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Microchip Dissertation (non-con)

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Solene is having some trouble after her research is stolen.
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Content warning: This has non-consensual mind control and sexual interactions in it. This is not a healthy or realistic depiction for real life practice of sex or hypnosis - trying this in real life would be impossible, highly immoral and illegal. Do not read if you are under the age of 18.


Solene practically lived in her university's biology lab at this point. She thought she was so close to being done with her dissertation, but just as she was about to finalize her research, her materials and her research petri dishes got stolen. She swore on her grave that no one else was in the lab except her and her partner who'd left long ago. Not to mention, there was no real reason why anyone would steal Solene's research. Solene didn't have any enemies at the university. She practically kept to herself — not that she had much of a choice, considering how taxing and time-consuming her dissertation was being.

Her research wasn't simple in the slightest, either. She was researching the creation of a microchip that could increase serotonin and dopamine, and potentially help with depressive patients with the only cost being having to change the chip out every month. Her research was good, and she was smart. But at the same time, she dreaded the very real possibility of having to take another year, or even just another semester, to essentially redo her entire research.

She groaned. It was approaching midnight. There was no real reason to be in the lab anymore — it wasn't like the specimens in her petri dishes were going to materialize faster if she stood there. But she was so paranoid of someone taking it again. Though maybe it was just the janitor doing cleaning and assuming they were garbage? If that were the case, she would have had quite the strong word with him.

Maybe it'd be okay if she slept in the lab... she had an hour commute to and from campus, after all. It'd mean more sleep before her 8am.

She pulled out her jacket to use as a pillow, and propped it on the table. Laying her head down, she began to drift off into a quick sleep, though not one deep enough as to not notice if someone would take her research again.

"Working hard there, are you, Ms. Dallas?"

Solene was jolted awake, only having gotten around 30 seconds of sleep, by the sound of someone she hadn't expected. Professor O'Griffin, her advisor who was coaching her on her dissertation. Solene had told Professor O'Griffin about her troubles and the recent thievery, and the professor's response was sympathetic and encouraging, and yet wildly unhelpful. Professor O'Griffin was of tall posture, her long dirty blond hair tied back in a bun.

"Ah..." Solene sat back up, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's completely alright," she responded with a warm smile. "I know you're in a bit of a tricky situation. It's quite unlucky to have two years of research go down the drain."

"I was so close," Solene lamented. "I even had the prototype of the microchip done! I just needed to tweak it a bit, and then I would have had a testable... thing." Solene was losing her vocabulary, both because of frustration and because of fatigue.

"I know," the professor frowned in response. "But you should go home. Or at the very least, go to the library where it's nice and quiet, and you can sleep on what resembles a bed."

Solene yawned. That did sound quite nice. Much better than falling asleep on a cold hard lab table in a chair that was harder than a porn star's dick. "I... I want to. But what if..."

"I'll be here late," Professor O'Griffin reassured. "I'll watch over your research and make sure no one takes it."

For a minute, Solene wondered what in the world Professor O'Griffin was doing there. Solene knew that the professor was often lost in her own studies when she wasn't helping the students — she was, after all, a renowned biologist in and of herself. Solene often felt inferior even just standing in her presence. And she was so nice too...

"Okay." Solene stood up and began gathering her things. "Thank... thank you, Professor."

"Please," Professor O'Griffin laughed. "Just please get some rest. You can't do good research while half asleep."

"Y...yeah." Solene nodded again. "Well, I'll be back as soon as I can tomorrow. I... just..."

"Yes, I'll make sure no one takes anything of yours. I promise," she reassured again.

Solene headed off to the library to catch some good old Z's. The library was only a 10 minute walk away as opposed to an hour long train ride, so it was much more of an attractive option. Luckily too, it was a 24 hour library, which also did much wonders for her research and less wonders for her sleep cycle.

She sat on one of the couches. Thankfully this one had an actual pillow and she could use her jacket as a blanket. Even as she drifted off, she couldn't help but think of her research, and the prospect of someone taking it. She knew she had to get sleep. Professor O'Griffin was watching over it, and that should be good enough for her.

Solene drifted off. She fell deeper and deeper into a nice, comforting sleep...


