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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 04


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And then the foot sweat, her magical scent, Mia's intoxicating pheromones entered Tom's nostrils deeper, heavier, permeating through his mind, body and soul. In this moment, he would do anything this Goddess told him to, and with a smile on his face.

"Yes, my Goddess, I will oink as loud as I can!", Tom confidently confirmed to Mia. She smiled in response, and then looked at Ethan. "And I hope I don't have to tell you, Ethan, that you are supposed to do the exact same thing?", she asked.

"Oihhnk!" replied Ethan, Mia's left foot still in his mouth, so his oinking was still muffled.

Tom's thrusts were becoming increasingly frenzied, the scent of Mia's foot wafting up into his nostrils, fueling his lust. He could feel his climax approaching, an impending explosion that threatened to consume him whole. Ethan's ass tightened on his cock, and the pressure built around it felt as though the dam holding back his semen was about to burst.

"O-Oink!" Tom managed to utter, his voice quivering with anticipation.

The scent of Mia's deific foot filled his nose again, intoxicating him, heightening his senses. "Oink!" he uttered, his voice sounding strangely like a pig's squeal. "Oink, oink, oink!"

Ethan, sensing the urgency in Tom's voice, matched his oinks.

"Oink, oink, oink!"

The sound echoed through the auditorium, resonating with the mounting tension in the air. The pair's synchronicity was nothing short of miraculous, their mutual desire for release palpable.

Mia looked Tom deep in his eyes. She mouthed off one simple word, without a sound.


And then the dam broke.

Tom let out a roar of pleasure, his body arching as he emptied his seed into Ethan's willing hole. His cock pulsated, spasming with each subsequent deposit, the sensation overwhelming and utterly euphoric. At the same time Ethan's cock has begun to cum as well, white liquid spraying everywhere. Both boys still had Mia's bewitching feet in their mouths.

"OINK, OINK, OINK!" Ethan screamed.

"OINK, OINK, OINK!" Tom joined him.

And they were still cumming.

Ethan and Tom were connected by the sheer force of Mia's feet, oinking and moaning in unison. The scent of sex, lust, and Mia's foot sweat filled the air, creating a heady mix that intoxicated both boys.

Mia watched the scene unfold before her, her left foot still in Ethan's mouth and her right foot under Tom's nose. She couldn't help but laugh at the two men, who were oinking like pigs and cumming simultaneously. It was a sight to behold, a testament to her power and influence over their desires.

Ethan's body shook with each powerful thrust, his ass clenching around Tom's cock as he continued to fill him with his seed. His oinks became louder and more frantic, his voice cracking with desperation.

"OINK, OINK, OINK!!!" Both boys shouted as loud as they could.

Ethan screamed, his cries echoing through the auditorium. His eyes rolled back in his head, his body convulsing with pleasure, as his cock still spurted streams of hot semen.

Mia looked upon the scene with satisfaction, her perfect feet still in the mouths of Tom and Ethan. She could feel their combined arousal, their need for her growing stronger and more insistent. She reveled in the power held by her over these two individuals, the intensity of their desires amplified by her presence.

"Look at how beautifully you two are coming together," Mia murmured with a voice like a soothing balm amidst the frenzy of pleasure. "Your bodies united, your minds entwined."

Her godly feet remained between their faces, their sweet, eager kisses peppering her soles. She could feel their fervent need for her, their devotion unwavering.

"Oink oink oink!" Tom and Ethan cried simultaneously, their voices harmonizing in a symphony of animalistic pleasure. Mia smiled approvingly, her left foot nestled between Ethan's lips and her right foot nestled between Tom's.

Their orgasm slowly subsided, with the last spurts from Tom going into Ethan's ass and the last spurts from Ethan landing on the cold floor beneath them.

"Look at you two," she mused. "You're both addicted to my incredibly alluring pheromones, aren't you?"

"Oihhhnk," Ethan mumbled, his voice muffled by Mia's foot.

"Mmmhmm," Tom agreed, his voice barely audible.

"Well, I must admit," Mia purred, locking her gaze on both of them. "I'm enjoying this too. Watching you two get lost in the moment," Mia confessed, her right foot pressing lightly against Tom's chin. "It makes me feel even more powerful, knowing that I can control your lives so easily."

Tom couldn't help but agree. The scent of Mia's heavenly foot had overwhelmed him, clouding his judgment and turning him into a slave to her whims. His cock twitched involuntarily, the remnants of his orgasm still fresh in his memory.

