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Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 12


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An hour later the briefing is done. As they were preparing to leave Bernkastel stops Captain Vance and smiles. "I'm glad to see you alive and well."

"I wish I could say the same about you. A great battle was won but not by you! Brax died because of you!" She slaps Bernkastel. Everyone was stunned.

"Some Newtype you are!" Lieutenant Commander Abigail screams.

"We used all of our strength to win," Commander Holly adds.

"While your worthless ass got captured!"

"If you're a so called Newtype then why couldn't you save Captain Brax?!" Tsukiyomi screams.

"But the Supreme Leader is a Newtype."

"He's old and has a different type of power! You should know that, bitch!"

"Stop this, you're all acting like children," Meghan says softly.

"Shut up, Lamb!" Captain Vance screams. "I'm going to recommend that you be removed from the Alpha Shrikes, we're perfectly capable of fighting this war on our own! I'm not gambling my life on you!"

Bernkastel leaves. "Wait!" Meghan stares at them in sadness. "How could you do that? And the rest of you did nothing!"

"Why Bernkastel why not Brax?!" Captain Vance cries and the others go to comfort her completely ignoring Meghan.


Bernkastel enters her room and bashes her fist against the wall.

"Bernkastel angry! Why Bernkastel angry?!"

"No matter how hard I try its just not good enough. It's not that I'm looking for recognition, it's just that they could be a little goddamn grateful! Not even Lady Helga acknowledged me and I even gave up moral conviction."

"What will Bernkastel do?"


There was a knock. "Bernkastel? Bernkastel?"

"Go away, Meghan!"


"GO AWAY!" A second later after Meghan had left Bernkastel collapses on the bed. "Maybe they're right, Captain Brax is dead because of me. Maybe I deserve all the hate especially by Magnolia."

"Bernkastel its war, something Bernkastel can't control."

"I know Haro but still, sigh."


Nimrod Space Factory

"Well George, it seems both parties have rejected my offer." He doesn't respond. "The right course of action seems is discipline."

George Ashby lifts up his head. "Deus please, my daughter is down there!"

"If your daughter truly has the devil's luck she'll be fine."


Earth, Grail Military Headquarters

Agent Orange was in her room pondering her next move when the intercom calls for her to gate 1. "Man what now?!"

As she makes her way, Commander Barcelona glares at her, "Can't believe that bitch is still alive!"

She arrives at gate 1 and was perplexed to see the Vice Chief's car. "Get in we have to talk."

"Yes Sir," she salutes and rolls her eyes.

They set off and didn't speak at all. Agent Orange gazes at the sunset, "Daddy." He hears her murmur but focuses on driving. An hour later he stops the car and both of them exit.

"This empty house belonged to Laplace and Dorris Bonaparte, my dad and mom. It is now mine but I have yet to set foot in it. I most likely won't until after the 1st Post Apocalyptic War." He unholsters his gun and points it at Agent Orange.

"Ah this is where you plan to do it, fitting."

For a moment his mind starts thinking about what Bernkastel had said. "Did you kill my mother?!"

"Why are you asking that question?"

"Answer the question! Did you or did you not kill my mother?!"

"And if I said no would you believe me? Could you honestly believe someone whose hands are soaked in the of blood the innocent? Someone who has the names of both you and your mom on her kill list? If you wanna shoot me then go ahead! Life ain't gonna get better!"

He grits his teeth and for a moment he could see her real face fair but full of despair. He struggles for a minute but puts the gun down. "You really didn't kill my mother but if you didn't who did?"

"I could help for a price."

"What do you want?"

"I want to rescue my dad."

"Hold on you were the one who asked me to keep your dad's existence a secret."

"Well now that Deus' offer has been rejected its only a matter of time before..." She turns her head away. "What if...it's too...late." She sniffles, removes her shades and wipes her eyes."

"I'll talk the Chief of State into lending me an HLV to negotiate with Deus in person tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! This needs to be done now!"

"Rushing won't accomplish anything. We'll need fuel, food and..."

"I just need a quick trip going back and forth! Don't be wasting my time!"

"Wasting time? You're right why I am wasting time on you?! You and your dad desire the destruction of humanity so fuck you!" He starts to walk away but stops. "I should just kill her for that but unfortunately we need all the help we can get repelling Deus, and she was Marius so I definitely can't leave her unchecked. Damn it." He sighs, "Fine I'll help but it will take sometime."


"You're welcome Emily."

