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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 04

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Mia orders her foot slaves to form a human carpet.
16k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 02/01/2024
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Chapter 4: Her carpet

Summary (don't read it if you want a completely spoiler-free experience!): Mia shocks her classmates, now her foot slaves, with the revelation of Tom sitting in a cage, also being enslaved by her. Then she orders everyone to form a human carpet for her, while she continues to dominate every one of her slaves with her foot sweat.

Mia picked up one of her black combat boots off the floor and opened up a zipper at the side of it. She picked up something from inside of, what seemed like, a secret pocket. Then she tossed her boot away without much care for it and slowly walked towards Tom's cage.

The tossed boot landed near Ethan and Mike. They both looked at each other and then crawled towards it, trying to smell the sweat of their Goddess from inside. Both of them couldn't resist it. The smell was incredible for them. Ethan was faster. He grabbed the boot with one hand and inhaled deeply. Mike saw him doing that and became envious. But Ethan wasn't done yet. He licked the sole of Goddess Mia's boot and started moaning loudly.

Mike couldn't bear it any longer. He threw himself on the boot, covering Ethan with his body, wanting to share the taste with him. The fight was inevitable. Ethan and Mike wrestled on the ground, both of them fighting for the opportunity to savor the lingering scent of Mia's Goddess-like essence. As they rolled and thrashed in desperation, their bodies entangled in a feverish dance of lust and desire, all pretense of propriety abandoned, they knew that the winner would have the chance to relive the euphoria of their previous encounter. The scent of Mia's divine sweat permeated the air, creating a haze of ecstasy that enveloped them.

Ethan and Mike grappled, clawing at each other, their hunger for the delectable aroma intensifying. Each tug and wrestle sent ripples of pain and pleasure coursing through their veins, as they reached a fever pitch of desperation. The sounds of their frantic breathing and flesh slapping against flesh filled the auditorium.

Claire, a small, blue-haired girl with glasses who was near Ethan and Mike, decided to join them, also being brought in by the irresistible scent that was coming out of Mia's combat boot. She decided that it wasn't a time to brutally fight for it, though. They were all connected in one goal, precious to them: to experience their Goddess's foot sweat. She thought that it's time to play a mediator between the fighting boys. All three of them can enjoy the holy scent of their Goddess in peace.

The girl's presence helped to calm Ethan and Mike down, redirecting their desires towards mutual pleasure rather than fierce competition. Boys kept looking at each other, silently communicating through their eyes. They understood their bond, the connection that formed between them because of their shared love for Mia and her heavenly scent. Their gazes met, acknowledging the understanding that transcended spoken words.

"Mmm... This is incredible..." Claire meanwhile moaned softly, her small fingers gently caressing the smooth leather of Mia's combat boot. Ethan and Mike shared a brief glance, their eyes locking in mutual understanding. The tension between them dissipated, replaced by a growing camaraderie born from their shared desire. Their lips parted, revealing glimpses of damp tongues eagerly anticipating the intoxicating fragrance concealed within the boot.

"Let's enjoy it together", Claire finally suggested audibly. And the boys agreed. All of them positioned the holy object of their desires, Mia's sweaty and worn out black combat boot that she tossed in their direction without much of a thought, in the center of their newly created small circle and prostrated themselves before it. After that they all started to worship the holy boot, each trying to find their spot.

Claire was on her knees, her small hands holding the boot delicately, like a fragile treasure. Her face was inside of it, she was trying to lick the leather. Mike decided to join her, also trying to fit his head inside Mia's boot. There wasn't any place left for Ethan to smell Goddess's pheromones from the most potent place of the footwear, so he decided to lick the back of it at the same time. He stuck his tongue out and moved it over the surface of the boot, rubbing it against the soft and warm leather.

Meanwhile, Mike somehow managed to lick the insole. Both of his and Claire's faces were right next to each other, their breaths mixing inside the boot, creating a mind-numbing warmth that was making it hard for them to breathe. But they didn't care. This discomfort was a very small price to pay for the chance of licking their Goddess's foot sweat.

Claire appreciated Mike's idea of licking the insole, so she tried to join him, also sticking her tongue out and helping him in the task. The two of them worked together, sliding their tongues over the texture of the combat boot's insole. The sensation of another person's tongue brushing against his own created a strange intimacy that Mike hadn't expected. The heat and moisture exchanged between them added to the intensity of the experience.

