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Misty Dawn & The Raven Ch. 2

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Pirates split the loot.
3.1k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/29/2002
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Dawn had Lady Catherine sobbing into her bosom softly when they both shook at the sound of the cannon's report. What that thundering sound signified they could only guess. Thankfully Lady Catherine had fallen to sleep in the dark, stank hole where they had found themselves. Dawn fought sleep with her body. Her wrists ached from the bite of the ropes. The rough hemp pressed against her soft skin, as Lady Catherine's weight pressed against her thighs and abdomen. The curved wood wall crushed against her back and red locks in the darkness as the ship rolled on to God only knew where.

Thoughts began to cloud her mind, what were they to do with her? Where were they headed? The hollow ache n her stomach asked if they were to be fed. Her fear gripped her as the ship rolled on. Eventually, exhaustion and the gentle roll of the sea wove its siren call around her as well and Dawn passed into a fitful, dream filled slumber. Her dreams were of dangerous men and mystical lands, a nightmare that mirrored her new reality.

Dawn was wrenched from her fitful dreams by the sounds of the grinding of hinges and the shrill shriek of Lady Catherine. "Damn you, bastards!" Dawn spat, as she was drug forcibly from the dark little cell. Rough hands pressed the flesh of her shoulders as she was hauled up the steep steps to the blazing sun of the deck.

As the sun burned her gray-green eyes, she was tossed unceremoniously to the deck before the mainmast of the Raven. Dawn landed hard on her cheek and knees, with her wrists still bound at the small of her back. She felt instantly unladylike, and could feel her cheeks burning, as she realized she had landed with her shapely bottom thrust skyward, and her legs splayed from her lack of balance and her sudden, unceremonious landing. Her ears burned as she heard from one of the smelly brutes that had drug her to daylight, "Aye, I c'n see wh' the cap'n sees with this treasure." Dawn's own terror was set back a bit as Lady Catherine flopped next to her, shrilly shrieking that her husband would pay anything for her safe return, blithering to anyone who would listen.

Dawn quickly rolled herself onto her back on the deck; her still burning eyes horrified her at the disarrayed state of her skirts. Suddenly, she saw scattered about the deck piles of things from her former vessel; Lady Catherine's wardrobe, the captain's sea chest, her mistresses' jewels and finery were all lain out and shining in the sun. As she forced her eyes to continue to take stock of the situation, she noticed that many men were circled around the mast and the pile of ill-gotten gain, Lady Catherine, and herself. The throng of men, were variously adorned, some with large earrings, others with two pistols thrust into their belts, some with heavy blades slung about their shoulders, and one giant of a man with no hair and a tattooed design on his scalp. There was lust and hunger in all their greedy eyes. A new terror settled into Dawn's defiant heart.

Suddenly, out of the crowd with bold steps strode one man, the man who she had failed to kill. His muscled chest bared beneath the fire of the sun, his long blond locks buffeted slightly in the wind, and a dangerous smile at his lips. Dawn narrowed her gray-green eyes and bit her lip as he walked deliberately to stand before her. "This, ladies," he addressed his prisoners, "is a division of wages. As this," he continued with a whimsical wave to the bounty gained from the plundered ship that littered the deck, "does not render enough for all to share. I have told my men that I will take only one jewel from our prize." His last sentence hissed off his tongue as his pale eyes burned into Dawn's. She instantly turned her head aside, avoiding his gaze.

Charles held his smile as he knelt and roughly gripped Dawn's chin, pulling her eyes back to his relentless gaze. "This will be my jewel," Charles said flatly, but loudly enough for all to hear. "Do with the lot as you will, me hardies!" There was a small laughing cheer from his men as they set tot he deck to pick over the loot.

Dawn's cheeks fell. She was to be raped. Her shock left her quickly as he held her chin and her fire returned. She lifted a leg to strike, but the grinning pirate caught her ankle and deflected a blow aimed for his groin. Charles rose up and laughed boisterously, backing just out of range of Dawn's thrashing kicks. His laughter was echoed by many of his crew before he found voice to speak, "Fa-Fazul," Charles managed, "bring my pet." With that Charles turned and his black boots clicked across the deck.

Dawn had tears creeping down her face as the giant dark-skinned man loomed near to her. Before she knew it, she was scooped up in a massive arm and hauled towards the cabin door. Her feet being drug to keep pace with the giant's long strides. His arm bigger than most legs was thrust through the notch of her bound arm as he led her to the door. Dawn's mind raced, it was like some insane mockery of being led down the aisle. The only thing she owned, her virtue was about to be stolen, and she seemed helpless to stop it. Her eyes burned with hatred and ran with silent tears. Behind her, an ear splitting scream from Lady Catherine forced her to squeeze her eyes shut.

Charles had his back to the door when he heard Fazul drag his pet in to the room. "That will be all, Fazul," Charles said without turning around. Fazul released Dawn's arm and slightly bowed his head, closing the door behind him as he exited. Dawn cautiously cracked her eyes open, before them, she saw the backs of knee-high soft leather boots. She slowly raised her gaze over breeches pulled tight over well-muscled claves and thighs... "What was she doing?" she demanded of herself as she shook her head, as if to clear it. The captain slowly turned to face her, "What shall I call you, m'pet?" he asked with a calm smile.

