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Millville Ch. 18: BOB'S DUNGEON

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Suzie gets even closer to her friend Julie in the dungeon.
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Part 18 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/29/2018
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Saturday morning Suzie and I slept in. Nine-thirty is sleeping in compared to workday awakenings. We donned our robes and had a leisurely breakfast together.

"By the way, Hon, did you order that 'stand-up' desk you talked about?"

"You bet I did. After Wednesday night I haven't been able to sit for more than a few minutes at a time. At work they must have thought I was on speed or something the way I seemed so restless. I went on the internet and ordered three of them in case anyone else wanted one. They are supposed to be good for your back. That's what they're advertised for. That way I don't have to explain why I really need it.

"Speaking of which, I think it's time you moved the spanking bench that Len brought us, out of the living room. It's not an elegant piece of furniture, you know. I'm afraid someone will stop by unexpectedly to visit and see it there. That would be hard to explain."

"I guess you're right. I keep looking at it and visualizing all the possibilities it presents. Len was very clever and imaginative when he figured that out." I knew from the way Suzie had spoken that she wanted it out of the living, post-haste! "I'll take care of it," I said, reluctantly.

I went into the living room and one more time just stood and studied the bench. Curious about what it would be like to be the one on the bench, I removed the two bolts that held the top, padded bar in place, and raised it to the position that Len had left it in. Suzie had been bent over perpendicular to the bench, so I decided to stand at the side and lean over so that my torso was on top of, and parallel to it.

I doffed my robe, spread my legs wide and assumed the position one might have when bound. I stretched my arms to the opposite side, placing my wrists next to the eye bolts there. I thought, this isn't bad. Not uncomfortable at least. Until someone starts whipping you, I suppose. Just then Suzie's voice startled me. She was watching from the dining room.

"Seeing what it's like to be the tie-ee? Or is it the 'bind-ee', or the' bound-ee'? Want me to get the cuffs and fasten you to that thing so you can really see what it feels like? And then maybe a little paddling on that nice, ripe ass?"

Sounding like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, I said, "No. Not really. Just seeing how versatile this contraption is. Len really had some imagination when he designed this."

"It doesn't turn you on a little bit thinking of being bound there, in that position?"

"Not in the slightest," I protested.

"Sure," Suzie said, sarcastically. "Looks to me like your little dick has grown since you bent over that thing. Now, why don't you finish what you came in here to do? Take that apart and put it away in our closet upstairs like we agreed."

Having learned when it was time to quit a discussion like this, I started taking all the wing nuts off the bolts.

That afternoon I went to the local liquor store and bought a nice bottle of Pinot Noir to take to Bob and Julie when we went to their house for dinner later on. When I got home, Suzie was fixing herself up. Although we were very close friends with them, Suzie and Julie—typical women—had to have everything perfect when they met. Hair, makeup, clothes. "You going to wear the sexy new leather, Babe?" I asked.

"I am. But I don't know why, other than you wanted me to. I don't see myself stripping for them. Julie, I expect, will. Bob will see to that. Probably down in their dungeon. I can't even imagine what he's liable to be doing to Julie for our benefit. I have to keep telling myself that this is really what she wants."

"Can you imagine that someday you might feel the way she does?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm sure that she didn't used to feel that way. It happened over time. So I can't say that it won't happen to me. Look how I've already changed in a short time."

"Well, I'm glad you did. I'm sure enjoying the change. Now, we've got to go soon. I have to get ready too."

Bob greeted us at the door when we arrived at their house and ushered us into their den. It was cozier than their formal living room and we could relax more there. "Julie's in the kitchen fixing some hors d'oeuvres," he said. "She'll be in in a minute." He then shouted, "Julie, they're here."

"I'll be right there, Bob," came the reply.

We had just started some small talk among us when Suzie, who was facing the den's door, exclaimed, "Julie!"

I turned around to see what had seemed to startle her. I was not disappointed. "Wow!" was all I could come up with at that instant. I was speechless.

Julie, carrying a tray with the hors d'oeuvres and drinks for everyone, was wearing the proverbial "French maid's costume". Only this one was "over the top". It was a basic costume, a black satin sleeveless dress with white lacy apron attached to it. But, the flared skirt barely covered Julie's buttocks and the bodice was scooped so low that her breasts were totally exposed. She had lacy white cuffs around her wrists and a petite white cap atop her head. Black, lace-top, thigh-high stockings and 5 inch stiletto heels adorned her lower limbs.