"Do you not see the orange shades? That's Agent Echo Orange."

"I wish you would find an identity and stick with it!"


The crowd cheers and the camera lights flash, Echo finds it annoying because it reminds her of the past, the name Agent Echo Orange was going to be known throughout the Earth Republic. This was all part of the Chief of State's plan to boost morale. It was officially known that the Vice Chief returned alive and she protected him.

The narrative was that while pursuing the Royal Gundam it had fired a shot that caused the Pterosaur Interceptor go down in the Earth Sphere rather than the insubordination of Agent Orange.

"With your permission, I would like say something to our people."

"Ok but say nothing about the mobile dolls."

Alex nods and steps up the podium. "My fellow Earth Republicans, it is good to be back, all the time I was struck in the wasteland my mind was on one thing, getting back here, getting back to you the people. I am fortunate, however the same cannot be said for many of our valiant men and women in uniform who have perished, we may have lost the battle but we will win the war. Let us honor those who have given their lives to keep us all safe, let us do it for them and the future generations of the Earth Republic. Freedom is our right, let it not be taken for granted!"

The people start clapping and cheering.

An hour later Chief Kits, Vice Chief Bonaparte, the rest counsel and other rich and powerful members were at the Earth Republic Palace for the Vice Chief's homecoming party.

"Welcome back Sir," Captain Amoco says.

"Thank you, how's everyone else doing?"

"We're doing fine, Sepulchre's repairs are nearly complete."


"So the Gundam?"

"Unfortunately it still functions and so does my ex."

"I see."

"We'll have to come up with a new plan. We'll talk later." A few minutes later he spots Echo by herself looking out window yet again and goes over to her. "Why can't you socialize?"

"What is the point, you know what's coming. Speaking of that, what has the Chief said about me going to the space factory?"

"I have not said anything yet."

She grits her teeth.

"Calm down I'll get on it as soon as I'm done here have patience."

Gal and her bodyguards come over to join them.

"Hey Gal, how was training?"

"Brutal, I would have slept in but got the call from Chief herself."

"Well I'm glad you're doing good, you haven't gotten to any fights, right? Ensign Galen, Ensign Sean you guys been keeping her out of trouble?"

"Of course," Sean smiles and Gal forces a smile of her own.

"Good, she's like a sister to me."

Gal's smile fades when he says that.

"So Gal, about the Gundam..."

Agent Orange was about to leave but then a staff member appears, "Excuse me Agent Echo Orange, Spacemen Gal Alfredo, the Chief would like a word with the two of you." They both nod and follow him.

A minute later the Vice Chief's friends Ben and Katrine appear. "Enjoying your party so far?" Ben asks.

"Yeah but it was totally not need it, there's much to be done."

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Katrine asks worriedly.

"I have to be, I'm the Vice Chief after all."

"We'll make sure you don't push yourself too hard."

"Yes of course."

"So?" Ben asks.


"That blond was with you the entire time, right?"


"Anything we should know about?"

"No nothing, in fact she's quite crazy."


The women enter the Chief's office and salute. "Both of you sit." She looks at them for a moment and then speaks, "The Battle of Luna was costly in lives, equipment and morality. The speeches the Vice and I gave aren't enough, they were similar but he just said whatever came to mind, there was no preparation there."

"So what exactly do you want from us?" Agent Orange asks.

"I want you two to become poster girls."

Gal smiles.

"What?!" Agent Orange exclaims.

"Yes, we need replacements for Bernkastel Wheat and Adriana Rin. You protected the Vice Chief and you Gal, you're a rich girl who became an ace in a day."

Gal's smile fades. "Um did Roddrick tell you that?"

"Yes, he and his dad had an appointment with me and during our talk I merely wish we had something to boost morale and here you are. You shouldn't have said anything Gal but I'll overlook it. Why didn't you mention it to me before?"

"There was too much going on, I wasn't going to start bragging," she lies.

"Being humbled is a trait a heroine needs."

"We don't have time for this, Deus is coming!"

"Deus? What are you talking about?"

"I'll explain Gal," Chief Kits says.

Agent Orange thought about requesting the HLV but decided not to, she was already in trouble with the Chief and didn't what her to know about her dad. It was better to let the Vice Chief make that request and she volunteer for the mission.


"This is bullshit!"

"It's important that our comrades are inspired to fight," Gal explains.

"Patriotism won't be enough."

"Well brute force doesn't win all the time."

