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Mike Navy: Changes

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Young Mike Claymore series #5.
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Mike's Navy: a novel in five parts

Part 5: Changes

copy write 2014

Chapter 66

Sunday 23 June, 1985

When Mike parks by the gate and snoozes Ken Daniels wakes him. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was out here. I'm going off shift but Ferman's down there. Toot your air horn."

Mike looks at his watch and sees it's nearly seven thirty. He toots his air horn and Ferman comes to the gate. Good morning, Mike. Heading east?" Mike nods as they go to the dock. Ferman rides down on his running board so drops off to check his lists. He calls, "Number 6011, Mike."

Mike finds it in the lineup and brings it to the dock. He goes in and gets his paperwork and then he's off. He quickly drives up the 401 to Montreal and the TCH (Trans Canada Highway - Freeway) down the St Lawrence River towards the sea. He stops for lunch with Ramira at St. Germain then pushes on for Edmundston and Ellie.

He pulls around back and parks near her cabin. She waves at him and he beckons her to join him. She comes and he explains that because of his special load he cannot come inside for the night. He asks if she will stay and she's delighted to do so.

They have the tractor bouncing during the night and are happily satiated when they part in the morning.

Monday 24 June, 1985

Mike stops for lunch at Fredericton and is pulling into the yard at FMF by five. Maxi is going to her car so she runs to catch him. He steps out to scoot her in then says he'll be right back. He dashes inside and tells them he's in and taking the load to Bedford Magazine.

He comes back and pulls out of the yard. "So what's new, Maxi." He reaches down and pulls his briefcase out from under the seat. "Look in there."

She's rubbing her ass, "How come the seat's wet over here?" She looks at Mike's smile and exclaims, "Oh no! You rotten bugger, can't you clean up after your women?" She opens the briefcase and pulls out the panties. Suddenly she drops them, "Jeez, you haven't even washed them yet, you animal."

"I didn't say to handle them, I just said to look."

"You're so bad. What are there, about another five pairs. That makes nearly twenty."

"I'll wash them with my bedding before I go home. It's early yet."

"Where do you wash them? At the barracks?"

"Yep. Want ta try and sneak in with me? We can jump in the shower together."

"Oh God, Mike. You tempt me but if I got caught it could mean my job. I know, we did it before but I'm older now and smarter, I hope."

"So what's been happening?"

"For one thing, you got four days off instead of three. I got that for you for that short hitch before you left."

"Well, thank you. So I don't go out until next Saturday? Have you got any idea where?"

"I know you start with a Greenwood to Summerside. I'm not sure after that."

"On the weekend? You could go with me," he suggests.

"Hmmm, I guess I could but if it's overnight I'd never get away with it. I know, we did once before. Let me work on it."

Mike pulls into the secure yard at the magazine and drops the trailer, gets a signature for it and heads back to the dock. Before he gets to the highway he pulls to a stop under a shade tree on the shoulder.

He glances at Maxi, "Want ta ride?" He slides the front of his trousers down and offers her a hand to sit on his lap under the wheel. She slips down in place and reaches under herself to pull her panties aside and guide him in.

"Oh Mike, you know what I like." She grips the wheel and starts grinding her hips on him. "Oh God, yes!" She starts to bounce and really bear down. She laughs working herself up and down, forward and back then just plain bouncing. "Oh fuck, Mike. I'm going to cum!"

"Nothing like a quickie, love." He drives up into her hard and fast. She shivers and shakes and he feels her contractions. That causes him to tingle and he knows this quickie is over. He shoots her full of cream and more.

She wilts over the wheel, "Oh Mike, you're going to be a mess."

"No, no, just dig a wipe out of the glove box." She gets them and they clean up. Soon they're back on the road for the yard. He parks and she steals away to her car. He goes inside and delivers his paperwork.

"What's with Maxi? Does she like to ride in your truck that much?"

"You know Maxi, she gets desk bound upstairs and likes to go for a ride once in a while. I take her over to Bedford magazine for some sight seeing. She likes that."

He pulls his wash from the truck and starts Tryst. He pulls over to the barracks and goes in to do a wash of his bedding and the panties. Within an hour he's done and heading home.

It's late but Marlene is delighted to see him home, She's attentive and amorous all evening so they go to bed early. She's hot and it's infective so they romp late into the night.

She balances baby care with husband riding like a pro. She pampers him and they pass the night in pleasure.