They were no longer individuals competing for a single prize, but partners sharing a sacred moment of worship. Their moans intertwined, rising in unison, as their tongues swirled across the insole, seeking to extract every last trace of Mia's ambrosial scent. "Oh, Goddess Mia," murmured trembling Claire. "Your scent fills us with such exquisite pleasure."

Ethan, watching the scene in front of him, was starting to get jealous. Firstly, because of Mike's and Claire's shared intimacy. And secondly, because of the fact that they could feel Mia's incredible smell much more than he could.

But then he got the idea. There wasn't any place for him to join in their worshipful act at the front of the boot but he himself was licking the back of it - and could try to bring the upper part of the boot down, so he'd gain access to the insole from his position, allowing him to join Claire and Mike.

With a determined look in his eyes, Ethan gripped the upper part of the boot and pulled it downwards. The soft leather bent slightly, giving him just enough space to slip his tongue underneath and taste the lingering traces of Mia's scent. As he finally slid his tongue across the insole, he felt Claire's and Mike's tongues brush against his, sending shivers down his spine.

"Oh, yes," Ethan groaned.

"We should thank you, Goddess Mia, for bringing us closer together like this." Claire chuckled softly, her voice muffled by the boot. "We should be grateful to Mia for providing us with such an intimate bonding experience."

"Amazing, isn't it?" Mike muttered, his tongue still exploring the insole. "We never thought we'd be able to appreciate each other's company in such a way."

As they continued to explore the depths of their passion, the three former rivals found solace in their newfound connection. The shared experience of worshipping Mia's divine scent brought them closer together, creating a unique bond that transcended mere physical attraction. They reveled in the knowledge that they were united in their adoration for their Goddess, and that their unity was a testament to Mia's overwhelming power.

All of this happened in a very short space of time. However, nobody else was paying the three slaves, who were joined together in their adoration, any attention at this moment. They were all focused on Tom and Mia, the latter walking towards caged blonde boy, her hips swaying hypnotically. It turned out that what Mia picked out of her secret boot pocket was a small key. The object seemed to fit the cage Tom was in perfectly.

Jack, Mia's other slave, who was now acting like her assistant and who brought out Tom's cage from behind the curtain, handed his Goddess two items. A small, 1-meter long, black colored leash and a black dog collar, not unlike the ones he and his two friends were now wearing. She put on the collar on Tom's neck and attached the leashed to it. Then, she tugged gently, signalizing to her blonde servant that it's time to move out from his place of confinement.

Mia's former classmates watched the scene with bewilderment. So that's why Tom wasn't in school today. He was already enslaved by their Goddess.

The brunette stopped, looked at Tom caringly, and said to him: "You see? You said to me that you were afraid of how others would see you, being my slave. How your reputation would be ruined if you came back to school. Well, look around you now. I don't think it's a problem anymore, my dear Tom" she said to her long-time childhood friend, who now was one of her many foot slaves.

"You see what I did? Every single person in this room is my slave, look at how they all behave. What's more, they converted willingly. Your friends and classmates have been enslaved by me already. Not even one of them hesitated. Everyone, without exception, wanted to taste my Goddess Feet."

Tom, despite the situation he was in, was looking at Mia with adoration, his eyes full of love.

He couldn't believe that Mia was truly this powerful. And he was thankful that his lifelong friend was the one to have such power. He felt safe knowing that Mia was the one in charge. He hoped that she would care for him and treat him kindly and fairly.

But maybe there was one exception, though. Sandra. But she didn't matter right now. Not to him, not to Her. "She will fall under my spell eventually," Mia thought to herself.

"This is the surprise I mentioned earlier", announced Mia loudly to the whole room of her slaves, presenting leashed Tom. Claire, Ethan and Mike turned their faces up for a moment, out of Mia's boot, to look at her as she spoke.

"And now, I want to walk on a human carpet that leads towards my chair I was sitting on earlier. Chop-chop, everyone. With faces towards the floor, so I can walk on your backs," Mia commanded to her slaves. "Understood?"

