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MILFs Do It Better

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Mother and son cannot hide their attraction any longer
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Erin was washing the dishes when her stepson came into the kitchen from the pool. He took out a bag of chips from the pantry and stuffed a handful in his mouth.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Dominic said.

Erin turned around and without thinking checked him out from head to toe. Dominic was wearing short swimming trunks that clung to his body like a band-aid. His skin was glistening from the pool water and sweat. Erin let her eyes trail over his muscular arms, his sculpted chest, bulging abs and lower, following with her eyes the muscles that led to his crotch. She let her eyes rest on Dominic's swimming trunks. She turned back to the dishes when she realized what she was doing.

"Uh...Lasagna," she said.

"I fucking love your lasagna," Dominic said and kissed her on the cheek as he walked past her out of the kitchen. Erin blushed then called out "no cussing!" as she stared at Dominic's ass.

Erin let her hands do the work of washing dishes. It was automatic. Her muscles had their own memory and they took over the task, freeing her mind to do some serious thinking.

Ever since Dominic turned 18 it seemed like he has gotten closer to her. Closer than a stepson should. She always had a good relationship with Dominic. There was a lot of love and warmth between them. But ever since he grew up to be an attractive man, she thought that there was something more behind the hugs and kisses he was always giving her.

She turned red every time that thought popped in her mind. She would shake her head and rub her face with her hands. She'd let her head rest on the palm of her hand and she'd laugh to herself. She put the thought out of her mind, until the next time Dominic did something oddly affectionate. A comment here, a brush there, a hug that was held for too long, a look in the eyes.

She's been with plenty of men in her life. She knew the signs, the subtle cues that men and women give each other. The human mating dance. She thought she was seeing it with Dominic. But he was her stepson so she convinced herself she was misinterpreting it. He was just being affectionate towards his stepmother. Nothing unusual about that.

She was convinced until Dominic gave her another signal. Then another. Then another.

Her stepson was a man in the full sense of the word. He grew up to be tall and handsome, just like his father. He had the lean, muscular built of a teenage athlete. He was the star football player of his high school, due to go to a top college on a football scholarship. He had his father's green eyes. Their intense color was visible from across the room. He styled his light brown hair in a messy manner that made him look adorable. He looked like a younger and more virile version of her husband. And she was massively attracted to her husband. But he was always away on business while she played a stay-at-home mom.

When she thought about it she laughed at the situation. She wasn't surprised, that under these circumstances, she found herself attracted to her stepson. It would be strange if she wasn't. She was 35 years old and still considered herself to be in her peak. She had strong sexual urges, which her husband satisfied thoroughly whenever he was around. The problem was that he wasn't around and there was only so much a vibrator could accomplish. She was horny and stuck in a house with a young version of her husband. She laughed to herself at the thought. There was nothing else she could do. She laughed every time the thought of acting on her desire entered her mind. She swatted it away in her mind. Then she convinced herself again that there was nothing behind Dominic's behavior. She was misinterpreting his affection.

Dominic's swimming trunks were dry. He was wearing a tank top revealing his tan, muscular arms. As Erin served the lasagna, she couldn't help but look over his bulging biceps, and forearms built like steel cords.

She sat across the table from him and ate in silence. She tried not to stare. Dominic was a growing boy and he ate a ton of food. He stuffed his face without pausing to breathe. The only sounds were Dominic's chewing, punctuated by the sounds of his gustatory approval.

Erin kept her eyes on the food. She chased the bits of lasagna around the plate with her fork. Her muscles were doing their own thing again as her mind ran around different thoughts and memories. She thought about the time she came home early from her friend's house and heard Dominic and his girlfriend having sex in his room.

"You're too big," she heard the girl say. She remembered standing outside the door to his room and listening. She remembered feeling dirty. She remembered telling her body to get away, to walk outside, to quit her voyeurism. But her body didn't listen. She stood there, and eavesdropped.

"Let me make you more wet, I'll lick your pussy," she heard her stepson say. His words made her own pussy wetter then, and the memory was making her wet now, as she ate across the table from him. She looked up at him and his eyes met hers. He smiled with a mouthful of lasagna. Erin quickly returned her gaze to the plate.

