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Metalwear Pt. 05

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Gynoid at Comic-Con.
13.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/09/2021
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Metalwear, Part 5

(Fetish, android, gynoid, lesbian, bondage, sissy, reluctant)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read the previous chapters, first.

Synopsis: Marla designs exotic and erotic fashions, with Kelly's able assistance. Gynoid at Comic-Con

Comic-con was coming up, and Marla was so very excited; she actually rented a private jet so they could travel to the big San Diego Comic-Con with Kelly in the complete suit. There'd be no issues with TSA. Kelly was relieved, at least by that aspect.

Marla saw it as the perfect opportunity to really demonstrate the gynoid outfit, with its high-tech helmet, and make a huge splash. The publicity would be over the top and worth a fortune, she maintained.

When Marla told her partner of her plans, Kelly baulked at wearing the helmet for the duration. She could understand the value of wearing it on the convention floor, but full-time?

It all led to as big a fight as they'd ever experienced. Neither of them would budge on their stand. Marla insisted, and Kelly refused.

She absolutely hated the idea of being locked into the gynoid suit, day and night for the whole trip. They'd be gone for several days! She couldn't even imagine being locked into the helmet for that long!

When she'd originally tested that head piece. She didn't feel human. She truly did feel like a robot. And that really scared her. It was too spooky for words. She hadn't been able to describe that impression to Marla or anyone else, for that matter.

She tried her best to explain how isolating and dehumanizing it felt to wear the thing. But Marla countered that those were intended aspects of the design. The wearer should feel like an automaton. It was one of the selling points. Part of the exotic and erotic alure.

Kelly couldn't really come to terms with that. Even though she had enjoyed the sex when she'd worn the thing, she had never grown comfortable with it. Not like she'd grown to accept the suit, itself. Of course, she'd worn the suit for much longer periods.

Angry with her lover, Kelly had actually run away, literally. She'd left the building, gotten into her car and driven off, leaving Marla, stunned, behind. That had never happened before, either.

Kelly had driven aimlessly for a while and then pulled over at a forested park, where, when she and Marla were students, they had often visited to relax and unwind.

And that's what Kelly did, on that day.

After several hours of internal debate, she came to realize that she loved Marla, with all of her faults, fetishes and demands, too much to break things off. There was the company too, to consider. And, she concluded that she did indeed enjoy, in some perverse way, her role as Marla's obedient sexual partner, and plaything. After all Marla had never hurt her. Her lover wasn't a sadist.

And Kelly knew that she was, at least when it came to her love life, happily docile and passive. She actually preferred sex that way.

After calming herself and coming to terms with her relationship, Kelly went home to find Marla a nervous, and tearful wreck.

As soon as Kelly walked in the door, Marla grabbed her, hugging and kissing. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for pushing you so hard. I know I go overboard, and I can't blame you for being angry with me. Please tell me you forgive me."

Kelly was surprised and touched. She'd never seen Marla so miserable.

As she held her lover, in between kisses, Kelly soothed her. "I forgive you lover. It's okay. I know how much you love your designs, and I really do love wearing them for you. It's just sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. If you really want me to wear the gynoid outfit, I will."

"Really?" Marla said, clearly relieved, as she pulled Kelly into yet another hug and long passionate kiss.

After a while, they wandered into the bedroom and made love, passionately and happily. All was forgiven, and they resumed their loving relationship.

It was a couple days later, the morning of the flight, when Kelly allowed Marla to dress her in the gynoid outfit, with its helmet secured in place.

Kelly, though was still not looking forward to the trip and she made it clear. Despite all of her self-examination and their great make-up loving, she remained dejected.

When Marla put the helmet on her, Kelly tried again to beg her way out, but it did no good.

"I thought we'd agreed that you'd wear the whole suit. Now stop your whining." Marla scolded.

But when Kelly persisted in her complaining, Marla really became angry. So much so, that she actually demonstrated one of the heretofore unmentioned capabilities of the helmet's sophisticated AI management system. She added several words to the voice computer's 'vocal exclusion and override list'. From that point on, whenever the system detected Kelly say the word 'Kelly' the system would relay 'Gynoid' to the outside speakers. And that's what people would hear. She applied that same rule to several similar words; 'I', 'me', 'my', and so on.

