue working its magic in his mouth once again. She took his hands, which seemed to be frozen to her shoulders and placed one of them on her breast. The other she set in motion stroking her body. That was all the encouragement Richie needed. He took it from there.

When Michael finally returned, Richie and Cindy were stretched out on the couch. Richie was on top, kissing her and grinding his body into hers. For her part, Cindy was wiggling and moaning, obviously in heat.

"Why don't we take this back to the bedroom?" Michael asked.

In the bedroom, the men disrobed quickly, but took their time with Cindy. She lay between them as their hands began to wander her body. She would kiss one and then the other. She would play with one cock, then the other. Finally, she turned toward Richie and wrapped herself around him. As she kissed him and ground against him, Michael stroked her from behind and rubbed his cock against her bottom. Eventually, he pulled her away just long enough to remove the robe and panties.

Cindy's completely naked body rubbing against Richie's was almost more than he could take. Everything that was really happening was so much better than the furtive fantasies to which he had masturbated. After kissing, touching, and rubbing against Cindy, Richie rolled her onto her back. Richie seemed to naturally gravitate to Cindy's top half, while Michael began to pay close attention to his wife's lower body.

Cindy went into ecstasy when Richie began to kiss her mouth and suck her nipples, because Michael was just teasing her pubic region with his tongue. Michael's hands were straying across her belly and outer thighs. Noises emitted from Cindy's mouth that she didn't even realize she was making, growls, whimpers and deep moans made it obvious she was loving every second of this experience.

Michael finally started to suck his wife's pussy in earnest. She responded by writhing and bucking. Richie was sucking one of her nipples. Bent over her body on his knees, Richie slid a little closer to Cindy. Cindy then grasped Richie's erect penis and began to stroke it. She was dangerously close to an orgasm, but pulled Richie's cock to her mouth anyway. As Richie's hard cock slid between her lips, the sensations of taste and texture, combined with the luxurious sucking being given her swollen sex by Michael, put Cindy over the top. She bucked, she whined with her mouth full of dick. She sucked so hard on Richie it was nearly painful, and she soaked Michael's face with her juice. The orgasms rolled over her again and again until she collapsed, her arms and legs akimbo on the bed.

The two men allowed Cindy to rest for some time. They lay on either side of her, idly stroking her voluptuous body. She almost laughed out loud looking at their swollen members jutting from their pelvic regions.

As they started their second round of sex, Michael rolled Cindy onto her belly and the two gently rubbed oil into her back, thighs and bottom. Michael explained that Cindy's ass was a major erogenous zone. He asked Richie if he had much experience playing with a woman's bottom, to which Richie replied in the negative.

"Well, I guess you get to be licked again, then. At least for a little bit, while I get our sweet little Cindy all horny again." With that, Michael began to kiss, fondle and tongue his wife's plump ass. Richie, meanwhile, positioned himself in front of Cindy and offered his rigid dick to her mouth once again. Cindy began to eat it greedily. Sucking cock drove her nuts, but to have her ass played with at the same time put her right back where she'd been before...wanting to be fucked and sucked to orgasm.

Michael licked and fingered Cindy's ass until she was whimpering and squirming. He slid a finger in and began to slowly finger fuck Cindy's ass. Cindy's fingers were beginning to tease her own clit as she slurped and ate Richie's cock. In just a matter of minutes it was obvious that Cindy was getting close to orgasm once again. She ground back against Michael's fingers. He was now fucking her ass with three oily fingers. Her ass raised high, Cindy held herself erect with one hand, propped on three pillows, and rubbed her clit with the other hand. Richie had two handfuls of her hair and was literally fucking her in the mouth. Michael eased his cock up against his wife's tight, puckered asshole. She squealed, the sound muffled by Richie's thick cock and rocked back to force the head of Michael's dick into her ass. Cindy sucked and licked the cock in her mouth, while easing slowly back to take in more and more of the shaft of Michael's dick. Finally she was completely stuffed at both ends. Richie fucked her mouth, Michael fucked her ass and Cindy fingered her own clit.

She was dying. It was that good. Cindy would concentrate for a few moments on Richie's fat, steaming cock in her mouth, rolling her tongue over the head, slurping up and down the shaft, and just sucking as if to draw the cum from his huge balls dangling before her face. Then Cindy would concentrate on impaling herself on her husband's cock, now deeply imbedded in her ass. That sensation, in itself, never failed to make her come quickly. Her earlier torrent of orgasms was all that made it possible for her to last this long. Cindy was greedily eating up all this fucking. Two cocks! It was entirely too good! She fucked and sucked and fucked and sucked. Then she sucked and wiggled just a little too much.

Michael was the first to cave. Watching Cindy's mouth filled with his buddy's dick was more than he could stand, especially coupled with the delicious sensation of Cindy's hot, tight butthole sucking and squeezing his hard dick. He pumped hard against her and thick gobs of cum spewed deep into her rectum. Michael gripped her ass cheeks and groaned from the depths of his chest. The orgasm went on and on and on.

The sensation of Michael's cum spurting deep in her bowels triggered Cindy's orgasm. No, not just an orgasm, she was washed over again and again with them. The scream was funneled into her lips and tongue, both in contact with the big, hard dick belonging to her friend, Richie. That shriek vibrating against his cock was the catalyst for Richie's orgasm. As Michael's thrusting was starting to slow a bit, and as Cindy's orgasms just kept rolling on, Richie shuddered and began to fill Cindy's mouth far past overflowing with his own cum. She was still shrieking with her mouth full, strumming her orgasming clit and wiggling against Michael's slowly softening dick. Richie's cum spilled all down Cindy's chin and dropped in globules onto the bedsheets.

Michael fell to the bed first. Cindy finally stopped spasming and, swallowing Richie's semen as best she could, dropped all the way onto her belly. Richie slowly collapsed forward and the three lay, bodies entwined in a jumble, on the bed. They were completely spent...for the moment.

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