"What's wrong?" Dominic said, as he wiped his mouth with his hand. Erin looked out the window at the sun setting over the hills in the distance. It has been a very hot day. She wore a very revealing sundress and right now, under Dominic's gaze, she felt naked.

"Nothing is wrong Dominic. How's the food?" she said, trying to change the subject.

Dominic held up an empty plate.

"Amazing as always," he said. He got up from his seat, walked around the table and kissed Erin on the cheek. She closed her eyes as his lips met her warm skin and inhaled sharply. Dominic's natural, masculine musk entered her nostrils, traveled to her lungs, entered her bloodstream, made her dizzy like a drug. Dominic went over to the sink and left his plate there.

"Thank you mom," he said. "I'm going to be in my room."

Erin put the fork down and stared at the setting sun outside. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She touched the spot on her cheek where her stepson's lips have been a second ago and opened her eyes. She stared at the ceiling. She ran her other hand down her body, between her legs and touched her pussy over her panties. It was wet.

She chased the pieces of lasagna around her plate without thinking about it. She wasn't hungry anymore. Not for food. She picked up her plate and swept the lasagna into the trash. She put the plate in the sink then leaned against the counter with her arms spread wide. She looked at her reflection in the window. It was a ghostly image, transparent in the shadows. She laughed and shook her head.

Erin was tired. The constant heat has worn her out, and the meal she just ate contributed. She turned off the light in the kitchen and walked upstairs to her bedroom.

She passed Dominic's door and slowed down. She stood there in the silent hallway and listened. She saw a yellow glow coming from under the door and shadows flicking across the strip of light. She turned her body towards the door and leaned against the wall next to it.

She squinted and furrowed her brow. Usually there was music or video game sounds coming from Dominic's room. No matter what he was doing, whether it was homework, reading, or his girlfriend, there was always music. But the hallway was silent. There were no sounds coming from his room. Only flickering shadows beneath the door.

Erin raised her hand to knock on the door but stopped. She let her arm drop at her side. She stood there staring at the door. She put her hand on the door handle and pushed the door quietly open. Through the tiny gap between the door and the doorframe she saw the back of Dominic's head. He was still wearing the same thing. He had headphones covering his ears. The desk lamp on his desk was on. From where Erin was standing, the light was blocked by Dominic's head, making it look like he had a halo around it. Erin stared at that light effect and didn't notice what Dominic was doing.

His head blocked half of the computer screen in front of him. Erin opened the door wider, without thinking, trying to figure out what she was seeing. She squinted and stepped into the room. Then she noticed Dominic's right arm shaking. Her eyes darted back to the screen and Erin saw the naked legs of two people, bouncing rhythmically. She covered her mouth as she realized what Dominic was doing. He was masturbating to porn.

She stood in the middle of Dominic's room covering her hand with her mouth. She didn't realize how far inside the room she has walked. She stepped slightly to the right to get a full view of the screen as her shock turned into curiosity.

Stepson fucking a MILF, was the title above the video. Erin's skin became hot. Her eyes opened wide and her brain spun around in her skull. Her eyes darted to Dominic's hand. The view of his cock was blocked by his muscular arm. Erin leaned against the dresser and extended her neck trying to catch a glimpse of the penis that gave Dominic's girlfriend so much trouble. As she transferred her weight to her hand, it slid from underneath her. She has put it on some lose papers. She stumbled momentarily then caught herself and straightened instantly.

Dominic pulled his swimming trunks up and shot up from his seat. The headphone cable was ripped out from the computer as he did so. The loud moans of a mature pornstar filled the entire house.

"What the fu...Mom!" he yelled out as he covered his crotch with his hands. He turned halfway away from Erin, who stood there, without a word or thought. Only her eyes moved, from Dominic's face, to the computer screen, to his crotch. She has caught him.

