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Merna's Story Pt. 04


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"Merna, I am going to adjust your robe to see what a head shot would look like," Charles queried.

"Do anything you please," I said with a demure expression. "And fell free to tell me exactly what you want. Just realize I have no idea what that is so use small words."

Charles laughed as he draped the robe off my shoulder and showed a lot of cleavage. I had my arm folded under my tits to push them up as much as I could. I had decided that being only a D cup was my biggest problem. I wanted him to know how accommodating I could be and I realized I really wanted to do this.

He again used the viewfinder, adjusting my position several time, face on, and from both sides. As he moved by body from side to side the bottom of the robe gap open more and more. I was sure Bertha was getting a good view from her angle. After what seems like 30 minutes he stood up saying, "Ok Merna moment of truth, can I see it all? If so stand up drop the robe and walk slowly across the room and back."

I stood dropping the robe with no hesitation, looked him straight in the eye giving him a coy smile. He knew the look. I walked slowly across the room and where he was standing.

"We need work on the walk before you do any runway modeling but we can work on that during photo sessions," he smiled. At that he did exactly the same thing Greta did, held both tits in his hands feeling the weight, looking for the scars then said, "Nice boob job. Wish he had gone slightly larger but really quality work. You could do nude photos without ever knowing you had any work done. Not that we are going to do nudes here. I know the policy." Charles looked at Bertha.

"Bertha, can you have someone get me the red swimsuit on the rack outside the studio?" he asked. "Merna the day will start with dresses, move to some lingerie and finish with this swimsuit. I want to see you model the suit."

He was still holding my tits as he talked and I could see he was getting hard. We smiled at each other knowing that the other was getting excited. He then had me do a 360 slowly; lightly positioning me as he wanted. Several times he grunted. Just as he finished the turn the assistant came in handed him the suit and barely looked my way like she thought 'Just another nude person'.

"Ok put this on," Charles said. I dressed in the red bikini. Charles looked appreciative saying, "This is the skimpiest outfit we will do tomorrow. Do you think you will be OK with it?"

The suite really covered more than I wanted. It did push up my breast quite nicely I thought. It showed a lot of cleavage and a little flesh mounded on the side. The thong cut bottoms left ¾ of the ass cheeks exposed but my pussy was well covered with no lips or slit showing. It was cut low but covered at least 4 inches above the lips. I was a little disappointed but looking in the mirror I had to admit it was a pretty bikini that could be worn at any beach. "No, this is no problem at all."

"Good," Charles said. "Bertha, sign her up. She will be perfect for this shoot. Have her go by the salon first and I will be ready for her at 10am. Merna, we will have a long day. We will have to take it slow. I will give you a lot of instruction on how to model. Since we will be doing dresses, lingerie and swim suits, it will take longer."

"He is just wanting to run up his bill!" Bertha said frowning at Charles. I had a feeling that they really liked each other and just poked each other.

"Bertha, Bertha, Bertha," Charles laughed. "Give it a rest. I will only bill you for 8 hours, which is about what it would take with an experienced model. But Merna, we will be late finishing tomorrow night. You will be very surprised how tiring this will be."

With that Charles got up, shook my hand, waved to Bertha, and left. Bertha said, "Want to get dressed before we do our business. You can change here or go to the dressing room down the hall. That swimsuit is just gorgeous on you by the way. We are going to sell a lot of those for the client."

"I will change here unless that bothers you," I said.

"No bother at all." So I took the suit off and redressed in my clothes. I really did not want to put the business attire back on. I needed a better wardrobe. Maybe with the earnings from this shoot I can buy clothes. As I changed I glanced at Bertha. She was enjoying the show so I took a little longer than was needed.

As I sat Bertha said, "Are you OK with the release?"

I interrupted her saying, "Yes, no problem with signing."

As I signed the release Bertha handed be a contract with terms. The terms were standard term will a daily rate of $500 per day or $250 for 4 hours. It stipulated that anything 4 hours or less would be considered half days and more than 4 hours would be a day. It also stipulated breaks. It all looked good. So I signed and handed back to Bertha.

"Here is the card for the salon," Bertha directed. "Be there at 9am as Charles directed. Don't let them do too much. Any other questions?"

"No, I am so good," I said with conviction. "I just can not tell you how much I appreciate this opportunity. I have such a good feeling about this." As I finished Greta stepped into the office.

