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MistressAnne - How It All Began

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My journey to becoming a Cuckoldress/ hotwife.
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This is my first ever post, I am not a writer, what I am is a forty something who has spent too much of her life beholden to others and not standing up for myself, this has resulted in me attracting men who have manipulated me, and as a result I was not living my best life. Five years ago infidelity destroyed me, fortunately I had a great therapist and reconnected with my childhood friends who got me through the bad times and have been with me on my subsequent journey. I have just turned forty and have built the confidence to share my journey as which I hope inspires you and helps you become the people you want to be.

I intend posting my back catalogue of significant events and encounters and if these are well received I may post some future encounters.

My journey to becoming a cuckoldress

Subby (my husband) trained weights and worked doors at clubs, in 2018 I was contacted by a friend highlighting a post on social media where someone had created an account in homeage to one of the clubs subby had worked in that had closed. a lady had posted a comment about 'that bouncer with the small dick', and my friend innocently had sent me a link with the comment 'this is not your husband is it LoL'. I had a suspicion it might be so I reached out to the ladies who had commented, as subby has a few distinguishing features which they positively identified. Receiving confirmation that it was indeed my husband they were refering to sickened me to the stomach and, like most women, I asked myself why? what had I done wrong? I had always been faithful and a good wife, our sex life wasnt great, he was like a bull in a china shop, but it was me that suffered in this aspect of our relationship, so why the need for others?

I confronted him and we played the usual game of denial, however he had no wriggle room and finally confessed with the excuse that these ladies were begging him and it meant nothing, this sound familiar to anyone!!

A calmness came over me, yes there was the shame, humiliation and the confidence knock, but this was going to be revenged, I was happy that I didnt have to endure the endless humping and inconsiderate sex. You could almost hear Gloria Gaynors 'I will survive' playing in the background for the next few months of my life, I did survive and I was stronger, I stopped being so compliant, and this lost me a lot of so called friends, but I had done with the victim mentality, my life was mine to shape.

I haven't slept with him since (5 years). I had months of therapy, moved back home to the village a grew up in and most importantly reconnected with all my real friends. The drastic weight loss and self focus got me to a place where I started to go out socially, I scrubbed up quite nicely and attracted a lot of attention which made me feel valued, even though I knew most guys knew I was on the rebound and wanted what guys want! I became a bit of a bitch for a while, teasing and letting guys down, unfortunately vodka is my cryptonite and a women has needs so I started taking new lovers as revenge, but also I enjoyed it and it was fun and gave me such a nice feeling, so why shouldn't I, women like sex too!

Subby was trying desperately to get me back and bought a nice house in our village, very quiet and secluded, which is proving ideal for my adventures, but thats another story which we may come onto in other posts. I didnt rub subbys nose in my infidelity, if he asked I would answer honestly, we got on ok and through necessity I moved into his house.

At this point my activities and encounters were right in his face, well not literally yet, but keep reading! We agreed to house share, or have an open relationship, either way I was having fun without him, and he was also trying to hook up with others, but all those steroids have reduced him to under 4", and it never ended well for him!

As an alpha he really struggled at first to adjust to our new open relationship, he had lots of testosterone running through him with little opportunity for release, so he started going out dogging and joined what appeared to be a lot of groups where guys all went on cam and masturbated. Due to his small manhood I think he took a lot of abuse from the other guys, so he wasnt in a good place, which I was really pleased about as he deserved some pain.

A lot of my friends were suffering with their other half's and we bonded through our infidelity and covering for each other, there are 9 of us of which 7 cheat, the other two keep us safe and grounded, like the mother hens of the group. We were very close knit and I loved the security of my extended family.

We were six months post infidelity now and I was loving life, subby however was battling his ego, he wanted me back which was nice, but that was never going to happen how he envisaged it, yet he also knew of my infidelity so he went from anger and threats to begging and pleading, I knew deep down he would always be in my life, I love him and he looks after me, but now wasnt the time to show mercy, now was the time to mould my new life and see whether he could accept it, so I made no attempt to reconcile or let him have any influence over my lifestyle, I knew he had to lose that alpha ego and he needed to learn that for himself.

Fridays was girls day/ night we met for coffee in the morning and everyone came to subbys around 6pm where we partied before taxi's to a club, most of us didn't make it home until the following morning, and subby would cover for us, saying they stayed as his, he was starting to get his role. The girls were also starting to take a liking to subby and my vengeance was subsiding, ever so slightly!