She could feel Ethan's tongue dancing along her toes, his hunger for her essence undeniable. Meanwhile, her right foot rested gently against Tom's chin, his eager kisses peppering her instep.

Slowly, Tom pulled out his cock out of Ethan's ass, some of his cum spilling on the floor.

Mia looked at him and asked directly: "So, Tom, what do you think? Did you orgasmed more because of Ethan's ass or because of my feet?" she smirked, her feet continuing to tease Ethan and Tom. She clearly understood what they meant to them.

"Uhh..." Tom tried to gather his thoughts after experiencing mind-numbing pleasure, he glanced briefly at Ethan before returning his gaze to Mia. "Of course it was because of your feet, Mia."

"I thought so," she purred, her silky right foot pressing harder against Tom's chin. "Now, Ethan, I have the same question for you. I know Tom fucking you was your ultimate fantasy. But what made you come more? Fulfilling it or licking my foot sweat?", Mia asked.

Ethan swallowed nervously, his gaze flitting between Mia and Tom. He felt her foot resting between his lips, and he knew that she was watching him closely. The scent of her foot nectar filled his lungs, a potent reminder of how deeply he desired her.

"It was your foot sweat, Mia," Ethan finally admitted, quivering slightly. "My ultimate fantasy may have been Tom fucking me, but it was your feet, your sweat, your pheromones, that truly brought me to life-changing, insane pleasure."

Mia smiled broadly, her left foot still resting on Ethan's face. "I knew it," she said. "I am the one you crave, the one you desire."

Both of Mia's feet danced tantalizingly between Ethan's and Tom's faces, their scent permeating the air, a potent aphrodisiac. But before she could have build their excitement back up, she decided against it. After all, they just had an incredible orgasm. And she was starting to get bored of them.

Mia finally decided to take both of her feet out of the boys' mouths. Ethan and Tom were sexually satisfied right now.

"Tom, go kneel besides my throne for now and rest. And Ethan", the brunette turned her gaze to him, "You will go back to being a part of my human carpet. Lie down, face towards the floor".

"Yes, Goddess", Ethan replied.

Mia watched him as he was returning to his previous position, somewhat slowly, with both pain and pleasure painting the expression on his face. His penis was now soft, although dirty from his own cum. As he was getting ready to get down lower, on his belly, he noticed the pool of semen right in the spot he was supposed to lay at. It was probably his own, maybe mixed a little bit with Tom's, as he remembered the feeling of his lover's white liquid coming out of his ass as the blonde-haired classmate took his member out of him.

Ethan hesitated a little bit and quickly glanced at Mia. The girl gave him an expectant look. "Ah, fuck it," he thought, and without any further protest laid down, smearing the white worship puddle on his body.

Mia smiled. And the she pondered another scheme in her head. A grand project, worthy of a Goddess like her. The plan that she thought of in this moment was a wicked one, in her mind worthy of finalizing this insane day - a day that she herself orchestrated, from top to bottom.

She finally rested on the details of her idea and stood up from her chair, her 'throne'. It's time to do one, final crescendo. She looked at the human carpet before her, with arrogant expression on her beautiful face. And then she decided to make all of her 25 slaves cum at the same time.

"My human carpet", she exclaimed. "While you're laying on your stomachs, I want you to repeat the pathetic stimulation you were using before. Hump the floor, like the lowest of worms that you are, no touching your genitals with your hands. You are forbidden to look up, just focus on humping. And while you do it, you will occasionally catch the whiff of my foot pheromones and see my perfect feet in your view. Understood?" Mia asked sternly.

"Wait, me too?" Asked Ethan. "I just fulfilled my fantasy and had the biggest orgasm in my life..."

"Yes, you too. Trust me, you'll manage," Mia smiled to herself. "I repeat the question. Understood, slaves?" Her voice commanded authority.

"Yes, Goddess," all the students desperately replied in unison.

Mia smirked, her amazing feet wandering in front of her human carpet. She could feel their hungry stares, their eagerness to worship her once again. The anticipation was building, and she relished the feeling of power coursing through her veins.

"Good," Mia said, dripping with arrogance. "Now - hump. And remember, you will occasionally be able to smell my foot pheromones and see my gorgeous feet. Don't forget, you are my slaves, and I expect obedience. If you disobey my orders or fail to perform, you will suffer the consequences."

Her words echoed throughout the auditorium, her tone of voice intimidating and assertive. The collective groans emanating from the students on the human carpet grew louder as they began to thrust their hips against the cold, hard floor. Every now and then, a faint whiff of Mia's bewitching foot pheromones wafted through the air, teasing their nostrils and driving them wild with desire.

