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Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 12


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"Oh come on none of us are driving!" Violetta pouts.

"Hey you can get drunk on your time but as long as you bare the Alfredo name you belong to dad!"

Sofia rolls her eyes, "And the successorship has already gone to her head."

"Sure hate to be working under her," Regan adds.

"She's our sister, the employees are lucky," Pepper corrects.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Gal announces and quickly exits.

"Oh Gal, bathroom is to the first right," Violetta says.


Gal sees the bathroom sign. "Yeah like I can't read." As she makes her way her phone suddenly vibrates. "Hope it's not high command telling me to come back. We did our job, it just that my Gundam got away. Damn you Bernkastel!" She makes the right and continues on. "I hope the Vice Chief is ok." She looks up and sees that the entire area was dark. "Huh? Did I take a wrong turn?" She turns around and bumps into a woman. "Oh excuse me. Um where's the bathroom?"

"First time?"


"You were right there."

"Thank you."

"You look like you need to relieve some stress. Have a good time."

"Um yeah," Gal says awkwardly as the woman leaves. "I don't have to go bad, maybe it's something to do with alcohol." She enters the bathroom and handles her business. She washes her hands, reaches for the paper towels and then notices a penis emerging from a hole. She gives a double take and stumbles to the floor. "What the hell?" She slowly gets up and exits the bathroom. She leans on the back of the bathroom door. "Why was there a penis in the bathroom? Why was there a penis in the bathroom?"

She suddenly hears faint moaning. She gets down her knees and crawls closer to the sound and then she looks up and sees the woman from earlier completely nude and her mouth around a man's penis. Gal was perplexed. "She's actually having oral sex in public?" She makes out the man's right hand cupping the woman's ass. His other hand was cupping the woman's breast, she assumes.

Gal was starting to feel hot all over. This was sex, what many of her friends actually talked about and actually done. Her sister Sofia asked her if she was still a virgin. She watches as the woman picks up speed with her mouth. The man's moans grew a bit louder. "I shouldn't be here and yet..." She witnesses the man smacks the woman's ass and she holds both hands over mouth.

She watches as the woman removes from her mouth and spits on it. She licks the shaft and goes all the way down the his testicles and she mouths it again. "Wow it's big, and that thing goes inside of me in order to make babies. That's how I was...I wonder how does it taste?"

The woman stops and then gets up and Gal watches as the penis disappears into her vagina. She could feel wetness emerging from between her legs. The woman was now riding the man. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster and then she shakes her head. "You got to get back Gal, you got to get back."

She crawls away and eventually makes her way back to her sisters.

"Just in time to order," Lena says.

Gal nods.

"You didn't get lost, did you?" Violetta asks sternly.

"Of course not." Bitch you knew it was my first time coming here and yet you acted like I've done something wrong.

Time passes on and the sisters leave. "Did you have a good time, Gal?" Pepper asks.

"Um yeah we should definitely come back again." I should come back.


Nimrod Space Factory April 18, 2099

"The repairs are complete and it's time for you to be on your way."

Emily comes in with handcuffs. "Why is she here?!" Bernkastel demands.

"Because it would not be fair for you two to go back to the Zoya Remnant while he goes alone."

"I don't want her with me!" Alex protests.

"That's not your decision to make."

"What if I refuse to go?" A screen appears with a manikin preparing to shoot her dad. "Deus no! I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"Your ship has been equipped with the same type of booster as the Gundam, I've calculated the fastest route to Earth and it's just a week's journey."

"Is the battle still going on at Luna?" Bernkastel asks.

"No it is over, Zoya is victorious."

"Ha! Suck it, Alex!"

"Enough! Your war is pointless! You will deliver this message at great hast before they start fighting again! Emily your dad will be just fine."

"Why can't he come with me? All this time I thought he was dead and now that I've found him I'm going to be separated from him again?!"

"You brought this on yourself."

"Make him stay and my dad comes with me!"

"HELL NO!" Alex yells.

"He's right, it's his ship not yours or your dad's."

"Enough of this nonsense! Let me kill them both!"

"Silence, young lady!"

"That bitch killed my grandpa!"

"I didn't kill him, I wanted to but I didn't."



"Humph, one day Bimbo your luck will run out!"


An hour later they set off. "Question," Alex radios.

"Yeah?" Bernkastel radios back.