"My research!" Solene jolted awake, arising from a dream — or more like a nightmare — about someone taking her research once again. She grabbed her phone and looked at it. Three hours had already passed; it was about 3:30am. Deep down, she knew she should have trusted Professor O'Griffin. Maybe it was the anxiety, but she had a bad, sinking feeling.

She needed to check on it. Just to be sure.

Gathering her belongings, she dashed off back to the lab, cutting the travel time by half... at least for the first third of the commute, before her legs became tired and she speed-walked the rest of the distance.

She tapped her ID to rush in and walked up the stairs — unfortunately, there was no elevator, and Solene was already out of breath — and slammed the door open to the lab.

Her eyes widened in horror when she looked to the table she was originally sitting at. It was gone! Once again! How could this have happened? How could she have been so stupid? She shouldn't have trusted anyone!

Professor O'Griffin. She had to ask her what happened. Rage soared through her for a brief moment, and then she calmed down momentarily when she realized it probably wasn't her fault. Thankfully, her office was nearby, and the professor did say she would be there all night. Certainly she must have had some answers!

Solene rushed out of the lab and down the hall. She needed answers, and that drove her walking speed. Getting to the professor's door, she knocked briefly, and then she just barged in before being allowed inside.

Sure enough, the professor was there — her head whipped towards Solene with a surprised face, yet not one that was angry for forcing herself in.

"Ah, Ms. Dallas," she commented. "You should go back and—"

"Sorry, Professor, but, I just had a feeling to check, and... and someone took it! Someone took my research again!" Solene's panicking rose her voice to a shout, her body shaking. "I don't know what to — I can't afford to do another semester, yet alone another year! I need to find out who's... who's..."

Solene's eyes, for some reason, drifted towards Professor O'Griffin's research table. It seemed innocuous at first, but then she looked closer. Her heart sank as she walked by Professor O'Griffin to her table; the professor surprisingly didn't stop the student as she approached the table.

Her petri dishes. And the prototype of the microchip — looking much finished now, unfortunately. And her research papers. The gears turned in Solene's head slowly as she realized what had happened — a bad and most unexpected thing.

"I... my research... you didn't..." Solene was speechless. She knew what was going on, but she couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Dallas," Professor O'Griffin commented, though Solene couldn't notice an ounce of guilt or anything like that in her voice. "I saw you were struggling with your research, so I... stepped in and helped."

"Helped?" exclaimed Solene. "You... you stole my research! If you wanted to help, why didn't — why didn't you just tell me?!"

The professor was silent for a moment, an awkward smile curled on her lips. "You're right. I should have told you. I'm sorry I didn't."

Solene was generally a forgiving person. She usually liked to give people the benefit of the doubt. The professor probably had good intentions, she knew that — and yet, a part of her couldn't forgive this.

"Then... why did you make me redo it? Why did you..."

Tears welled up in Solene's eyes. She felt betrayed, and she wasn't sure how to cope with the confusion and blind rage she felt.

"If I may..." the professor interjected, and Solene stood quietly, still shaking with fury. "I saw you were struggling with the final stages of your research. I saw this and I wanted to step in and help. But I wanted you to see where you went wrong. Like a learning experience, you know?"

"Some sick learning experience you gave me," Solene scoffed, knowing full well she shouldn't be sassing her advisor.

"Let me make it up to you," the professor said. "I took the liberty of finalizing your research. I finished the microchip, for you."

"I... what?" Solene blinked. In addition to rage and bewilderment, she now felt a weird sense of hesitation. Why would her professor do such a thing? She brought her mind back to the present. "I... I could report you! And get you fired! You... you..."

"May I finish, Ms. Dallas?" Solene stood quietly as she somehow gave Professor O'Griffin a chance to finish. "I would be happy to give you the final product of your research... and give you full credit for it. I will pass your dissertation, and you will graduate on time."

"I... um..."

"I only ask one thing." Solene braced herself, but she didn't get ready enough for the professor's farfetched request. "I'd like you to try the microchip. It's been tested on rats and other non-human experiments and has worked fabulously. I'd like you to see the results of your research."

"You mean... your research."

"Again — if you do this, I will give you full credit for everything. I'll give you the research papers and everything, too, so you know how to recreate it."