Erin regained her composure, but didn't know what to say. She mumbled some half-finished words as she turned around and shuffled out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She heard Dominic fumble with the computer keyboard as she made her exit and the moans coming from the speakers ceased. Erin walked fast to her empty bedroom and closed the door. She pressed her back against the cool wood of the door and put her hand to her forehead, covering her eyes. Her entire face felt on fire. She squeezed her eyes shut. She held her breath. The back of her head hit the door with a thump. Her hand traveled slowly over the folds and wrinkles of her dress. Down over her breasts, her stomach, her thigh. It traveled under her skin, caressing her thigh, her fire-hot skin. Her hand touched her panties. They were soaked.

When Erin went down to the kitchen in the morning she found a used pan in the sink. The smell of bacon hung in the air. Usually she made Dominic's breakfast. This morning he got up earlier than her and made it himself. She felt a tinge of disappointment as she stared at the dirty plate poking out of the sink. Her eyes rested on it but her mind wasn't receiving that input. Her mind was replaying the events of last night. Erin relived all the sounds, sights and feelings so completely that she almost didn't hear the front door slamming shut. She blinked and turned towards the front of the house a few seconds after the sound stopped. She walked to the front door and looked out the window. She saw Dominic jumping on the back of his friend's jeep, which was filled with his friends. He had a towel hung across his back. He was going to the beach. She listened to the car starting up, loud music blasting out of its speakers, the bass shaking the window in front of her face. As the car pulled away from the curb with a screech of the tires she saw Dominic glance back and their eyes met. She quickly stepped behind the curtain and listened to the music receding into silence.

She took few deep breaths when she realized her heart was beating too fast. She laughed to herself as she slouched her shoulders forward and let her arms hang loose in front of her. She straightened up and went to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

When she was done drinking her coffee and checking news on her tablet, she made a to-do list on a piece of paper. It was laundry day. First thing on the list.

She had to collect the laundry from Dominic's room. She put her hand on the door to his room, but didn't push it open right away. Flashes of last night passed in front of her eyes. She heard the moans coming out of a speaker in her mind.

Stepson fucking a MILF. That was the title of the video that Dominic was watching. She bit her lip as she considered the implications. As her mind worked at a thousand thoughts a second, she unconsciously pressed her hand against the door harder and harder until it snapped open. She saw the black computer monitor with a beam of light across it. It was lit up like a prized artifact sitting in an ancient tomb in an adventure movie. She stepped into the room. The air felt heavy. The heat that already assaulted the earth that morning made her skin slick and shiny with sweat. She was there for the laundry. But she felt like she was trespassing.

She moved her head away from the computer and her eyes followed after. She scanned Dominic's room. It was messy. Unusually messy. Her stepson wasn't the tidiest teenager, but he usually kept things in a better order than they were now.

Erin thought: he didn't clean up last night—he just went to sleep right after what happened to avoid embarrassment. And he didn't clean up this morning—he just wanted to escape being alone in the house with me. He wanted to escape that awkward conversation that was surely to follow. He most likely didn't realize it was just as awkward for me as it was for him.

Erin got the laundry basket out of Dominic's closet and picked up few stray pieces of clothing scattered about the room. She picked up his boxer briefs and quickly threw them into the basket. She didn't want to find cum stains on them. Her eyes opened wide at the thought. She picked up the basket and started to walk out the room when her eyes fell across the computer screen again.

She stood staring at it like it was a riddle she needed to figure out before she could proceed with her life. She cocked her head to the side. She pursed her lips. She breathed slow, deep breaths through her nose. She put the laundry basket down in slow motion. She straightened up the same way. Then she walked over to the computer and sat in Dominic's chair. She looked behind her at the open door to his room. The house was completely quiet. Outside, she could hear only the sound of sprinklers in her neighbor's backyard. She stared at the empty doorway for a long time. Then slowly her head turned back and she stared at her own reflection in the black computer screen. Without input from her brain her hand rose, covered the computer mouse and clicked a button a couple of times. The fans on the computer came on, lights lit up, hard drive made noises. The screen displayed the logo of the college Dominic was going to attend in the fall. There were various files and folder scattered on the desktop. Erin's eyes scanned over them without absorbing any of the names. She double clicked a familiar icon. Internet browser. Then she looked over her shoulder at the empty doorway. She looked back at the screen and adjusted in the chair.