With those settings in place, when Kelly tried to say, "I am hungry", the outside world heard "Gynoid is hungry", or when she begged "take my helmet off", it came out as "take Gynoid's helmet off".

Hearing her gynoid self, Kelly went absolutely insane -- she was so very angry and frustrated by it all. And when she cursed, Marla scolded her for her behavior and then added those words to the exclusion list, so the world would no longer heard her curse.

When she resorted to simply screaming, Marla just cut her off completely. No sounds were relayed out of the helmet's speakers. When Kelly realized what her lover had done, she almost went completely postal and attacked her. Almost. She regained her composure, when Marla instead of backing away, stepped up and hugged her and began speaking to her in a calm and loving voice.

"Kelly, my love. Please relax. I know it's difficult. But I know you can do this, and I really think we need to do it this way. I need to know if you can live like this. We need to know for the business, and I'm excited to learn how it will be to live with a Gynoid. It really turns me on."

Kelly just stared at her, calmer, but still confused and uncertain. She realized that, behind her eye shield, Marla couldn't see her expression. And with the speakers turned off, Kelly couldn't talk to her.

After a minute, Marla continued. "Yes, my love. I'm so horny right now that I can hardly stand it. You're so sexy and beautiful, like this. It makes me love you even more."

At that, Kelly discovered that crying inside the helmet was a terrible idea. She couldn't wipe away the tears or blow her nose. So, things got really messy.

Marla then made the adjustments that allowed Kelly to speak, and the first thing she did was beg to be let out so she could clear her eyes. Marla agreed immediately and consolingly used her handkerchief to lovingly and gently wash her lover's eyes and face. But then she returned the helmet to cover Kelly's head and face. And Kelly allowed it, realizing how much Marla loved her, and how much she loved Marla.

Kelly did appreciate the private jet experience. It was wonderfully luxurious, and the crew was attentive and totally accepting of their unusual passenger.

She wished she wasn't so handicapped by her outfit. She could have really enjoyed the ride. It did make it easier to get comfortable. And she didn't have to deal with the usual stares and comments. So that was another win.

As soon as they were in the air, prepared for several hours of boring flight Marla pulled out her computer and began working.

Kelly hadn't even brought hers, as she didn't expect to get much work done. So, she opened a book and tried to read. But with the plane's lighting turned down low, and her vision reduced by the mirrored visor, she couldn't focus properly.

Marla noticed her close her book and toss it onto an empty seat, nearby. It was clear that Kelly was upset.

"Why don't you just get some sleep. Its's going to be a busy day tomorrow and a long week."

"Oh, Gynoid doesn't know. Gynoid is not that tired." Kelly said, and she grew more upset by her speech pattern.

"Tell you what. I'll pump some soothing white noise and nice background music through your helmet. It should help you sleep."

"Gynoid didn't know you could do that."

"Well, you know the system can be adjusted remotely, I did it with your speech patterns."

"Oh, yah. That. Gynoid is still pissed about that."

"Well, I can also pipe music through that same connection. Here, listen." And she typed a few commands into her computer.

A moment later a mellow jazz playlist filled her ears. And it sounded good and relaxing.

"How's that?"

"Nice, perhaps Gynoid will catch a nap."

With that she adjusted her seat so she could lay back even farther, and tried to relax.

When Kelly woke up, Marla was talking to her, telling her they were about to land in San Diego.

She'd slept the entire time and felt much better. Refreshed and ready for the convention.

"How are you feeling? I just turned off the music and white noise." Marla asked casually.

"Gynoid didn't hear a thing, with that sound system. Gynoid slept well and feels fine. Gynoid is ready to face the masses." Kelly said, but as she spoke, she could still hear the slight echo of the robotic voice, it's silly little-girl sound and the modified words. It remained both disconcerting and disgusting. But she was stuck with it.

She sat up and adjusted her seat. She was becoming used to her Gynoid outfit. It was still restrictive and she certainly couldn't move like a normal woman, but her body had accustomed itself to the limitations imposed upon it by Marla's design.