Solene stood silently, considering this. Professor O'Griffin added, "I'm sure you could make thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, off of these microchips. Think how you could revolutionize the mental illness treatment industry! And I know from experience you sometimes... get that way. It only lasts for a week, this prototype. If you don't like it... then I'll still give you credit for trying."

No words came out of Solene's mouth for a long time. On one hand, she had half a mind to report Professor O'Griffin, and on the other hand, what would that do? It'd get her beloved advisor fired, only maybe, and it wouldn't help her graduate on time. This was her best option.

"Okay," she nodded. "I'll... I'll give it a chance."

"Great!" Professor O'Griffin smiled. Solene stood in silence as the professor walked over to the table and grabbed the microchip — a new one that was created flawlessly. The microchip was supposed to go in under the tongue, and dissolve quickly. It was actually quite small, most of the microchip was a gummy that went around it to make digestion easier.

"You know what to do. Go on and see the results of your research." The professor smiled. Solene looked at it for a moment, and against her better judgement, put it under her tongue. The gummy the professor chose was much sweeter than the one Solene originally chose. It only took about a minute for it to dissolve fully.

A wave of relief hit her. In fact, it almost felt like happiness - it worked! It worked so quickly, too! All at once, her anxieties drifted away. It wasn't painful, but she could feel hr mind reforming. If this was the effect of her research, truly, then a part of her wasn't even mad at Professor O'Griffin for taking it from her.

And then another kind of wave hit her. She didn't understand what it was for a moment, however she recognized it soon enough when her legs instinctively clasped together. She could feel a growing heat inside of her, her cunt contracting and getting wet. Panic hit her again, along with a new wave of emotions. Feeling weak in the knees, Solene couldn't help but move to the counter to prop herself up. A part of her wanted to sit on the counter and rub herself against it through her pants.

"So you feel it?" Professor O'Griffin asked with a smile.

"I... yes, um... sort of, though... I'm feeling..."

"Turned on?" the professor asked. Solene's face drained. It was probably obvious from how it looked, but the fact the professor asked specifically made Solene wonder... did she know?

Oh god. She knew. The professor knew this would happen.

"I... you... I'm going to..."

"Report me? I don't think you will, actually," the professor smiled again, her grin this time cruel and sadistic, knowing. "Tell me, Solene. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Say the very first phrase you can think of."

Solene didn't have a choice. Words she regretted came out of her mouth immediately: "Obedience is pleasure." Immediately after she said those words, her hands clamped over her mouth. She'd never heard that phrase before. Where had she...?

"Good girl," the professor urged. "What's the next thing you can think of?"

"I... I..." Solene knew the next words, but she dreaded saying them.

"Come on," Professor O'Griffin cooed. "It's just you and me here."

"I... I worship my Mistress." She was horrified by the words coming out of her mouth. She'd never heard those words before. How in the world did the professor program them into the chip?

"Good!" she clasped her hands together. "I see it's working well, then. Any more thoughts about reporting me?"

"Yes! Of course! I don't care if I have to graduate late, you'll... you'll pay for this!" Solene shouted.

"Really? And who will believe you? You may not know this, but I have a few other professors roped into this. This was a team effort. Don't think you won't be answering to them, too."

Solene was speechless. Instinctively, she began rubbing herself against the counter, against her better judgement. She couldn't help it — her legs were working on their own, against her wishes.

"Now, let me try something... Oh, I know," the professor started, and Solene dreaded what she would say next. "Come here and give me a kiss."

Solene's body moved on its own, towards the professor. She couldn't even hesitate — every part of her obeyed, even though her brain screamed to do otherwise. She approached the Professor and gave her an embarrassed peck on the lips, immediately feeling horror.

"Come on, you can do better than that," the professor ordered. "Kiss me harder."

Solene had no choice but to obey. Leaning in further, she gave a harder and more passionate kiss. Professor O'Griffin grabbed her new toy's ass and gave it a nice spank. At this, Solene instinctively pulled back, horrified and humiliated.

"You're so cute," the professor giggled. "Stealing your research was a great decision. Let's see, what else can we have you do..."

Solene needed to beg. She needed to be let go. "P-please, stop. I'll graduate a year late. You can take my research, just — just please let me go."

"Why, Ms. Dallas? You still got another week or so of being all slutty and horny and obedient. Trust me, by the end of this week, you'll stop by asking for more." The professor walked around her. "Let's see... oh, I know!"