Bob said, "Julie usually wears this outfit when we have our parties. I told her that she should wear it tonight since she'll be serving you folks."

I said, "Well, I approve. I think it's very appropriate."

"You would," Suzie commented, wryly.

"Julie," Bob commanded. "We need some cocktail napkins. There are some on the top shelf of the book case, I think. Would you get them, please?"

Julie went to the built-in bookcases on the wall and stood on her tip toes to reach the napkins. As she stretched her body to full length her bare butt showed under the black petticoat that made her tiny skirt stand out. No sign of any underwear there! I thought to myself, I'll bet anything that Bob put those napkins up there just to show us that Julie was going commando.

Not wanting Bob to have all the bragging opportunities about his lovely wife, I said, "Suzie's wearing some pretty sexy stuff under those clothes herself. Bought it at the adult store in Knoxville after the Munch meeting."

Bob replied, "I hope we'll get a chance to see it. Shame not to share those things. And I'll bet you look fabulous in it, too, with your great, petite figure, Suzie."

Suzie blushed, and said "Thanks, Bob. I don't know about sharing, though."

"Aw, Suzie. How long've we been best friends? The four of us. And God knows you and Tom have seen all of Julie now."

"I know, Bob. It's just that this is all so new to me. I'm still absorbing all that's going on now."

I replied, "So far I'd say you're soaking it up like a sponge. You and I have had some pretty amazing experiences lately, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes. I can't argue with you there."

Julie chimed in with, "Good for you, Suzie. I get the idea from what you've told me that the two of you are really starting to get into our lifestyle. But now, changing the subject, it's time for dinner. You three go sit down in the dining room, and Julie the Maid will be in to serve you shortly. Bob, poor the wine, please."

Dinner was delicious as it always is when Julia is cooking. I had a hard time thinking about dinner, though, with Julia's breasts staring at me while I ate. I tried to at least keep into the table conversation so as not to be too obvious with my attention to the "elephant in the room".

When we had finished eating, Bob said, "Ladies, why don't you let Tom and me clean up. Julie, you've worked hard enough today preparing and serving everything. And, Suzie, I'm sure you could use a break from household chores. I can't imagine that Tom's much help."

"What do you mean?" I said, grumpily.

"Just kidding, Tom. Don't be so defensive. Just cuz my wife is parading around, proudly showing her beautiful body, while yours is all covered up. Is that bothering you? 'Oh, don't let anyone see your body, dear. They might come on to you. It's just for me to see...and touch.'"

Julie admonished both of us. "Cut it out, you guys. Suzie'll show us what she wants, when she wants, if she wants. Now get to work. Us girls are going to take it easy in the den while you get things straightened up. Then, maybe after, we can all go downstairs for a while."

Bob and I walked back to the dining room, arms around each other's shoulders. We're such good friends that we can kid each other like that. We cleared the dining table and then set about doing all the kitchen cleanup.

We were almost finished when we heard Julie's voice shouting, "Hey, boys. Suzie and I are going downstairs. Join us when you're done in there."

"OK, Hon," Bob responded.

Ten minutes or so later we went down to join the girls. The last time Suzie and I had been downstairs in the "playroom" we watched Julie be tied spread-eagled from the ceiling, nearly naked, and spanked until her butt was bright red. That had been our first introduction to BDSM. Now the room was as I remembered it, dimly illuminated by some red lights. In the semi-darkness I thought I could see more furniture, or objects, at least, than I had noticed last time.

"Oh, here you guys are," Julie said. "I've been showing Suzie around. There are a few things in here now that weren't out the last time they were over." Julie walked toward the doorway through which Bob and I had just entered. She reached for one of the several light switches there and turned off all the red light, plunging us all into complete darkness.

"What are you doing, Julie?" Bob asked.

"You'll see. Wait a minute." In a minute or two she flipped another switch and the same white spotlights that the last time had shone on Julie in the middle of the room while she was being spanked, now shone on Suzie.