Dawn stood straight and defiant, eyes spitting fire as she looked upon Charles' handsome face, "Dawn, not that it means anything to the likes of you," she spat. "Perhaps not," Charles shrugged as his eyes devoured her curves hungrily. "No matter, lass," Charles added as he reached out and softly caressed her cheek. Dawn instantly recoiled from his touch. "My pet," Charles said coldly as he circled behind her, "you should learn some manners. On this ship, I am master, and I have invested in you. You would do well to not disappoint me, pet." She felt powerful fingers set upon her shoulders, slightly baring her shoulders.

"So, pet," Charles whispered into her ear, his lips brushing her lobe as he spoke "are you to behave?" His hot breath on her ear sent a twinge down her spine, burning into her belly; she inhaled deeply and said nothing. "I think we can dispense with these," Charles said softly as he quickly uncoiled the rope from her wrists. Dawn instantly spun around and raked her open palm across Charles square jaw in a loud slap. Her palm stung from the blow she delivered, but her adversary did not flinch, "Now we will see to those manners, pet," Charles hissed his words as cold as air escaping a tomb.

His cold eyes fixed upon hers for an instant and then he grabbed her waist hard, doubling Dawn over on his arm. In a leap, he was at his chair and throwing Dawn over his knee. Dawn was gasping for breath that had been forced from her lungs as he seized her when her head was covered with a billowing shroud of her skirts. Then she felt her ass being exposed as her petticoats were thrust aside, a new panic filled her mind and she tried to squirm free of his iron grip. That is when the first stinging blow from a broad palm landed hard upon her tender bottom. "Aaahhhhh!" She gasped despite herself, more from surprise than from the pain. Then a second blow reddened her opposite cheek.

Charles planted blow after blow upon her shapely, creamy cheeks. He inwardly smiled as he watched the rapid blows bringing her ass to a rosy glow. The blows fell faster as he watched his work upon her flesh. Dawn gasped in time with the blows, she was barely aware of anything other than the rain of his masculine palm upon her tender flesh. She hardly noticed the pressure increasing into her side from his swelling manhood.

Suddenly, she was jerked upright and forced with a harsh hand to sit on the hard surface of the ornate desk. Her own weight was inflicting her with more pain as she was forced to sit. "Now, pretty," Charles smiled as he crossed his arms over his bare chest, "do you think you can behave?" Panting though she was Dawn immediately jumped and tried to run. She took but two steps before being betrayed by disheveled and entwining feminine garments sent her sprawling to the floor. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, my pet," Charles grinned evilly as he lifted her by her fiery locks from the deck. Leaning down to look into her terror filled eyes he said coldly, "You will soon learn, my pet." With that, he pulled her to her feet and then threw her fully through the gauze-draped bed that dominated his cabin.

Dawn rolled to her back and scrambled to escape, all in vein. Charles was already upon her. He gripped both her sore wrists in one powerful hand as he clamored atop the bed to straddle her belly. Her legs uselessly kicked behind him as he snatched a velvet cord tie to the bed curtain with one hand. Before she knew what was happening first one wrist then the other was pulled by knotted velvet cord. Her arms were stretched, each in turn pulled to opposite head posters of the luxurious bed, secured by tight knots both on their moorings and her rope sore joints. She clenched her tear leaking eyes when the weight suddenly removed itself from her midsection.

Charles smiled for a moment at the side of the bed. Then he slowly pulled another curtain tie from the bed and walked around to the foot of the bed. He dodged with the skill of a master swordsman the clumsy thrust of Dawn's foot. He reposted by seizing the offensive limb and set to tying wide to the foot poster. Then repeated it to her other leg. He stepped back and gazed at his prize; legs spread and lifted high, pulling her reddened ass slightly off the feather mattress. Still, in her helpless state, she was struggling against his knots, digging the velvet cords into her soft flesh.

Smiling broadly Charles spoke in a mocking tone, "Now that is a sight a blind man would pay to see, pet. You almost look perfect, luv, almost," he let his voice trail away as he turned to his desk. "You bastard!" Dawn screamed in response. Charles laughed as he pulled a curved bladed dagger from a drawer; he turned to face her and held the blade before his captive's wide staring eyes.

Dawn gasped upon seeing the blade, "Now you have done it, you daft fool," she thought to herself. She was certain that she was to be murdered; she began muttering a prayer and snapped her eyes shut certain that she was breathing her last. She felt Charles weight upon the bed, and swallowed in fear.

Then she felt a strange sensation of coolness gliding across her bosom. "Don't move, pet, I would hate to cut your flesh." Charles instructed quietly as he slid the blade between her breasts. She could hear the linens popping and parting before the razor edged blade that slid like a serpent across her chest. Dipping down over her stomach. Her skin felt like it was ablaze with cool fire from the cold steel gliding over it. It was all she could do to remember to breathe in shallow, halting breaths. Her head was awash in a tide of sensations she could not begin to comprehend. As Charles shaved the petticoats from her inner thighs with expert strokes of the blade, she felt a heat rising from her very soul. She did not dare move, nor did she dare not to move. She was paralyzed by feel of the knife on her flesh.

