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Mia's Foot Cult Ch. 04


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Mia snapped her fingers.

The slaves passed her boots to their neighbour, and the show started again. All twenty-five of them stimulating themselves in the most humiliating way possible, all because Mia demanded it.

And then another snap.

And after a dozen or so seconds, another.

And another. And another. With similar intervals of no longer than 20 seconds.

One by one, slaves passed the boot from person to person, each taking a moment to indulge themselves in the intoxicating aroma. They kissed, licked, and caressed the boot, their actions an offering to Mia's godly power. While they did it, they still humped the floor beneath them passionately, as if they were making love to the most beautiful of lovers.

Their motions became faster and more frantic, driven by the tantalizing scent of Mia's angelic feet. Every now and then, a slave would cry out in pleasure, their voice blending with the chorus of moans.

"Yes, my faithful slaves," Mia cooed. "You've done well to worship the ground I walk on. Now, let us continue." Mia sauntered across the auditorium, her deific feet leaving a trail of excitement in her wake.


They were closing in on a climax.


The scent of Mia's divine feet, the sight of her tantalizing soles, and the knowledge that they were mere pawns in her game of dominance had pushed them to the brink of ecstasy. Their bodies writhed against the cold, hard floor, their hips quickly thrusting upward and inward, in a desperate attempt to reach the pinnacle of pleasure.


All of the slaves had begun to rub their genitals against the floor more aggressively, their groans of pleasure echoing more and more. The boots that Mia had provided were a source of endless pleasure for the slaves. They were a very worn leather, the scent of her unbelievably beautiful feet lingered within.


Each slave eagerly accepted the boot, clutching it tightly. "Ahhh," sighed one of them, the boot pressed snugly against his mouth. "I love the smell of your gorgeous feet, Mia." "Mmm," another slave moaned, his voice a soft murmur against the leather of her second boot.


Mia sensed that they were going to cum soon. All 25 of her slaves that created her human carpet. And now she decided to really test her powers over them.

She looked again at Tom, who seemed to have some of his strength back by now, and motioned with her hand to come to her. He quickly obeyed.

"Tom - take my boots from those slaves and place them near my throne" she commanded.

"At once, Goddess" Tom replied to her. He quickly snatched one boot from Sarah and one boot from Sylvia, both parts of Mia's footwear were in the center of the human carpet by now. As he did that, the two girls, still stimulating their pussies on the cold floor, cried the sound of desperation and unhappiness. The source of their unbelievable pleasure was soundly stolen from them.

After that, Tom quickly returned to the throne, knelt on all fours and put down Mia's boot neatly, with reverence.

"Now listen carefully, my slaves", Mia said, talking to her human carpet that was still humping the floor. "I will give you a countdown from 25 to 0. When I will reach zero, you will be allowed to climax. But there are rules - for each number one of you will compliment my feet, my foot sweat or my foot pheromones. And I will decide if you have done it well enough. If you haven't, you will have to go trough it again - from the top. And again. And again. All of you. So try not to fuck it up." Mia paused, her feet slowly and seductively dancing in front of her human carpet. "Understood?"

"Yes, Goddess!" the slaves yelled in unison, their voices desperate and pleading.

"Then let the countdown begin!" Mia declared, with voice booming through the room they were in.


Jack, the first slave who was humping the floor, was thinking of a compliment. He didn't want to disappoint Mia and make her angry. His heart raced as he contemplated the best way to express his admiration for her godly feet. He didn't want to be repetitive or trite, but he knew that Mia expected something special.

"Your feet are like the most precious diamonds, worthy of every deed to obtain, even as humiliating as licking other people's semen off the floor!", he yelled, without a care in the world about who may have heard him - truth be told, nobody would have cared at that point, anyway - referring to his predicament from only yesterday, the situation that this raven-haired beauty has put him in herself. The Goddess knowingly smiled towards him. He was finally scoring some points.

"Twenty-four!" Mia counted down, her feet swaying gracefully in front of her carpet.

The second slave, Sam, took a deep breath, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He gazed at Mia's feet, their tantalizing beauty inspiring a sense of awe within him. He wanted to find the ideal words to convey his gratitude and admiration for her unparalleled perfection.