"All right!" Bob shouted. "That's more like it!"

Suzie stood in the spotlight, facing us. She was clad only in her black leather bra and bikini. She was as sexy looking as a woman could be, I thought. I was proud to show her off. She was my girl.

Bob went on, "You are ravishing, Suzie. To keep others from admiring your beauty and sexiness, would be immoral. Criminal. Shameful. Selfish..."

Suzie interrupted him. "I get the idea, Bob. Enough, already."

"I can't get enough of looking at you like this, Suzie." Turning to me, he said, "Tom, you and I are two lucky sons of bitches, aren't we? We each have a beautiful, sexy, and obedient woman to admire, love, and play with." After a pause, he added, "Speaking of...time to play. Julie, get yourself naked, right now."

"Yes, Master," she said, immediately.

Suzie sidled up to me and whispered, "I hope you don't think of me that way. Your obedient woman. Someone to play with. Is that what you think of me?"

"Of course not. I don't mind your being obedient, nor can I deny that I enjoy playing with you, but that doesn't define our relationship like it seems to define theirs sometimes."

Suzie planted a big, sensual kiss on my lips, and said, "I love you so."

We looked up and saw that Julie was completely naked now and Bob was standing with her in the center of the room with a ladder and some chains. The spotlights shining on that area of the room reflected off the chains and made them sparkle. He handed her some leather cuffs and told her to put them on her ankles and wrists. He climbed on the ladder and clipped her wrist cuffs to the eye bolts on the ceiling rafters above her, about 24 inches apart. After adjusting them so she was stretched tight, but still able to stand on the floor, Bob climbed down to admire his work.

"Looking good. You look sooo good that way, you know?" He bent down and clipped her ankle cuffs together.

Suzie whispered to me again, "Last time he had her legs spread, remember?"

"Yeh. You're right. Maybe he has something different in mind to show us."

"Probably. He seems to have lots of different things to show us. You should see all the other equipment he has here. Julie was showing me before you came down."

We walked closer to where Julie was strung up just as Bob pulled a flogger out of his toy box. Stepping behind Julie he started flogging her back. Julie was silent until his strokes got harder and concentrated on her butt. He paused for a while and walked over toward Suzie and me. He said, "It's time for Suzie and Julie to meld their friendship. Do you want to do that, Suzie?"

"Well, yes. I guess. She is my best friend. We share everything. Although until a few weeks ago she didn't share this with me."

"But now she wants to share it with you. It'll make your friendship complete, don't you think?" Bob asked.

"Yes. Maybe. What do I have to do?"

I wondered where this was all going. I would soon find out.

Bob answered Suzie, "Just slip out of those sexy leather items you're wearing and I'll do the rest."

Suzie hesitated, and then reluctantly took off the little that she was wearing.

Bob took her hand and led her to where Julie was. He took two pairs of leather cuffs from his toy box and placed them on Suzie's wrists and ankles. Positioning Suzie so that she was facing Julie he climbed onto his ladder again and, taking Suzie's hands, attached her cuffs to Julie's. Back on the floor Bob fastened Suzie's ankles to Julie's. Face to face, they looked into each other's eyes. Neither one spoke but you could tell that there was a special bond between them. As their eyes gazed into each other Bob wrapped a silk bondage rope around their waists and gently pulled them closer and closer together. Satisfied, he tied a knot and stood back.

"There. That's closeness, right, Tom?"

"It is that. For sure. It's so close that it's giving me a hard-on."

"Me too," Bob said. "Two bodies melded together like that always turns me on. I'll bet it's turning them on, too. You don't have to be gay to enjoy close contact with another human body, no matter what gender. Now, let's you and I give them some other sensations besides just rubbing skin together."

Bob pulled two implements from his toy box. He handed me a leather flogger and kept a leather paddle for himself. "Here, try this. You've already used a paddle. This'll be a new feel for you...and for Suzie. It's different than a hard paddle like this one. Because the strands of leather are soft and flexible, you can safely use it on most parts of the body. Except the face, of course. With her back facing you like this you can strike anywhere."

I reminded Bob that I had used a flogger at The Gala that we attended with him and Julie a while back. He said, "Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten. But it'll be new to Suzie at least. Go to it, Tom, while I pay some attention to Julie."

