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Minabi and Ami (BWC4)

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Minabi decides to put their slave to good work.
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(Please note this one ends a 'bit' abruptly due to unforeseen issues, but I still thought it would be valuable to submit!)


Ami was napping in the nude, freshly showered and sweet smelling. She had a blissful look on her face while she slept and was likely dreaming about something pleasant.

Minabi wasn't asleep. Sia was out and about, and Minabi had been for a while, too. The sound of water in the refresher can be heard, very softly, through the door as she cleans up after a little bit of a mess she's made with a chosen 'ally' tonight, before Minabi, a towel wrapped around her breasts that hangs down to her thighs (baby blue) steps out of the refresher. She looks to one of the dressers near the door, fingers waggling a moment as she debates which scents and oils to pick.

Ami perked at the sound of water, her eyes settling on Minabi and a smile crossing her lips. "Hello Mistress. How are you feeling tonight?"

Ami rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched a little, arching her back so her breasts stuck out. She peered down and noticed her bare glistening lips trickling onto her bedding. "Oh my! I'm sorry mistress... I.. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was a little drowsy, I didn't mean to forget my clothing." She remembered Minabi had her clothed yesterday, so being nude made her feel disobedient.

Minabi glances over her shoulder Ami's way, the towel showing just the barest tease of her ass. "...What?" Minabi looks confused. "You don't need clothing in the bedroom." Minabi frowns. "You just need clothing around the Battle Station. I'm not sharing you with everyone on So'Pin." Minabi looks back to the scented oils, then selects a somewhat low-key one with the faintest trace of caramel to it. She starts to turn back towards the refresher, and even takes a step towards it, before she pauses. "Hm." She turns, and tosses the pouch-like container, with a simple nozzle on the top for getting the oil out, to Ami.

Ami blushed, feeling a little foolish. "Right... that was stupid... sorry I was waking up still." she eeped and caught the pouch, sniffing it. "Mmmmm it smells wonderful Mistress. What can I do for you mistress?"

Minabi puts her hands on her hips, and the towel doesn't do much to hide the straining swell of Minabi's ample, plump breasts as she arches her back slightly and stands a little taller, looking a bit indignant. Ami should know what to do with it, and for Minabi! "Come on now, sweets. You're a smart gal, what do you 'think' I want you to do for me?"

Ami nodded and gestured to the bed. "Please mistress, lie down and tell me there you are carrying the most tension." She squirt a bit into her hands, rubbing to warm it up and coat her hands. "Shall I start at your shoulders? Perhaps your feet? Lower back? Or would you just like me to start at the neck and work my way down." She was barely containing her excitement, finally getting to serve one of them, though the little show Sia had her put on today sort of counted. But she got the privilege of touching that... incredible body... making her thighs glisten. She was certainly going to cop a secret ass grope.

Minabi shakes her head. "Oh, it's not 'for' the tension, though I'm sure you'll help with that, too. It's for the smell. I want it rubbed in well, so my skin shines and I smell good for days... even though I'll just do this again tomorrow anyway." Minabi laughs lightheartedly as she shrugs. Even now, her skin looks glossier than an average woman's would... or for that matter, even a pampered one. Combined with the already glossy, somewhat 'sensual' look of her lekku, and the 'regal' arch of her montrals atop her head, it was clear Minabi was quite concerned with her looks and figure. At any rate Minabi comes forward, weaving hips carrying her to the side of the bed. The towel is undone and tossed down beside the bed without a care, revealing Minabi to be completely nude beneath it, naturally, as it wouldn't do to be trying to rub scented oils into her clothing, instead. Ample, creamy purple breasts with dark nipples, somewhat thick, slightly aroused, but not too much of either, might draw the eye. Being a Togruta, her pussy is bald, and for the most part, 'human,' but on either side of her folds are four very thin, small lekku with suckers at the tips, four in a 'box' around her cunt and each only two or three inches long. These are curled up against her for now, though the teasing warmth of the open air causes them... and Minabi... to shiver, as she stretches out on her belly on the bed.