"How come your Supreme Leader doesn't use his power? If that were me I would have crushed the Earth Republic in a day."

Bernkastel ponders how to answer and looks to Überstein who shakes his head. "That's classified."

"Fair enough I guess." He turns to Emily who was sulking. "Emily, Emily?"

"Just leave me alone."

"Listen you'll see your dad again, ok?" She doesn't respond.

"I have a question for you Emily," Bernkastel radios.

"Yes what is it?"

"Were you born in a state called Alabama?"

"No why would...FUCK YOU, BERNKASTEL!"

"Well you and your dad..."

"Hey humans were doing that long before America! Egypt was doing it, you know Nimrod, which that factory was named after was the founder of Babel, and he had a sexual relationship with his mother Semiramis. Oh and let's not forget Adam, Eve and Cain."

"Bitch that's not what happened! Adam and Eve had sons and daughters, Cain married his sister Awan."


"That doesn't count, it was only done to populate the Earth."

"Well maybe other humans besides Adam and Eve should have been created on the same day."

"There you go trying to justify your actions like murdering my grandpa."

"I thought I already told you that I didn't murder him. Now I'm ending this conversation!"

"Humph, stupid orange bitch!" Bernkastel looks at the radar, the space factory Nimrod was getting further and further away. "So Überstein, why doesn't the Supreme Leader uses his Newtype powers? He seems almost godlike."

"He's not, he can still get sick and...he almost died during the civil war. You've seen his memories, you've seen the madness he's been through. Imagine if more people knew. What would that be like?"

She has a grim look on her face, "I wouldn't want anyone to go through the horrors he went through."


"But is that really the only way."

"You're the Newtype."

"I...let's just drop it for now."

The hours pass and both put their machines on autopilot. Alex eats dinner, he offers Emily a MRE but she refuses and was still sulking. "You not eating won't help your dad one bit."

"Leave me alone."

He sighs. Another hour passes and he looks back and sees her asleep. For a moment he was mesmerized by her sleeping form, she looks gentle and cute but he quickly shakes it off remembering that she's a monster in human form. Two more hours passes and he drifts on to sleep.


Earth, Grail

Gal and her bodyguards were driving to Albury to get some medicine, her entire family was under self lockdown due to the outcome of the Battle of Luna. They exit the humvee and witness some people fighting each other over food, the police appear and break it up.

"What are you all doing?! You're supposed to be protecting us!" A man screams.

"Unbuckle your hoister, things could get rough," Sean whispers. They enter the store. "Just get the medication and we're out."

"What is the Chief of State doing!?" A woman screams at Gal.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?!"

Galen restrains her.

"The situation is under control, she's preparing a counterattack as we speak," Sean lies. "Please remain calm." The woman darts pass him. He turns to Gal, "You need to calm down."

"She had no right!"

"She only did it because she's scared like everyone else."

"Oh and I'm not!?"

"Of course we all are but its our job not to be."

"Let's hurry and go," Galen says.

Gal quickly heads to the pharmaceutical department and her eyes meet with Roddrick's. "Why are you here?"

"School is open but none of my instructors are present so I came here to try and keep order."

"I came for my mother's medicine. This is madness."

"This could be the end."

"Hey we won't let them reach Earth, we have an orbital defense fleet ready."

"Are you going up there?"

"Um." Damn it, I don't wanna go up there. Maybe I should transfer to Army but the Gundam! Wait what am I saying? The Gundam is gone! What do I do, this could be the end! Suddenly more fighting breaks out and Sean appears. "Gal we have to go now, a possible riot might occur so we must be prepared." She grabs to the medication.

"Wait Gal, there's something I have to tell you," Roddrick says.

Gal places some money in his hands, "I have to go."

He sighs, "Later then?"

Gal doesn't respond.


The cameras flash as the Chief of State Glendarah Kits approaches the podium. "My fellow Earth Republicans, it is true that we lost a great many soldiers and the battle as a whole but we're not out, we're currently working hard to boost our defenses. Sure things may look bleak and I must confess that our Vice Chief of State is currently missing in action but he wouldn't want us wane in our faith, his mother would tell us the same thing, we must remain strong, there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel and we will see it together but only if we hold fast together! Only together can we overcome the Zoya menace, let us not fight amongst ourselves but fight against the Zoya together!"

