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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 04


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Tom's heart raced, his cock hardening as he tasted Mia's godly foot sweat.

He knew that he had been granted a rare opportunity, a chance to worship his Goddess in a way that few others could. His tongue danced over her toes again, and again he explored every curve and crevice. He sucked on her big toe, savoring the sweet taste of her essence. He could feel his arousal growing as Mia watched attentively his ministrations, his breath quickening as she watched him.

"That's it, Tom," Mia whispered. "Worship my bewitching feet. Make every tile of my new human carpet jealous of you," She said in Tom's ear, her breath hot and tantalizing.

Tom nodded, his eyes locked on Mia's feet. He leaned forward, his lips grazing her soft, dainty heels. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of her skin. It was intoxicating, irresistible. Tom knew that he would never taste anything quite like this. There is no taste in the world that's even comparable. This is it. This is his nirvana.

The 'tiles' of Mia's human carpet tried to reach with their head to see the scene that took place before them. All 25 of them dripping with jealousy of how Tom is able to lick Goddess Mia's holy feet. They were in agony from the fact that they had to watch this from a distance, unable to participate in the action. The boys' balls ached with desire to ejaculate, the girls' wet pussies demanded stimulation.

Mia's eyes roamed over the sea of faces, her gaze locking with Sylvia's. The redhead's eyes sparkled with lust, her face flushed with excitement. The eye contact alone was enough to drive Sylvia over the edge. She was cumming again, for the fourth time.

"AAHHHH! AGAIN?! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?!" Sylvia screamed as the next orgasm came over her. "Ooooh, Goddess Mia!"

Mia, meanwhile, was thoroughly enjoying Tom's passionate worship of her feet. She watched him attentively, his tongue skillfully dancing over her soles. His hands caressed her legs lovingly, his fingers gently massaging her calves. Mia's eyes locked with Tom's, and she saw the unbridled desire burning within his gaze.

"You're doing great, Tom," Mia cooed. "Keep going..." she whispered. Tom's tongue danced over her soles, exploring every inch of her mesmerizing feet. She could feel his heated breath on her skin, his hot, moist tongue painting her soles with feverish kisses and licks. In the meantime, they both heard Sylvia in the background, who was still screaming with her fourth climax.

Tom and Mia exchanged glances, sharing a knowing smile.

He continued his worshipful act. The rest of Mia's new human carpet, still lying with their face towards the floor, started humping it rhythmically. It was the only source of stimulation that they had left, considering they couldn't use their hands to masturbate, as they were too close to each other. And while Tom was still worshipping Mia's feet, his moans audible to all the 'tiles' of Mia's carpet, the 'tiles' humped and humped the floor, also moaning louder and louder.

Suddenly, Ethan - the 'tile' that Tom was kneeling on - started to shake violently. He almost knocked Tom to the ground.

"Ughhhhhh!" he screamed as he released his load, ejaculating all over the floor.

Ethan wasn't the only one. One by one, the other tiles followed suit once they saw Ethan's example.

"YESSS!" Sarah yelled. "GODDESS MIAAAAAAAAA!" and then she exploded in a massive orgasm too.

The carpet of flesh below the raven-haired beauty trembled with excitement.

Mia watched Tom intently, her eyes fixed on his lips as they kissed and licked her gorgeous feet. She could feel the intense energy between them, the pulsating desire that grew stronger with each passing second.

"Fuck, Mia," Tom moaned, his voice low and guttural.

Meanwhile, the human carpet was orgasming again and again. Other people, Patrick, Kyle and Sam in their midst, convulsed in blissful sensation, praising Goddess Mia's godly presence. "YES, GODDESS!" they shouted in unison, their voices rising in a crescendo of pure lust and ecstasy. Their bodies trembled, their hearts pounded wildly, their minds swimming in a whirlpool of carnal desires. The scent of sweat and arousal lingered heavily in the air, mingling with the intoxicating aroma of Mia's deific feet. The atmosphere crackled with raw sexuality, the charged energy between Mia and Tom palpable.

Mia's eyes were glued to his every movement. His lips moved smoothly over her feet, his tongue once again skirting along her soles. Finally, Mia noticed the size of Tom's throbbing cock. It was pulsating with desire, the biggest she ever saw him having.

And then her domineering nature took hold of her once more. She would make his dreams come true. But not only his.

"Do you want to cum, my dear Tom?" she asked mockingly.

Tom swallowed nervously, his Adam's apple bobbing visibly. "Yes, Goddess," he croaked, his voice thick with lust. "I want to cum... on your Goddess Feet." He knew that it was bold of him asking that. But he felt he should be honest.