Minabi is not lacking in the ass, either, as everyone already really knows. Despite the arch of her back from her breasts being pressed against the bed, Minabi's ass still sticks up in the air, and jiggles a bit, notably, as she lies there, giving a soft, relaxed sigh already.

Ami stared at Mistress Minabis pussy, her breasts, her ass. Her arousal was apparent as it trickled down her thighs, cooling in the air against her flesh. She bit her lower lip, while she stood there examining Minabi with longing. "You are so beautiful mistress, I am envious." With that she snapped out of her daze and kneeled on the bed beside the Togruta, rubbing the exotic oil into her back. She stoked just firmly enough to rub the oil in while offering a pleasant massage sensation without going too deep for now. Ami rub rub rubbed away, savoring the sensation of sliding her hands up and down along Minabis warm body. She did massage deeply at her shoulders, giving her a good firm relaxing rubdown.

Minabi glances over her shoulder, peering at Ami quietly as Ami speaks. Then... "Thank you, sweets. You're a bit of a stunner yourself. I can certainly see why my former mark picked you to steal and try to bargain for his life. ...Really, though, he 'must' have known you were a prize almost anyone here would kill for, no? I' surprised he wasn't jumped before he even made it to the Cantina." Minabi's jade green eyes are heavy lidded, her smile sly, as tensions which were surprisingly faint still fade away under Ami's touches.

Ami smiled, blushing just a bit. "He wasn't very bright... but thank you mistress. You are too kind." Ami slid her hands down, kneading at her lower back. Her hands came away briefly to get a bit more oil, again warming it before she slathered Minabis ass, taking her sweet time there, lingering just so she could knead and touch such a perfect, tight enticing bottom. Plus she liked it when other slaves rubbed her ass, so maybe Minabi would like it as well... then again she was fond of being fucked in her ass too, so maybe it was another fetish. After a bit she moved down to Minabis thighs, giving each some loving attention with both hands.

Minabi did have a surprisingly tight rear. While the surface was jiggly and soft, pliant under Ami's ministrations, there was an underlying firmness that was a testament to Minabi's not so friendly activities she so frequently engaged in. Minabi moans softly as her ass is rubbed and kneaded, and the 'teasing' view of the bare tip of a waggling clit tentacle between her slightly spread legs, as well as the shiver of the Togruta beneath her, expresses her pleasure before Ami moves on to her thighs. "...Very nice..." Minabi murmurs.

"Thank you mistress." She did stare at the wriggling tentacle, making her curious. She looked up at Minabi, then back to Minabis pussy, she decided the risk was worth it, and if she was punished, well, it was something she was fine with. She leaned in and suckled the waggling clit tentacle, only briefly, then she pulled back and awaited the reaction, be it harsh or favorable.

Minabi stiffens. Not necessarily in a bad way, but not wholly good, either. Her back arched further, eyebrows raised, Minabi's pleasure is blatant, a faint musk on the air and a slightly sweet but tangy taste on the wriggling, thin tentacle, thinner than a pinky finger, even, save for the sucker on the end, which was about as large as a nickel. That sucker sticks to Ami's tongue for just a moment as Minabi gives a soft gasp, before hastily releasing, the tentacle smoothly slipping from her lips to curl lightly against them, as though feeling. ...It's joined by it's sister across the way, prodding lightly at Ami's face, as Minabi glances over her shoulder again, smirking, just a bit. "We're still working on the 'back,' aren't we?"

"Yes mistress, forgive your slaves weakness in the face of lust and temptation." Though she could barely keep the smile off her face as she started once again to work on Minabis thighs, rubbing the oil in with loving care, stroking from thigh to calf, leaving the feet for a thorough massage when the legs were finished.

Minabi turns over, then, when Ami gets just about to her feet... you didn't really have to lie in one position for someone to do feet or most of the legs, after all. Hands rest lightly on her breasts as Minabi lies on her back, legs spread slightly, those flexible, tiny clit tentacles waggling faintly around her bald pussy. Lekku dangle lazily on either side of her plump breasts, strewn across the bed somewhat messily, as the Togruta woman shifts, just a bit, so that she can watch Ami. She couldn't really just look past her breasts to do that, after all.