The people slowly clap.


Evening came and there was no riot but morale was still very low. Gal went home but it was her last night for the next day she and others would be conducting training exercises and she didn't know when she would return.

All her family did was watch the news and occasionally they would cry and then the parents would tell them how much they loved them and then go through the photo albums. It became too much for Gal. "I'm going out."

"What where?" Her mother demands.

"Anywhere but here, this is depressing."

"Gal you're supposed to be with family," her dad says.

"Yeah but you're supposed to be encouraging me, boosting my morale. You all heard the speech by the Chief of State." The rest of the family was silent. "I'll be back in a few hours."

As she stood waiting, she goes through her phone and sees two missed calls from Roddrick. She sighs, he wasn't a bad man it just she wasn't sure about her feelings. Her bodyguards came and she enters the humvee and they drive off.

"So where to?" Sean asks.

She tells them about the club she went to. "Gal are you sure about this?" Galen asks.

"Hey you guys are supposed to be on my side!"

"Just making sure."

"I'm going to have some fun before all that rigorous training tomorrow. And you two expendables are going to make sure I have a good time tonight or I'll make sure the both of you spend the rest your lives diving through sewage on one coin per day! Do you understand?!"

They both grit their teeth and reply yes ma'am.

"Alright what are you waiting for?! Drive goddamn it like you did it yesterday!"

They reach the club and Gal eats and drinks and orders seconds and thirds while her bodyguards pay for it all.

"This is good, now if only I could drink some wine. Ok you two, purchase some alcohol but smuggle it out."

"Are you being serious?" Galen asks.

"Do you not recall what I said if I didn't have a good time tonight?" Galen was silent. "I'm heading to the bathroom now."

As she reaches the intersection she stops, "To the right is the normal bathroom but the second right is...Do I dare? I mean watching that was...pretty hot. This was exact reason why I decided to come here, I could have gone anywhere else. Do I dare? You only live once besides every other girl does it, or at least...I bet Bernkastel was...with Alex." Her mind drifts to Roddrick. "I wonder how his looks like." She goes straight until she makes the second right and she reaches a door. She gulps and opens it and it was dark like the last time but she doesn't see anyone.

She reaches the bathroom and on the door it says vacant. "Good." She enters and handles her business. She scrolls on her phone for "instructions" and blushes, afterwards she washes her and waits for a minute and then a penis appears. "Do I dare? Damn it Gal just get it over with!"

She approaches the penis, gets down on her knees and taps the tip with her right finger. "Can't believe I'm doing this." She grips the shaft and starts going forward and backwards slowly. "I can feel the veins." A few seconds later she switches to her left hand. "This isn't so bad." She slowly picks up speed.

"Don't go so fast bitch!" a voice barks. Gal gulps and complies. Her right finger taps the tip again and she tickles it. "Your mouth, I want to feel your mouth!" Gal was stunned, "My mouth?!" She decides to use both hands and increases speed. "No!" The man growls and tries to pull out but Gal refuses to let go and she continues wanking and then suddenly he explodes his cum on her military dress. She was horrified. "Bitch!"

"That's what you get for being rude!" Gal wipes the cum off her uniform and then a second penis which was longer than the first appears. "I guess I should." She gets beside the penis and begins wanking it. She could here a moan. "Such a nice soft hand you have," the new voice says which made Gal smile. She takes her time with this one, switching hands. "Oh, may I feel your lips?" Gal was stunned again. "Again with the mouth? Well I suppose, that is one of the ways. And he did ask politely unlike that first man." She obliges by kissing the tip and then puts lips on the shaft from top to bottom. Honestly she couldn't believe she was doing this, kissing a stranger's penis.

"I need to finish quickly, surely Sean and Galen must be getting worried." She wanks him faster with both hands while kissing and she sees precum oozing out. There was no way she was going to get that stuff on her military uniform again. A minute later the man groans and his cum came spewing out and Gal was stunned upon seeing the first load hit the wall with such speed and force. She looks back and watches the white goo ooze out on the floor. "Can you clean it?" Gal hesitates but grabs some paper towels and wipe the stranger's cock clean. "I was hoping you could use your tongue." Gal stops and a few minutes pass. "Are you still there?" When no answer came the penis disappears.