Mia just smirked in response. Thankfully, she wasn't mad, just amused. Still, her answer was rather obvious. "Well, Tom," she purred. "I'm afraid you don't deserve the honor of ejaculating on my feet."

Tom's expression became increasingly sad after hearing her harsh words. "Don't worry too much, though," Mia added. "Nobody deserves that honor. But, you have to know, that even though I somewhat care for you because of our shared history together, you're not special. Don't ever dare to think that you are", she explained to him clearly, leaving no room for doubt. He felt he was her favourite slave, or at least one of, but even that didn't grant him permission to think too highly of himself when in presence of her magnetic feet, the source of his burning desire and passion.

Tom sighed and nodded sadly, accepting his fate.

"But that doesn't mean I won't let you cum on something else. Or rather... in something else," Mia laughed to herself.

Tom didn't really know what she had in mind.

Then, unexpectedly, Mia started talking to her human carpet. To the 'tile' closest to her. "Ethan, dear, can you tell me what is your darkest, deepest sexual fantasy again, please? I seemed to have forgotten," Mia teased the boy. "I want to hear it again, Ethan. What is it?"

Ethan's face turned bright red, his heart pounding wildly against his chest, his voice having trouble to escape audibly from his mouth because of the fact that Tom was still kneeling on his back, with all his weight still on him. He was a shy boy, but today, thanks to Mia, he was experiencing things he had previously only dreamed of.

"Uhm..." Ethan stammered, his voice cracking slightly, both under the pressure and under Tom's weight. "My deepest fantasy... was to... to... I wanted to be fucked in the ass by Tom, Goddess Mia."

Tom couldn't believe his ears. His best friend, which whom he shared a school desk for years now, was secretly sexually fantasizing about him? He was imagining them having sex together?!

"You heard it, Tom. Two birds with one stone, as they say," Mia laughed triumphantly.

She suddenly pulled Tom's face closer to hers with her hand, rather aggressively, and then she started to kiss him passionately, without any prior warning. Their tongues intertwined, exploring each other's mouths greedily. The kiss was passionate, desperate, fueled by pent-up desire and longing. Mia ran her hands through Tom's hair, pulling him closer, her fingers tangling in his blonde locks. She was dominating him in their tongue battle, and he was willingly giving in to her.

When they finally parted, their lips left a trail of saliva and desire. Ethan beneath them moaned loudly, his dick leaking pre-cum. The rest of the human carpet was also aroused, and they were desperately trying to once again rub their genitals against the cold floor.

"I want you to fuck Ethan, Tom," Mia declared, her voice low and commanding. "Let him live out his deepest fantasy."

Tom swallowed nervously, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He looked down at Ethan, unable to see him as an attractive object, unable to see him in a sexual way.

"But Mia", he protested. "I'm just... not gay. How can I do this...?" Tom questioned, his voice shaking.

Mia chuckled darkly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "That's why my holy body, that's why The Goddess herself, is here. You see, Ethan here, being gay for you and all, was my first enslaved victim today in our class. So if my feet can convert someone who's homosexual to being a little slave for my divine femininity, I'm sure it can also work the other way around. Probably". She laughed at her joke.

"And if it won't happen entirely and you still won't be gay, or at least bi-sexual, then don't worry. You will only feel pleasure. My bare, beautiful, angelic feet will be close to you at all times, so you can indulge in them while you make Ethan's fantasy come true", Mia explained.

In response, Tom just stopped moving, still kneeling before her on Ethan's back, frozen in disbelief.

"I don't know what to say, Mia..." he muttered weakly, staring down at Ethan who was waiting eagerly for him. "I've never done anything like this before--"

There was a pause. And a sigh. He looked into her mesmerizing eyes once more and, in that moment, he knew that he wouldn't be able to refuse her. Ever.

"But I trust you," he finally said.

Mia smiled broadly, her dainty feet wiggling excitedly. "Good boy! Now, I want you to get off of Ethan and place yourself behind him. And Ethan, you can temporarily stop being a tile in my human carpet. You can kneel. And present your ass to Tom".

Tom hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced at Ethan, who was already kneeling, presenting his bare, pale, firm ass to him. He swallowed nervously, his hand trembling as he reached out to grab Ethan's hips. He was disgusted. But right at this moment, when he started to think that he wouldn't be able to do it, Mia's bewitching right foot appeared in his view, right in front of him.

