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Mind Plays Tricks

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Sexist hypnotist soldier faces a seemingly ditzy demoness.
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And the results are in: Chosen warrior versus imp! For a reminder on the challengers: The Kingdom of the Chosen is a vast male-domination cult that employs mind control to keep the women in line. Imps are dimwitted demons who trade information—and memories, and knowledge, and intelligence—to take advantage of their targets.

Who will triumph? Let's find out in this month's Bonus Pairing!

~~~~ ~~~~

"Captain!" Morren looked up as he saw Yulfet lean around the corner. The soldier under his command had sheathed his weapon—rank recklessness, in Captain Morren's opinion, though he didn't say anything about it. "The hellbitch isn't here!"

"We can't be sure of that," Morren said. The captain kept his voice stiff and formal, making a show of studying his surroundings intently. There was nothing special here to uncover—it was essentially an ordinary living room, albeit with one interesting feature he intended to explore shortly—but it was important to set an example for the men. "Sorceresses have ways of hiding their presence, Yullfet. They are mages, and they are women. When push comes to shove, they employ coward's tactics. It's how they're wired."

"Okay, but..." Yullfet shrugged. "I mean, we've been giving the mantras for fifteen minutes now. I've never met a harlot who could take even five minutes without submitting to righteousness. I think we missed her."

"Have you checked the attic?"

Yullfet blinked. "Attic, captain?"

"There is an attic. You can see it from outside." Morren rolled his eyes. "Yullfet, have the other three men go with you. Deliver the mantras directly beneath the attic hatch. If she is there, she will hear them. If not... well, we've been away from the base too long already."

Yullfet frowned. He looked back, then to Morren again. "And you?"

"I will examine the rest of the house," Morren said, keeping his tone perfectly neutral. "If I am satisfied that you did not miss her, I will take my leave. We'll meet back at Wellspring in a week."

"... Alone, sir?" Yullfet chewed his upper lip. "What if... what if we did miss her?"

"My strength of will is fairly well-established by now. If it is to be one of us that meets her alone, it had best be me." Morren smirked. "And besides, I am beginning to worry that this group relies too much on me. I leave you in charge, Yullfet. We'll see if you really do deserve your own command, won't we?"

Yullfet gave a nervous smile and saluted. "Yes, Captain!"

Just the other day, Morren had helped the team capture no fewer than three udder sprites. The cows had tried to brainwash him, but he'd been a rather tough nut to crack. Now, the Chosen had three new holstaurs in their harems.

Morren had spent years training himself on methods to resist mind control, and he'd been generous with magic charms to better his own prowess. No mere woman could resist her rightful place around him. He knew every trick in the book.

"Then be on your way, Yullfet," Morren said, smiling. The soldier hesitated, then turned and hurried back to the others.

Morren waited until his subordinate was out of sight. Then, he kicked the rug aside, revealing a trapdoor. Just as he'd guessed.

The truth was, Yullfet had been a bit cocky lately. Morren wanted to remind him that he didn't need the team—they were present to assist him, not seek their own damn social advancement. Plus, Morren wasn't sure he wanted to risk the sorceress mind controlling his men against him. One never knew with mages. Morren didn't want this bitch to get away because of the incompetence of the lessers. Not again.

The captain stooped, grasped the trapdoor ring, and pulled.


The sorceress's cellar was about what one would expect for a sorceress. The stairs led down into a dark chamber lit by flickering torches that seemed to burn with a lavender light. A single door stood to the north; it looked like it led to some sort of closet or pipe room.

The main room here was empty, save for a couch, a bed, and a large cage with a human woman in it.

Morren paused, blinking, at the bottom of the stairs. No.

She was not human at all.

She was far too beautiful to be human, for one thing. She had round, pert breasts wrapped in a thin white cloth that revealed far more than it covered. Her ass was equally perky, but her waist was remarkably slim. Her thighs were totally bare, showing smooth, toned pale skin. Every inch of her oozed deliciously available sexuality.

She turned to him, and Morren felt his cock harden as he imagined breaking her in. Her eyes were bright red, with thick, dark lashes and painted black lids that accentuated her bedroom eyes. Her lips were full, and red, and begged for a cock to be thrust between them. A pair of long, twisting horns climbed from atop her head, and a long tail with a blunt-looking barb rose up from her rear.