"If you're sure. Here goes." I started on her butt, since that was where I was most used to aiming. It took a minute to figure out the right far away to stand from my target, and the proper wrist action to get the flogger to snap where I wanted it. I was soon flogging all up and down her backside from her shoulders to her knees. Once I got it right Suzie was letting me know with her moans, grunts, and screams. Meanwhile, my erection was at the point where it needed more space than the confines of my trousers were allowing.

Julie was also vocalizing from the beating that Tom was giving on her ass. I couldn't see, but I imagined that she was redder than Suzie was. After a while, Tom said, "OK, Tom. Let's switch."

I handed the flogger to him, expecting the paddle in return. "No, no! I mean let's switch girls. You flog Julie now."

I hesitated a bit while I digested this new concept, but finally walked around the girls so that I was facing Julie's backside. I was right. Her buttocks were already a bright red. Imagining that they must already be pretty sore I focused on flogging the rest of her...back and shoulders, and her relatively unmarked thighs. At first she seemed to almost sigh, probably from relief from the pain that Bob had been inflicting. Eventually her cries became those of pain, especially when I landed some blows on her ass.

In the meantime, my Suzie was really wailing as Bob flailed away on her ass with his paddle. I was getting a little worried about her when Bob stopped. "I think that's enough, Tom," he said. "They must be warmed up by now. Help me get them down."

I put my arms around the girls' waists while Bob unfastened their wrists. Now this is a job I could get used to, I thought to myself. I imagined what it would be like to take either of their places. Naked, tied against one of their bodies. Like we had watched at The Gala that The Mill Club had put on. Now, as Bob untied the rope around their waists and unclipped their ankles, I was really horny. Being in bondage might not be such a bad thing, after all.

Bob spoke, bringing me back to the present. "Since Julie no longer has her maid's outfit on, why don't I go upstairs and get us some refreshments? While I do that Julie can show you around the playroom and show you what else we have."

Julie said, "I already showed Suzie some stuff, but I'll show them everything. Maybe we can demonstrate some things later."

"Good idea," Bob said as he left the playroom.

It seemed a little weird following the two girls around the playroom, what with them being naked except for ankle and wrist cuffs, and me being fully clothed. There was still a lot I needed to get used to before I was going to feel "normal" in this BDSM lifestyle. But I was learning.

We walked over to Bob's spanking bench which wasn't too unlike the one Len had built for Suzie and me. Actually, I liked ours better because it could be taken apart for storage and could also be adjusted for height. Bob's was "one size fits all".

Next Julie showed us their stocks. A wooden crosspiece on a stand, with cutout holes for a neck and two wrists. The stand on which it was mounted could be raised and lowered, so the person locked in it could be upright or bent over. The base had places to which the ankles could be attached...together or spread apart.

"Just like in the olden days," I commented.

Suzie said, "Show Tom the Simian."

"Sybian, Suzie. Sybian, with a 'B'," Julie replied. "Simian is a monkey." She walked across the room to a device that reminded me of a pommel horse that is used in gymnastics. The difference was that instead of the two handles near the middle which the gymnast holds on to, this had a dildo sticking up and a textured pad extending a few inches in front of the dildo. The leather "seat" was mounted high enough above the floor that one's feet would not reach the floor, or anything else, for that matter. A framework made of galvanized pipe surrounded it on all sides, including above.

"This is the Sybian, Tom," Julie said. "I guess it's obvious how one uses it. It's usually a female sitting up there, but it can be used by a male, with that dildo up his ass. See the wires in the back. They lead to that control box on the table behind it. The movement and vibrations of the dildo and that pad in front, which the clitoris would be resting on, are controlled by that box."

"Sounds a little complicated," I said. "And what's with all the pipes around it?"

"Oh, those are Tom's doing. They're his idea of turning what's supposed to be a pleasant experience into a torturous one. Leave it to Bob!"

"Did I hear my name?" came a voice from behind us. Bob was there with a tray full of goodies for us. "You like my Sybian? Julie's spent a good amount of time on that, haven't you?"

"Yes. Sometimes I think too much time. When it's good it's really good. But when it's bad it's horrible. I never know what it's going to be when Bob puts me up there. I still can't read his moods."


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