Mia sauntered across the floor, her feet delicately tapping it. Her gaze swept over the writhing mass of humanity at her feet, and she couldn't help but chuckle at their pathetic attempts to appease her.

"Ah, my faithful slaves," she teased. "Is that the best you can do?" she taunted, her shapely feet in front of the pathetic mass of her slaves. "Not even a hint of enthusiasm?"

"Goddess, please," one of the slaves begged, humping hard. "We're trying our best, we promise."

"Oh, I believe you," Mia purred, her gaze sweeping over the group. "But perhaps I should provide a bit more incentive."

With that, Mia stopped before some of them, in the middle of her slave carpet, and extended her right foot, allowing the closest to her to look at it. And when she wiggled her toes, her foot pheromones permeated nostrils of the mass of humanity that currently humped the hard, cold floor beneath her.

"Worship the ground I walk on!" shouted Mia to her slaves.

"Ohh Mia! We worship the ground you walk on!" Some of the human carpet replied, all of them still humping and now kissing and licking the cold, hard, dark floor. Their desperate pleas reflected their submission to Mia's godly power.

Slaves, while licking the ground, were starting to imagine it to be Mia's deific foot. Their tongues flicked and darted, savoring the taste of the damp tiles as they now literally worshipped the ground she walked on. Mia stood tall, watching her disciples. The spectacle was truly something to behold.

Claire, the blue-haired girl, moaned loudly as she licked the hard floor, pretending it to be Mia's foot. She was entranced by the vision of Her feet. The scent of Them wafted through the air, and Claire could almost taste the divine essence on her tongue. "Mia's feet taste amazing!" She shouted. "I can taste them!" The other slaves looked at Claire, their lust-filled eyes widening in disbelief. Mia, standing tall and proud, smirked at the sight of her devoted followers.

"Oh, Claire. You've got such a naughty imagination." She watched the blue-haired girl lick the floor, her tongue darting between the tiles. Claire moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back in delight.

"Does it taste good, Claire?" Mia asked teasingly. Claire whimpered, her tongue swiping faster at the cold surface. "Yes, Mia!" she gasped. "Your feet taste amazing!"

Mia laughed, her foot wiggling tantalizingly close to Claire's face. "Are you sure you're tasting my feet, Claire?" she chuckled. "Remember, you're only worshipping the floor." The room fell silent, save for the heavy breathing and occasional moan rising from the human carpet. Mia's gaze locked onto Claire, who stared back at her intensely, her tongue now black from all the dirt and filth.

"Maybe I should offer a reward for those who can convince me they're tasting my foot," Mia whispered seductively. "After all, I would hate to deprive my most dedicated worshippers of a genuine experience."

Mia's eyes scanned the crowd, her gaze lingering on the faces of those eagerly awaiting her decision. She allowed her fingers to trace the contours of her perfectly shaped foot, contemplating what pleasures she could bestow upon her most ardent devotees.

"What say you, Jack?" Mia suddenly called out. "You were the first to fall, after all. How does my foot taste?" She asked him mockingly, as he too was licking the dirty floor, the same as Claire. "Do you think you can taste my foot?" Mia challenged Jack, her tone flirtatious yet commanding. "Tell me, Jacky boy, what does my lovely foot taste like?" she coaxed him, her right foot now dangerously close to his face. "Think carefully now, Jack. Are you truly experiencing the taste of my divine foot, or is it just an illusion created by your fevered imagination?"

Jack's tongue paused mid-lick. He could sense the intensity of Mia's gaze, her questioning stare seemingly boring into his very soul. "Mia," he breathed. "I believe I can taste your foot."

"Really, Jack?" Mia drawled, her tone laced with amusement. "Describe it for me then. Describe my glorious foot," Mia prodded Jack. "Tell me everything you're tasting, dear disciple."

Jack gulped, his heart pounding furiously within his chest. "Mia," he began, his voice quivering with awe and reverence. "Your foot tastes...divine. It''s indescribable."

"Indescribable?" Mia raised an eyebrow and as she spoke her tone was laden with skepticism. "Come now, Jack. Surely you can do better than that. I've heard many tales of great passion and adoration from my slaves, but yours seems rather lacking. You lack creativity. Same as in the library yesterday. Remember that? Seems like a lifetime ago, now, doesn't it?"

He didn't know what to say. He just wasn't that bright. The raven-haired Goddess sighed.