"Your feet's charm is irresistible!" he shouted. "Their scent drives me wild, leaving me breathless with desire! Their intoxicating aroma is like a powerful aphrodisiac, Mia!"

"Twenty-three!" Mia called out, her feet moving hypnotically.

"Goddess, your feet are truly a marvel of creation," the third slave stammered, struggling to find the right words. "They possess such an irresistible charm, a captivating aura that leaves me spellbound. Each toe, each curve, every detail of your divine feet are masterpieces in their own right!" the slave proclaimed loudly.

"Twenty-two!" Mia chanted, her bewitching feet entrancing those below her.

"Goddess, your feet are a symbol of beauty and power," the fourth slave professed. "They inspire awe and reverence, a testament to your greatness."

"Twenty-one!" Mia intoned.

"Goddess, your feet are the cutest, the shapeliest, the silkiest, the most beautiful in the world! The world has never seen more beautiful feet in its history and never will!," the fifth slave stated.

"Twenty!" Mia decreed.

"Goddess, your feet are like a siren's call on the big, beautiful sea, drawing me closer to your angelic embrace," the sixth slave implored, her voice thick with emotion. "Their scent is intoxicating, a beacon guiding me towards your heavenly realm."

"Nineteen!" Mia's feet were weaving mesmerizing patterns in the air.

"Goddess, your feet are the embodiment of femininity and strength," the seventh slave declared, his voice quivering ever so slightly. "They inspire awe and reverence, a testament to your indomitable spirit."


"Goddess, your feet are radiant, illuminating the darkness with their enchanting glow," the eighth slave beseeched. "Their warmth fills my soul, and I am forever grateful for your deific presence!"

"Seventeen!" Mia pronounced, her divine feet dancing like a celestial ballet. "Goddess, your feet are the key to unlocking my deepest fantasies," the ninth slave pleaded. "Their scent intoxicates me, pulling me deeper into the realms of dreams, where I bask in your glorious presence."

"Sixteen!" Mia intoned, her holy feet swirling in the air like a dreamscape.

"Goddess, your feet are a celestial masterpiece," the tenth slave murmured, her voice shaking with reverence. "They are the epitome of elegance and grace, a proof of your eternal beauty!"


"Goddess, your feet are etchings of perfection," the eleventh slave whispered, his voice barely audible. "Each detail is a testament to your seraphic nature, a gift to cherish forever."


"Goddess, your feet are the ultimate symbol of femininity and beauty," the twelfth slave murmured. "They are a treasure trove of sensuality, a confirmation to your undeniable allure."


"Goddess, your feet are an oasis of pleasure amid the chaos of my pathetic existence," Sylvia, the thirteenth slave, the one in the middle, praised. "Their scent draws me in, filling my senses with an unquenchable thirst for your holy touch. They are made to be worshipped, my countless orgasms today being the evidence of that undeniable fact!" she screamed, hoping her Goddess would appreciate her effort.

But Mia paid no further attention to her.


"Goddess, your feet are a divine sanctuary," the athletic Sarah, the fourteenth slave, declared, her voice trembling with awe. "They offer solace and comfort, a welcome respite from the mundane realities of life."


"Goddess, your feet are an instrument of pleasure," the fifteenth slave rhapsodized. "They play a symphony of sensations, a melody that resonates deeply within my soul!"


"Goddess, your feet are a gateway to paradise," the sixteenth slave, blue-haired Claire, extolled. "They lead me to a realm of bliss, free from the burdens of reality!"


"Goddess, your feet are a beacon of hope," the seventeenth slave ardently declared. "They guide me through the darkest depths of despair, reminding me of the light that lies within you and your holy, undefeated scent."


"Goddess, your feet are a testament to your grace and beauty," the eighteenth slave humbly submitted. "They are a constant reminder of the heavenly force that guides every step you take."


"Goddess, your foot pheromones are a symphony of desire," Patrick, the muscular boy and the nineteenth slave, declared to the world. "They draw me closer to your angelic embrace, enveloping me in a world of lust and longing."


"Goddess, your foot pheromones are irresistible to any mortal," the twentieth slave enthused. "They beckon me to surrender to your allure, to a dance of passion and pleasure."