Subby let himself down one Friday evening, the girls were all drinking outside, unfortunately the summer dresses and amount of flesh on show, plus his lack of sex got the better of him and one of my friends caught him masturbating over us from the attic bedroom window. The girls decided to punish him with spanking and humiliation which to our surprise got him aroused and we let him finish himself in front of us, this was great for me as I got lots of sympathy for dealing with under 4 inches, plus the girls realised he was a bit of a perv, but most importantly he was liking the humiliation so maybe the alpha ego was crumbling. I think this was a turning point, his macho alpha attitude was mellowing and the girls all started to feel a bit sorry for him, so they would tease and humiliate him and he would be allowed to finish himself, so he was seeing benefit in compliance.

This arrangement progressed, he would cover for us, he would also sort the sticky situations we got ourselves into, and stand up to husbands for us, he would serve us drinks etc on a friday, he was kind of like our pet. This evolved to the point he became our sissy bitch on a Friday and we dressed him accordingly, the girls used to bring outfits around and he wore chastity, but we would take it off when the taxis arrived and maybe leave him with some used panties so he got a reward.

My life was good, subby supported me financially and loved me, he still wanted to be in my life despite me being awful to him, I was expressing myself with other lovers and really enjoying the attention and particularly the sex, my friends were cool with everything and indeed were in a similar place to me. The only bit missing was subby still had his alpha ego when he wasnt aroused and I was scared that he would leave me, it sounds horrible, but I needed subby to become a cuckold and enjoy it, as this would assure me he wouldnt leave, also deep down I was still vengeful about the humiliation I had suffered and needed to punish him. I needed to see that look of defeat on his face, once I had seen this if he stuck around I know my life would be good, this would give me the confidence to live my best life securely without fear. I know its awful but I needed it to help my transformation and confidence, I have never won at anything!

Getting subby from a sissy to a cuckold was the mission, and it required a lot of help from my friends, as my power wasnt enough, they thankfully offered to help, it was like it was our mission, we were a team. It started with us stepping up the reward arrangements and creating a want and desire in subby that we could use to manipulate him into doing anything. To give subby credit he was very good with his tongue and my friends enjoyed this whenever they needed the big 'o', he even started to do this again with me, which I had missed, and the fact he was going down on me knowing I had been elsewhere was even more rewarding. The spanking and humiliation escalated and got more risky. We tried him with one of my friends creampies but he wouldnt!

I think we had taken the voluntary cuckold transformation as far as we could, unfortunately for subby, we might have to force him to complete his transformation! The plan was one Friday night I was going to invite a guy around, and I had the perfect guy for the job, I was going to make love to the guy in subby attic room and the girls (all nine of them) were going to make subby watch and hopefully he would enjoy it and celebrate with a creampie!

That evening all the girls came around looking beautiful and subby had a new outfit, the girls also subtly put him make up on, I arrived on scene dressed in sexy underwear, which obviously looked a bit strange as this was not an outfit to go clubbing in, so that kind of let the cat out of the bag and subby was exiting when two of my friends produced tasers stun guns, this still makes me laugh now!! were they honestly going to use them, no, I think they were fake, the girls suddenly turned into a mini police force restraining subby, he is a big fella but not against 8 women and he is well mannered so wouldnt have used any counter force. His lack of resistance told me this was going to work which got me so horny, also the girls threatening to withdraw their favours if he didnt comply which might have also tipped the balance, either way I was so wet. I think deep down he wanted this to happen but was holding onto his last bit of masculinity.

After a few stiff drinks I got a text from the guy who was outside, I let him in the rear entrance (leave it!) and introduced him to everyone, all the girls were excited and giggling however subby was quiet, particularly when the guy, a young mixed race hottie, went over to shake his hand. I quickly disappeared to subby room with the guy and after a short warm up I shouted the girls and subby up, I hadn't really contemplated my friends watching me have sex so I was struggling to focus at first, but as soon as the guy undressed I remembered why I was doing this, I had been here before and he was good, I mean good! The girls were quite envious of his manhood and physique and I was even asked by one friend that if I was too nervous she was happy to take my place!

This is going to sound horrible but I really wanted to look into subby 's eyes as the guy entered me, it was quite cathartic and was me empowering myself against all the shitty guys I have had to endure!!! I did it laid on my back with subby close to the point of entry and the girls were making him watch.

As soon as I had watched the look on subby's face, that look of defeat I talked about earlier, a great weight lifted from me and I turned into someone else ( I am this person now), I went wild, put on a proper porn star performance and had the best orgasms of my life, in full view of everyone, wow! In subsequent conversations a lot of my friends have admitted they were envious of me at this time, but we have done similar for them since, so other stories will follow.

I orgasmed twice before the guy declared he was ready so I positioned myself doggy and looking straight at subby, I started to orgasm and was particularly loud and aggressive towards subby, the guy took my cues and timed his orgasm perfectly with mine, when the guy finished inside me, I am sure subby was tearful but he denies it.

After, the guy disappeared quickly and I lay there face down, normality had kicked back in and was a bit embarrassed to lift my head, but one of my friends reminded me we had to finish the conversion of subby to a cuckold.