A succubus, he realized, heart pounding. One of the most cunning, deadly demons in the world—whores with no masters. They were infamous throughout the continent. These were the masterminds who had engineered the fall of the Kingdom of the Gods. They were the purest embodiments of sensuality, deception, and razor-wit.

"Oh!" She gave a start when she saw him. "Oh, my goodness! Hello!"

Morren's head tilted to the side.

Up above, he heard the trapdoor slam shut. Damn it, should've propped it up, he thought bitterly. Not that he was worried. The Chosen had dealt with demons before, and not even succubi could resist the Conversion. They were still only women, after all—bound to their flesh. They could be very clever, however.

"Are you here to save me?" she asked, batting her lashes. "Ooh, I'd be so grateful!"

Morren slowly smirked. He took a step closer. "Yes, I have, demon."

"Demon?" She looked aghast. She looked down at her butt and appeared to finally notice the tail. "Oh." She reached up and felt her horns. Her face fell. "Aw, man! I forgot to do the disguise again!"

Morren tried to keep from laughing. This was a succubus? One of the deadliest breeds of demon known to man? He supposed it might be some sort of trick—a guise to lower his guard—but there was a vapid glaze over her eyes that not even a woman in the throes of orgasm could feign.

"It seems, demon, that you were ill-equipped for independence," he said, slowly circling around her. He couldn't help but admire her form. The holstaurs had been well-endowed in the chest department, certainly, but this creature really was the full package. She would be one of his favorites once broken in, he was sure.

"I was?" She pouted. "I thought I was really good at it! I fucked that hot sorceress chick like crazy!"

Morren stopped short. His mind raced. "The sorceress?"

"But I guess..." The demoness pouted, apparently thinking very hard. "She did want me to do it every time. So, like, maybe I wasn't totes independent? But I really thought I was!" She looked at him, as though pleading for validation. "Isn't that basically the same thing?"

"You've seen the sorceress."

"Huh? Oh, sure." She was transparently staring at his tented trousers. Morren had lost his codpiece to the holstaurs, but it was seen as a mark of courage among the Chosen to go without. Besides, this particular member was of more use within easy reach. "Seen her. Sexy babe with red hair. Glasses. Kinda a nerd. Super-long tongue for a human." She hugged herself with a happy smile, clearly remembering something.

"Where is she now?" he demanded, stepping closer. "If you've seen her, tell me where she is!"

"Hm." The demoness put a finger to her lips. "Does Mister wanna know somethin' about my Mistress?"

"I can promise you, slut, this is the last time you'll find yourself serving any mistress."

"Ooh, that's a promise! Well, how about a trade?" She giggled. "Wouldn't that be fun? That's how I get new masters an' mistresses, y'know. Deals!"

Morren considered it. On the one hand, to make a deal with this feminine creature was utterly beneath him. It was generally bad policy—the Chosen Commander preached consistency of discipline. Allowing women to make "deals" could give them all sorts of ideas.

On the other hand, it might get an answer faster than Converting her would. Some women were very resistant to it, and others were rendered too insensible to even speak for minutes or even hours after exposure. Besides, he could always Convert her afterwards, to make sure she was being honest.

Studying her massive breasts, he knew he was looking forward to checking. And double-checking.


Setsily the imp squirmed, watching the handsome young man openly ogle her. She wasn't used to being ogled like this. Usually, people tried not to look at her, because they would worry she could control them with her hotness or whatever. But he didn't seem even a little bit worried. That was weird.

"You are magnificent," the man purred, taking a step closer to the cage.

"Ooh. Am I?" She tittered. "You're not too bad yourself, stud. That cock looks huge. So, the deal..."

"Yes, the deal." The man smirked. Setsily watched, startled, as he reached down and started to unbuckle his jeans. "Let us make a deal, succubus."

"Right!" She beamed. Finally, he was going her way. The sexy way! "So, how about you tell me somethin' about you guys, and I tell you where she is."

"Perhaps..." he murmured.

"Uh-huh?" She giggled. "Secrets for secrets? Doesn't that sound fun?"

"I can think of more 'fun' things for you to with your tongue," the man said, lowering his trousers, "than this girlish prattle."

"Yeah," she said, rolling her eyes, "but, see, what I want is to just—"

His cock sprang free.

Setsily's pussy tightened. It was like a strange sort of faucet had been turned in her heart. She couldn't help but look down.

His cock was enormous. It was a gorgeous, worshipful thing, bulging, flawless. She licked her lips, feeling the heat swelling within her.