Professor O'Griffin got right up close to Solene's face, beaming wildly at her.

"Just go all nice and blank for a minute, would you?"

Just like that, Solene whited out, drifting into a deep trance. It was like she was drowning, deeper and deeper, feeling nice and cozy in her mind. What felt like seconds later, she came to — she was standing in the same place, but the second thing she noticed was that she was completely naked.

Flabbergasted, Solene tried to find her clothes to put them back on. Needless to say, they were all gone, presumably in the trash or stuffed away in one of the drawers.

"You'll get your clothes back soon," the professor taunted as Solene shivered in place, both from the temperature of the room and from nerves. "Trust me, I'll give you a nice new wardrobe that you can feel proud of. Won't be giving you anything that you'll feel proud walking in, though."

"Please, stop this!" Solene begged again. "Why... why are you doing this?!"

"I'm a scientist, Solene," she laughed. "And you're just a pathetic student who couldn't even protect her research. Though I don't suppose you'll be needing whatever smarts you do have anymore. I'll take it away from you, bit by bit."

"I... I..." Solene wrapped her hands around her arms and began to curl into a ball. Her eyes teared up as she began to silently sob. She couldn't believe this was happening, let alone by the hands of her favorite professor — her trusted advisor.

"Solene... what a boring, nerdy name. Let's give you a new one, hm?"

"Stop it! I... I like my name!"

"What's something dumb and slutty, like you... Oh, how about Sally! It's a little like your old name, but it's nice and generic and, well, makes you seem pretty damn easy. How do you feel about that, Sally?"

"No! My... my name is Solene!" she protested, knowing full well the choice wasn't up to her.

"Not anymore. Sally, why don't you go ahead and wipe your memory of the name "Solene" and replace it with "Sally"?"

The mind wipe took her in an instant. Just with the snap of a finger, Sally couldn't even remember whatever name she was just tricked into forgetting. Sally tried her hardest to remember, but she didn't have it in her. She knew she was forgetting something, but she didn't know what.

"Can you tell me what your name is?"

Sally didn't respond. She felt too humiliated.

"Sorry, that wasn't a question. It was an order. Tell me what your name is," the professor's voice became much more dark and demanding in that instant, a tone that Sally had never recognized in her advisor.

"My... my name is Sally."

"And has it ever been anything but Sally?"

"I don't... think so, no."

"The name Solene doesn't mean anything to you?"


"Well then, let me introduce myself properly, Slutty Sally," the professor said as she approached the now crouched down girl. "I am your new Mistress. You will now address me as Mistress O'Griffin. Call me that."

"Y-yes, Mistress O'Griffin," Sally said, hardly being able to control herself anymore. She still had some fight in her, but it was quickly diminishing as the situation showed itself to be more and more hopeless.

"Sally, sit up on the counter." Sally automatically did so, obeying the command as if it were clockwork. As she did, she saw Mistress O'Griffin pull out her phone. Sally knew she was being recorded.

"No, don't—"

"Start touching yourself."

Sally didn't wait for a minute. In fact, she hardly wanted to, what with how she was essentially dripping all over the counter, her juices soaking the wood. She moved her fingers to her cunt and began flicking her clit, knowing full well she was being recorded and not being able to do anything about it. Looking away in embarrassment, she clenched her teeth.

"Look at the camera," the professor ordered, and Sally obeyed.

"Give us a smile." Again, Sally obeyed, giving the dopiest and least nervous smile she could muster up.

"Now, go faster and harder on yourself." Sally's fingers increased in speed as she ravished her cunt, getting herself nice and wet. At this point, she was so turned on that she didn't care about how loud she was moaning or the fact her face was beet red as her eyes glazed over.

"That's right. Good plaything. Just keep getting hornier and sluttier," the professor cackled. Sally obeyed once again, going in rapid circles around her clit. Suddenly, her hips thrusted back and forth and she came, finishing with her juices all soaking the counter under her. She felt her body soar — it was the most intense orgasm she'd had in years, and it was certainly enhanced by the chemicals the microchip in her was creating. Her legs kept shaking even after she finished riding out her orgasm, panting and moaning and sighing a breath of relief.


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