"Well, it can't be helped, I suppose. Maybe someone else, then. Kyle? What about you? Can you taste my foot?" Mia asked the dark-skinned boy.

Kyle never liked public speaking, but Mia's feet had a way of bringing out the deepest desires within him. He gulped nervously, his heart hammering in his chest. "Mia," he stammered. "I...uh..."

"Take your time, Kyle," Mia reassured him gently. "There's no rush. Just take your time and describe the taste of my foot as best you can," Mia encouraged Kyle.

And then he did it.

"Mia," Kyle managed to whisper, shaking with nerves. "Your foot ambrosia. Like a divine gift sent from the heavens themselves. That's how my mind interprets the sensation of your foot gracing my tongue. My entire consciousness seemed to have shifted into overdrive, as if every nerve ending was set ablaze by the your holy touch".

"Quite nice. I'm rather impressed" Mia responded to him. And then she grinned mischievously.

"Unfortunately you're denied licking my real foot, same as Clair. Your devotion and imaginations are commendable but you can thank Jack's lack of these traits for not tasting my feet once again. While all of you continue to lick the hard, dirty floor, hoping to taste my divine foot, you will derive your enjoyment just from looking at it". Mia explained, looking at Kyle with an arrogant grin.

"From now on, all of you will learn to enjoy the mere visual aspect of my exquisite feet. Because, honestly, that's all you deserve." She lifted her left foot high, presenting it to the room. The scent of her divine foot hung heavily in the air, a tantalizing lure for all those present. "Feast your eyes on this," she proclaimed. "This is all you get right now. The mere sight of my feet will be enough to bring you pleasure. So, don't be shy. Look at them. Worship them. Long for them. But don't ever dare try to touch them without proper permission." The tension in the air thickened, as the students continued to worship the floor, longing for Mia's feet.

As they continued to thrust and writhe, she watched them with amusement. Their addiction to her foot pheromones was evident; their lustful glances at her delicate soles betrayed their longing to taste her essence once more.

She then looked at Tom, who was still resting from his orgasm moments ago, when he fucked Ethan. The same Ethan who was fucking the floor right now, with the rest of her minions.

"Tom, hand me my boots", instructed Mia. Tom instantly complied with her demand and, still pretty tired, crawled towards her footwear. He grabbed her black combat boots, trying his hardest to not indulge in them, fighting the battle in his mind between the desire to obey her command and the desire to smell more of her amazing scent. He was close to losing this battle, to losing to temptation, but he finally managed to get close enough to his Goddess, that he just extended his hands in which he was holding the objects of his desire, offering them to her.

The young, dark-haired temptress watched his struggle with amusement. When she finally took her boots from him, she just patted him on his head and ordered him to crawl back under her throne. Tom obeyed.

"Now, you pathetic worms", said Mia to a humping human carpet. "Indulge yourselves with my boots. One for you, Jack, as you are the starting point of my carpet, and one for you, Ethan, as you are the ending point of my carpet. After I snap my fingers you have to pass my boots on, to your neighbor" Mia commanded.

"You can smell them, lick them, touch them, play with them, and enjoy the aroma of my divine feet. Just remember to watch out for my snapping."

Mia's boots were tall, thigh-high, and black, with shiny buckles adorning their sides. They were worn leather, with intricate designs carved into the surface. The scent of her holy feet lingered within, a potent reminder of Mia's power over her worshippers.

The first slave, Jack, eagerly took one of the boots that Mia offered him, clutching it tightly as if afraid it would disappear. He inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating scent of Mia's heavenly feet, and began to kiss it passionately. "Mmm," he moaned, his voice a soft murmur against the leather. "Thank you, Goddess."

Mia didn't pay him any attention, as she walked down towards Ethan with her second boot. Once she stood before him, Ethan was still pathetically humping the floor, the same as the rest of her carpet - now smearing the already present pool of cum from earlier all over himself.

"I told you you'll manage" Mia said to him with a smirk, watching his humiliating display.

"Yes, Goddess, thank you, Goddess, you are always right," replied Ethan. And then she gave him her other boot. He clung to it passionately, instantly kissing and licking all over it, with furious passion. It was poetic, in some sense. Him, worshipping those boots - it's the same way his new God revealed herself to him, just a couple of hours ago in a classroom.

Mia returned to the middle of the carpet, the petite red-headed Sylvia, who was always too sensitive to sexual stimulation, was laying right in front of her. Sylvia tried with all her power not to cum once again, as she knew that The Goddess didn't want her to do it and that she would have to wait for her signal.

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