Marla smiled at her. "Buckle yourself in, we'll be landing soon." She then leaned in and gave her a kiss, that she couldn't feel, through her metal covering, and then Marla moved back to her seat and settled in, herself.

Kelly turned back and began looking out the cabin window. She could make out the outskirts of San Diego, sliding past, beneath them. She could hear the plane's landing gear deploying and the change in pitch of the airplane's engines.

As she watched out the window, she resignedly began preparing herself for the days ahead. The convention, and the crowds, and her role as an Gynoid, showing off Marla's creation. Here at the convention full of costumed fans, she figured she'd fit right in. She hoped that would be the case, anyway.

From the moment they stepped off the plane and into the private terminal, Kelly was on display. And everyone she saw seemed fascinated. She could see their reactions, the men stared and practically drooled. It was the same with many of the women too.

Now, under these circumstances, Kelly really did appreciate the protection the helmet afforded her. As no one could see her face, no one could identify her. She was totally anonymous, and she found that as such, she didn't mind playing her role as much as when she wore the thing around the office. There, the staff all knew who she was, and that embarrassed the hell out of her. Even though they all understood and appreciated her outfit.

Out in public though, no one knew her. She was just a sexy android. It made it so much easier for her to accept the stares and comments, and to either ignore them, or oddly enough, enjoy them.

As she walked, slowly through the building, her confidence grew. It wasn't as difficult as Japan had been.

The limo was waiting at the curb, and from her experience over there, she had a lot less trouble maneuvering herself into the thing.

They arrived at the convention center a short time later, and immediately caused a stir. Even though the event wasn't yet in full swing, excited fans were hanging around the building, and they swarmed the gorgeous gynoid as she walked through the building's doorway. Marla flashed her 'vendor' badge to the security team as they paraded in.

Only the vendors and organizers were inside. There, everyone was getting set up, so the numbers were relatively small, but they too weren't immune from staring at the spectacle.

Marla and Kelly stood around their booth as the company's own crew set up the signs and displays, all touting the sexy Metalwear line of clothes. It wasn't really normal Comic-Con product, but the exotic nature of their clothes did allow them to fit in.

Of course, compared to a lot of the other displays, theirs drew massive interest. As did the live, sexy and beautiful Gynoid.

Throughout the next few hours, it seemed that every other vendor's staff stopped by their booth to check them out. It gave Kelly some idea of how things would go over the next few days. And that made her very anxious.

Several times Kelly thought she felt someone grope her, but covered in her Metalwear, she couldn't really tell.

She realized that she'd been correct in her suspicions. when she stood in front of the big mirror that was part of their booth. The marketing crew had included it in the display so when the gynoid stood in front of it, passersby would be able to see her back.

When Gynoid stood facing the mirror, she could see people passing behind her and all too often they'd reach out rub her ass! Like she was some good luck statue in Prague.

She swung around in time to catch one guy, and he at least blushed as she said. "Keep your hands off Gynoid!"

But several of the folks around them, laughed, at the sound of her robotic, Marylin Monroe voice.

She turned to Marla who had obviously seen the incident.

"This is going to be a long and painful event. And Gynoid's not going to like it!" Kelly said to her.

Marla smiled. "Oh, come on. We're here to show off, and the more attention we draw, the better it will be for our business; our sales numbers."

"We're here to show off? You mean Gynoid is here to be shown off."

"Well, yes. Show you off, the beautiful and sexy Gynoid. Let them touch. You can't feel it. No harm."

"But Marla..."

"Oh, come on, perform as a good android."

"What?" Kelly said.

"You heard me." Marla said, with an edge to her voice, before turning to speak to some visitor.

From then on, Kelly tried her best to be friendly with those who stopped by. Many prompted her with questions, and she tried to answer the serious ones. A couple of times, when she ignored some creep, Marla stepped in and demanded that she respond. Those incidences were annoying and embarrassing.

Everyone she spoke to, was delighted by her sexy voice and her speech patterns. Always referring to herself in the third-person; 'Gynoid this and Gynoid that.'

It was humiliating, but as she had no control over it. All she could do was grow frustrated and keep at it.