The auditorium buzzed with nervous anticipation as the twenty-five slaves, Jack and his two friends now included, scrambled to form a line on the ground underneath Mia. Claire, Ethan and Mike quickly gave up on worshipping Mia's black combat boot and also tried to find themselves a spot. Each of the slaves eagerly vied for a position closest to their Goddess's throne, their bodies contorting and twisting to create a perfect pathway for her feet. They all wanted to experience the sensation of Mia's angelic weight on their backs, the warmth of her soles brushing against their skin, and the faint scent of her sweat lingering in the air.

The line shuffled and adjusted, everyone hoping to secure a privileged spot, mere inches away from the object of their obsession.

"On your backs, slaves. Faces down," Mia ordered again, her tone stern and unwavering.

With a collective groan, the twenty-five slaves got down onto their bellies, positioning themselves so that their backs formed a straight line, perfectly aligned with the path leading towards Mia's temporary throne. Their bodies trembled with anticipation, ready to be graced by the presence of their supreme mistress.

Mia's eyes scanned the row of eager slaves, and then her gaze turned back to Tom, who was kneeling beside her, leashed. Mia could sense Tom's apprehension, but she knew that he would follow her orders without hesitation.

"Tom. Let's go. You will crawl on the side and I will walk on my new human carpet" Mia instructed him. He complied without question, crawling alongside her as she ascended on top of the pile of human flesh that formed in front of her. The entire procession was an exercise in dominance and submission, with Mia reveling in her power over her enslaved companions.

She began walking towards her throne, trampling the backs of her former classmates. Her bare feet pressing onto them. Their bodies shivered beneath her weight, each step sending waves of pleasure coursing through them. The carpet of flesh beneath her became increasingly wet, their arousal intensifying with each brush of her soles against their sensitive skin. The auditorium filled with moans and whimpers, the sound of desperation mixing with the intoxicating scent of sweat and lust.

As Mia approached her throne, she noticed Tom watching her with a mixture of awe and longing. His gaze was fixated on her feet, his heart pounding with desire. He knew that Mia was capable of controlling the actions of others, and he wanted nothing more than to submit to her will even more. Tom found himself torn between his loyalty to Mia and his growing attraction to her. He had known her since childhood, and their connection transcended physical desires. Yet, he couldn't help but fantasize about her power, her scent, and the way she effortlessly controlled those around her.

Both Mia and Tom kept walking towards the throne - Mia on top of her human carpet, Tom crawling at the side, leashed by her like a dog.

She was in the middle of the path, when she recognized the petite body and red hair of Sylvia, who trembled with anticipation. As Mia's holy foot touched her back, Sylvia couldn't bear but to start to climax again under her Goddess. She closed her eyes, feeling the heat radiating from Mia's sole. The sensation of her toes lightly grazing her spine sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Yes," Sylvia moaned softly, surrendering to the exquisite torture of Mia's touch. "Please, Goddess, let me cum for you."

Mia chuckled softly, her lips curling into a sultry smile. "Is that what you want, Sylvia?" she purred, her voice like velvet on Sylvia's ears. "Then, by all means, my pet, cum for me."

Sylvia arched her back, her breath quickening as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensation building within her. Mia's deific foot pressed harder against her back, guiding her deeper into ecstasy.

"OH GOD, YES!" Sylvia cried out, her voice hoarse with passion. "I WANT TO CUM FOR YOU, GODDESS!"

Mia's laughter echoed through the auditorium, her presence permeating the space like a potent aphrodisiac. Sylvia bucked beneath her, her cries becoming louder and more urgent.

"YES, YES, GODDESS!" Sylvia panted, her voice quivering with lust. "I need to cum for you!"

Mia smiled, her foot again pressed harder against Sylvia's back. "Do it, my pet," she growled. "Show me how much you want my feet."

Sylvia writhed beneath Mia, her body arching and twisting. The sensation of the Goddess's foot on her back was too much. She started to climax intensely, again, for the third time today.

Mia felt Sylvia's spasms beneath her feet. The girl's back muscles tensed and relaxed rhythmically, her breathing heavy and ragged.

"Goddess," Sylvia moaned, her voice strained and desperate. "Your feet... they're divine."

Mia's foot pressed harder against Sylvia's back, causing her to cry out in pleasure. "Okay, that's enough you little red-headed foot slut," Mia said to her. She started walking on her human carpet again. Next was Patrick, then Sam, then Hannah...