"Oh." She licked her lips again, trying desperately to hide her interest. "Um... right."

"Do you like this?" He reached down, gently stroking the massive cock. It was pointed right at her, like a predator zoning in on its prey. "It is destined to be your god, demon whore."

"Oh... um, no thanks." Setsily swallowed. That was a bit blasphemous, even for a demon. "I, uh..."

The cock moved closer to the cage. She found herself sinking to her knees. She hadn't had a cock in so long... "I really wanna do the, uh..."

The soldier leaned close. "You can't resist," he whispered in her ear.

Setsily's knees touched the iron floor of her cage. "No," she said, surprised at how weak her voice came out. "No, don't... don't wanna resist."

"So easy to give in," he said.

"So easy," she whined, leaning towards his cock. She tried to lick it, but it was just barely out of reach of her tongue. "So—so, um..." Setsily tried to lick it again, letting out a frustrated groan. "Hey, baby, I can't quite, um—"

"Can't what?"

"Can't suck your cock!" the imp squealed, looking up at him with the biggest, most soulful eyes she could muster.

He laughed. "What trade were you proposing, again?"

"Um..." She was still straining to reach it. Why was she so desperate for cock all of a sudden? Was this magic? Whatever it was... "Lemme out!" she squeaked, pressing her whole body up against the bars. "An' I'll tell you where she is!"

"I believe you have it backwards, whore." He moved slightly closer, and she felt his hand ruffle her hair. His cock moved just close enough that she could lap at the very tip, and she eagerly did so, tasting a strange sweetness. "Tell me where she is."

"Closet!" she cried. "She's sleeping in there! Fast, fast asleep! Let your slut out now!"

And abruptly, his cock pulled away. She was left panting, staring at it wild-eyed. She wanted that cock. She'd never felt so attracted to anything before. It was like... like magic!

The cage swung open. Setsily got up and stepped out. Finally she was free! She could go anywhere. Do anything. Fuck anyone. Suck anycock. That cock. She wanted to suck that cock.

She turned to him, wide-eyed. He smiled. "Is there a problem?"

"You..." She licked her lips. "You cast some sorta spell thingy."

"Did I? I don't think so. I think you're just very, very horny."

"Nuh-uh!" She shook her head, struggling to resist the temptation. He'd already cheated her out of a proper deal once. "You, um... your cock."

"Yes." The cock seemed to twitch, catching her eye. She couldn't help but look. Her mouth slowly fell open as she started to stare at it again, lost in its beauty. She wanted it. She needed it. "You're quite fond of my cock, it seems. Worshipful, even."

"It's... magic?" She bit her lip, giving a nervous giggle. "I think? It's, um, hard to think. When I look at it. Why's it so hard to think?"

"Why do you think it is?" He placed a hand on her shoulder and stroked her hair, almost like she was a pet or something.

"Um..." She leaned into the touch, giving a soft moan. "Because I'm just your silly slut?" She just wanted to make him happy. Had to give him the answer he wanted so he'd let her... let her be his...

She felt him subtly pushing her downwards, and she found herself dropped back to her knees. "You can't think because you want to be a nice, obedient whore."

"I do?" she managed. She was level with the cock again. Her pussy was starting to gush. It felt so good, just to be close to it, to stare at it. She could only imagine how good it would feel to touch it. She almost couldn't bear to imagine it.

"If you don't, why are you on your knees, waiting to suck my cock?"

"But..." She tried to think. It was hard. "But you pushed—MMF!"

He thrust towards her, and reflectively, her lips parted for entry. Like it was meant to be in there all along, his cock slid right into her mouth.

And her mind went red with pleasure.


Morren smiled slyly as the demoness began to bob willingly on his shaft. He'd known she would. Even without the magic he had placed on his cock, she was positively gagging for it.

She moaned like a wifwolf in heat as she sucked his manhood, and he couldn't hold in a groan of pleasure. He hadn't been able to resist using her mouth. Just once, he told himself. Just once. Then he would go get the others, and they would check out this 'closet'. And then they would... would...

The others. He shuddered, feeling her tongue roll over his glans. Fuck, she was a natural. Of course she was. When this was done, he had to go find...

He frowned. Who did he need to find, again? Why would he ever want to leave her warm, wet mouth? Surely there was no greater pleasure. Surely she could provide greater pleasures.