She clicked few times and bit her lip. Displayed on the screen was Dominic's browsing history. Her eyes darted down the long list of names. Adrenaline clawed her stomach from inside. She covered her eyes with both her hands. Then she peeked between her fingers.

Stepson fucking a MILF. That was the name at the top. Her eye moved down a tiny fraction. Hot mom being fucked by a young stud. That was the second entry. Her eye moved down. MILF Hunter – Victoria. Mature woman covered in cum. Milf fucked by two young workers. Brunette Milf does it all. Sexy blonde wife orgasms on his...

The list went on. Then there was a pause. The history displayed normal websites. Forum about motorcycles. Google. Facebook. College website. Then a block of porn websites.

The neighbor's dog started barking and the sound startled Erin. She clicked at the X in the top right corner of the browser and kept clicking. She hit the power button on the computer and it went into sleep mode. Then she saw her face reflected in the black computer monitor. She wasn't frowning. She wasn't crying. Her teeth reflected brightly in the dark monitor. Erin was smiling.

Erin was watching TV when she heard the front door close. The sound was quieter than the usual sound that signaled that Dominic or her husband was back home. She looked over the backrest. Dominic, with a towel over his back, was turning a corner to walk up the stairs. The TV was playing loud enough for him to hear, but he didn't look over. He didn't greet his stepmom. He looked down on the ground and made his way to the stairs as fast as he could.

"Dominic," Erin called out. She made sure to put on a smile. She didn't want Dominic to be scared. Didn't want him to think he was going to receive a stern lecture. She didn't think there was anything wrong with men masturbating.

Dominic stopped on the stairs. She saw him immobile for few seconds, his hand on the railing. His head was covered by a hat, its bill turned back. She saw him look down on the ground then turn around.

He was wearing a blue and white striped tank top, and black swimming trunks. His skin was bronzed from the sun. As he came closer Erin could smell the sunscreen. He came right up to her, behind the couch. He looked down on her with a face that betrayed fear and annoyance. Erin was still sitting on the couch, turned around towards Dominic. Her face was level with Dominic's crotch. She did her best not to let her eyes wander there. She maintained eye contact.

"Yes, mother?" he said. Erin patted a spot on the couch next to her.

"Sit down, I'm not going to bite."

Dominic looked up at the ceiling and grunted. He walked around the couch and sat next to Erin. He held his towel on his lap.

Erin wore a short dress with a very low neckline. Her full, round breasts were squeezed together by the bra she chose to wore. Her skin was glistening with a slight layer of sweat. She put her elbow on the back of the couch and propped her head up with her hand. She leaned over towards Dominic who was sitting with straight back, facing the front of the couch. His eyes rested on the floor. His fingers picked at loose threads of the towel.

Three long seconds of silence passed.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it," Dominic said. He couldn't take the silence. Erin was smiling. Dominic turned towards her and his eyes instantly darted to Erin's cleavage. His face started to take on a panicked expression, then reset as his eyes shot back up to meet hers. Erin saw Dominic's pupils dilate.

"It's okay Dominic, it's nothing to be ashamed about. It's natural. It's not like I didn't know you've been doing it."

Dominic turned away and stared straight ahead.

"Okay, then we don't need to talk about it, right?"

Erin tilted her head to get a better look at Dominic's face.

"How's Jessica?" Erin said.

"She's good."

"Are you guys going to stay together once you go to college?"

Dominic's posture relaxed. His shoulders moved down an inch and he smoothed the towel with his palms. Then he looked at his stepmom. His eyes once again did a jump, from her breasts to her eyes. Click, click.

"Um...If you asked me that a few months ago I would say yes, but...I don't know now. She's too immature."

Erin nodded and smiled. She straightened her arm and laid it across the backrest. Her hand was behind Dominic's head.

"So you want someone mature?" Erin said. Dominic nodded. She could see his pupils growing larger. She looked down at his lap.

"This towel is so sandy," she said. "Let me put it in the laundry."

She grabbed the towel and pulled it. Dominic held it in place with his strong arms.


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