"Merna, we are really glad to help," Bertha said with Greta by her side. "You need to start a book for modeling. Charles and Greta can help you with that. We will make sure the client will allow the photos be used for that purpose. It is usually no issues but I will check for you."

With tears in my eyes I said, "I just don't know what to say to thank you both. I have gone from desperation to excitement about my future." I hugged them both again murmuring, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

Phone sex with Rose

I got home around 7pm, went to the bedroom, removed my clothes and laid out some new toys. I received from an Internet store a small butt plug, a small bullet vibrator, a large black silicon life like vibrator, and anal lubricate. I also purchased several micro thongs. I felt my wet pussy making me want to get off right then but knew it would be better to wait until I had eaten and had a glass of wine. So I took some on the anal lubricate, messaged it into to butt hole, and placed the plug. It was shaped to stay in and be comfortable. I chose a micro thong that was a black strip that had a leather string laced over it like shoelaces. It was nothing but 3 stings laced together after it covered the clit hood. So it put pressure on the clit hood and caused the pussy lips to separate giving me a sensation every time I moved.

I went to the kitchen, poured a glass of wine and went out on the back patio to have dinner. I pretended that someone was at the edge of the woods waiting me eat dinner while wearing only the micro thong. When finished, I took my second glass of wine to the patio and slowly drank it while I thought about the day. Just thinking about the 3 people at the Bound Sisters giving me so much attention, made me hot. I closed my eyes, laid my head back with my feet probed up on the table, and slowly started rubbing my tits. They were very sensitive. At about 9, I had finished my wine ready for my vibrators. As I took the glass to the dishwasher I noticed the message waiting light. It was Rose who had called about 10 minutes earlier. She asked me to call her mobile number if I could.

It then hit me that Rose would enjoy the pleasure I was about to experience. So I went and got a towel, my vibrators and the hands free house phone. I put the towel on the couch, push aside the string covering my pussy inserting the bullet, and turned it on low. I then called Rose with the headset so my hands were free. I could feel the low vibration in my pussy, the string putting pressure on my clit hood and tension in my butt hole.

"Hello, Merna," Rose said excitedly. "I am so glad you called."

"How has your trip been?" I asked.

"So far it has really gone well," Rose explained. "I am in Washington DC at a nice hotel down town. I got here Saturday afternoon, worked all day Sunday installing my software, having everything ready to demonstrate to the customer Monday morning. The demo ran perfectly making the client very happy. They wanted a few changes which I did this afternoon and into the night. I was about to go to bed and thought I needed to call a friend."

"Rose one of these days you are going to explain to me what you do," I said.

Rose laughed, "I will do my best to explain it to you Thursday. How did your day go?"

So I told her about the day. As I got to the part about Greta holding my tits in her hand I had to rub my tits and thought of how good it felt.

"Are you OK?" Rose asked. "You went silent for a minute."

"Well, let me just say it was a very stimulating day," I said coyly. "When I got home I put a butt plug in and wearing a tight micro thong that has been stimulating me for about 2 hours. Before I called you I also put a small bullet vibrator in my pussy. I thought you might enjoy hearing me get off. Want to join in?"

"Do I?" Rose yelled. "Give me a minute to grab my travel vibrator and my headset." She was gone less than 30 seconds and said, "I am ready."

"I am going to turn my bullet up and start rubbing my tits, tell me what you are doing."

"I am laying back on the bed rubbing my puffy nipple" Rose started, "I am taking the vibrator and messaging the outside of my pussy. It is rubbing up and down on my clit."

"I just had a nice orgasm," I murmured almost inaudibility. "Rose feel great. Feel that vibrator on your clit. Can you feel it?"

"Oh, oh, oh, yea," Rose said under her breath. She was breathing harder obviously having an orgasm.

"Rose I am ready for Mister Jerome," I said. "The second vibrator I have is what they call a jumbo. It is black like Mister Jerome dick, about 7 inches long and almost as big around as Mister Jerome when he is hard, so I call this vibrator Mister Jerome. I will get Mister Jerome hard by sucking his dick until it is ready to go in my pussy. I am knelling in front of him waiting for you to talk me though getting Mister Jerome ready."