He heard a little giggle from below, and he looked down. The succubus fluttered her eyelashes at him, her eyes wide and joyous, full of that perfect submissive delight. He felt himself smiling.

She started to give long, slurping sucks, and he gasped. It was exquisite. But he wanted more. He needed more. No more of this slow ecstasy! He grabbed her by the hair and started to fuck her face. "B-bitch!" he gasped.

"Mmm!" she agreed.

"You—when we f-f-finish—" He shook all over as she adjusted to the new grip and began deepthroating him with gusto. His hands fell away. The sensation was incredible, and to see those lush red lips wrapped around the base of his cock... it practically made his mind burst. "Fucking su... succub... succu... uh, suck..."

Everything seemed to be getting fuzzier, and it was getting harder to form cogent thoughts, much less words. He frowned. "Cocksucker..." he mumbled, uncertainly. Had that been what he'd been about to say?

"Mmm!" She seemed to giggle. She reached down with one hand and rubbed her bare tummy, waggling her eyebrows at him suggestively. "Mm-mm!"

His mind struggled to come up with an answer.

Who was she, again?

A bimbo, his cock decided, as she pulled back and sweetly sucked his head for a moment. Just... just a bimbo. He felt his eyes fluttering shut. A smile was spreading across his face. It had been lucky to find such a sweet thing down here. It was so kind of her to be so good, so willing. A good little slut.

He was getting closer to orgasm now. Her technique seemed designed to draw it out as long as possible, but he didn't like that. He wrapped his fingers in her hair, gasping for breath, and started to fuck her pretty face again. He had to show her who was in charge.

She seemed to love that. She gasped and wriggled her hips, and he realized she was touching herself while sucking him off. That turned him on even more.

The warm, wet pressure on his cock started to speed up. Her glorious sucking sounds were mind-numbingly erotic. His whole mind felt numb with pleasure.

Her red eyes were locked on him. Sinking into him.

Just a bimbo. Just a bimbo.

His hips thrust involuntarily as he came, shooting load after load into the Converted slut. He wasn't sure who she was, exactly, but he loved her for doing this to him. This was what Converted women were for, he thought. They would drop to their knees whenever the situation warranted.

He fell to the ground, totally spent, as the pleasure faded. She was still sucking at him, making sweet little sounds that turned him on like crazy. He lay there for a moment, feeling his arousal building once again. It would be so sweet to just lie here. So sweet to fuck her face forever. He couldn't think of a single reason to not want her lips on his cock forever.

But he had a job to do. He reached down and pushed her head off his cock, eliciting a sad moan from her. "Mmmah?"

"Down, slut," he said, not unkindly, in his opinion. "I have work to do. You wait here, where it's safe."

She sat up and watched him, a funny glint in her eye, as he got to his feet. He turned towards the stairs, his head abuzz with plans. Much as he'd wanted to make a point to Yullfet, he wasn't a fool. There was no way he was going to gamble this peasant girl's freedom just to embarrass a subordinate. Who knew what perverted acts the sorceress meant to perpetrate upon this simple, sweet Converted slut? No, he would get his men, and take no chances.

"You haven't checked the closet yet," she said. "What if she's in there?"

He paused, confused. His mind seemed to stutter slightly. "But I... I thought..."

It was as though his mind was skipping a note on a record. Someone had told him the sorceress was in there, he thought. But who? This bimbo? Not likely. She was just a normal village girl, with long red hair, sexy breasts, great cocksucking lips, devil horns, a long tail... normal, uninteresting human traits.

So who, then? Where had he gotten the idea? Was it some sort of suggestion? Was the sorceress trying to lead him and his men into a trap? He couldn't have that. He needed to at least check it first. No sense wasting the boys' time on nothing.

Morren turned and walked over to the closet door. He hesitated, but it didn't appear to be locked. He turned the doorknob, as quietly as he could, and looked inside.

He stared in blank shock.

A beautiful red-haired woman lay on the floor of a lushly-decorated bedroom. She was perhaps in her early thirties, with small but full and round breasts and unfocused bright blue eyes. Her hands were tied to a rope looped around a post. She was faintly moaning through a red ball gag as she frantically fingered herself.

He blinked. The loop wasn't even tied to the post—it was just placed around it. All she had to do was stand up and pull the rope off. Or untie it, even! Her hands were clearly quite mobile. A swine could do it, let alone an unConverted human woman.


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