Tuesday 25 June, 1985

His first rest day he starts out with an early visit to Bev and follows it with a visit to Maxi at work to add his new panties. She outlines his next runs for him.

"That Greenwood to Summerside is bundled with a Greenwood to St. Catherines, Ontario then a pickup at Millhaven for us. We'll have a Napierville load ready then a load to the west. If you want to leave Friday night I'll go with you to Greenwood and back." She grins, "Do you like that?"

"I knew you'd find a way, sexy woman." He laughs and then heads home for breakfast. He tells Marlene about the offer of work for Valcartier Ind. and they discuss that. She's quite impressed by the salary level but Mike explains he would have to join the teamster's union and it would be long distance haulage again.

She has recently been urging him to apply for short local haulage so he could be home every night. He hasn't applied for it yet, though. He's debating if he will sign on again with the navy.

The week goes by with Mike slipping occasionally around to Bev's under many different pretences. He also meets with Maxi once that week. All these meetings are conducted successfully and the participants leave most satisfied. As well he and Marlene are on a new daily sex routine that makes her feel satisfied.

Mike explains he has to pick up that trailer in Greenwood on Friday night for St. Catherines then a Kingston pickup for Summerside, a Gagetown for Kingston and a load west. It's a close enough itinerary to his own to put him where she thinks he is if he slips along the way when speaking to her on the phone.

Friday 28 June, 1985

Friday he goes shopping and stocks up on the items she might need while he's away. Richard is growing so she asks him to look at bigger clothes for him. Mike selects a few items but has no idea what she wants. This is one of the times he slips into Bev's and slips into Bev. She's so happy when they're done she goes with him to help him pick some items out.

He lays down in the afternoon saying he will have to drive half the night and Marlene does her best to keep Richard quiet for him. She's quite pleased with his choice of new clothes for him.

After supper he gets things ready to leave while Marlene nurses Richard and he comes to kiss her in the nursery as he's leaving. "I'll keep in touch. Love you." He heads to FMF and follows Maxi into the yard. She calls, "I'm parking over at Big Walt's. Pick me up there."

"Okay, but give me a bit. I have to warm up Big Blue."

"Don't take too long or I'll go dancing." She takes off laughing and Mike goes to start his truck. He transfers his bedding and briefcase to the diesel as it warms then goes to park Tryst. He walks back and pulls out of the yard.

Across the bridge and then out the highway to Big Walt's, he swings into the yard and finds Maxi's Maverick parked to one side in a corner. He opens his door and pulls her up to slide in the seat behind him then seats himself. "We're away." He guns it and they pull back out into traffic. "How come you're parking it there?"

"I don't want anyone to notice it. I said I was at a friends tonight. Where are we stopping?"

"I figure up at Middleton at the mall. It was good there last time, wasn't it?"

"Yeah," she nods. "How do you get their panties? Do you asks them?"

"Oh, sometimes. Sometimes they just forget them. It depends."

"What do you mean, depends?"

"Well one lady was wearing a miniskirt and a crotchless set of panties so she didn't really miss them when she left them behind," he grins. "And then I can be so stupefying as to leave them unaware of what they have on." He laughs and she joins him.

By ten they're in Middleton. "Let's go get something to eat or drink, at least. You can use the can one last time, too." They go to the restaurant and Cathy's on deck.

"Hey Mike, What you doing up here tonight?"

"Got a load going out early. I just want coffee. This is our secretary down in Halifax. She's with me to see the operation up close."

Maxi says, "Just a coke."

Cathy brings their drinks and stays by Mike's shoulder. "I been watching for you. I know your truck now. It's always nice to see you, Mike."

She goes back to the kitchen and Maxi whispers, "She wants your body, buddy. You could get her panties."

Mike grins, "Got them!"

"You mean this one and Charlene, too." She remembers Charlene from last time at breakfast. Mike just nods. "Do they know?"

"Shhh, Charlene doesn't know. They're friends."

"Ye Gods, what friends!"

Mike calls, "Can I get my thermos filled?"

Cathy comes out, "I'll make a fresh pot, Mike." She makes it and fills his thermos. Mike settles up with her and they leave. He drives around to the mall and finds them a quiet place off to one side to park. They set up his bedroom.

"Are you ready to get your world rocked, baby?"

"Mike, I'm getting used to fucking with you sober and I'm beginning to like it. You really turn me on. What bothers me is why do you still like to fuck us old broads when you have so many young things to choose from let alone that gorgeous wife of yours?"