"Goddess, your foot pheromones are a heavenly elixir," Kyle, the twenty-first slave gushed, noticing the pattern used by the two slaves before him. It was impossible to compliment the look of her feet alone in an original way for that long, so - silently agreeing with his companions in slavery - he also decided that focusing on the other part of them, their scent, and the pheromones within that scent, was a good idea. "They awaken desires deep within my soul, fueling my insatiable craving for your sweet foot nectar."


"Goddess, your foot sweat is a divine aphrodisiac!" the twenty-second slave screamed. "It stirs passions within me, igniting a fire that burns brighter with each encounter! It rewires my brain's pleasure center, making me addicted to you completely!"

"Three!" Mia cried triumphantly, her perfect feet radiating an aura of confidence and power.

"Goddess, your foot pheromones are a mystical journey," the twenty-third slave raved. "They transport me to a realm of ecstasy, where only your angelic touch matters!"

"Two!" Mia's royal feet swung gracefully in the air, their scent lingering in the air like a heady perfume. Each compliment poured forth from the slaves, their voices filled with reverence and adoration, made her even more proud of herself. The tension in the air crackled with anticipation, the slaves' words becoming increasingly fervent as they knew that they are getting closer and closer to the sweet sound of "Zero" escaping from her mouth, which would signify a beautiful release from their enormous lust that grew within them up until that point.

"Goddess, your feet are a bewitching mellifluousness of curves and contours" the twenty-fourth slave cried out, his voice hoarse with desperation. Then he breathed, his voice trembling with awe. "Their delicate dimensions are a proof of your deific essence, a masterpiece of creation that surpasses all mortal comprehension!"

"One!" Mia roared. The room fell silent for a brief moment, the anticipation palpable among the slaves. Their words had reached a fever pitch, each compliment seeking to rise above the others in their desperate bid to please Mia.

Ethan, the final twenty-fifth slave, found himself in a state of heightened awareness, his senses attuned to every nuance of his surroundings. He could hear the collective breath of the other slaves, feel the cold, hard floor beneath him and, dried up by now, puddle of semen he was laying in. He sensed the tension in the air. It was unbelievable - almost like he was now living in slow motion. The scent of Mia's divine feet filled his nostrils, a potent reminder of her power over them all and an inspiration for the words he was about to utter.

"Goddess, your feet are a celestial tapestry," Ethan began. "The intricate patterns that adorn their surface are a confirmation of your eternal beauty. Each detail, each curve, and contour, reveal the artistry of your godly nature." Ethan paused, his gaze locked on Mia's feet, their tantalizing beauty bereft of any flaw.

He swallowed hard, his voice cracking as he continued. "My Goddess, each of your toes, each curve, and contour, are made for unconditional worship of the entire human race. They go beyond our worldly comprehension and should be adored by all the people in the world, each of them, no matter the gender, age or status, united in a common goal of giving them their praise!"

A hush fell over the auditorium as Ethan's words hung in the air, each syllable resonating with the collective breath of the slaves. Mia's bewitching feet seemed to shimmer in the dim light, their tantalizing aura drawing them closer to the edge of ecstasy.

"Your feet are like the most precious diamonds," Ethan spoke with reverence. "Each gemstone in the vast expanse of the universe cannot compare to the scintillating sparkle of your divine soles." He continued, now speaking the longest of them all. "And your heels--"

"That's enough" his Goddess interrupted him and he was silent in an instant. She had to admit to herself that she was impressed.

A couple of seconds passed in silence - but for all twenty five slaves who were writhing on the floor, humping it and stimulating their genitals, it felt more like hours. They were on the tip of the edge.

Mia's gaze swept over the assembled slaves, her expression impassive. Her feet, the objects of their insatiable desire, remained motionless, as if contemplating the sincerity of Ethan's words.

"Before I'll let you fall into the sweet embrace of orgasm - I want you all to continue your praises at the same time" Mia finally spoke, her voice low and commanding. "Let your words flow, unencumbered by doubt or fear. Speak freely, all of you, for I shall reward you handsomely at the end of this task. Let's hear the sounds of your devotion, let's hear your love for my feet! Sing hymns in their honor, share your feelings openly, tell me how much you need and crave them! Let's celebrate the power of my feet and the effect they have on you, my loyal servants!"Mia encouraged them.