Gal breaths a sigh of relief. "Glad that's over. I should get going." Suddenly her stomach starts hurting so she sits on toilet. "Maybe I ate something wrong." A few minutes pass and she feels better. She gets up and washes her hands again and then she looks and sees two of them emerging. "Oh hell no, I need to leave." She looks back for a second. "What's wrong with me? I can't seriously think about doing it again! But this was literally the sole purpose of my coming here! But my bodyguards."

"What are you waiting for? The bathroom door makes a loud noise so I know you're still there," a familiar voice grumbled.

Gal was frozen in place. It was her bodyguard Sean and that means the other penis was...

"Hey, don't take your frustration out on her."

"It was him," Gal thought.

"You're right I apologize."

"I can't believe my own bodyguards! I do it quickly and then I'm done." She gets back on her knees and grips both cocks and begins wanking them."

"Just give us a quickie," Galen says which made Gal smile.

"Speak for yourself! I'm going to take my time with this, we barely get R&R as it is."

"But Alfredo..."

"Fuck that bitch!"

Gal was angry and grips his cock harder.

"Ow, not so hard!"

"I want you to put my meat in your mouth, please," Galen requests. She begins kisses it. "I would like to feel your warm wet tongue on my meat." She starts licking it.

"Hey I am not getting any action over here!" Sean snaps.

She resumes wanking him and then she taps it lightly and smacks it.

"Ow, why did you do that?!"

"Maybe she thinks you're into kinky stuff?" Galen laughs.

Gal resumes wanking Sean and she starts to pick up speed.

"No stop rushing it!" Sean growls.

"Come on, we really need to get back," Galen suggests.

"And I already told you I'm taking my time. That purple haired bitch has been gone a long time so why should I have to worry, it's bad enough we have the split bill for her food! Honestly I joined in order to serve the Earth Republic not babysitting a damn brat!"

Gal was beyond pissed she and opens her mouth in order bite his cock but at the last second his cock splashes into her mouth. She starts coughing and gagging. "Oh god that tasted foul!"

"Gal!" Both Galen and Sean exclaim in unison.

Upon realizing that she spoke, Gal covers her mouth with both hands. Her phone suddenly goes off, sweat starts popping out as she slowly turns her head and sees it was Galen calling. They knew the familiar ringtone.

"Gal what the fuck?!" Sean screams.

No words came. She sees the cocks disappear. "Please don't tell my parents!" She finally finds the strength to get to her feet. She starts banging on the wall. "Please!" When no answer came she stumbles and lands on the toilet and begins weeping.

An hour later she comes out of the bathroom and makes her way back only to discover an empty table with a bill. She pays and exits the club. She ponders what to do, what could she do, they were going to tell her parents and she would be disowned by them.

She calls both phones again but they don't pickup. "Damn it don't do this to me!" She chews on her thumb. "What to do, what to do?" She stares at her phone. She could call her family and mistake her bodyguards for robbers so they could get killed. No that wouldn't work because they wouldn't have left the club without her. She could tell her parents herself of what she done, perhaps they would forgive her. That idea would be the last resort. Her heart sank even further for she knew what she had to do.

She texts both of them. "Can we please talk about this?" There's no response and she feels her sidearm. She could always do that and hide the bodies. She could write a note stating that both Sean and Gelen has forcing her that way she could take them both down. It would look like self defense. The police would believe her, she had her family and favor of the Chief of State, she could get Roddrick on her side real easy, he was crazy about her so yes it would work. "Good bye Gelen, good bye Sean." But the cameras, surely the club had cameras, she clearly saw the normal restroom but decided to go straight and take the next right into the other room and she been in there for an hour or two. Long before them. She could have easily told the Vice Chief, Captain Amoco or the Chief of State. "Shit!" She finds a bench far from any eyes and begins weeping more but then her phone rings. She looks at the ID, it was Sean. "Hello?"

Sean: "It's not my policy to watch a woman cry but you deserve it."

Gal: "Wait you guys can see me?"

Sean: "Well duh! You wanted to talk so start talking."

Gal: "I... I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry for the way I've treated you both! Please don't tell my parents?"

Sean: "Tell your parents what?"

Gal: "You know?"

Sean: "Say it! Say it clearly."

Gal: "That I gave hand jobs to strange men..." He hangs up. Gal's eyes widen in horror and she calls him back but there was no answer so she calls Galen.

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