When it got late and they hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, Kelly began complaining and Marla agreed that dinner was in order. They abandoned the convention floor and headed out of the building to find a restaurant. Of course, they drew attention as they walked past the crowds, down the street. Kelly was relieved that one of their booth's security guards followed them, as they worked their way along.

Marla laughed as someone driving by got so distracted, they rear-ended the car stopped in front of them.

As in the convention center, everyone seemed to have their cell phone out, snapping her picture or filming her a she walked past.

Marla noticed. "See how great this is for us? I'll bet a lot of those photos and videos will be all over social media, tonight. A ton of free publicity!"

"Gynoid understands. And you're right. Gynoid is sure her picture will be very popular on the web."

Kelly was pleased when her outfit got them preferential seating at a nice restaurant on the pier. Spotting her, the hostess stepped over smiling broadly, grabbed her hand, and led her and Marla past a dozen others to a table in the middle of the floor. She apparently knew an attention getter when she saw one.

As they scanned their menus, Kelly realized that she had a big problem. She'd never eaten out before while in her Gynoid helmet. And now she realized the horrible challenge she faced.

"Marla, Gynoid can't eat in Gynoid's helmet." She tried to whisper to Marla, but it came out at the normal volume level, anyway, and several people at adjacent tables looked her way.

"Sure, you can, my dear." Marla answered flippantly.

"Won't you remove Gynoid's helmet, so Gynoid can eat?"

Marla looked at her for a moment. Then spoke out clearly "No Gynoid I won't. You can't exist without your head. I will feed you like I normally do."

Kelly almost died of embarrassment. She was sure that everyone around them had heard the exchange. She was relieved just a little that no one could see her blush.

When the waitress arrived, Marla ordered a full dinner, and then turned to Kelly. "What have you found to eat, my dear?" she asked casually.

"Gynoid would like a bowl of tomato soup and could Gynoid have just a side of mac-and-cheese?"

The waitress chuckled. "Is that all you'd like? No main course?"

Marla broke in. "Her ability to chew is very limited. Isn't it dear?"

"Yes. Gynoid can only eat soft foods." Kelly answered, hesitantly. She had grown used to answering questions like that while on the convention floor, and despite her surroundings, she continued to respond as Marla demanded.

The waitress laughed, and walked away shaking her head.

The meal was as big a humiliating chore as Kelly expected it would be.

Marla didn't make things any easier for her.

She did pull out Gynoid's drinking straw and present it to her so she could drink her wine. But she also made Kelly open her own mouth hatch so that she, Marla, could spoon feed her.

Partway through the meal, Kelly felt her bladder begin to beg for relief. She realized that she hadn't visited a bathroom all day, and that she really needed to make the trip. From past experience she knew that it would be a troublesome process. Even when she was only wearing the suit, and not the helmet, it was difficult and all too often messy. At home or in her office, she could, deal with it, barely, but in a public restroom, it would be hell. Especially with the helmet limiting her vision.

Terrified of the situation, she turned to Marla. "Gynoid must use the bathroom." Of course, since she had no control over her volume, she was immediately embarrassed by the thought of the people around here overhearing her announcement.

Marla, looked at her and smiled. "Well, go ahead."

"Marla, please help Gynoid. You know how much trouble Gynoid has with that process." As her words were broadcast, Kelly looked around and noticed several people glancing their way, smiling scornfully. Shit!

Marla sighed, and shook her head sadly, "oh, all right, let's go. But close your mouth, first."

Kelly, again embarrassed, reached up and slid the cover closed over her mouth. Before standing and following Marla to the ladies' room.

The room itself was small, with only three stalls.

Two women were at the sinks, preening, as they entered and both stopped and stared as Gynoid entered.

Marla grabbed her elbow and led her into the larger, handicapped stall, which thankfully was available. Inside she closed and latched the door, and silently waved Kelly to the toilet.

Kelly opened her front hatch, sat and peed. The difficult, almost impossible part was next. With a restricted arm and gloved hand, she laboriously peeled off a wad of paper from the dispenser and then felt around clumsily for her open crotch. She fumbled around, as she always did, until she felt the contact with her pussy. After wiping, she stood and worriedly asked Marla, "did Gynoid get it all?"

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