She offered her sole to him; the little droplets of sweat and his saliva from his earlier licking were lustfully glistening on her sole's beautiful wrinkles, right before his eyes, as she seductively invited him to take it. But there was a catch. It was just outside of Tom's reach. If he wanted to worship Mia's foot, he would have to get closer. But the other kneeling boy was blocking his way. So either he would have to lean in, crossing Ethan's body over, or just... put his hard cock in Ethan's ass. Mia's intention was definitely the latter.

Tom's eyes widened as he realized what he had to do. Mia's deific foot was inches away from him, enticing him with its intoxicating scent. The prospect of pleasuring himself with it was simply irresistible.

With a hesitant glance at Ethan, Tom cautiously inched closer, reaching out with his tongue to lick Mia's foot. The instant his tongue brushed against her soft skin, a surge of electricity coursed through him. Mia's foot radiated warmth, the taste of her foot sweat was driving him insane as it sent shivers down his spine. He knew that he wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of tasting Mia's divine foot any longer.

"Just relax, Tom," Mia whispered in his ear, her words sending chills down his spine. "Trust me, you'll enjoy it."

Tom gulped, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that this was his only option if he wanted to taste her foot again. The dark-haired Goddess smiled to herself after seeing both Ethan's and Tom's erect penises. The blonde boy was ready to make Ethan's dream come true in order to satisfy his own needs.

"Yeah, alright," Tom muttered, swallowing nervously. "Let's do this."

As Tom positioned himself behind Ethan, his hands trembling, he could hardly believe the situation he found himself in. Ethan was kneeling before their Goddess, his naked butt presented to Tom like a gift.

"Go ahead, Tom," Mia encouraged him. "Take control."

Tom gulped, his gaze lingering on Ethan's ass before shifting to Mia's heavenly foot. With a hesitant nod, he moved even closer, took his hard, throbbing cock in his hand and with one, swift motion put it inside Ethan's asshole.

Ethan gasped loudly, his body tensing as Tom slipped inside him.

"Ohhh, yes, Tom," Ethan moaned. "Do it. Fuck me." Tom gripped Ethan's hips tightly, his fingers digging into his flesh. With a tentative thrust, he pushed deeper into Ethan, feeling his friend's walls tighten around his cock. At the same time Tom was desperately searching for Mia's feet, the heavenly objects that would save him in this situation. While he looked up from Ethan, he found them. Just in his reach to kiss them and lick them, but to do that he would have to thrust his erect cock into Ethan's ass fully.

One full thrust, and a kiss to Mia's extended foot. Second full thrust and a kiss to Mia's extended foot. Third full thrust and a small lick to Mia's extended sole. That was the way to make everyone happy.

Tom had to fuck Ethan hard if he wanted to taste Mia's feet. But he obliged and he did it. He didn't particularly enjoyed the sensation of Ethan's ass, but Mia's holy foot sweat was enough to make him do anything she wanted. The smell of his Goddess's feet was intoxicating him, turning him even more into a willing slave who obeyed every command, whose limits didn't matter in front of Her whims.

"That's it, Tom," Mia cooed. "Fuck Ethan. Give him what he wants."

Her words drove him mad, her deific feet were his salvation in this awkward situation. With each thrust, he would push deeper into Ethan, feeling his friend's ass tighten around his cock again. At the same time, Tom would reach out his mouth to kiss Mia's angelic right foot that she extended to him, the blonde boy was desperately seeking comfort and reassurance in it.

"Fuck yeah, baby," Ethan groaned. "Harder, Tom. Fuck me harder!"

Tom gritted his teeth, his eyes locked on Mia's perfect foot. He thrusted harder, the friction increasing his need for release. Each time he touched Mia's foot, his desire intensified, fueling his determination to please her.

"Oh, God," Ethan cried out, his voice strained. "Please, Tom, don't stop. Keep fucking me!"

Tom's thrusts became faster, his body moving in sync with Ethan's cries. He kept a firm grip on Ethan's hips. His mouth hung open, his breathing ragged. But he needed more. More than just Ethan's tight embrace, more than just the satisfying burn of friction. His gaze locked onto Mia's angelic foot, the object of his desire.

"That's it, Tom," Mia murmured. "Harder."

Tom's thrusts became relentless at this point. He stared at Mia's foot that he obsessed over so much. Each time he looked away, he felt a sense of loss, as if he were losing a piece of himself.

"Do-n't sto-op, T-o-om," Ethan pleaded, his voice breaking with desperation. "Ple-ase, don't stop."

Tom shook his head, his gaze locked again on Mia's foot.