"You honestly think I don't know that?!"

Gal flinches.

Agent Orange turns her head. "Sorry."

"Your problem is that you're far too tense, you need to take a break."

"I was held by an AI, that's all the break I need.

"No that was prison, you need R&R, come let's go shopping."


"Yeah just you and me, tomorrow we'll be very busy with pictures and other celebrity stuff."

"I suppose," Agent Orange sighs.

They make their way outside to the orange humvee Agent Orange drove in.

"What about your bodyguards?"

"What about them!"

Agent Orange opens the door, Gal was about to get in but a familiar voice calls her name.

"Gal, how are you doing?" Roddrick asks.

"Oh I'm doing good, I've become a poster girl thanks to you."

"I hope you're not upset, it was merely a suggestion."

"No, in fact I'm quite happy, this means further away from the front lines which will be a relief for my parents."

"So um Gal, are you doing anything this evening?"

"No my schedule is free unless I get orders."

"Would you like to go out with me?"

"Sigh, yes you can pick me up at 5 at the mansion."

"Great I'll see you then."

She enters the humvee.

"So where to?"

"Grail Mall."

"Are you ok?"


"Do you not like that guy?"

"Yeah I like him but my dad wants me to pursue the Vice Chief."


"Yeah, me or my siblings, I'm the best choice but he considers me a sister."

"Well that's not a bad thing."

"Yeah but my parents are still disappointed that I chose the military as a career. So if none of us end up with him they will blame me."

"Gal you don't have put up with that shit! You're eighteen."

"Yeah but still."

"Gal you're all that stands between your family's freedom or enslavement. You must make them understand that!"

"If I became the Royal Gundam's pilot I could."

Agent Orange rolls her eyes through her orange shades.

"I wish I was more like you, a tough as a nails woman who doesn't play by the rules."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do, I'm just a coward."

"What are you talking about? You join the Space Force and became a mobile suit pilot and you're not even an officer. You took down four Hunter Zakus. You're an ace."

"No I'm not. I lied."

Agent Orange slams on the brakes. "You what!?"

"Yes I lied, during the Battle of Luna I hid and just made it look like I was fighting."

"Spacemen Alfredo you disgust me!"

"I'm sorry! I just didn't expect war to be like that, I heard the stories but to actually see it. It was just so frightening. But I swear to you right here and now that if and when the next battle comes I'll become a true ace in a day."

Agent Orange sighs, "I guess I can't blame you, just don't lie again." What am I saying? I'm living a lie.


The Ultimate

Überstein makes his way to the cafeteria and finds Bernkastel eating with Haro. He inhales and exhales and approaches her. "Good morning, Bernkastel."

"Oh good morning."

"Is everything alright?"


"Please accept this." Bernkastel's eyes widen as he presents her with a freshly picked rose.

"Listen Überstein, you're a good guy and all but I can't. I just can't. What we did was something that was needed but that's it." She exits the table with Haro leaving Überstein with his head down.

Bernkastel boards a shuttle departing for Luna. Once it lands she makes her way to the Supreme Leader. Once she approaches the office door she inhales and exhales and knocks on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Ensign Wheat Sir."

"You may enter."


"You're here because of Captain Vance. Rest assured I rejected her recommendation. Captain Brax was a good man, he will be missed greatly but he's not the only one I will miss. All who died severing under me will be missed and remembered greatly."

"Um Sir, I'm sorry I've failed to live up to your expectations."

"You're just have to try harder to live up to my expectations," he answers dryly.

"Yes Sir, um Sir, I um I know the truth about Marius Wing."

"Is that so? Emily Ashby."

"Yes Sir. Sir despite what I think, you two are relatives and..."

"Wheat that is territory you won't cross."

"But Sir."

"Enough! Don't forget your place within the hierarchy!"

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir."

"You're dismissed."

"Yes Sir." She salutes him and leaves.


A few hours later the Supreme Leader calls a meeting with his advisors. "So when can we begin preparations for the new mobile suit?"

"We'll begin immediately but there's a problem."


"Luna Titanium as you know it takes a long time to refine."

"What are you saying? We're finally on Luna and got all the rock we'll ever need and yet we can't use it!?"

"No it's not that, it's just we cannot build a new mobile suit entirely of Luna Titanium in just a month or two."

"Engineering has studied several destroyed Teutonic models and has discovered that they have Luna Titanium in their vital areas," Admiral Terrence says.