"I suppose experience has something to do with it, babe. That and the respect I have for all woman kind." He toys with her breasts, "36B, right?"

"Oh yeah, keep that up and I'll rape you."

He caresses it through the cloth, "Is that a promise?" She laughs and pulls her top and bra off. "Oh Maxi." he pulls off his clothes and she keeps up with him. Next he pulls her into his arms and they kiss lazily. "I feel lazy and in no hurry. We have all night." He can feel her nipples poking his chest and so can she. She nibbles along his chin and he puts his lips on hers again.

He caresses her and feels her hot wet box between her legs so she strokes him spreading precum over the head from her palm. "Okay," he gives in and turns her on her knees to mount her from behind. He slaps her ass, "Time you got rode, woman!" he mounts her doggie style. He pokes and probes then uses his hand to guide himself into her.

She moans from the time he enters so he goes at it quite briskly sliding deep into her then back out. Slap, slap, slap, his balls smack against her ass. She pushes her legs apart a bit more and leans back into him letting him go faster and deeper. She moans, "Oh Mike, you know how I like it."

Next she sits in his lap and bounces and they finish up with her rotating and kissing while she grinds her bottom on his projection. She pants and strives to kiss while panting and shivering all over. Her orgasmic contractions send tingles up and down Mike's spine as he explodes and fills her with his seed. He squeezes her and just holds her tight against him.

After a while they curl up to sleep and whisper sweet nothings to each other. At least once more they celebrate their union before they wake for the day.

Saturday 29 June, 1985

Early in the morning Mike drops Maxi to wait with Charlene while he goes for the trailer. At the gate they direct him to PMQ 212 and he thinks that sounds familiar. He drives around and when he sees the house he realizes it's April and Captain John Franks' house. The trailer's in the drive and appears to be loaded.

April comes around the house and Mike knows why she's upset. "Well hi there, gal. Is your stuff on the trailer?"

"Hi Mike. Both of our stuff is on there. His is on pallets on the back and mine is loose up front. We're legally separated and he's demoted back to Summerside. He lost his command here over that phony PI he brought on the base. Serves him right. I'm glad to see you again." She throws an arm around his neck and tries to get a kiss. Mike pecks her quick and pulls away to hook up to the trailer.

"Hey, don't rush off. I'm riding with you."

"No you're not. You know what my sign says."

"I know so you don't want me reporting that I rode over here with you, do you?"

"Of course not." She smiles. "Oh damn! You better be ready to go." He knows she has him over a barrel. They pull out and head for Middleton. "Oh, I have a surprise for you. I already have a passenger. She's waiting in town."

"What? Well you can just leave her there. When did you set that up? I suppose it's that redhead waitress." Mike pulls in and parks. "I said leave her!"

"Tough!" Mike climbs down and helps Maxine up into the truck. She stops glaring inside and looks back at him.

"What the fuck?" screeches Maxine.

Mike shrugs, "I got stuck with her. Let's go." He climbs up and pushes her in with his hip.

She mutters, "Move over." and pushes April to the far side of the seat. Mike gets seated as April let's loose.

"Who the fuck is this broad, Michael?"

"Don't you call him Michael like that, he's not your husband."

She glares, "He's not your fucking husband either, you old bitch!"

Maxi implores, "Kick her out, Michael." Mike guns the engine and pulls out of the lot. As he shifts gears he mentally plugs his ears. When he gets out of town he looks to his two passengers. April is staring out the far window with her arms folded on her chest while Maxi is staring straight ahead with her arms folded on her chest.

"Okay, this is the situation. Maxine is riding to Halifax because I say she is. She's our section's boss' secretary and part of my home office. April is the owner of part of that load we have on the back and has ridden before with me so she threatened to report that fact if I didn't take her so she's riding because I say she is. I'm sorry ladies, but that's how it is."

It's a quiet ride back to Halifax and April wants to get in the load when they pull in the yard at Big Walt's. Mike declares, "Not here. We'll pull out of town and I'll stop for you. What do you have to get?"

"I want to change my clothes. These jeans are cutting me in two."

"I'm not surprised since I can see your camel toe!" Maxine says with scorn.

"I like them that way!" April snarls back.

"You would! You're the type!"

"Fuck you, old woman!" April is furious. "You're just pissed because he's going to fuck me tonight!"