Ami stared back at Minabi, her eyes shifting from the womans eyes, to her warm inviting sex. But she had a task at hand and so she grasped the foot in hand and started to massage, she had a good deal of power in those small hands, able to firmly rub out the aching soreness of the day. She smiled warmly to Mistress Minabi, making conversation. "How was your day today mistress?"

Minabi smiles right back, dark purple lips curled slyly, and just a trace of the usual sinister edge to that pleasant expression, though Ami might be starting to realize that's just her natural predatory look. Smug but still calculating. "Mmm, I was wondering when you'd start asking questions. My day went splendidly. Some good trade, rooted out a minor little bounty Geddo tossed my way, some little rat talking trash out of earshot, or so he thought. Fucked my way to a bargain or two. You were attending to Sia today, but don't worry, I still intend to use you as a bargaining chip, too. And yourself, sweets?"

Ami smiled, attending to Minabis feet diligently. "Hummmm well, I slept in a little, then when I woke up I took care of a bit of self affection." She grinned wickedly. "Then I cleaned up, took a shower, watched Mistress Sia train and when she finished we chatted for a bit. Then she had me masturbate for her so I put on a show... afterward I showered again, and took a nap. Thats when you came... hrm... when I lay it all out I feel so lazy. This really has been the most free time I've ever had in my life, I hope you don't think too poorly of me mistress." One foot was done, and when she'd finished with it it would feel like jelly, now it was time for the other foot.

Minabi clucks her tongue lightly, weighing each of Ami's words, before she nods. "That's a good way to spend the day. No orders, you didn't go out of your way to cause trouble, ruffle feathers, or upset business in any way. I approve. You also kept the place clean and did what you could." Minabi closes her eyes, just indulging in the sensations of the scented massage, the purple skinned temptress apparently entirely pleased by Ami's touches so far. "No, you did fine. Could have done a little better, but you did well. How pleased was Sia?" Minabi sighs lightly, a pleasurable thing.

"Mistress Sia showed a twinge of satisfaction, and she seemed pleased when I asked her permission to climax, I think I did a good job... I hope I did a good job." Her eyes settled on Minabi's breasts, then slide up to her face. "I think she seeks to test my courage and my loyalty."

Minabi nods. "Of course she does. Sia's a lot more open about telling someone she doesn't trust them." ...Talking makes Minabi's breasts quiver, just a bit, particularly when hands carefully clasp behind her head, woven amongst lekku and likely pinching just a little, though the bed was certainly plush. "Would you have it any other way, though? Surely you don't want fools for mistresses... unless you have a thing for swapping masters and mistresses often." Minabi peers at the ceiling quietly. It certainly seems like Minabi is trusting Ami right 'now' though. Maybe she knows some deadly hand to hand fighting style or something? ...Probably not.

Ami shook her head. "Oh no mistress, I would not have it such a way... I was not complaining, I simply was informing you... I will not break and I will simply be made stronger for you both from the experience." She sighed, finishing the foot and adding a bit of oil to her hands.

Minabi smirks, staring up at the ceiling, flat belly rising just slightly along with her breasts with each breath. The bounty hunter gives the faintest of nods, then, realizing that's a little hard to see around the purple mounds on her chest, she speaks up again. "I know." That sounds better than simple agreement anyway. "You know you're in for excitement, adventure, and more freedom than you've ever had. So why would you want to fail? We're your best shot at living happily, so far." Minabi closes her eyes, seeming entirely relaxed.

Ami smiled. "Yes you are mistress, and I will show you my gratefulness." She leaned forward, sliding her hands up Minabis belly, rubbing the oil in, her hands sliding along her sides and up to her breasts. Ami made sure to get more oil for those marvelous mounds, paying special care to them as she gave them a gorgeous shine and gave her nipples a good buffing, Ami's sopping pussylips parted on the Togrutas thigh and rubbed along as she shifted and moved. Each movement slathered Minabi's thigh with nectar and elicited a soft whimper from the slave pet.

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