Rose started directing, "Lick with your tongue up and down the shaft." Rose paused while I did that. "Mister Jerome won the auction for me the first year Jeff and I went to Talladega. I could not take much of that dick in my pussy but I learned how he liked to be sucked. Now kiss up and down the shaft. Mister Jerome could only get the tip in my vagina so I had to make up for that by being good at sucking him off and other things. Now take just the tip in your mouth and suck it like you would a Popsicle. Start your lick at the beginning of the shaft and move to the tip increasing pressure. I found this technique the second night I was pleasuring him. The first night he directed me. Slowly take more in your month with each stroke. Move down the shaft with each thrust in your mouth and suck as you move back, increasing pressure in your mouth to the shaft."

"Oh, Rose," I said out of breath. "I just had the biggest orgasm thinking about you sucking off Mister Jerome."

"When you have the shaft as far in your mouth that is comfortable, stop and roll your tongue up and down the shaft," Rose continued. "I did this the last time I sucked him off in the bathroom at the Talladega stands. LaTonia told me to do it that way. Circle the shaft with your tongue. Now extract Mister Jerome and slowly take it back in trying to get it further down your throat, and then tongue him again up and down and around. In that bathroom, knelling in front of Mister Jerome I was able to get about 6 inches in my mouth without gagging. One more time extract Mister Jerome, this time don't hold your breath but breathe easily through your nose. Yawn as the shaft gets to the back of your throat. When his big black dick got to the edge of my gag response he shot his load in my mouth. I was able to take it all down. I think Mister Jerome is ready for pussy."

I removed the Jumbo Dildo/Vibrator and smiled. "Rose, I had so many orgasms," I said. "Did you?"

"Oh yea," Rose laughed. "That was great but we need to get Mister Jerome off. Tell me how you were able to take that Jumbo Dick in your pussy." As she talked I took off the thong, removed the bullet vibrator from my pussy and the butt plug.

"I am naked with nothing in me," I explained. "Mister Jerome is all I can take at once. I am sitting with feet on the coffee table so that I am spread as wide open as I can get."

Rose interrupted, "I am sitting on the edge of the bed, vibrator completely hidden in my vagina, rubbing my tits and clit as you talk about getting Mister Jerome all the way in. I can see myself in the hotel mirror, rubbing myself pretending that it is Mister Jerome lounged in my cavity."

"This is how Mister Jerome got it all the way that first night," I continued. "First he lubricated my pussy and his dick. I am as wet as I can be now so done. Mister Jerome then rubbed that big black penis over my clit hood. He slowly opened the slit, making the clit protrude. With that he started making me orgasm. Just like now."

Rose moaned and I knew she was with me. "Mister Jerome then rubbed his dick from the clit to my ass hole. Each time he was at the clit or my anus he hesitated and applied some pressure. Mister Jerome is oscillating over the vaginal opening. Still moving up and down but each time penetrating more into the vagina. Mister Jerome is moving in and out of the vagina with small movement. Each time it gets a little deeper into the vagina."

Rose again moaned, "Oh I can feel it too. He is getting inside me also."

"Mister Jerome is 4 inches in," I continued. "He stops, letting me get used to the girth. He sucks on my nipples while his dick rests in my pussy. I can feel the ridges on his hard dick. The blood vessel seem to be so swollen I can feel them. Mister Jerome rises off me by extending his arms changing the angle of penetration. He now pulls all the way out and back in first slowly but very rhythmically. He slowly speed up. With each thrust he gets deeper. I am now having very large and almost debilitating orgasms. My pussy is expanding with each thrust. My leg widen as much I can. I whisper to Mister Jerome, I am ready. With that with one big thrust he bangs his balls off my ass making a smack. Did you hear the smack Rose?"

"I heard (breath) the (breath) smack," Rose screamed. "Don't stop. Get Mister Jerome off. I want to feel that cum in me." So I picked up the tempo. Taking Mister Jerome all the way out shoving him all the way and each time the silicone balls bounced off my butt making a loud wet smack.

Neither us said anything. All you could hear was; Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack. I continued until I could not take it anymore. "Mister Jerome is now filling our pussies with his cum," I continued saying. "It is running down my legs and feels so good."

"I am full also," Rose said. We were both quiet for several minutes just listening to each other get our breathing under control. "While, that was great," Rose finally said.

"Yep," I followed up. "Really not much more to say but sleep well and I will see you Thursday."

"Good night," Rose cooed. With that I cleaned my toys and went to bed as usual in the nude enjoying the feel of my own juices.

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