Charles stood up and smiled down at his jewel like a wolf eyeing a straggling calf. He set the blade down on a small table and crushed his lips to Dawn's. Dawn tried to struggle but the wave of sensations that was assaulting her mind slowed her reactions and weakened her resolve as his tongue stabbed into her mouth, as if on a voyage of discovery. Her body was aching and afire as Charles assaulted her with a long deep kiss. He broke the embrace suddenly and rose, then as she gasped helplessly from the bed he grinned for a moment then with lightening movements tore the shredded rags of her clothes from her body.

"Now, m'jewel," Charles said, his words dripping with need, "you look polished and cut, perfect, my pet." His eyes dancing over her revealed breasts, nipples like rosy diamonds upon perfect globes. His handprints still visible on the shapely curve of her cheek, hovering above the mattress. The fiery curl of her down lifted for his eyes to devour by her tethered legs, their inner recess glistened with her own uncontrollable responses to his ministrations.

Dawn was overcome with shame at her body's betrayal of her hatred, but when she heard his words, she could only moan in dual frustration. Charles sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked her tearstained cheek. Without a word, he began to let his fingers trail down her neck to land upon the rise of her breast which he gripped full in a powerful hand and squeezed, rolling her nipple between thumb and forefinger. Dawn arched herself to his touch despite herself and tensed in the ropes.

Charles leered down at her with a roguish grin as he removed his hand from her, pulling her nipple in his wake. The he pulled off his boots and cast them to the deck. Then he covered her body, his lips locking around her other nipple, his tongue fencing with the erect bud as he inhaled it past tight teeth. While he assaulted her breast with his mouth, he fumbled beneath with his belt. Releasing the buckle, he forced his breeches down finally freeing his throbbing member. Charles gasped with relief against her breast as he kicked his restrictive garment to the floor.

Dawn gasped as Charles pulled his lips from her breast and rose to his full height beside her. Her eyes widened with an odd mixture of fear, lust, and intrigue at her first sight of his swollen member. She had her eyes locked upon it as he rounded the bed and slowly slid between her legs. "Now my pet, I am sure you will not disappoint me, aye." Charles asked as he knelt between her suspended thighs, his cock teasingly tracing over her swollen, moist lips. Dawn turned her face away and moaned in desperation as she felt his pulse through his head that pressed hard to her swollen bud of desire. "What was that, pet? Is there something you need?" Charles asked mocking her emotions.

Dawn's head shot back, her gray-green eyes glossy with lust, she intended to spit in his face, but her words shocked her as they escaped her lips, "Take me, end this torment, have me," Even as she hoarsely begged to be fucked, she arched herself to his large sword. Charles responded by driving himself hard into her heated sheath, splitting her apart, ripping away the last shreds of her dignity, and bursting her innocence with one powerful thrust.

Dawn screamed in pain as she was split by the merciless cock that slammed home into her tightness. Her head swam with shock of pain as she was forced to adapt to the thick pulsing blade that had cut her maidenhead low. The walls of her pussy clenched in both pain and lust to the intruder of her flesh. As he held himself, buried to the hilt her body slowly expanded to accommodate his commanding presence that was at once searing and urging her all to weak flesh. Suddenly she felt a flood of sensation wash over her and she began straining in her bonds against him, to him. She threw her head back and screamed in both triumph and defeat, "UHUUUHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHEEEEIIIIIII!!!!"

Charles held himself to her until she exploded over his cock, her scream was like a chorus of angels to his ears, and he began to renew his thrusts. Plunging in to her newly awakened garden of delights, pulling back until the head of his cock was within her starving lips, and then driving her home once more, he watched with a grin as she bucked on her ropes beneath his gaze. She was struggling with her bonds, not to escape, but to get at his cock in a new desperation. Charles pummeled and plundered her treasure; savoring every delicacy, her tight pussy could offer his raging cock. She screamed again as her body clenched of its own accord, as if trying to swallow him whole within her. Slamming her hard to the mattress with one great lunge Charles fired his volley deep into her greedy womb.

Holding himself within her, he lowered his lips to hers and locked them into a long deep kiss. There they swung on her ropes as the Raven rolled across the waves that danced just beyond the window. Charles rolled off her, and looked at her flushed face. Lifting an eyebrow, he remarked softly, "You have the hair of the fires of dawn, and the eyes of a misty sea morn'; well pet, I shall call you, Misty, Misty Dawn." He winked at her and added, "That is so long as you do not disappoint me."

"Nay, nay," Dawn coughed, "Misty Dawn will not disappoint you, Captain, uh..." She trailed off as her heart leapt to her throat. "Captain Charles, will suffice, pet," Charles smiled as he cupped her breast and drew her lips to his once again, pulling her against the velvet bindings.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

glad i found this story, looks to be a good one...i will read on. Thank you.

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