I rolled to the edge of the bed and subby was placed face up on the bed, to say he was reluctant was a vast understatement, but those tasers were out again and he had no chance against 8 women, he was held down.

This was the best bit I was absolutely loving this, my girls are my hero's for doing this for me, I climbed off the bed, being careful to keep my legs closed, and then couldn't work out how to get onto his face without leaking, we were all laughing, with one exception!

I kind of took a running jump to land on his face which was being held in position. you probably had to be there but I was laughing which wasnt helping in the retention of subbys treat! I then gave a little squeeze and we were all looking for the drips, when they finally came each one was met with a cheer, and subbys nose was being held so he-opened his mouth, I then sat well and truly smack down on his face! I rode his face like a bucking broncho and have never felt so empowered, the added bonus here was his little cock got hard, that was it, the conversion was complete!

The girls all disappeared back down stairs for drinks and to order taxi's and there was just me and subby in the room, I went over and hugged him and kissed him and thanked him for what he had done, he apologised again for his infidelity and said he was proud of me for standing up to him, he made me promise I would never leave him and in exchange he would be my cuckold.

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AalissasAalissas5 months ago

Sure, it could use an edit but this is a site that allows anyone to upload their writing. I enjoyed your story nonetheless and will be checking out your other stories. There is a certain charm to reading non-professonal stories. Have a good day and Go for it if you're inspired to upload new stories. Stories can attract both flies and mosquitoes. The mosquitoes bite but the flies enjoy. 😋

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved it. Credible, and a reality check about the complications and rewards of fringe sex.


kennyboy82kennyboy829 months ago

You've attracted numerous negative comments which doesn't come as a surprise really. Unfortunately there are many 'readers' on this site that insist on reading stories that are themed on a subject they dislike, yet they insist on reading them - Why, for fucks sake? It really doesn't make any sense to me. I enjoyed this, a cuckold marriage from the wife's perspective. It got 5 Stars from me and a 'follow' - I'll write to you separately.

mattenwmattenw10 months ago

What a stupid story! In reality, the man would have bitten with all his might and she would never have had a clitoral orgasm again. Or he would have simply gone to the police and she and her assistants would have gone to jail for some time!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This story is barely readable. It's not just the weird writer's "voice" and writing style, but the poor punctuation (random commas, etc.) and typos that are distracting. Also, the story starts with very little preamble, set-up, or character development. Instead, we're fed a bunch of assumptions, and since the writer doesn't have a bio with anything more substantive than 'no answer,' 'nothing' and 'none,' we cannot gain any insight or context from that direction. Is this a cathartic piece? Total fiction? Biographical? The worst part is the writer violates the cardinal rule of writing: "Show us, don't tell us." We read a commentary, a story from a disembodied voice speaking from the ether. There's no dialogue, no emotion, no build-up, and no actual plot. Dialogue, conflict, plot, and character development are the foundations of storytelling, and this has none of those elements. Boring. Two stars (rounding up).

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

You’ve convinced the Cuckroaches that you can do a cuck story, but not impressing anyone else.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Disgusting characters. Man haters who can't make it on their own, so they beat and batter men until getting somewhere. I wouldn't touch these sluts with his dick and he can certainly do better than his commandant bitch. Still, well written and funny in A few places, but he should have burned them all to the ground and got his man card back.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Former alpha named Subby?? Even before his wife (justifiably) cucks and dominates him? WTF? He obviously was a very pathetic alpha.

SummoreSummore10 months ago

Well done! A well written and lovely story. I would like to invite you to read my Guilt series. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know if you do!

GcoachGGcoachG10 months ago

So good first story. Love the content. Would have two suggestions. Like the earlier comment , a good proofreading would be good. I am available if you want editing help. I have posted over 80 stories here under another name. My email is Let me know if you’re interested. The second would be give some more details. Be. Bit more graphic. Tell us how you’re feeling. Let us know how he is feeling somehow. All in all, a good effort. Don’t be discouraged. Keep writing. The difference between my first and my most recent stories is night and day.

AntMan317AntMan31710 months ago

Also, please stop with the use of an apostrophe before the “s” on plural words.

Finally, the dialog just comes across a little silly. If you will record yourself reading it out loud in the way you hear it in your mind, you should be able to see what I mean.

You aren’t alone in this, btw. I’ve read scores of stories making the same mistake. I could probably save these comments and copy/paste them to about 40% of what I read here. Just proofreading your work (or at least letting someone else proof it) will go a long way towards making your writing better.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great first story. So looking forward to the next story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Interesting in that it is sort of a revenge story. A brief proof read would have made it great.

LucieLou007LucieLou00710 months ago

Great story for first time, looking forward to more :D

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Laughably bad

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