"Sigh, if only we had access sooner like the ECF did during begins stages of WW3, no they were even experimenting before the war. So we're just use it in the vital area instead and I want the Martian material used on the first model, depending how well it works we'll use Luna/Martian Composite Armor. Get it done, this meets is adjourned."


Earth, Grail

Agent Orange sat against the wall with her arms crossed, even though she was a heroine, her cold demeanor kept people away. She sees a little girl being embraced by her daddy and a single tear emerges from her eye.

"Ok what do you think of this outfit, will it be nice for tonight?"

"Yeah sure."

"Come on you didn't even look, I need a honest no BS opinion."

"Gal it's not up to me."

"Sigh, what if I wore an orange dress?"

"That honestly wouldn't be a bad idea but I don't think the purple hair would match."

She comes out in white. "So how do I look?"

"That'll do Gal, that'll do."

"So tell me, what do you think of the Vice Chief?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do you mean?! You two were together for a long time, so?"

"Nothing happened nor will anything happen."

As they continued shopping Agent Orange finds an orange dress. "Looks nice, I bet the Vice Chief will like it as well," Gal teases.

"Gal shut up."

"Ok, ok, just having some fun, friends do that sort of thing."

"Friends? We're friends now?"

"Yeah, two poster girlfriends, rich feminine purple girl and tough orange blond girl."

Agent Orange rolls her eyes.


"Mom dad, I'm home."

"Welcome home, Gal, we heard the news, you're going to be a poster girl," her mother says happily.

"I'm not sure I like the thought of my daughter being used for propaganda, all the young men gawking at her!" Her dad says in disgust.

"Well at least she'll be further away from the lines."

"Yeah that's true, and I suppose it will bring more favor to the Afredo name so don't do anything stupid!"

"Yes dad. Dad, I'm going out on a date with Roddrick."

"What?! What about the Vice Chief?!"

"He only sees me as a sister rather than a potential mate."

He rolls his eyes, "This what you get for being in the military!"

"Oh calm down dear, remember what you said a few weeks ago?"

"Yes you're right, I still don't know want the Vice Chief saw in a bimbo like Bernkastel."

"Oh come now, her granddad was a very well respected man and had plenty of money, he just didn't show it."

"Well her granddad is rolling around in his grave for what she did! Call the girls, one of them must succeed where Gal failed in getting the Vice Chief."


The Ultimate

Bernkastel enters the briefing room while Captain Vance was talking and then she stops and glares at Bernkastel. "You're two minutes late, Wheat! This isn't the type of example the Alpha Shrikes want to set!"

"Sorry Ma'am."

"I think an all night patrol would suit you best so get ready."

Bernkastel was stunned but salutes and leaves.

"Come on Captain, it was only two minutes."

"Lamb, since you love her so much you go with her."

Meghan had her head down and leaves as well.


Earth, Grail

"I don't think your dad likes me very much."

"He does, he just wants what is best for his daughters, I guarantee that if Alex was in your position he would be acting the same way."

"So how are you liking the food?"

"Oh I love it."

"So when do you think this war will end?"

"I don't know." And now there's another threat in the form of AI coming. "Starting tomorrow more military drills will in effect and Agent Orange and myself will be shipped around the Earth Republic boosting morale."

"Well I'm certain you'll do a good job Gal, you're a ace pilot."

"Yep," she grins. All I have to do is shoot down four enemies, but damn it that means I'll have to fight.

When the meal was over they leave.

"So I guess I'll get you home now."

"Not yet, besides I'm an adult."

"But your dad!"

"Roddrick is just eight, I want to see your dorm, let's go back to your place and watch a movie.


"Here we are my dorm," Roddrick announces.

"Wow you have six rooms?"

"Nah, six roommates."

"It's really not that different from staying at the barracks. So where's everyone?"

"None of have come back since we lost the Battle of Luna."

"Oh well that sucks."

"Hey at least it's quiet."

"So you have the whole place to yourself?"

"Yep for now. So what do you want to watch?"

"To be honest I don't want to watch anything."

He gazes at her perplexed. "Ok so what do you want to do?"

Gal reaches into her purse and pulls out some sterilization fluid and Roddrick's eyes widen. "I'm sure you know what this is?"

"Gal are you serious?!"

"Yes, why should I wait?"

"Well it's precious right?"

"Yes of course that's why I'm giving it to you."

"Well I."

"Do you want to or not?"

"Yes I do but you're not being pressured are you?"

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