Tom just stared wide-eyed. She tugged on his leash and he was reminded to crawl. The last part of her human carpet was Ethan. As she stepped on him, she neatly planted herself on her 'throne'. Then she turned back to Tom.

"What do you want, dear? Say what you desire". Mia asked him. She sat in her throne-like chair, with her feet resting on the ground, and her back against a big, fluffy pillow. Her skirt was rolled up a bit higher, showing off her thighs. Her upper body was slightly leaning against the chair's backrest, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Goddess..." Tom spoke up, his voice cracking slightly. "I... I just want to serve you."

Tom's voice trailed off, the intensity of his desire palpable.

Mia could sense that he wanted to confess his deepest fantasies, but he hesitated, unsure of whether he should reveal everything. She knew that her influence extended far beyond her bewitching feet and that her hold on him was undeniable.

"Come here, Tom," Mia murmured seductively, her voice a whisper of silk against the quiet auditorium. "I want to hear what you have to say."

Tom crawled to Mia obediently, his eyes never leaving her face. He knew that she could sense his deepest desires, even though he was unable to express them verbally. His heart raced as he drew closer to her, his throat tightening with anticipation. Mia watched him closely, her lips quirking into a sly grin.

"Tell me, Tom," she purred. "What do you want from me?" Tom struggled to find the words, his thoughts swirling with forbidden dreams and wild fantasies. His heart thudded in his chest, his pulse racing as he tentatively reached out to touch Mia's leg. She flicked her ankle upward, catching his hand with hers and holding it firmly against her thigh. Tom's fingers tightened around her slender wrist, his grip betraying the depth of his desire.

"Just tell me, Tom," Mia whispered, her voice like a gentle breeze rustling leaves on a warm summer night, her piercing blue eyes staring deep into his soul. "What do you want?" She repeated.

She wasn't in love with anyone, she was above that. But if someone was the closest to being her chosen one - it was Tom. He still had to kneel before her, being leashed by her, wearing a dog collar; but it was still him that was the closest to her cold heart. Like a lost puppy finding his new owner. The boy's breath caught in his throat, his lungs contracting as he fought to find the right words.

And then he said it.

"I want you to enslave Sandra. I want to lick your feet with her. I want her to understand that there is no future between me and her and the only thing that matters are your godly feet. I want her to stop being heartbroken because of me and for her to understand my choice from yesterday. And not only understand it, to embrace it as her own. So we can all connect together, under you and your divinity," he finally confessed.

Mia's eyes widened slightly, a glimmer of amusement flickering across her features. "Oh, Tom," she smiled.

Tom fell silent, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He couldn't help but hope that she would understand and fulfill his request.

"Why do you want that, Tom?" Mia asked, softly and with a hint of curiousness.

"Because of her behaviour yesterday. She was rude to you, Mia. And you are a Goddess. Nobody should be rude to you," he explained.

"Your request is noted," Mia replied to him. "And now. Worship my heavenly feet, Tom. Indulge in their foot sweat, their magical pheromones. Make every tile of my new human carpet jealous of you", she demanded.

To reach her feet, however, Tom would have to kneel on... her new carpet. The closest 'tile' to her, as she called it, was Ethan, his friend that he was sitting in class with. Mia understood his predicament and just nodded at him, telling him non-verbally that it's okay to kneel on the back of Ethan.

"Who knows, he may even like it" Mia said to Tom, remembering what Ethan told her earlier about his deepest sexual fantasy. The blonde boy started to climb on Ethan's back, the latter sighed heavily under the weight of his classmate.

"And as for you, my little Tom, don't make me wait too long. Start to worship my holy feet. Show me that you deserve the privilege of being able to lick them".

Mia placed her feet on Tom's lap, offering him her left foot first. Tom wasted no time, grabbing her delicate ankle in his hand and placing her foot on his lips. He kissed her heel fervently at first, then her arch, then his tongue was lapping at her instep.

Tom's skilled tongue finally danced over her toes, tracing each curve and valley expertly. After that his lips returned to her arch, kissing it gently. Then he returned to the spot from which he started his lustful journey, lapping at her supple heel, his teeth grazing it softly. Tom's hot breath warmed her skin, his moans echoing in her ear.

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