But then, just for a moment, for a split second, he looked past it. He couldn't help but admire her beauty; it was impossible to take his eyes off her perfect figure. Her short dark hair framed her face perfectly, accentuating her deep blue eyes. The curves of her body were captivating, and every inch of her skin seemed to glow with an inherent sensuality. She was a vision of perfection, and Tom couldn't deny the intense attraction he felt towards her.

"Keep going, Tom," Mia murmured, her voice like a gentle caress against his ear. "You're doing great."

Ethan writhed beneath him, his ass clenching around Tom's cock with each thrust. Tom's mouth hung open again, his breathing ragged as he sought solace in Mia's foot. Each time he looked at her feet, he was reminded of his purpose and his desire to taste them intensified.

"Yes, Tom," Mia whispered, "Make him scream."

Tom grunted, his muscles flexing as he plunged deeper into Ethan.

And then, without warning, Ethan started to... oink.

"OINK! OINK! OINK!" Ethan yelled. At first, Tom and Mia were in shock. But after a short moment, Mia just started to sweetly laugh at him, while Tom looked on Ethan with disgust.

"I always wanted to be your dirty little pig, Tom!", Ethan shouted. "OINK! OINK! OINK!"

Ethan screamed, his voice cracking like thunder. "OINK OINK OINK, Tom! FUCK ME HARDER! I'M YOUR DIRTY LITTLE PIGGY NOW!"

Mia's laugh intensified. She took a while to compose herself. After that she turned to the boy that was being fucked by Tom. "It seems like someone omitted some pretty important detail in sharing their ultimate fantasy, didn't you, Ethan?" Mia asked him.

"I'm sorry, Goddess Mia!" Ethan replied to her. "OINK! OINK! OINK!"

The boy was oinking for a while, the sounds of his humiliation echoing throughout the auditorium, mixed with the sound of pounding flesh. Both were happening in unison - a unison that was sometimes interrupted by a sweet, girly giggle.

The situation again made Mia's newly formed human carpet excited and horny.


Mia finally decided to shut Ethan up. While she still held out her right foot for Tom, just within his tongue's reach as he was fucking hard his friend, she decided to use her left foot to make the other boy quiet. And thus she brought it to Ethan's mouth and forced her way to entry it. "Ooohhnk! oooohnk!" Ethan still screamed. It didn't really shut him up, but it significantly muffled his noises. Meanwhile, Tom was still fucking Ethan hard, his motivation being Mia's right foot.

And there they were, two friends who were joined together not only by Tom's cock, but - more importantly to Tom - also by Mia's holy feet. It felt as if they were connected by an invisible string, leading straight to the center of Mia's divinity.

The rhythmic pumping of Tom's thrusts became a hypnotic melody, punctuated by Ethan's muffled oinks and Mia's soft laughter.

"You know, Tom," Mia said. "I think your friend here is quite fond of you. Maybe we should explore that further."

Tom gulped, his gaze flickering between Ethan and Mia's mesmerizing foot. He couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Mia's tone, the implication that this might just be the beginning of some new, twisted relationship. As he continued to pump into Ethan, he began to realize that his feelings for Mia weren't merely sexual infatuation - they were much more profound. The mere thought of being rejected by her was unthinkable, a fear that loomed over him like a shadow.

Both Ethan and Tom were getting closer to orgasm, both of them being connected together by Mia's perfect feet.

They worked together, moving in harmony, as if they were one entity. Tom's cock was pulsing inside Ethan, filling him with a strange kind of warmth. Ethan's ass squeezed and relaxed around Tom's cock, as if trying to pull him in. It was an intimate dance, a perfect synchronization of movements.

Ethan and Tom reached the verge of climax. They both looked into Mia's eyes. She knew what was about to happen.

"Cum, my little pigs", announced Mia to both Ethan and Tom.

"And Tom? While you are filling Ethan with your semen, please oink as loud as you can for my divine right foot." Mia ordered Tom, putting the ball of her heavenly and alluring foot under his nose.

"Oink?" Tom asked, scared and confused.

"Yes, Tom," Mia answered calmly. "Just oink for me, so I can listen to you both while you're pleasing Ethan with your seed."

"Like a pig?" Tom asked again, he still couldn't believe her request.

"That's right, Tom," Mia responded, giggling softly. "Oink like a pig, just like Ethan."

Mia instructed Tom firmly while she held her foot underneath his nose. Tom's eyes wandered back and forth between her foot and Ethan. Ethan was looking at Mia and then at Tom, licking Mia's left foot, holding his breath and letting out soft oinks every now and then. He wanted to cum so badly.

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