"Now there's something to really look forward to. He should be so lucky to fuck a pig like you!"

Mike quickly pulls Maxine out of the cab and whispers to her by her car, "I'll bring you back her panties." He laughs as she slaps him. "Take care, I'll miss you and I'm sorry about the mix up."

She relents, "Be careful driving, Mike. See you when you're back."

He goes back to the truck and finds April trying to open the back. He bellows, "Get back in the truck, we'll do that later." He drives through Dartmouth and out the highway for Enfield. He stops at a highway rest stop and opens the back for April. "You'll have to climb up over those pallets."

She goes scrambling and Mike waits for her. Soon she's sliding down the pallets in a light summery frock up around her waist and bright saffron panties with a brown pattern in them of stitching. She lands by the door laughing. "Do you like them?"

"They're bright," is his comment. He buttons the trailer up and they're on their way again. "We'll stop at the restaurant at the ferry unless it's in and waiting for us." They reach the ferry landing at Cape Tormentine by three thirty. The ferry's just left so Mike is number one in the truck line up.

They walk over to the restaurant for a bite. April has him by the hand when they come in. "I just want something yummy. Whatever you're getting." She goes on to the bathroom.

"Hi Jenny, can you do me up a pair of those Chicago Dogs?"

"I suppose. Is that another customer?" Mike nods. Jenny goes to put together the dogs. "Do you do them?" Mike doesn't reply. She insists, "Hey, I'm talking to you. Do you fuck all those broads that ride with you?"

"Hey hush! Those are customers you're talking about. Be a little more respectful."

She mumbles, "Well do you?" April comes from the bathroom and settles beside him at the counter latching on to his arm.

She asks, "Did you order?" He nods. "So what are we eating?"

Jenny says, "Two hot dogs, coming up."

April sneers, "A hot dog?" Mike corrects them that it's a Chicago Hot Dog but the damage has been done. April's not hungry now so Mike has to eat both and then order something else for her.

After they eat Mike sees the next ferry coming into port so he rushes her around and they get ready to board. Just before six Mike is at the gate at CFB Summerside and they are calling stores. "They're sending up a stake truck and a fork lift. We'll have those pallets off in no time."

Everything is signed for, Captain Johnathan Franks has screamed at April and she has screamed back, Mike has buttoned up the trailer and they are ready to go by seven thirty. They head for the ferry. "Next stop, St. Catherines," he declares. "We'll try to make Woodstock for the night."

They only make Fredericton by ten so call it a night. Inside Rosie Ann waits on them and April likes her accent. They retire to the truck and April turns syrupy sweet. Mike hangs her panties on the CB knob and she loves it. They make the tractor echo with their loud and vigorous antics and exhaust themselves completely. They pass out for the night.

Sunday 30 June, 1985

Mike is running for two hours before she wakes up. "That's Edmundston airport and if you want some breakfast there's a truck stop just up ahead.

"No way, I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay, I'll just keep rolling." He swings south west at the river and by noon he pulls into St. Nicolas Ultramar. "Hey, sleepy head, do you want some lunch?" He grins. Her bare bottom is winking at him through the jumbled blankets.

"Do I have to get up?"

"Nah, I can bring you something. What would you like?"

"Never mind, where's my dress?" She pulls it over her head and says, "Let's go." She grabs her sandals. Mike shakes his head, no panties, no bra, no socks, what a gal! He helps her down and they go inside. Tory rolls her eyes when she sees her come in because it's evident to another woman what shape she's in. She's just got up and has no underclothes.

They get a bite to eat then hit the road again. April's awake now snuggled up by his elbow and the bedding is spread everywhere. Mike can see her panties hanging on the CB knob. He pushes on and it's seven before they make Kingston. He gets to Belleville and pulls into the 10 Acre Truck Stop. "It's three hours into St. Catherines from here. It'll be after ten when we get there. Do you want to go on tonight?"

"Have you got a flashlight?"

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"Some clean clothes. Let's go see what we can find."

"Do you want to go on tonight?"

"No, I want to sleep with you again. I love the way you put me to sleep. Let's go find something for me to wear."

She brings her bra and socks but leaves the panties where they are. He's sure she can see them but she turns a blind eye and they go back to the back of the trailer. Now the pallets are gone and there's lots of room. She dives into a dresser drawer and starts stripping. Naked she pulls out what she wants and starts dressing while Mike holds the light.

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