The slaves eagerly obeyed Mia's command, their voices melding together in a cacophony of adulation that echoed around the auditorium. Each slave sought to outdo the others in their fervor, their voices rising higher and louder as they competed for her favor. Mia watched them with amusement, enjoying the spectacle of their adoration. She knew that she held complete control over their minds and bodies, and reveled in the power that she wielded.

"Goddess, your feet are like exquisite works of art," gasped the redheaded Sylvia, her face flushed with arousal. "Goddess, your feet are a symphony of pleasure," groaned the athletic Sarah, her body shuddering with anticipation. "Goddess, their scent and touch send waves of desire coursing through my veins, making me yearn for more of your deific touch," moaned Hannah, grinding her genitals on the floor. Jack, her first slave, chimed in next. "Goddess, your feet are like a labyrinth of temptation," he panted. "Every twist and turn leads me deeper into the abyss of your foot-induced euphoria."

Mia couldn't help but smile at the eager devotion exhibited by her slaves. Their words of adoration and praise danced around her like a swarm of adoring bees, seeking to appease her with their honeyed words. She knew that she held complete control over these beings, and yet... something felt lacking. At that moment she realised the undeniable truth. She needed to taste freedom, to experience the thrill of power without boundaries. To achieve this, she must one day break free from the confines of her high school and spread her wings wide. Perhaps it is a story which chapters will be written later. But right now she decided that she will enslave everyone in her school. It was the path she was treading on regardless, but she didn't express it within herself clearly yet. Now she did, though. She will be a real Goddess of her high school. And nobody will resist her. Not one. Single. Person.

"Goddess, your feet are like a mesmerizing whirlpool," cried the muscular Patrick, bringing her back to here and now. All twenty five slaves forming her human carpet were screaming and shouting together, each of them desperately trying to reach her ears through this pure chaos. They threw themselves into their praises, not knowing what they were saying anymore, just spitting out words that came to their minds, feeling a burning need to do whatever it takes to get her approval.

"Goddess, your feet are like a forbidden fruit!" screamed Kyle. "I hunger for their sweetness..."

"Goddess, your feet are like a raging inferno!" cried Amanda. "Their..."





All of their words tangled together and were barely recognizable anymore. And then, in the corner of her eyes, Mia noticed Tom. He was still kneeling under her throne where she told him to, but right now he was jerking off his cock furiously.

Of course. She had left him with her black combat boots alone.

While she decided to observe him for a while - in the meantime all the other slaves were still shouting their praises for her angelic feet - she noticed something peculiar. Yes, Tom was masturbating with his hand, so he was in a much better position than all her other slaves right now, who could just hump and grind the cold floor. But he didn't cum. It's like it was on purpose, like he too was waiting for her to finish her countdown. He just edged and edged, torturing himself with the smell and taste of her boots, as he was frantically licking and smelling them. In a weird way, Mia was proud of him. She couldn't believe how he managed to hold back his seed despite the overwhelming stimuli provided by her boots.

"Well...", she thought about it for a little bit, then nodded to herself, "I guess it's time to end this show" she concluded in her mind.

And as if hearing her thoughts, the collective chanting of her slaves started to fade away, their voices slowly diminishing into mere whispers. They noticed, perhaps only from her body language, that she was finally considering to let go of the figurative leash that held all their genitals in the palm of her hands, at last rewarding their unconditional dedication.

"That's right, minions," Mia cooed, her amazing feet swaying hypnotically, as the slaves started humping the floor more furiously once again, this time expecting that their Goddess would grant them their long awaited orgasm. "You are my personal harem, my army of lustful foot devotees. My feet hold the reins of your carnal desires, controlling every whimper and cry." Mia's words hung in the air like a promise from a higher power, their effect instantaneous and profound.

The slaves' breathing quickened, their hearts pounding in their chests, anticipating the moment when they would be granted the privilege of cumming to their new religion they collectively decided to follow from now on - Mia's feet.

As Mia was preparing to finally end her countdown, and their torment at the same time, their excitement and desperation grew, their need to please her overwhelming.


With a thunderous roar, the slaves unleashed their pent-up desires all at once, their bodies convulsing in orgasmic frenzy. Men spurted their semen onto the cold, hard floor, while women squirted, their juices staining the concrete beneath them.

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